#16 "Meet & Greet"

# NU'EST - Love Paint

☆From now on, Selena from the past will be written in thick letters like this! Selena

In the blink of an eye, They were standing in the ally of Triwood street.

"Woah." was the only thing Selena could muster. 

"Yup. Never got used to this feeling." Nick grunted, holding his stomach. It felt queasy.

"Oh, Don't be such babies." Chuck said as he skipped toward the house with the white roof.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Nick said as he grasped the scruff of Chuck's neck.

"Why I'm going to visit Selena's house!" Chuck said, struggling to get out of Nick's grasp.

"Are you crazy?! We are here to check if Ethan has reached her. We can't just barge into her house." Nick said exasperatedly. 

"How are we gonna do that?" Chuck asked, raising his eyebrow. Nick was lost for words.

"Exactly. We won't find out till we go there for ourselves." Chuck said, crossing his arms.

"But won't it be interfering with time? If we do something wrong it might mess with the future. For us, the present." Selena said, clearly worried. She wasn't exactly looking forward to meeting this Selena, the one who Nick still loved. 

"You are talking to the one and only Time fairy deer. If you guys just do as I say we will be fine." Chuck said as he made his way toward the house again. Nick stopped Chuck again. 

"What?!" Chuck said as he stomped his feet. 

"I...I don't know if I can face her." Nick said looking down. This sent a twinge of hurt at Selena's heart.

"I know Nick. I know. But we have to do this. Remember, She doesn't know what will happen to her in the future. She is just a happy girl, with a happy relationship. You need to act like what was once in the past." Chuck said gloomily, patting Nick's back.

"I can't do that. It broke me to lose her. I can't possibly face her knowing what will happen to her." Nick said, letting a tear out.

"Santa... Don't cry." Sarah said as she hugged Nick.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Nick said as he hugged the little girl as hard as he can.

Selena rubbed Nick's back. "I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love. Believe me. I know. But you know what? If I can go back in time and see the ones I lost all happy, one last time, I would do it gladly. You can say goodbye to her."

"I don't know." Nick whispered. He had longed to see her face once again for ages. Even though the memories he had started to fade with time, Selena's face never faded with the rest of the memories. It was like a brand that he bore on his heart. Just thinking about her gave him an ache that made him hold his breath.  

"We don't have much time Nick. I know It's hard, but we can't risk Ethan reaching her first." Chuck said.

"Yeah. Let's do this." Nick wiped the tear from his cheek and breathed in a ragged breath.

Nick started to walk toward the house, and the rest followed him. Nick raised his right hand and knocked three times. The door soon opened, to reveal a slender girl with milk brown hair and green eyes. 

"Nick!!" The girl jumped at Nick, kissing him. Selena avoided the scene in front of her.

"Selena." Nick said in a rough voice and started to kiss the girl with a passion.

"Ahem." Chuck let out a fake cough, and the girl soon broke the kiss with a blush on her cheeks.

"Oh! Sorry. Nick, are they your friends?" Selena asked.

"Yes. This is Chuck, Selena, and Sarah. Thought I would introduce them to you." Nick said pointing at them one by one.

"Selena? We have the same name! Gosh, I really like your hair color. It's so pretty!" Selena started to gush over Selena, hugging her.

"And who is this little angel? Nice to meet you!" Selena said, Hugging Sarah also.

"Now let's not forget about me." Chuck said seductively.

"It's really nice to meet you Chuck." Selena held a giggle, shaking Chuck's hand.

"Where are my manners? Come in, Come in!" Selena said as she ushered them into the living room.


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