Part 20 - Worried


Hero: "Jo?"

Jo: "Hm?"

Hero: "I know it's not what would you wish, it's unexpected... But... will you marry me?" He opens his hand and I see a beautiful diamond ring in it and this gesture makes me gasp. I can feel everyone looking at us and waiting for a response from me. I turn my face to Hero and I smile, saying the loudest "Yes".

Jo: "Yes!" I turn around and I wrap my arms around his neck. On the background we hear the countdown, but I don't care.

Hero: "Happy New Year, love."

Jo: "I love you."

Hero: "And I love you."


Organizing a wedding in three months is hard. But doing this while being pregnant in five months is harder. I hired a wedding planner, but even with someone who helped, it was exhausting. But almost everything is done and in less than one week, me and Hero are going to be husband and wife.

I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and my belly is growing, which is a good sign because we know that baby is safe there. He started to kick around 19 weeks and we were really excited, but the boys can't feel the movements yet. But I hope they will be able to feel it soon. We don't know the gender yet and we're still thinking if we're going to find out or not.

Today, after a long time, we are having a free day, just me and Hero, as Danny is staying with Liam this week. I wake up and I feel Hero's hand on my belly, scratching it gently.

"Good morning." I say and I move closer to him.

"Mm, morning." He kisses my neck.

"I like when you are kissing my neck."

"Oh, really?" He says moving his hand lower and I push my as to him, feeling his hard member on my ass.

"Morning to your friend too." I giggle and I feel him moving his hand between my legs, he cups me in his hand and I let out a moan.

"As we're alone... And we're free... We can have some fun."

"I like your idea." I smirk and I straddle him.

"Hi baby." He rubs my bump.

"Can you pay attention to me, please?"

"Of course I can, love." He moves his hand on my hips and he lifts up his t-shirt from me, leaving me only with my panties. "I love when you are wearing my clothes."

"And soon, I will only wear your clothes. I'm going to be so fat."

"You are not fat. You look really sexy pregnant. And you didn't gain a lot of fat, baby."

"I know." I giggle. "I just love when you compliment me." I kiss his lips.

"I will compliment you more often, I promise."

"Aren't your boxers strangle you?"

"Wanna take them off?"

"I do want to take them off." I quickly help him to remove his boxers and he takes off my panties. I moan as soon as he rubs himself on my center. "Hey! You don't know that it's not nice to tease a pregnant woman?"

"I'm sorry love." He says and he penetrates me, giving me all the control. I start to move at my own pace while I kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you."


After a good morning, we had breakfast and we decided to watch some movies. Hero has his hand on my bump.

"I don't want to know the gender." I suddenly say. "I want to have a surprise."


"Okay?" I sit up and I look at him.

"I want what you want, love."

"Okay. Then, we're going to find out the gender at birth."

"Good. Come back here." I lay back next to him and he let his hand on my belly. I feel the baby moving and Hero suddenly looks at me. "Jo? That was a kick?" I nod with a smile and he put his hands on my belly. "Oh my! That's amazing!"

"Right?" I smile and I look at how excited he is.

"It's so amazing what a woman can do, babe. I love you more than you can imagine."

"I love you."

A few hours later...

It's 7pm and all day, I didn't heard anything from Liam and I'm a little bit worried.

"I'm going to call Liam. I'm worried. What if something happened with Danny?"

"Calm down, love. I'm sure they are okay." He pecks my lips and I take my phone, dialing Liam's number. But he's not picking up. I feel my heartbeat going up. "Babe?" I see Hero in front of me. "Breath."

"He's not picking up. He usually picks up at the second ring. Something is wrong, Hero."

"First, I want you to calm down. Stress isn't good for baby. Now... Let's call Liam's mother to see if she knows something about Liam and Danny."


I dial Dianne's phone number and she picks up quickly.

Phone call

"I'm begging you, Dianne. Tell me Danny and Liam are okay."



"Calm down, sweetheart. Danny is okay. I don't know what to say about Liam..."

"Tell me what happened, please."

"Liam had a car crash while he was going with Danny in the park. Danny is fine, he was just scared. Liam has a head concusion, some scratches and he's unconscious. But the doctor are telling me that's he will be fine."

"Oh my God! Where are you? I want to come and see Liam and Danny." I'm really panicked right now and I think I'm having a panic attack.

"Are you alone?"

"No, Hero is next to me!"

"I want you to take a deep breath. It's not good for you to stress. You are hurting the baby." I take a deep breath and I see Hero coming to me with a glass of water. I take a gulp of it and I start to calm down. "Good. As I said, Danny is alright."

"Tell me where I have to come, Denise."

Denise tells me where she is and I quickly walk upstairs to get dresed. My baby and his father had a car crash and I want to be see them. Hero doesn't say anything and he just gets dressed.

As soon as we're done, we go to the hospital where we met Denise.

Jo: "Where are they?"

Denise: "Danny is with a nurse in the playground and Liam just woke up and the doctor is checking him."

Jo: "How is he?"

Denise: "He seems to be fine, but let's wait the doctor to tell us more about him."

Jo: "Hero, cand you go and take Danny, please?"

Hero: "Of course!" He kisses my forehead and he goes to the front desk.

Denise: "Darling, Liam will be fine." She hugs me. "And Danny is just scared."

"What if something bad would have happened to them, Denise?"

"It didn't happen. Don't think like this."

"I want to see Liam."

"As soon as the doctor comes out, we can see him. So, calm down. Stress is not good for a pregnant woman." She says touching my bump. "How are feeling, by the way?"

"I'm good. The baby started kicking a few weeks ago and Hero felt the kicks today." I smile.

"Do you know the gender?"

"Nope. And we don't think we want to find it. We want to be surprised at birth."

"That's really nice." She smiles and I turn exactly in time to see Danny in Hero's arms. He's okay. Thank God!

Danny: "Mummy!" Hero let him on the ground and he runs to me and I hug him.

Jo: "Jesus! You are okay?" I kiss his head.

Danny: "Where is daddy?"

Jo: "He's with the doctor and we will see him soon. Are you okay, baby?" Danny nods and I check him a little to see if he's really fine.

Hero: "Jo, he's okay."

Jo: "I just wanted to be sure."

Danny: "Mummy... Hero told me that the baby is moving."

Jo: "Yes, the baby's moving." I take his little arm and I put it on my belly and as if the baby knows his brother is close, he kicks and Danny giggles.

Danny: "I felt it." He smiles. "I love you baby." He says and he kisses my bump. Ah, the sweetest thing ever.

A doctor comes out of Liam's room and he walks to us.

Doctor: "Liam Stone's family, right?" I nod.

Jo: "How is he doctor?"
