2- Meeting Itachi Uchiha

Izumi's POV:

It's been 4 years since I've reincarnated. I managed to stand, walk, and talk when I was 8-9 months old, before that I unlocked all my tenketsus, mastered basic chakra control and the mystical palm technique (don't even ask how badly the fish population went down in the Forest of Death). The benefit of teleport and 'borrowing' scrolls is amazing. Not only that, my early bird habit has indeed came with me and I didn't have trouble staying up late. Sometimes I've even stayed up until morning came, that's how immersed I was in training. I've also started to gather chakra to my forehead to obtain the byakugou seal which started when I turned 1. OP? Well, I have to be because I intend to fake my death during or before the massacre. I haven't decided when I should fake my death and I don't want to die before I reach 15 alright? Using Double team is just like the shadow clone jutsu, it will turn into a puff of smoke when it takes damage so I'll have to come up with something to fake my death.

When my parents found out about my prowess they were about to scream their heads off if I didn't shove a spoonful of their food down their throats. Then I made them keep it a secret because I told them the possibilities of what could happen if I was revealed as a prodigy. After that, I stopped speaking for fun but this made them panic. Which ended up with me going to the hospital and end up receiving a chalk board and chalk since the doctor said I had 'mutism,' which isn't true but much to my relief since I didn't like speaking.

Later on, I decided to reveal my bracelets because reconstructing the genjutsu barrier was already taking a toll on my body since my chakra reserves are the definition of crap. My parents questioned it but decided against it after I pulled out my puppy eyes on them and made them forget about it momentarily. Father was still skeptical about it but mother didn't care because she was literally adoring the bracelets. Later on, when I mastered the mystical palm technique, I focused on learning about the herbs in this world before realizing that I could use herbs from every world due to my ability to dimension travel. So much studying to do! I had to learn the herbs in this world and other worlds as well! However, I didn't care. One of the blessings came with photographic memory and being able to soak up knowledge like a sponge. I'll be the encyclopedia of medicine.

Every night, after raising the moon and setting the sun, I replace myself with a clone by using double team. I've gotten stronger but raising the moon and sun is still hard, I didn't even try to bring out stars since the moon and sun was already hard enough. I figured I would try to bring out the stars when I was 4 and a half. However since it was the warring times when the 3rd great ninja war was ongoing, soon Itachi will go to war and dream of peace to the Shinobi lands after, making him a pacifist. I was quite close to obtaining the seal however...

"Izumi Uchiha, please come up." I heard from my chunin sensei from the academy. I stepped up with a blank look on my face. "Throw a kunai in the center of the target." I nodded and picked up a kunai and threw it around the center on purpose. I've mastered shuriken and kunai throwing a little before I entered the academy under my father's guidance. Soon I ended up throwing 4 kunais at the same time with all of them hitting around the center. He nodded in approval while I ignored the looks I received from my classmates. All of them were background characters except for Itachi. I was second to Itachi in the academy and I did that on purpose because Itachi is supposed to be the best. Not only that, if I was doing the best in the class, Itachi's father will put him under more pressure which I don't want. I only did enough to become the best kunoichi of the year and I intend to keep that title throughout my time in the academy. I kept my distance from Itachi and had myself immersed in books and scrolls about herbs and such.

I had no friends but I could care less, all of them are mentally younger than me and I've been alone for more than 7 years in college, it won't make a difference in this life. But what I didn't notice was that Itachi always looked at me during school hours without my knowledge. Mew didn't point it out since they were asleep all the time which I would be as well because the academy is awfully boring. The academy only taught how to use the clone jutsu, transformation jutsu, I already mastered the transformation and clone jutsu when my sensei demonstrated it. If I was in the mood, I would examine how much chakra he's using for the jutsu before I try it on my own back home. Due to good old photographic memory, I did it on my first try. Right now, I'm suffering in listening to a lecture about the history of Konoha while reading. I learned how to multitask back at college and had to do it many times at the hospital as well so listening while reading was a piece of cake.


Itachi's POV:

Uchiha Izumi. The best kunoichi of the year due to being very smart in academics and is very skilled in every class. She's the only one who could give me a challenge in training. During class, I would find myself looking at her without knowing why. I pulled up everything I knew about her to realize I didn't know much about her. I only knew her name, her love for books, and being the best kunoichi in the academy. She surpassed the records for kunoichis in a year at the academy which is outstanding and shocking. She's always reading in class and even during lectures. Whenever sensei would ask her a question, she would write the answer on the chalk board she always carry and hold it up without looking up from her book. She always gets the question correct with fail. Then I realized that I never heard her speak before. Could she possibly be mute?

Then I noticed girls would bully her for being weird but she didn't care in fact she would write, "Hi Itachi-san" which would result with the girls turning around with heart eyes. They would realize she was lying and when they turn around, she's gone without a trace. It was quite amusing to watch after all, those girls are awfully annoying, I can see myself doing that as well if I were in her shoes. The bell rang, signifying that lunch had started. I walked outside and towards the training grounds only to find Izumi sitting under a tree with a bag beside her and a bento on her lap and eating while reading. I was about to walk away when I saw her take out a bunch of dangos. Instead of seeing the usual white, pink and green, there were more colors. There was orange, yellow, red and more. E-Eh? She started eating them over by one when she realized I was staring at the dangos. She split the dangos she had in half before pushing one half to her right. She made eye contact with me and looked at the dangos beside her before her eyes looked into mine again.

