#6 "Freeze!"

# Selena Gomez x Marshmello - Wolves

Selena mumbled as she rolled on her bed. Something was wrong. Why did the bed feel so empty? Selena's eyes flew open in a panic. She knew better than to sleep deep in this house, which was in a poor neighborhood. Who knew what would happen? It was extremely dangerous at night to roam outside, and it wasn't exactly safe inside too. 

Selena clenched her teeth. She worked hard to provide a warm meal to her sister, Sarah, who meant the world to her. She had been saving money to buy a house in a more safe neighborhood, and working her ass off every day including the holidays had paid off. She found a small battered house in a good neighborhood that wasn't too expensive, and she had almost made enough money to buy it. She wanted Sarah out of this place. 

For god's sake, where was she? Selena looked at the clock next to her. It was 3 in the morning. Had she gone to the bathroom? Or to get a drink of water?

Selena pushed herself out of bed and crept downstairs. There was a murmur heard downstairs. Wait, what?! 

Only Selena and Sarah lived in this place. Who was Sarah talking to?

Was it a robber? A serial killer? The numerous possibilities floated about inside of Selena's head.

Selena started to dash but thought better of it. She was in her flimsy nightgown, and she had nothing to use as a weapon. If she ran at whoever downstairs irrationally, she wouldn't be able to protect Sarah.

Selena went her way downstairs and crept into the kitchen. Weapons...Weapons...Aha!

She picked up a frying pan. Sure, she could have picked up a knife, but she didn't want the possibility of herself being a murderer getting higher, whether the person killed was a criminal or not.  The frying pan will do for now. Rapunzel used that thing well in the movie 'Tangled', so why not her?

Selena soon heard a sob coming from the living room. Oh No! Had she been too late? She should have just went and faced the imposter with her bare hands. What had that criminal done to Sarah?!

Selena soon saw a tall figure emerge from the living room and to the entrance. The imposter was going nowhere. He was going to pay for what he did to Sarah.

Selena quickly ran to the imposter and hit him with all her might at the back of his head. The imposter staggered and soon passed out.

"Oh My God! You hurt Santa!!" Sarah gasped as she ran to her.

"You are safe!! I thought he hurt you! Thank God." Selena hugged her sister and kissed the top of her head.

"Selena!! What are you talking about? You just hurt Santa!" Sarah said as she pushed herself away from Selena.

"What in the world? Sarah, he is not Santa! He is probably a criminal! I'm calling the cops." Selena said as she searched for her phone. Dang it! She left it upstairs. Just as Selena stood up to get her phone, Sarah grabbed the end of her robe.

"He's Santa! I know it!" Sarah insisted.

"No, he is not Sarah. He is an imposter. I should hurry up and call the police before he wakes up. Now let go please." Selena said impatiently. 

"Then why did he leave presents for us?" Sarah said as she dashed to the tree, holding up two presents.

"Umm..I don't know, okay? But he snuck himself into our house. He could have hurt you." Selena said.

"No, He wouldn't have." Sarah said stubbornly. 

"You don't know that. For all we know, he could be some crazy psycho. So if you please let me go, that would be great." Selena said, yanking at her end of the robe again.

"Please believe me, Selena. Please. He isn't dangerous! He's Santa!" Sarah said as she started to flip Nick's unconscious body.

"Don't touch him, Sarah!" Selena screeched. Sarah successfully flipped Nick as she grunted, and rummaged through his pocket. She soon pulled out a piece of paper, looked at it and handed it to Selena. "See! He's Santa!"

Selena opened the piece of paper. It was a to-do list, but the contents that were written were really weird. Give back the time holder to Chuck? Give the elves an incentive? It made her think that the guy was officially mental, but she didn't say it out loud since she knew Sarah would just object to her.

"Just look at him! He's Santa!" Sarah said as she pointed at Nick.

Selena then started to look at the person unconscious in front of her. Really properly look.

Oh boy... Selena's heart stopped for a moment. The guy was just so angelic. His curly hair slightly covered his eyes, and he looked pretty peaceful for a guy who was just knocked out by a frying pan. He was out of this world handsome. Name every handsome guy you can think of, and he will win. Selena felt herself hesitate. Oh my god. Was she really hesitating just because the intruder was handsome? Yes. Yes, she was.

Sarah kept on giving her the puppy eyes, that practically told her "Please don't call the cops!".

"Fine. I won't call the cops." Selena muttered. What was wrong with her? God, just because the guy looked like a Calvin Klein model, literally the gift from the gods, she wouldn't call the cops on him?

One more glance at him and that question were answered. Yes. Yes, She wouldn't.


In real life, if something like this happened, call the damn cops. LOL

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