9- Teams and meeting a certain Uchiha

Izumi's POV:

We're 7 now. I started sending a shadow clone to school when I noticed Itachi sent a shadow clone. After a few months, I received memories from my clone. My clone was held down by Itachi's fangirls and was slapped by their little leader. Ah crap. Then I went to the academy to see Itachi's clone disappearing into a puff of smoke. Soon, Itachi appeared from the forest he was training in. We were both allowed to go home while one of the senseis went to Minato to tell him about our shadow clone.

When my parents received the news, they were happy for me but at the same time, they weren't since I was going to officially experience the life of a shinobi. They don't know that I killed a small army of shinobis, they only know that I put 15 shinobis in a genjutsu during the war. "My baby girl is all grown up!" Mother shouted while father nodded, "I know you'll achieve great things." He said. They were both clearly hiding their sadness about it since being a shinobi means I won't be home often and I'll be seeing the cruel reality of it but I've already seen it. I didn't really get afraid of killing like others when they got their first kill. I knew I'll have to kill in the future so I was prepared for it and wasn't traumatized but I didn't like killing or the heavy smell of blood.

Welp, we're both going to graduate early and now I'm labeled as a prodigy as well. Now it was known to the village that the Uchiha clan is nurturing 3 prodigies. That being Shisui, Itachi and I. Itachi and I received our headband. Itachi got the usual navy blue headband while I requested for a black one. Now we were both moved up to the graduating class and today we were getting our teams. I didn't bother putting a genjutsu barrier over my byakugou seal because my headband already covered it. Itachi and I walked side by side towards the classroom and as soon as we went in, we were in the center of attention. There were lots of murmuring and pointing, probably because we were 7 in a classroom filled with 12 year olds. They probably think it's unfair for students at a way younger age gets to graduate early.

Well, that's how life is. Being a prodigy brings nothing but attention. Not only that, there were a bunch of boys and girls with heart eyes. Like seriously? We're both almost half your age! Fans wherever we go, so unfortunate. I sat down at one of the front seats with Itachi beside me. Now that I think about it, we both might get in a team together since the senseis might think we're most comfortable together. I sighed inaudibly while taking out of book to read then handed Itachi the second book that I published. Although I'm an anonymous author, the librarian who helped me publish the books liked it and there's a lot of people reading it right now and want the whole series. The book that I just gave to Itachi is the first one that's published right now.

Itachi's eyes widened and started reading immediately. Soon, after about 10 minutes, a sensei came in, announcing teams. "Team 2..." I perked up at this, knowing this is Itachi's team. "For Team 2, we have... Izumo Tenma, Inari Shinko, Uchiha Itachi and since there's another student, Uchiha Izumi will also be in this team." Just as I thought. The boys glared Tenma while the girls glared at Shinko. Can't they just leave us alone? Then I looked at Tenma, knowing he dies during one of our missions. Prevent or not? Then I see one of my feathers in his kunai pouch peaking out. I suppose I don't have to do much then although Obito still might kill him after the feather saves him. This is troubling.

I ignored the other teams that were being called on and just kept reading. I forgot who's the jounin sensei... oh well, I'll be finding out in a few minutes. People in jounin vests came in, calling for their teams and soon Team 2 was called. A man with short dark brown hair came in calling for us. We followed to him an empty training ground where we introduced ourselves.

"Alright, I'll start. My name is Minazuki Yuki. I like reading, training and sweets. I don't like arrogant, egoistical and rude people. My goal? I've achieved it. Passing off to you girl in maroon." He gestured to Shinko who went next. "I'm Inari Shinko. I like reading, drawing and sushi. I don't like rude people and bitter foods. As for my goals... haven't decided yet!" Yuki-sensei nodded then looked at Tenma. "I'm Izumo Tenma. I like my friends, family..." He trailed off while glancing at Shinko for a moment before looking back at us. "I don't like rude people and people who harms my family and friends. My goal is to become strong to protect my family and friends." I already knew that he wanted to become stronger than Itachi because he graduated early like me. Not only that Shinko developed a crush on Itachi as well.

I started scribbling for my introduction while Itachi's started, "My name is Uchiha Itachi, I like dangos, my family and friend. I don't like wars and my goal is to achieve world peace." The others were looking at him with surprise. "That's a pretty big goal but as long as you don't lose sight of it then it's possible." Yuki-sensei said then looked at me while I merely showed my board. "I'm Uchiha Izumi. I like cooking, training, reading and sleeping. I don't like arrogant people and I don't have a goal for now." I actually do have a goal and that's to save as many people as possible. Killing the Otsutsukis is a bonus and something I can't really do on my own

I should study more on my bracelets' powers. I only read the 1st two chapters and it's only about the most important powers since I have to use three of them everyday. I noticed Tenma and Shinko looking at me weirdly when Yuki-sensei said, "Alright, all of you are interesting in your own ways. Tomorrow, we'll be doing a survival exercise. Meet here at 9 in the morning. That'll be it. Dismissed!" We all got up and went on our separate ways.

