
I was walking down the streets of Tokyo while humming to myself. Oops, I almost forgot to introduce myself!

Hi, I'm Y/N M/N L/N. I'm a 23 year old senior in The University of Tokyo, currently majoring in biological sciences. I already have the MD under my belt and could've went to work at a hospital but I was interested in becoming a veterinarian as well so here I am!

Anyways, as I was walking down the streets, on my way to a hospital where I work at every time I have a day off. Was I an intern there? Nope, I'm actually a doctor there. Although, I only work there on the weekends. After school, I stay in the dorms or go to the library, doing work in the library or watching anime in my dorm. During my time here at college, I never made any friends since I was solely focused on academics. The only time I really associated with someone were with my roommates since I had to see them everyday. I considered them as acquaintances since we only see each other in our dorm and class.

Was I a loner? I pretty much considered myself as one. I still had contacts with my friends from high school but we never talk, we just had each others' contacts. As a result, I was your usual quiet nerd. Not that I minded it anyway, I ended up isolating myself as time went by.

My likes/hobbies are reading, sleeping, horribly singing anime openings, watching anime, playing strategic games, creating new things, and eating sweets. My dislikes? Nothing in particular. I don't have a favorite anime or anime character either.

When I started my job as a doctor, I eventually became famous. One of the best doctors in the city and country included. But I was no where near the world's best, I still had to do more and staying as a college student wasn't going to help. I considered dropping out many times but my father's motto always came up in my head.

"Once you have started something, you must see it to the end otherwise you've wasted lots of hard work and time in your life for nothing. Life is short for us humans. So it's best to make use of it."

This motto was what kept me in college and I was determined to see through it. As I walked down the streets, my phone rang. I looked at the contact to see it was one of my old friends. I tapped on the green phone and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Y/N! Sooo... do you have any plans tomorrow?
"No? Why do you ask?"
"Well, there's going to be a high school reunion tomorrow!"


I looked to the right to see a truck coming straight towards me. The driver was slumped over and had his head on the wheel and there was a black blob holding something silver beside him.

Yeah... no.

I dashed to the other side of the sidewalk as the truck passed by. I turned around to see the back of the truck in the distance, speeding away. "Y/N?" I heard as I quickly bought the phone back to my ear.

"What was that? There shouldn't be such loud beeps from the hospital."
"As expected from my favorite detective, that beep was actually from a speeding truck"
"Wait, what?"
"Why are you so surprised?"
"What's the number plate?"
"It's 66-23, anyways you didn't tell me-"
"Where are you?"
"Tokyo Station District, now tell me what's important about this truck?"
"That number plate is the number plate of one of the serial killers. Oi! One of the serial killers is at Tokyo Station District! Get people to seal it! Anyways, I have work to do! Thanks for the help Y/N and hope to see you tomorrow! Bye!"
"Oh. Bye."

She hung up then I heard a loud explosion from behind. I turned around to see the truck from earlier flying towards me! Are you serious? I looked around for ways to help me escape the incoming truck when I saw a little girl staring at the truck in horror with tears in her eyes. You've got to be kidding me. I quickly scooped up the girl and threw her as far as I could. I'm not going to make it... but hopefully she can...

I felt the cold metal brushing my back then before I knew it, I was laying on the concrete on my stomach and feeling excruciating pain. I was stabbed from my back and right bellow my heart. Sigh... if you're going to kill me, make it quick, not slow! It's so painful! My vision started to get blurry then I started seeing light. Is this what people call the 'light at the end of the tunnel' or something like that? The light moved closer and closer and soon I felt my body again and realized that I was moving towards the light. Well... I have nothing to lose so...









Into the suspicious light, I go!

I ran to the light and literally jumped into it. As the light engulfed me, I felt comfortable and warm and it made me forget I was dead for a second. Then my view changed from a dark tunnel to galaxies with shooting stars.

I watched in awe then I brought my hands together to make a wish. If wishes truly exist, then I wish to have a second chance at becoming the best doctor or veterinarian in the world with abilities that will help me reach that dream. Then something legendary appeared in front of me that surprised me a lot.

Am I dreaming? I watched the Mew levitate in front of me then they flew around me as if they were inspecting me. Then it nodded, giggled and hugged my neck. E-Eh? 'Such a nice soul!' My eyes widened. Wait, did they just-? 'Telepathy.' I nodded, in understanding but I still couldn't believe my eyes. Who wouldn't? Theres a legendary Pokemon in front of me!

Mew giggled again while I asked. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the Pokémon world?" Mew looked at me in the eye before flying off in the distance. "W-Wait!" I shouted as I chased after the Mew. They led me to a weird temple with a pedestal in the middle that gave me cold and yet ancient vibes despite the temple still looking new. It had a golden sun, sapphire moon, neon white star and a crystal heart on it in a 2 by 2 formation. In the middle of the 4 had a silver infinity sign in the middle. Suddenly, the temple lit up in a bright white glow which made me shield my eyes and I felt something very warm on my right wrist. I tried looking at it before realizing that something was glowing on my wrist! This made me shut my eyes and cover them with my other hand. What's happening?! Soon the light died down as I slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the temple before realizing the symbols from before were gone. Then I looked at my right arm to see 5 bracelets on my wrist.

