Zabuza Hide Out

Once we got to Tazuna's house, I put Kakashi in his room. After that I went outside without a word. That's when Naruto came up to me.

"You said that you lived out on your own without anyone else out there to help you. How did you make money?" he asked.

"I would put on shows in the middle of towns and impress people," I said plainly.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Gather everyone outside and I'll show you," I said with a smirk. Naruto went inside the house and gathered everyone (except Kakashi, because you know he's kinda passed out) outside. I went inside and gabbed a scroll containing all of my performing tools.

"Okay everyone, you have been gather out here to watch me perform my acts," I said with a fake smile.

First I showed them my sword swallowing act (no she didn't actually swallow the sword like Oreo did). Then I showed them my ice act. I also showed them my contortion act. After I was finished they were all dumb founded. They all quietly went inside without even glancing at me. I sweat dropped thinking how that could mess with them. I turned into wolf form and ran from the house going to a secret place. I finally found where I was looking for and went inside. Inside the room I saw Haku working on Zabuza's wounds after I turned back into human form.

"Hi Haku," I said without any trace of emotion in my voice. He looked at me and put a kunai to my throat faster than anyone could see, well other than me that is. I went even quicker than him and went behind him, putting a kunai to his throat.

"Not bad, but still not good enough to go against me. I'm not here to harm you though. I simply came to see my old sensei," I whispered in his ear. I went over to Zabuza's bed and as he looked at me surprised.

"What's wrong Zabuza. Trying to figure out how I was faster than Haku even in 1 ton training weights. I have gotten stronger you know," I said.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Just came to visit and make sure you weren't dead," I stated plainly," Also Kakashi is out cold, so that means I can do what I want right now. That includes hunting and going to visit my old sensei that tried to kill me just hours before."

"I know you came here for a different reason. What did you see?" he asked.

"I see me joining a certain group and I don't see you anywhere," I said before leaving. I ran into the woods and back to Tazuna's house. I went into the room I'm supposed to be in, only to be greeted by Sasuke.

"Where have you been?" he asked like a protective older brother.

"Hunting," I said before changing into my pj's so quickly he couldn't see. He left, but I knew he didn't believe me. I lie down on my bed and went to sleep.

Yuzuki: Hello, I will be using my mom's laptop to update (for now) so updating is a lot easier. All of those tricks I mention in my writing was inspired from a show called Freak Show. It's a really awesome show that's on Netflix. If you have a Netflix account and like that kind of stuff check it out. Also, I just finished the first season of a new anime I've been working on called Freezing. It's a really good anime other than all of the bad stuff shown in it. If you have heard of this show and like it put Burger Queen in a comment. Please comment the title of a Freezing fan fiction if you know any because I can't seem to find one T-T. Please comment, vote, and follow.
