
I know I ended this book a long time ago, but a fellow author asked me to do this and I can't turn it down. Here are the rules I have to follow:
-I have to write the new rules.
-I have to write 13 facts about myself.
-I have to do this.
-I have one week or there will be a punishment.

 Hopefully I don't forget T-T.

-I have to have a creative title.
-It has to be in a book.
-i have to tag 15 people.
-I can't tag the person that tagged me.
Facts About Me:
-I have a toy Chihuahua (an actual breed of dog so it is a real dog) named Wolfie.
-I have three siblings 2 younger sisters and an older brother.
-My sisters and I were each born five years apart meaning that i have a sister five years younger than me and a sister ten years younger than me.
-I have a bff named Faith. Faith and I have been friends since we were babies.
-My favorite color is purple.
-I love animals (even snakes.)
-I am 14 years-old.
-I graduated middle school May 19th, 2016.
-I will graduate high school in 2020.
-I love many different types of art (drawing, writing, singing, acting, ect.)
-I was in band (i played the flute and i still know how to play the flute)
-I was in drama. I performed in 2 school plays, one time i had 3 or 4 lines and in the other I had over twenty lines. I was also in a school musical.
-I want to be a therapist and an author when I get older.
New rules for people who I tag:
-You must give 13 facts about yourself.
-You can't give out where you live unless you are 18 or older.
-You have to do this.
-You must make this in a two weeks or less.
-You must tag at least 10 people.
-You can make up your own rules but it's not required.
-You can't tag me.
-Have fun!
Tagged People:
















Thank you to all of those who do this challenge. (kinda challenge)
