
I woke up at 5:30. I got my usual ninja clothes and went to take a shower. I brushed my teeth, hair, ears, and tail. I got dressed and went to my room and got my stuff. I went down stairs and ate breakfast, wrote a note, then left. Since it was only 6:00 I decided to train. I went to a training field and did some new jutsus that Yuki taught me. I did the ice mirrors jutsu. I also did fireball jutsu. That's when if happened. My eyes started to hurt a little. I held my eyes and it went away. I took out my flip mirror and I saw something I never thought I would have. I had the sharingan. No femal in the Uchiha history has had sharingan. It had one tomoe(spelling?)
"Child, it seems you are special," Yuki told me.
'I can see that,' I thought to her. I left the training ground and went to the academy. I had so much going through my head. I'm already keeping so many secrets. I've got to tell Sasuke and the hokage later. I went inside the academy and sat in my seat. By now it was 6:30. Sasuke was the only one there. I went and sat in the seat next to him.
"Hey, Sasuke," I said to him.
"Yeah," he asked.
"I have the sharingan," I said. His eyes went wide.
"How," he asked.
"Don't know, but can you come to the Hokage's office later so I can tell him. I don't want to go alone," I said.
"Sure," he said. People finally started showing up for class.
Then we heard yelling and stomping down the hall way. I covered my ears due to my sensitive hearing. Sakura and Ino were fighting on who gets to sit next to Sasuke. That's when I started to get dizzy. Then everything went black. Then I realized I was in the seal to the ten tails. I walked up to the cage.
"Hi, Yuki. What's up," I asked.
"Something bad will happen soon. It will happen on one of your missions and later I will train you to use you sharingan and make it stronger. That's all," then I left the seal. When I opened my eyes, I saw Naruto and Sasuke kissing. I burst out laughing while the we're trying to clean their mouthes. Sasuke glared at me while Naruto got beat up by Sasuke's fangirls. Everyone sat down and Iruka-sensei walked in. He started saying teams and I zoned out while until I heard my name.
"Misuki Uchiha, Naruto Uzamaki," me and Naruto high fived," Sakura Haruno," I sighed while, Sakura looked depressed while Naruto cheered," and Sasuke Uchiha." Now Naruto was depressed, Sakura was happy, and I was hugging Sasuke to death. After that I left and went to pick up some food. I ate Ichiraku ramen. Then left to go back. I went inside the academy and started to train with Yuki. I turned on my sharingan and began using it. I copied jutsus that Yuki showed me at the exact time she did them. I turned off my sharingan. I left and went to the hokage's office. I knocked on the door. I heard a deep come in. I opened the door and went to his desk.
"What do you want to talk about young one," he asked
"I was going to wait till later, but I have a feeling our sensei will be late," I said," I kind of got sharingan."
His eyes widened and he said," Your just full of surprises aren't you." I nodded an left. I arrived at the academy to wait on my sensei.
Misuki: I got sharingan and I got it before Sasuke too.
Sasuke: Stop bragging I'll get it some day.
Misuki: Ok, your just jelly.
Sasuke: No I'm not.
Yuzuku: Stop fighting. -_-'. Anyway, sorry for the long waited update. I have been lazy lately and had alot of stuff to do. Please vote, comment, and subscribe.
