#22 "It's me or her."

The song above is 'Purpose' by Justin Bieber!


Nick froze after he heard what Chuck saw. It was his fault all over again. Why couldn't he do anything right?

"What's going to happen now, Chuck?" Selena whispered.

"I don't know. I only know the basic idea of Ethan's plan." Chuck said, miserably.

"And what is it?" Nick said, pacing.

"I'll tell you after we go back to the present. It's no good for us to be in the past this long." Chuck said as he fished the time holder from Nick's pocket.

And soon enough, they were once again in Chuck's study.

"Sarah? Why don't you go play with the elves?" Chuck said as he rang a bell. Soon a little elf stood in front of the door. Sarah squealed in delight and skipped to the elf holding his hand. They were soon out of sight.

"Don't worry about Sarah. She is in good hands." Chuck said to Selena, who looked like she wanted to protest.

"Why did you send Sarah away?" Selena asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ah. It would be best if she wasn't here. She would be bored out of her mind." Chuck said, smiling slightly.

"So. What is Ethan planning?" Nick said. He had done enough waiting. He needed answers. Now.

"Do you know what happens if someone from the past comes to the present?" Chuck asked, monotonously.

"No. It can't be." Nick said, gritting his teeth.

"What? What does happen?" Selena said, confused. What had Nick so angry?

"It's the law of the great chain, Sweetheart. Practically, Selena is back from the dead. And she needs a replacement in 3 hours. Ethan is planning to exchange her with you." Chuck said, looking down at the floor.

Selena stood there, eyes wide. Was it a death sentence? Was she going to die in Ethan's hand just like that?

"No! I won't let that happen!" Nick said, outraged. 

Selena just blinked. Had she said that out loud? And would Nick really stop that from happening? Suddenly, rage started to fill her.

"I'm not really sure Nick. For all I know, you could be glad this was all happening!" Selena screamed at Nick, clenching her fists.

"What are you talking about?" Nick said, blanching. Obviously taken aback at the outrage.

"You love Selena, Nick. This is your chance to be with her once again, without getting your hands dirty." Selena spat. She felt the tears coming. 

"I...I..." Nick sputtered. 

"Forget it. I'm going to die and Sarah will be all alone with no one to look after her." Selena yelled as she tried to yank open the door. Nick caught her wrist and stopped her.

"I'm not going to let Ethan kill you." Nick growled. 

"So what? You are going to let Selena die?" Selena said, tears in her face.

"I don't know okay?! But I'm not going to let you die. It's never going to happen!" Nick yelled.

"It doesn't matter. In the end, it's me. Or her." Selena said.

Nick didn't know what to think anymore. He didn't want to lose the either of them. 

"Ethan will come for Selena, sooner or later." Chuck said. Chuck had already set his mind, unlike Nick. He wouldn't let Selena die. 

"Actually, Ethan is here." A drawling voice came from the corner of the room. 

All three of them froze as Ethan started to walk out from the shadows.
