The Bridge Builder

I woke up on the cliff side back in human form. I sighed and ran back home. I took a shower and got changed. Today we have to do stupid D-rank missions. I went outside to meet of with my team. We did alot of D-rank missions, but the worst one was the cat one. The cat got into position as I groweled.
"MISUKI," Kaka-sensei yelled through the ear piece.
"Sorry, inner wolf," I said sheepishly. On three we all went to grab the cat. Naruto caught it and it started to scratch him. So, I groweled at that cat telling it to stop. I stop as soon as I groweled at it. We returned the cat and we headed to the hokage. I tuned everything out. That's when the hokage said we could have a c-rank mission to transport someone. I turned into a wolf to prank the guy. I sniffed the air, and noticed I smelt alcohol. He walked in and started insulting Naruto. I went up to him and he nearly jumped out of his skin. To mess with him more, I went back to human form, when I did that, he turned as white as a ghost. I laughed so hard that I fell. I got up and dusted myself off. Then I stuck my hand out and said," Hi, my name is Misuki Uchiha."
He took my hand and shook it,"My name is Tazuna, but do you really thank a bunch of kids will be able to protect me. Especially the little guy with the smirk on his face."
Naruto was about to ask a question, but we all lined up. It went Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, then me. Only by 3 centimeters. Naruto looked at me.
" Don't look at me. I'm a girl," I said.
"I'LL KILL YOU," Naruto yelled the tried to attack Tazuna. Luckily Kaka-sensei grabbed his collar so he couldn't.
Then Kaka-sensei said," We're supposed to guard him not fight him."
I changed back into wolf form and left to get my stuff. When I got to the gate it was only me, Sasuke, and Tazuna.
"I'm guessing your the special Uchiha I've heard so much about," Tazuna said.
"Yep," I said back.
"I have no doubt you can protect me. As long as you don't hold back like you always do," he said. I went stone cold at that remark.
"How did you know that," I asked.
"I had some people tell me," he said.
"I know who," I said, " When have you ever met the akatsuki?"
"One time I just happened to be walking through the woods when I heard them talking about you."
"I knew it," I thought.
Then it went silent as we waited.
Yuzuki: sorry for taking a long, long, long time to update. I lost my train of thought lately with all the tests and weekend homework.
Misuki: Took you long enough.
Sasuke: Yeah.
Tazuna: Where am I?
Yuzuki: Get out of here Tazuna. You have to go back to the story. Anyway, please comment, vote, and follow. Just to say I'm getting a laptop so when I do I will most likely update more often.
