#15 "Bittersweet"

# NU'EST - 여왕의 기사 (OVERCOME)

"So what should we do now?" Selena asked.

"We should definitely plan before taking off. I don't want to meddle with the past without a plan." Nick said as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"You are so uptight Nick. We can plan later. We have to go now before Ethan does anything more stupid." Chuck said lazily.

"I agree." Selena said. Nick and Chuck both stared at her with a look of shock.

"Wait, You agree with HIM?" Nick said. At the same time, Chuck said: "You agree with ME?!"

"Yeah." Selena said. "Who knows what Ethan will do. He might have already contacted with Selena."

Nick hesitated.

 "Look, We aren't going anywhere with the planning. Like I said before, The future isn't set, Nick. We can plan all we want, but there is no guarantee that things will stick right to the plan." Chuck said, placing his hand on Nick's shoulder.

"You...You're right. We should go. Now." Nick said with a confident smile.

"I knew you would say that. I already set the time holder." Chuck said as he held out the time holder. 

"Right. Everybody, hold hands." Nick said as he grabbed Selena's hands.

Nick scrunched down and gazed into Selena's eyes. "Hey. Are you nervous?" 

"What gave you away?" Selena said as she quickly fished out her hand out of Nick's, and started to wipe it on her pants.

Nick quickly held her hand again. "I'm going to be right next to you at all times. Okay?"

Selena's lips quivered. "Yeah. Okay." She murmured.

Soon enough, there was an 'Ahem.' and Chuck glowered at them playfully holding Sarah's hand. "Are we going, or do we have to wait for you guys to make out or whatever?"

"Right." Selena quickly held Sarah's hand, while holding Nick's on the other.

Nick soon activated the time holder. Selena closed her eyes as she held Nick and Sarah's hands tightly.

Not a few moments later, Nick said: "You can open your eyes now." 

Selena slowly opened her eyes. "What..? We haven't moved! Guess that thing is broken."

Nick let out a chuckle. "You'll see, sweetheart." 

Chuck soon skipped to his desk and tried to open his drawer. It was locked.

"Damn it. Why did I lock it back then? Keys..Keys...Where did I use to put them?" Chuck said, ripping out his hair.

"Umm..Sorry for bothering you, but is it the one that is hanging on the key holder that is shaped like a giant key?" Selena said amused.

Chuck raised his head at the sound of Selena's voice like a  meerkat and practically ran toward the key holder.

"Only you Chuck. Only you." Nick said as he carefully put the time holder into his pocket.

Chuck ignored the comment and opened the drawer, pulling out a book.

"So. This is like an old-fashioned teleporter plus a map. We can point to the place where we want to go, and it will take us there." Chuck said.

"You don't have your teleporter?" Nick said frantically. The book was too heavy to carry around and it took a lot of time to teleport.

"No, I have it. I'm just using this book as a map." Chuck assured him as he flipped the pages.

Chuck soon found the page he was looking for. "Bingo!" He said all excited.

The four of them stared at the book in wonder. The pages that Chuck opened held the map of the world. Chuck pointed at one place, and the map automatically started to zoom in.

"Okay. So, here we are!" Chuck chirped.

"This...This is amazing!" Selena said, not taking her eyes off the pages.

"Nick. Do you remember where Selena lived?" Chuck asked carefully.

Nick let out an empty chuckle. How can he forget? He had gone there over and over every day before the accident happened. 

"Yeah. Triwood street. It's the one with the white roof." Nick said monotonously.

Chuck glanced at Nick with a worry. "Right. We will have to go there and see if Ethan has reached her yet. Remember, this is before the accident."  

Nick clenched his teeth. "Right."

Selena looked at Nick with concern in her eyes. She felt bitter. 

She knew that she didn't really know Nick, but he had already grown in her heart. To see him feel sad about another girl made her jealous. Even more so because She knew that the other girl had a relationship with Nick, while she didn't. She didn't even have a chance with him.

"Let's go." Chuck said as he zoomed in until it showed the exact street that Nick said.

"Everyone put their hands on the book." Chuck ordered. 

Soon enough, all of them carefully put their hands on the book. Selena tried not to blush when Nick put his hand on top of hers. 

"Take us to Triwood street." Chuck said as the wind started to roar around them.


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