I got the message and sat beside her while looking at the dangos. "Are you sure?" I asked then she looked at me with no expression before she started scribbling something in her board and holding it up for me to see. I made too much, I won't be able to finish it all. I looked at her wide eyed. She made all of these?! No wonder I've never seen them before, she must've created them herself. I picked up a stick that had pink, orange and red on it while realizing the colors were set like a sunrise. It was definitely on purpose. I took a bite and found myself in love with the flavor and before I knew it, I found myself with only 6 sticks left. I looked over to Izumi to see her meditating. Not wanting to disturb her, I stayed quiet, enjoying the peace and tranquility. Later on, school ended and I walked out with the extra dangos in the box Izumi used for her dangos. She didn't finish all her dangos so she gave them all to me after seeing how much I loved them then left which left me with approximately 20 dangos.

I met with mother and surprisingly father since he's usually busy outside of the academy. "Mother, Father." I greeted with a slight nod while mother smiled and father nodded. "What's in the box?" Mother asked, I held it out for mother who took it and opened it. "Oh? Dangos?" She asked, "Who gave it to you?" she questioned while I replied, "My classmate gave it to me because apparently she made too much." Then mother had a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Oh? She? Who's she?" She asked with a mischievous grin. "No one of importance." I answered with a deadpanned look. Knowing my mother, she would ask questions about her endlessly.

Normally my father would berate for being rude but he didn't like this habit of mother either because he wants me to focus on my training and nothing else. Mother peaked at the dangos again, "There's more colors in the dangos, I see red, orange, yellow and more." She said and sniffed it. "Such a pleasing smell..." she trailed off before looking at me then took out a dango and bit in it. I watched her beam in delight and had stars in her eyes. "So good! Better than the ones in the dango store!" Before she grabbed another dango, I quickly snatched it out of her hands then popped one in my mouth. "Itachi, I want another one!" Mother whined while father came over to me and picked up a dango. He took a bite and even though he hid it his reaction to taking a bite of it, he ate the dango quickly, took 2 more and walked off while we followed. We could tell he enjoyed it and we had looks of amusement on our faces since father's lips curled up a bit while he ate the sweet. Before we even got back home we ate all the dangos. "Your classmate's dangos are addictive." How right father is.


Izumi's POV:

I got back home and started cooking dinner immediately. Normally it should be my parents' job but they both fell in love with my cooking when I suddenly cooked for them in the morning while they were asleep. So it became my job to cook for the household, same with making desserts. They figured I learned how to cook by watching mother cook or by reading cooking books since they knew I could soak up knowledge like a sponge. Which is somewhat true, I actually watched Gordon Ramsey because I had to cook for my own meals at college. So I watched videos and tutorials to cooking. Father even asked if I could bake a cake for his friend since their birthday was coming up. It sounds ridiculous to ask a kid who's not even 5 to bake a birthday cake but I did either way. My father was surprised to know I actually knew how to baked a cake, he only asked because I knew how to make dangos and bake cookies. He only asked as a joke but I actually baked a birthday cake and he ended up eating his words. In exchange, he went to the library to get me more books.

He even brought up what happened at the birthday party. Turns out his friends were astonished by the cake and they loved it. They even asked father who baked the cake and luckily he didn't tell them. This resulted with mother and father asking me to bake desserts and make snacks for their friends and in exchange, they would get me more books and ninja materials which I happily accepted. Eventually with enough money, we moved to a bigger house. 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, a huge backyard and 2 empty rooms. Turns out mother and father bought the house for more room and to use one of the empty rooms for a library that's solely for me and the other spare room for a storage room. When I found out about this, I smiled for the first time after many years. I stopped smiling after I learned how to speak and walk, the reason why I stopped smiling is because I found no reason to smile. So my parents kind of went ballistic about it. They snapped a bunch of pictures and framed the best ones. Which I found ridiculous but I left it. They think I wouldn't notice but they would buy more books to fill the library. When I told them to stop buying so many books they waved it off.

"Izumi, we only see you reading books and we know you love reading so it's natural that as your parents, we would buy more books for you. Your father even managed to get a copy about the herbs of the land of lightning during one of his missions since we know you're aspiring to become a medical ninja." Mother smiled while father continued for her, "We want to help you become the ninja you want to be since it's also our job to support you through the way." I blinked then my blank look cracked up another smile, "Thank you..." I said and it was silent until my parents fully registered it.

"HAZUKI, IZUMI FINALLY SPOKE WITHOUT USING THAT KAMI FORSAKEN BOARD!!!" Father cried out happily while hugging my mother who was also crying tears of happiness, "What day is it?! Time to mark this as a memorable day!" Mother beamed while father agreed but I on the other hand didn't. That's awfully unnecessary! However they waved it off again while I sighed in frustration but I was happy since they were just like mom and dad in my past life, being all dramatic.

I went to take a shower while my parents were still crying. The smile that I had earlier turned into a frown. What happened? Didn't Itachi ignore his classmates? Izumi may be Itachi's love interest or lover but I'm not the original Izumi. So why did he approach me? I widened my eyes in realization. I've always felt like I was being watched at the academy but I thought it was coming from Itachi's fangirls s or rather my bullies but could it be Itachi instead? I shook my head. Yeah right, pretty sure he's asexual since I've never interacted with him apart from today. The thought lingered in my head until I pushed it aside. It's too early to think of this, tonight, I'll obtain the byakugou seal.

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