Part 19 - Unexpected


New Year's Eve

It's New Year's Eve and we will spend it with Hero's friends at a cabin in the mountains. Danny is coming with us because some of Hero's friends have kids and they can play together. Danny was thrilled when I told him and it was a hard choice for him what toys to pick.

We arrived at the cabin last night and we were the firsts and Danny was a little bit disappointed because the kids weren't there, but we played with him.

But as soon as everyone was here, he didn't left Hero's side. I know he is shy, but we have to make him play with them. He was excited to play with them and now, he doesn't want to leave us.

Hero: "Why don't you go and play with the kids, Danny?"

Danny: "I want to stay with you and mummy."

Jo: "But you were so excited to play with them, and now..."

Hero: "Do you want me to come with you?"

Danny: "Can you?"

Hero: "Of course!" They get up and they go to the kids and Hero helps Danny to make friends.

"Hero would be a good father." Willow, one of Hero's friends says to me.

"Yeah..." I smile and I instinctively put my hand on my abdomen.

"Oh my! You are expecting!"

"Yes." I smile. "It was unexpected, but we're happy and we both want it."

"I can see how much Hero loves you. He's really happy with you."

"And I'm happy with him. And Danny loves him too and it's all I wanted."

"If you don't mind, may I ask where is Danny's father?"

"Oh, no. I don't mind. Me and Danny's father are best friends. We divorced nicely. He figured out that woman is not what he wants, but he doesn't regret our relationship and what resulted from it. We're good. It's unusual, but I'm happy with what I have."

"Oh, wow. That's really nice."

After a few minutes, Hero comes back without Danny. It's a good sign.

Hero: "Willow, what bullshit are you telling my girl?"

Willow: "Nothing, don't worry daddy Hero."

Hero: "Huh?"

Willow: "Congrats!"

Hero: "You know?"

Willow: "I figured out. I told her what a good father you will be and she put her hand on her abdomen. You will be a good father, Hero." She says and Hero smiles.

Hero sits next to me and we stay in silence, looking at the kids playing. After a while, Danny comes crying to us and he sits in my lap, crying at my chest.

Jo: "What happened, baby?" I rub his back and I can feel him wetting my blouse, but I don't care. I want to know what's wrong with my baby boy. "Baby... Please, tell me what's wrong." Danny lifts his head from my chest and I wipe his tears.

Danny: "The kids are mean, mummy. I told them I'm going to be a big brother. They said you won't love me anymore once the baby will be here."

Jo: "Oh, baby... It's not true. I will always love you. You are my first baby and I would never love the new baby more than you. It's true, in the first months, the baby will need a lot of attention because he will be small and I'm sure you will help me, right?" He nods and I kiss him.

Hero: "You don't have to cry just because they told you something. You should be proud that you are going to be a big brother."

Danny: "I am." He sighs and he move into Hero's arms.

Felix: "Aw, how cute." One of Hero's friends says. "Hero looks good as a father. Bro, when we will see you with a baby?"

Hero: "Soon." He smiles as he moves his other hand on my abdomen. "Me and Jo are expecting."

All of Hero's friends congratulate us and especially Danny, for being a big brother.

Around 5 pm, I went upstairs with him, so he can take a nap.

"Mummy, when the baby will bw born?"

"In July, why?"

"I'm curious. I will have a sister or a brother?"

"We don't know the gender, yet."

"I want a brother. So we can play with my cars."

"Okay." I giggle.

"But how it will be my brother if Hero isn't my daddy?"

"It will be your half-brother. Or half-sister."

"You will still love me?"

"Of course, I will! Never think about it. You are my lovely boy and I will love you forever." I kiss his face and he giggles.

"I love you mummy."

"I love you, baby. Now, go to sleep. You want to see the fireworks, right?" he nods and a few minutes later, he's asleep. I decided to stay with him because I'm a little bit tired. A few minutes later, I hear the door opening and I look into that direction, seeing Hero entering the room.

"He's asleep?" He whispers and I nod. He walks to the bed and he sits behind me. "Are you feeling good?"

"Yeah, just a little bit tired." He let his hand on my belly.

"I talked with Georgia and Jack about what Addie told Danny. They said sorry for what she said. She might hear it at school."

"It's okay. I know that the kids are mean and I'm sure Danny will be mean when he will be bigger." I giggle and he kisses my shoulder. "I would love to breath some fresh air."

"Let's go out."

"But Danny..."

"He's going to sleep for an hour or two, so... And I can ask Willow to check him from time to time. You look a little bit pale and some fresh air will be good for you."


We get up from bed and while Hero goes downstairs to tell Willow to watch Danny, I get dressed. When Hero's back, I take his hand and we leave the room, leaving the door open. We put on our shoes and jackets and we leave. I grab Hero's arms and we walk carefully because there's snow and I don't want to fall.

"When's your next appointment?"

"In three weeks, why?"

"We should take Danny with us."

"Not this time, I'm doing some tests. I can make an appointment only for an ultrasound."


"Have you talked with your parents?"

"Oh, shit. I totally forgot about them!"

"Oh... great!" I giggle. "Shall we call them?"

"Tomorrow. It's almost midnight in London."

We walk for a while until I'm already cold, so we go back to the cabin. We get inside and we find Danny in Willow's arms, watching a video on her phone. As he hears the door he looks to us and he runs in my arms.

Danny: "Mummy!"

Jo: "Hello, love." I kiss him. "I'm sorry for not being with you when you woke up."

Hero: "Mummy needed some fresh air."

Willow: "He only woke up five minutes ago."

Hero: "Where are the others?"

Willow: "Getting ready for the night."

Jo: "We're going upstairs. Thank you for staying with him."

Willow: "No problem, he's a nice kid."


We are outside, ready to see the fireworks. There are two minutes left and the new year begins and I'm sure it will be a good year. I'll have another baby and I will be happy with Danny and Hero. What someone can want more than this? Hero is behind me, he has his arms wrapped around me and Danny is in front of me, looking at the sky.

Hero: "Jo?"

Jo: "Hm?"

Hero: "I know it's not what would you wish, it's unexpected... But... will you marry me?" He opens his hand and I see a beautiful diamond ring in it and this gesture makes me gasp.


They are going to spend New Year's Eve with some of Hero's friends.

Hero went with Danny to play with the kids. And one of his friends says that he will be a good father ❤️

The kids are mean, and they told Danny he won't be loved once the baby will be born. But Jo and Hero told him it's not true.

At midnight, Hero did something unexpected. He proposed. Will Jo say yes?
