
Pein called us all in for a meeting about me being pregnant. That way we could all discuss what was going to happen.

"We need to talk about what we are going to do with Misuki," he said,"She will not be safe here, in the akatsuki."

"I've got an idea,"I said,"Itachi could knock Deidara and I out without hurting us and put us by the gate to the leaf village. Then Deidara and I could say we were forced to join and we escaped, but were then knocked out and left here."

"That will work,"Pein said,"Go get you stuff, you two will leave as soon as possible."

Deidara and I went to our rooms and packed our stuff. When he was finish, he came to my room and wrapped his arms over my shoulders and rested his head on my head as I looked down at a picture of Itachi and I.

"We'll be fine. I will help you and I will try not to blow up the leaf village,"he said. I laughed and looked up at him. I pecked his lips and finished packing my stuff.

"We're ready to go,"I said to Itachi and we were lead back to the leaf. Itachi lead us a mile from the leaf then knocked us out.

When I woke up we were both in hospital beds and I reached over and held Deidara's hand. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. The door opened and Lady Tsunade appeared.

"Hi, Misuk,"she said," You better explain why you left and why he's here."

"We were both forced to join the akatsuki and just escaped. They knocked us out and left us by the gates after finding out I was pregnant. He's the father. I let them, because this is a safer place for my child,"I said, which is actually true.

"Okay, makes sense. When you two leave this hospital you will live in Uchiha housing. Deidara will have to have a job and I have and offer," she said,"Deidara, we are running low on ninja. Would you like to become an offical leaf ninja."

"Yes, Lady Tsunade," he said.

"Come into my office tomorrow and sign some paperwork. You two may leave the hospital,"she said. Deidara and I got up, grabbed our stuff, and left to go to the uchiha estate. We went to the house right next to Sasuke's and set our stuff down. I knocked on the door. As soon as it opened, I tackled Sasuke in a hug.

"I missed you so much Sasuke. I was forced to go with them and to say all that mean stuff," I said while anime crying.

Sasuke smiled and hugged me back. I was surprised he actually smiled.

"Who's that,"he asked while pointing at Deidara.

"That's Deidara, my boyfriend. He kinda got me pregnant, which is the reason the akatsuki mad us leave,"I said. He looked surprised. The Deidara reached out to give Sasuke a hand shake. When Sasuke grabbed his hand he looked grossed out.

"What was that?" he asked. When Deidara showed him his hands, Sasuke went pale.

"Sasuke, can you help me set up my stuff. Deidara and I leave in the house right next to yours," I said.

"Sure,"he said.

Yuzuki: They live in the leaf village now and I'm sorry to say, the story will be over soon and I'm still deciding whether or not to make a squeal. Put 1 in the comments for yes and 2 for maybe and 3 for no. The squeal would mostly be about the're daughter.  
