Part 5 - Date Night


The next day...

Liam should be here any minutes, so I should start telling Danny where I'm going.

"Danny, will you let mommy tell you where is she going?"


"Mummy meet a new friend and we are going out for dinner. But tomorrow morning, I will come after you at daddy's place."

"Will I met this friend?"

"Yeah, soon."

"Okay." He hugs me. "I love you mummy."

"Oh, I love you baby."

After Liam took Danny a little late, I started to get ready. I took a hot shower and I started to do my make-up. I decided to do something neutral and not too heavy. I don't like to wear tons of make-up and I don't need to give Hero a bad impression about me. After doing my make-up, I curled my hair and I started to get dressed. Around 6pm, I get in my Uber and I give the driver my address and in less than 45 minutes, I arrived in the front of the restaurant where Hero is already waiting for me.

"Oh, wow. You are gorgeous."

"Thanks." I blush and I smile. "You don't look bad either."

"Thank you. Shall we enter?"


He let his hand my lower back as he leads me inside. He tells the receptionist his name, Hero Fiennes. A good start with this date. I know his whole name. We walk to a nice table for two. Hero helps me to sit down, then he sits in front of me.

"So, as you may know, this is a fine dining restaurant and I decided we should go for a standard menu. To taste a little bit of everything. I hope you like food."

"I do. I'm a gourmand." I smile and he giggle. "What's so funny?"

"Honestly, you don't look like you eat a lot. I told you, I would never have guessed you had a baby."

"Oh, thank you." I smile. "Tell me more about you."

"What if we answer questions? I don't really like to tell my story just like this. You ask me a question and we both answer and vice-versa."

"Alright. Let's begin. Your full name?"

"Josephine Langford."

"Hero Fiennes-Tiffin."

"Where are you from?"


"I live in Chicago for ten years already. But I'm originally from Australia."

"Oh, wow! I didn't expect this. I heard you have a different accent, but I didn't think you were from Australia."

"I lost my Australian accent. I mean, I still have it, but only when I talk with my parents."

"How old are you? And when it's your birthday?"

"I'm 27 and my birthday is on August 18."

"I will be 27 on November 6."

"Cool. Do you have sisters or brothers?" I ask, but a waiter comes to our table with two plates. He let them on the table and we start to eat, taking a break from our questions. When we're done eating the appetizer, we start to talk again.

"Answering your question, yes, I do have a brother and a sister. Titan. Who's 30 years old and Mercy, she's 25. What about you?"

"I have a bigger sister, Katherine, or Kath and she's 29. She's also my best-friend."

And we continue our questions, the words going easy between us. And I really feel good around Hero. I think this will work good.

"If it doesn't bother you, may I ask you how old is your child?"

"Oh, yes. I have a son, Danny and he will be five at the beginning of the year. He's the sweetest boy every and I love him a lot."

"I believe you. I also love my nephew. Oh... I hope I will beet Danny sometime."

"Yeah, why not. I told him about you. And he wants to meet you, so maybe, next time, we will go on a date in a park with my son."

"It sounds good for me."


"Shall we go? We can walk for a while."

"Yeah, it's a good idea."

Hero goes to pay and I get up, waiting for him. He comes back to me and he grabs my hand. I'm not pushing him away. There's no reason to do this. It's so nice to just walk in silence. I really like Hero and I hope for a second date.

"I really liked this date, thank you." I smile and he squeezes my hand.

"Me too. And I hope you will join me on a second date soon."

"I would love to."

"Good." He smiles and we continue to walk. "It's too soon to invite you to my place for a glass of wine?"

"Mmm, yeah. Maybe next time?"

"It's alright. Then, let me take you home."


We walk back to the restaurant where Hero's car is. He opens the door for me and I get inside the car. He gets up and drives away after I tell him where to do. After a 30 minutes silent driver, he stops the car in the front of my house.

"Nice house."

"It's also my ex-husband's house."

"What is he working?"

"Uh, he's a programmer. He has his own business."


"Thanks for tonight, Hero." I turn to him and I move a little bit closer.

"The pleasure was mine, Josephine."

"May I kiss you?" I had two glasses of wine at the restaurant and I dare to be like this.

"Yeah." He smiles and I kiss him. I touch his lips with mine gently, but the kiss becomes more sensual and passional. I put my hand on the back of his neck and I enjoy the feeling of this kiss. It's been a long time since I had a kiss like this and I have to say I like it a lot.

"I can't wait for our second date. See you soon." I break the kiss and I see a smirk on his face.

"See you soon, beautiful."

I leave the car and I walk to the entrance. But he doesn't leave. I unlock my door and I turn around before to get inside and I wave to him. I get inside the house and I lock the door. Then, I also hear him leaving.

I take off my shoes and I walk upstairs to my room where I change in my pajama. After that, I remove my make-up and I go to bed. It was an amazing night and I can't wait to see what the future has prepared for me and Hero.


It's time for a date night 🎉 Hero took Josephine to a fine-dining restaurant and they enjoyed the good food together while they started to know each other.

They shared some personal information and it's really interesting.

After dinner, they had a walk around, then Hero took Josephine home.

The night ended with a kiss and the beginning of a nice relationship.

Will they work good together?