The first bracelet had what seemed to be gold and amber with a stone that had the sun symbol from before embedded into it. The second bracelet had what looked diamonds and sapphires with a stone that had the moon symbol embedded into it. The third bracelet had pure white pearls and silver with a stone that had the star symbol embedded to it. The fourth bracelet had rainbow colored petals and flowers with a stone with the crystal heart embedded on it. The fifth bracelet had black and white jewels with the infinity sign embedded in a stone.

W-What is this?! Mew seemed to be prepared to answer my question without needing me to ask because they started explaining immediately. 'Y/N, those bracelets, starting from the top are the sun, moon, star, life/nature and power bracelets. Those bracelets on your wrist decides the fate of the universe you will soon be going to.' I snapped my head at them, then my eyes widened when I fully comprehended Mew's words. "WHAT?!" Mew nodded, 'These bracelets have been in the temple of Univas ever since the beginning of time, waiting for a master. I have been here ever since the beginning of time as well, as it is my duty to guard them until their master came. I've spent all my time here, day and night, waiting as well'

I looked at the bracelets in distress, knowing my new purpose. Even if I didn't want to be these bracelets' new master, I knew I had to. 'It may be a lot to take in but the bracelets have chosen you so I must respect their decision as well.' I looked up at Mew who tapped my forehead and suddenly, I was relieved of all stress. Mew must've used their calm mind on me or something.... Mew nodded and grinned at me then tapped my forehead once more before they turned into thousands of multicolored sparks and all of it engulfed me just like the light from earlier.

Memories after memories of Mew flashed in my head as I learned about the powers of the bracelets and watched Mew's memories. Normally, it should've given me a very painful headache from the intrusion of memories but it didn't in fact it was the opposite, I felt comfortable. After what felt like hours, I finally opened my eyes. Okay... I didn't know how I should react to this new experience. Literally got 5 bracelets and meet Mew in the span of what felt like half an hour right after I die and learned about how these bracelets decide every worlds' fate.

To put it short, it's like when Thanos snap his fingers except instead of erasing 50% of every living being in the world. No, it won't destroy the world but it will bring chaos, that's for sure. It can open the gates to every dimension connected to the world which can bring chaos if the beings in the dimensions are blood sucking demons or something. Or cause a cataclysm all over the world. There's many more but if I actually wanted to erase all living beings, I can do that which I don't plan to do whatsoever! These bracelets are like bombs but worse...

'Since the bracelets have chosen you, my powers are also yours as well' I nodded before my eyes widened again. Doesn't that mean I can turn into any Pokémon I want and use any Pokémon move?! 'Yup!' I could feel my eye twitching. I only wished to become the best doctor in my next life not become the master of literal bombs and the next Mew. I sighed. Why me?!

'I am now 100% fused with you Y/N' When did tha- you know what I already know... I heard Mew giggle again while I facepalmed. 'Oh yeah! You're going to get reincarnated into a world in a bit!' Alright... I could tell Mew had a questioning look. 'You're not surprised?' I shook my head. Looking back at what happened during the past half an hour, I'm not even surprised anymore... 'I suppose that makes sense!' I massaged my temples while I looked at the temple and see a glowing pedestal with a book hovering above it. What's the pedestal for? Then I looked at the book before walking to it. It was in a different language but due to receiving Mew's memories, I knew exactly what it was saying.

To put it short, it was instructions of how to use the bracelets' powers.

'Now that you know, it's time for your reincarnation Y/N' I nodded. Is there anything I have to do? 'Just open a portal, imagine yourself opening a portal' Okay... I closed my eyes and imagined a portal that looks like a black hole. I felt wind blowing around me then I opened my eyes to see an actual black hole. 'Nicely done, you'll be able to master my abilities soon!' I smiled before asking, "Will you still be with me when I go through the portal?" I felt Mew nodding. 'Yup, I'll be in your mindscape. This place is your mindscape, so you'll be able to come here whenever you want' I sighed in relief. "That's good to know, at least I'll have someone to talk to if I end up in an unfamiliar world..."

I felt Mew smile, 'Well, off you go Y/N!' I smiled. Off I-no, we go into the unknown! I jumped into the portal while I heard Mew shouting, 'WEEEEEEE'

I don't know how long it's been but I felt like I was asleep for a long time. Soon, I woke up to a seeing a woman with black hair and eyes and a man with brown hair and eyes.

"Welcome to the world, Uchiha Izumi..."

Uchiha? Izumi? Oh great, I'm in the Naruto world.

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