28- Meeting Ino Yamanaka

3 years before leaving....

Izumi's POV:

I knew I didn't have much time to spend in the village so I had to make the best of it. My parents were informed of what happened along with my future mission so they were quite worried, my father in particular nearly strangled Minato if it weren't for mother holding him back. It was decided that in order for my parents to avoid any type of discrimination, they would fake their deaths, change their identities and move to the Land of Tea when the time comes. They would act as teahouse owners and complete missions from Minato from time to time.

"Sigh, Izumi, you seem to attract some kind of event wherever you go." Mother said while taking a sip of her tea. I raised an eyebrow at this which made her chuckle. "Before the war, you were a prodigy in all types of things, baking, cooking, shinobi training, academics and such. Then during the war, you saved the medical camp while bribing the people with your sweets to keep quiet about it. Managed to attract the attention of the main family of the Uchiha clan. Saved the village from destruction at 6. Become genin at 7 with Itachi-sama while becoming chunin at the same age with him. Save the Hyuga heiress which made the clan have to owe you a favor. Becoming jounin soon after then joined the anbu a few months after Itachi-sama joined. Then you also become Hokage-sama's student and become an official fuinjustu master while attracting the Ghost of the Uchiha himself to threaten you to join his organization and with a cherry on top, you somehow managed to direct his hate to the elders of the Uchiha clan to keep the village and clan safe from his wrath." She giggled at what she just listed while I looked away and took a sip of my tea.

Now that I think about it she's right. I did do all of that. "And you're also very popular in the village as well! You're even considered to be a top candidate to become Itachi-sama's wife and the matriarch. What's next, a love triangle in the Akatsuki?" She started laughing and slamming the table while I went pale. Please no. 'It would be funny and entertaining to watch. With your body developing into such a voluptuous one, I think you'll attract their attention considering Konan was the only female member of the Akatsuki and is one of the older members.' I could tell Mew was grinning at the thought of me being in a love triangle.

"Absolutely not! My daughter is too beautiful for those low lives!" Father randomly popped out of nowhere and was pissed off at the thought. "She's going to stay as a virgin forever and stay with her parents forever!" Mother kicked him in the shin, "Shut it, she'll get a husband if she wants. I don't care who becomes her husband. She can even get married to Uchiha Madara if she wants! As long as whoever she loves, treats and loves her right, I won't stand in their way." She took a sip of her tea while my father looked aghast at what she just said. "Oh you've wound me dear!" He fell on his back with a hand over his heart and his other over his forehead. Mother just laughed even harder while father laughed along which made me smile which was hidden behind my cup.

There's only 3 years until the sight of this happy family disappears. 'Everyone is doing their best to hide the pain.' Yes. "I need to go now, it's almost time for Sakura's tutoring anyway." Mother and father nodded, "Have fun!" I walked out and went straight to Sakura's house. Sakura knows basic chakra control now so should I start her training on medical ninjutsu? 'Not now. You should actually train her on other aspects since she was a reliability in canon. Even if you just teach her medical ninjutsu, enemy ninja will simply just take her out first if she doesn't know any ways to defend herself.' Good point. This could help her perfect her chakra control. She might even be able to unlock the byakugou faster than me since I didn't train my chakra control to perfection at that time.

'Izumi, you sound quite prideful now.' Really? Seems like Sakura has grown on me. I got to Sakura's place and knocked on the door. The door opened to show Mebuki. "Oh! You're here! Please come in." She stepped aside while I came in and took off my sandals, "Good morning, Mebuki-san." Mebuki smiled, "Well, good morning to you too, Izumi-chan! Sakura is in her room with her friend." Friend? Could it be?

I went to Sakura's room and knocked on it while sensing a small but bigger chakra signature than Sakura's. "Izumi-nee-chan, come in!" Sakura yelled from behind the door. I opened the door and was greeted with Sakura wearing a flower crown and Ino wearing one as well. 'So cute!' Adorable. "So you're Uchiha Izumi?" Ino questioned, I nodded while looking around the room to see it was kind of dirty due to the flower petals that were probably plucked when being made into a crown. I shut the door behind me and signed, "I suggest you clean up now, the room looks like a mess right now." They both looked around and at the floor to finally realize how dirty it was. "I suppose it is dirty...." Ino said thoughtfully, I was slightly surprised that Ino knew sign language, at this time, I thought she would be fangirling over Sasuke. I was pretty sure Sakura and Ino already met Sasuke at this time. They must've not started fangirling over him then. Ino probably started her training early since she's the heiress to the Yamanaka clan. Learning sign language was probably from learning how to do hand signs or something.