Itachi and I were walking to the Uchiha district and when we were about to split up, "Hey, Izumi." I looked at Itachi with my eyebrow raised. "Do you want to train together?" Yes, my taijutsu sucks. I nodded and followed him. At this time, he should've met Shisui. Itachi led me to a training ground near the main house and heard some kunais hitting wood. There stood Shisui, throwing kunais at targets. "This is the private training grounds, only the main house is allowed here. Shisui isn't part of the main house but he has permission to come here to train." No wonder there's no one here. "Is it okay for me to be here though?" Itachi nodded, "You don't have to worry about it." I slowly nodded. I'm more worried about the fact that Fugaku might not allow me here for being a half blood Uchiha.

Shisui saw us and walked over. "Hey Itachi! Who's this?" He asked looking at me in the eyes while I did the same. "This is Uchiha Izumi. One of my teammates." Itachi said. I bowed to greet him, "Oi! Don't do that! Formalities can go to hell around me ok?" I stood up straight. He's the odd Uchiha but that's alright. Most Uchihas usually only say Hn. Although I might end up doing that as well.... Well he's fun to be around so that's fine. I nodded while Shisui raised an eyebrow and looked at Itachi. "Is she always quiet?" Itachi nodded, "She's mute so she writes on her chalkboard to speak to others." He assumed I was mute? Eh, not that I care. Shisui looked at me, "I see, well we should go train now!" He exclaimed and took hold of mine and Itachi's wrist, dragging us to the middle of the training grounds. Soon we started sparring, well mainly me and Itachi. Shisui was resting from training earlier.

With Shisui watching, Itachi and I rushed at each other. If I had my sharingan activated, I could easily take Itachi down but that wouldn't really be an improvement to my horrible taijutsu skills. I can also create massive craters with a punch. Yeah, I'm a Tsunade 2.0. But doing that isn't exactly an improvement for my taijutsu either since it'll take Itachi out with one punch. So right now, I'm way stronger than Itachi and Shisui combined. They can't use any genjutsu on me either since breaking it would be easy due to my chakra control. In taijutsu, Itachi and I match but in ninjutsu, I'm better. Well, he only knows the basic fire jutsus of the clan while I know not only basic fire jutsus but also wind, water and lightning. After training, we went to a dango shop with most of the attention on us since people recognize us as prodigies of the clan. Although I did hear some people talking crap about me since I'm a half blood but that didn't stop Shisui and Itachi death glaring at whoever said that.

I can see Itachi doing that but Shisui as well? Not really since we just met today. "I'm going back home now, bye." Itachi waved while Shisui said, "Bye Izumi!" I walked away from them and left a clone to go back home while I teleported to the Forest of Death. I should see if I could do some tinkering with the Adrenetine Arrows. It would be nice if I didn't have to stay up all day and night just to keep it from fading. Yeah, the side effects of the seal doesn't let me sleep or else the seal will fade, letting lose of Kurama's chakra. I used random fishes to experiment but had no good results.

Jesus Christ! I swear, I'm going to end up staying up until the 4th great ninja war and that's more than 10 years away! I massaged my temples, feeling very sleepy. Who wouldn't? I've been staying awake for half a damn year! I sighed in frustration. I need to find a solution. After I found out about this effect, I've been using recover and substitute. Recover to keep myself healthy and substitute to have it take on the effects of the seal while I go to sleep. Not a bad solution right? Thing is the substitute is as fragile as glass. So I couldn't even sleep for an hour without being forced to wake up to prevent any chakra from escaping. I borrowed my mother's makeup to conceal my eye bags.

At this point, I'm tempted to seal the chakra in someone. Problem is, I can't because Konoha doesn't need 2 jinchurikis. Well, Kushina does have 5% of Kurama's chakra but that's not really a lot to be considered as a jinchuriki. Also there wasn't a second jinchuriki in Konoha in canon since the second one was.... Anyway, I still need someway to control the chakra. Wait, since I have the Nature/Life Bracelet, can I use Nature energy? I should be able to! I went into my mindscape immediately, not minding the napping Mew and flipped through pages of the book.

Specifically stopping at Nature/Life Bracelet. I scanned through the pages while my eyes lit up. So it's possible! What kind of sage mode should I get? 'Nightingale.' I turned to Mew who was yawning. Nightingale? 'You like nightingales don't you? Not only that, it comes with powerful uses. It allows the ability to fly, more nature energy than other sage modes, heightened smell and eyesight, better flexibility and of course, the summoning.' My eyes widened before I nodded in approval. Not bad. Not only that, they can serve as spies. If I get more bird summonings, I'll have a huge spy network without having to do much. This is the perfect summoning to have.

Mew, do you know where I can get the contra-. I suddenly found myself standing in a huge forest. Except this Forest wasn't the Forest of Death. It looked more lively and there were flowers around. I looked up to see birds perched on trees. Except these birds were all nightingales. I walked around, knowing where I was possibly sent to. Mew, you could've given me a warning! Soon, I found myself walking in circles. Is this a maze? Seriously?! I sighed inaudibly in frustration. I wandered around, seeing the same flowers, trees and bushes.

Then from the corner of my eye, I saw the letter G on a stone slab. G? I tried to move it when it's pretty light. I picked it up to my surprise. I thought it was attached to the ground. Also, G? What could it mean? Is it relevant or irrelevant to this? Lots of questions that I want answers for. This should be related to whatever I need to do to become a summoner since all the other stone slabs are blank.


??'s POV:

"She found one but there's much more she has to collect." I nodded, "True but it seems that she knows that she needs them."

"Indeed, let's see if she'll pass...

Chief Yume."

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