Part 13 - I'm Right Here


I look on the test and I gasp, feeling a tear on my cheek.

"Jo? Baby?"

"I'm pregnant." I whisper and I try to breath. I'm having a panic attack and I'm not good.

"Jo... Please, calm down and try to breath." I hear panic in his voice, but I know he tries to stay calm for me. "You don't have to panic. We're in this together, okay?"

"I'm scared..." I start to cry.

"I'm begging you, stop crying."

"Jo? Are you okay?" I hear Mia's voice outside.

"Baby... Tell one of you friends to bring you home, okay? I can't leave, Danny is sleeping and I'm sure Liam doesn't have time to come. So, please... Calm down."

"Okay..." I sigh.

"Come home to me, okay?"

"Okay." I end the call and I open the door.

"Hey... Are you okay?"

"I'm pregnant. I... I'm not in the mood to end the dinner. Can you take me home, please?"

"Of course! I'm going to announce the girls and I will take your stuff, okay?"

"Thank you, Mia."

She goes away and I walk to the exit. A few moments later, Mia is back with my stuff and we walk to my car. She gets on the driver's seat and she drives away.

"If you want to talk, I'm here."

"I know. I'm not ready to talk. I want to talk with Hero first. He knows, but... I want to be with him."

"Okay, it's alright."

We arrive at my place and I just sit there.

"You can take my car. I don't want you to call an uber or something."

"Thank you. I will bring it back tomorrow."

"Thanks for driving me."

"No problem. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you." I hug her. "Tell the girls that I'm sorry."

"It's okay, they understand you."

"I'll see you soon." I say and I get out, walking to the door. I get inside the house and I see Hero on the couch. I walk to him as he gets up and I immediately hug him.

"It's okay..." He whispers as he rubs my back. "I'm here, with you and we're doing this together."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I don't know." We cuddle on the couch and we just stay in silence. "Hero?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Do you want this child?"

"Of course, I want to have a child with you, Josephine. You are so good with Danny and I know you will also be good with our baby." I don't say anything. But I hug him. I know everything will be okay. We stay in silence and after half an hour I hear Danny screaming and immediately I forget everything and I run to my baby.

I get in his room and I go to his bed, waking him up and hugging him.

"Shhh, mummy is here. You are okay. Nothing happened."

"Mu... mummy." He whimpers and I kiss his head.

"I'm right here, baby. Nothing bad happened with you, love. It was just a bad dream."

"A monster took you and daddy and Hero. And I was alone."

"Forget it. It was just a bad dream. We're here, with you, okay?" He nods and he let his head on my chest.

"Can I sleep with you and Hero, please?"

Hero: "Of course, you can, buddy. Come to me, I'll carry you."

Danny let me go, he takes his teddy bear and Hero carries him to my bedroom. I follow them and while they get in bed, I get dressed in my pajama. I take my time tl do my night routine, then I go to my boys.

Jo: "There's space for another person?"

Danny: "Yes." He says and I get in bed next to them.

Jo: "Are you feeling better, baby?" He nods and he cuddles onto me.

Hero: "He's good."

Danny: "Can we go outside tomorrow?"

Jo: "Of course, we can, baby."

Hero: "Do you want to go to the zoo?"

Danny: "To see all the animals?" He says excited.

Hero: "Yes."

Danny: "Can we go, mummy?"

Jo: "Yes, baby. Now, let's sleep. It really late for you." I kiss his cheek and he cuddles into Hero.

Danny felt asleep quick and we stayed in silence with him. At some point, I feel Hero extending his arm over Danny and letting his hand on my lower abdomen.

"We didn't talk about it..." I whisper as I put my hand over his.

"We don't have to talk about this. I want this." He whispers.

"It's not too soon?"

"It happened. We can take it back. We're going to be together in this."

"Okay." I say and I smile. "I'll call my OB the next days, so I can go for a confirmation ultrasound."


"Let's sleep. We have a full day together. You promised him to go to the zoo, so as he wakes up, he will tell you about it."

"Alright. Good night, baby."

"Good night."

Next morning...

I wake up when I feel two tiny hands on my face.


"Good morning."

"We're going to the zoo!" He yells and I giggle as I see Hero coming into the bedroom.

Hero: "Good morning, Jo."

Jo: "Morning." I smile. "Danny, did you brush your teeth?"

Danny: "No..."

Jo: "And what are you waiting for? Go."

Danny: "Okay!" He leaves the room and Hero come to me giving me a kiss.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Thanks."

"Do you want to have breakfast out?"

"Yeah, why not? I'll get Danny ready." I get up from bed and I feel a little bit dizzy. But lucky me with my boyfriend who's looking after me.

"You good?"

"Just dizzy. Pregnancy stuff. After these, I might be only four or five weeks. The symptoms didn't start yet."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing. I'm good." I smile and I peck his lips.

I go to Danny room where he is playing with some cars.

"Let's get you ready."

"I'm hungry."

"We're going to have breakfast in town, okay?"


I help Danny to get dressed, then I let him to play until I will be ready. I walk back to my bedroom where I find Hero dressed.

"I'll get ready and we can go."


I quickly get dressed and I go to the living room where my boys are waiting. Danny is really excited and it makes me really happy.

We spent the day together, having breakfast at a pastry shop, then we went to the zoo where Danny had a lot of fun seeing the animals. It wad a relaxing day with my boys and I forgot about our problems for the moment.


So... Jo is pregnant and she panicked a little, but Hero is so sweet and caring 😍 They are in this together and they are ready to do this step 🤗

Danny is in the center of attention and when he needs his mommy, she forgets about anything for her first baby.