The two girls quickly cleaned up and we were now sitting on Sakura's bed. "Well then, I'm Yamanaka Ino! The heiress to the Yamanaka clan and Sakura's best friend!" She said with pride laced in her tone. "Uchiha Izumi, Sakura's sensei." Ino smiled which suddenly turned into a cheeky grin. "Say, are you dating the next Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Itachi?" I deadpanned and signed, "No." Ino pouted, "Awh! And here I thought I'd get to listen to a juicy love story!" This girl.... "So? How's he like? I know he's handsome, cool and super strong!" Sakura definitely got rubbed off of Ino. "I've seen him a few times with Sasuke-kun and his mother at the market. Even though we never spoke, I think I found the one for me~!" Ino squealed while cupping her hands together with hearts in her eyes. Wasn't she shipping me with him earlier? 'Yeah.' "Please don't be offended Izumi-nee-san." She quickly added while I shook my head, "It's fine."

Did Ino fall for Itachi before Sasuke? "Of course, Sasuke-kun is sooo handsome too! Oh! I don't know who I want!" Ino squealed while cupping her cheeks. "Well, I think Sasuke-kun is the best." Sakura said while she blushed. So the reason why they're still friends is because Ino is trying to choose between Sasuke and Itachi. "Looks and strength aren't everything." They both ignored me and just raved on about the Uchiha brothers.

Why am I here? 'That's a good question.' "Anyways, enough about them. Izumi-nee-san, who do you like?" Ino asked with a cheeky grin while I mentally deadpanned and decided to go with the oblivious act. "I like my parents." Ino pouted and clarified, "I meant anyone romantically!" I shook my head, "I don't like anyone romantically." I say that even though an image of Itachi showed up in my head before I quickly got rid of it. This is why I want to get away before I end up wanting Itachi. If I catch feelings, I'll end up wanting to stay in this world to be with him instead of moving onto the next world.


Mew's POV:

'This is why I want to get away before I end up wanting Itachi. If I catch feelings, I'll end up wanting to stay in this world to be with him instead of moving onto the next world.' I sighed at the girl's thoughts. She wasn't wrong but it's still okay to be close with people and to love them because she's human. Having feelings is what makes her human. You've already caught feelings for him, Izumi. You're just in denial. I looked through Izumi's eyes which showed Ino speaking and Izumi signing. Just be with him before you end up like me....

Before you end up like me, alone forever with no companion. With no one to rely on but the endless and never ending duty of guarding.



I had no idea how long I've been flying around the temple. I've lost track of time but I could tell, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennias have passed without any change. It was always like this. I've seen the same things all day and night. The same ancient temple, the same intricate markings, the same bracelets, the same pedestal, the same galaxies, everything. I was so bored. The only joys I have truly experienced were watching humans. They were a split of good and bad. Angels were all two goody-shoes who believes in eliminating all evil and crap like that. Devils were the absolute definition of b-tches. Fallen angels were literally the same as angels but with a crappy personality. However humans were all a mixture of both. They can kill, steal but also be kind and forgiving. They were weak but they often had bigger brains than the other races. Managing to come up with many absurd ideas that work without any type of magic and such. They were still as fragile as glass but their intellect makes up for it. Essentially a race of chaos which never ceased to bore me.

I've even gone to live a life as a devil, fallen angel, angel, human, vampire, all types of races. Even so, they were all so boring. Due to my excessive knowledge from watching and learning from other worlds, I had solutions to many problems that were considered to be some huge worldwide problems. So when Izumi or Y/N came and became the guardian of the bracelets as well as my master, I decided to simply stay by her side and let her do whatever for my enjoyment. I would only tell her about everything she needs to know about her duties when she asks me. If I had to be honest, when I found out about how pure her soul was, I thought she'd be like an angel with two goody shoes. I was so wrong. She was like me who loved chaos. When she decided to not change the story line of the Shinobi World, I was disappointed but she suddenly changed her mind and screwed over the story line a lot.

A lot of people lived as a result which was good. She is supposed to save and preserve peace with the worlds but to do that, there needs to be people who need to live for that peace in order for it to become a reality. After all, so many deaths could've been prevented in canon. Some things couldn't be avoided or prevented like the 3rd Great Ninja War since she was only 4 at the time and didn't have much experience with politics as she had only focused on adapting to her new life and learning every jutsu she could get her hands on even though she'd be able to defend herself with my powers. I told her about this but she insisted that she wanted to learn, that she didn't want to rely on my powers for the rest of her life and lives. It was touching but I wanted her to rely on me since my purpose is to serve her for all of eternity and she's the only one who truly knows me.

2010 words
