Secrets Revealed

"They'd have to find out one way or another," I said with a sigh while running my hand through my hair,"And I know why your here Tazuna. It's not for protection from robbers, it's from ninja. Don't worry I won't tell. When you tell them the truth I will too. Shake on it?"
"Shake on it," he said and we both shook hands. That's when the others started showing up one by one.
"Alright, lets go," Kaka-sensei said right before we started to walk off. On the way I saw a puddle and new exactly who was in it. I gave Kaka-sensei a look and he looked back signaling that he noticed too. Right at that point I jumped as a chain swing beneath me and got Kaka-sensei or so it seemed. I knew it wasn't Kakashi. At that point I went into action. I was about to go full strength when Tazuna gave me a look. So, I slowed down a bit. I punched one guy really hard in the stomach and the other guy I kicked in the face. Then I left the rest to the other three. When Naruto got scratched I ran over and kicked the guy that did it in the head. Then I brought out my rope and tied then to a tree.
"What did you guys want and who where you after," I asked already knowing the answer.
"Wait I know you. Your that one girl in the," put my hand on his mouth.
"If you desire your life, I suggest you shut up," I said darkly. He paled. Then they told me everything.
I went over to the tree Kakashi (there may be no more her calling Kakashi Kaka-sensei) was in. I told him everything. He looked at me impressed.
"Ok, then," he whispered to me. I went back down to the ground and waited. Kakashi just had to make a big entrance. I just realized that they could report this to Gato.
I went over to Kakashi," Can I speak to you real quick, Kakashi?"
" Sure," he replied, so I pulled him away from the group.
"What about the two brothers. They might report. This to Gato," I asked.
"I don't know, we could......," he didn't finish.
"I know what we have to do. We have no other choice but to kill them. You get the others far along the path, I'll catch up," I said. He nodded and headed off. After giving a good excuse of why I had to stay behind, they left. I went over to the two boys.
"N-No, p-please d-don't hurt us," one of them begged.
I was showing no emotion when I said," I will show no mercy," then I took off my glove and shot some ice at them. They froze and with one hand sign the ice shattered. I put my glove back on and sprinted to the others. This is going to be along journey.
Yuzuki: What's the secret that Misuki is keeping? No one knows but me. Mwhahahahah
Misuki: and me.
Tazuna: and me.
Yuzuki: Just shut up.
Sasuke: Not me, T-T and I'm her only sibling.
Yuzuki: No, your not.
Sasuke: (sends Yuzuki a death glare) Yes I am.
Yuzuki: Ok, if you say so. Please vote, comment, and subscribe.
