57- Storming Circus

Izumi's POV:

I picked up the scythe when I landed and jumped away from the duo, towards Team 10. "Stay back." You'll get yourselves killed was left unsaid. The plan was simple, "kill" Hidan and Kakuzu in front of Team 10 with ease to force them to realize how weak they are to encourage them to train their asses off. It's a very simple plan.

I tightened my grip over the scythe and crushed it which just made Hidan's eyes go bloodshot and completely ballistic. "T-THAT WAS THE ONLY GIFT I RECIEVED FROM JASHIN-SAMAAA!!!!" Eh? I blinked but on the inside...

How the hell did you get a gift from Jashin?

To be honest, I thought that Jashin was some sort of forbidden jutsu or ritual that was told to others that it's the death god. It'd be more believable if he got it from his parents or something if they were also users or followers of Jashin.

I decided to get rid of Hidan first and it's totally not because I want to get back at him for hitting on me. The real reason is because he's useless without his scythe or rather any blades, so might as well get rid of him first. He was spewing profanities with his veins popped out while glaring at me. What a disgusting look. I took out a kunai, used Hiraishin and teleported in front of his face. I marked him when I kicked his scythe away which is why I was able to use Hiraishin.

Hidan's eyes widened and before he could do anything, I cut his head off and caught it by the hair. It was a gory sight but this was the most efficient way to incapacitate him. I immediately jumped away from Hidan's bleeding body which flopped to the ground.

Kakuzu immediately sent his tendrils after me while cursing at Hidan's incompetence under his breath. Of course, Hidan heard him which he retorted back at Kakuzu with curses. Cue Team 10, Izumo and Kotetsu's expressions of surprise, oops I forgot those two were here. "He's still alive?!" Kakuzu was trying to snatch Hidan's head back to stitch it back to his body but I nimbly dodged his tendrils.

I'll drag this out for a bit. Kakuzu is the stronger one in the Zombie Duo so it'd be a good learning experience for them to see how strong the Akatsuki is. Besides, it's easy to figure out Hidan's abilities after seeing him fight once since he's reliant on his rituals. So I'll be playing around with Kakuzu for a bit.

I started forming hand signs with one hand when Kakuzu suddenly leapt forward at me to stop me. He started to go against me in taijutsu while trying to snatch Hidan's head from my other hand. Normally fighting in a taijutsu battle against Kakuzu while he's using one of his trump cards coming after me would be suicide but that's if he's faster than me. I coated my free hand with lightning chakra to try making a lightning blade. Not as strong as the chidori but just enough to slash at the tendrils.

I know these things are tough as hell since Kakashi couldn't cut through it in canon. So I want to try weakening it. That's if he doesn't try anything else. He keeps trying to catch me but I've marked whatever of his tendrils that I could touch with Hiraishin so trying to catch me has become practically impossible. "Seems like I'll have to be more serious against you." Is he going to pull those out now?

He took off his cloak and arched his back, taking his tendrils back into his body. If he did that then he should be releasing those things in a bit. I immediately jumped away from Kakuzu, took out an empty storage scroll and sealed a Hidan's cursing and screaming head in it. I had this scroll specifically for capturing my targets just for convenient purposes. Summoning birds does take more chakra than sealing something in a storage scroll anyway. I didn't have any of these on me when I was trying to capture Deidara or Sasori because they were all used to store dead bodies for the Akatsuki to use against the rescue team. Storage scrolls are common for shinobis to have as long as they had the money to buy one or if they made them themselves so it was a normal sight.

As he arched his back, he released 5 black blobs that wore masks into the sky and formed some sort of body shape to stabilize upon landing. They're more disgusting than I thought. Seeing them on screen is one thing but in person, it's literally the definition of disgusting. I detest the moment the ten tails comes to be. That would probably take the definition of disgusting to a whole new level.

I automatically took out some Hiraishin kunais while lacing them with some wind chakra. I wanted to try making the kunais more sharper that it would make more than just a stab wound, I want it to make a hole. The best way to do so would be to use wind or lightning chakra and carefully lace it around the kunais before throwing it. The longer the distance, the more destruction it could cause as it would gradually increase in speed during it's descent, making it increase in power.

So I need to distance myself from him to try pulling this off. It wasn't much of a problem since I'm much faster than him. Although, it didn't take long for him to start bombarding jutsus at me which I dodged with ease. I formed a hand sign to make it seem like I used the shadow clone jutsu when in reality, I actually used double team. Time to end this. Arming myself with 2 kunais, I started channeling a slight mixture of lightning and wind chakra which would turn into swift release which I never really tried using until now.

My kunais gave off a powerful hum while letting off a light blue aura. Being the wise old man Kakuzu is, he immediately takes a defensive position while also recognizing the type of jutsu I was using. "A swift release user? You'll be a nice addition to my arsenal," he grunted without keeping his eyes off my kunais. I leapt up into the sky and threw the kunais at him while enhancing my strength with chakra to let the kunais fly faster. Kakuzu was going to let his tendrils take the hit when he seemed to have realized the dangers of the jutsu because he proceeded to jump back as far as he could while having some of his tendrils cover his body and having some at his back to pull him back.

The result was much more catastrophic than I thought because it created a large explosion of light as lightning danced around it. It was like a Rasenshuriken but the blast didn't gradually increase in range, it just happened immediately. It was so big that even I was still high up in the sky, the explosion slightly pushed me back, making me land a bit further from where I initially wanted to land. I didn't even put much chakra into those kunais! Then I suddenly remembered Kakuzu and Team 10. Kakuzu is definitely dead, hell his body is probably destroyed since he practically got the full brunt of the blast but what about Team 10? I didn't have them move away from the fight!

I immediately started teleporting all over the decimated battlefield. I couldn't sense their chakra signatures which says a lot because I'm one of the best sensors in the Akatsuki. I bent down to touch the ground and immediately used the nature bracelet to find them. After a bit of concentrating, I couldn't sense them on the ground at all. I stood up before sensing a new presence. Did one of them....

An eagle's loud chirp resounded the area. I looked up immediately and saw a white, medium sized eagle which happened to be Ao. As Ao descended, I could sense Team 10 on his back. I gave a soft sigh of relief. Truthfully, Ino, Choji and Asuma weren't very valuable as shinobis and can be easily replaced but Shikamaru was another case since he was very smart. After all, he becomes Naruto's advisor and probably becomes the 8th hokage as well since there will be a time where Naruto gets incapacitated and can't act as hokage. From what I know before I died in my first life, it was very likely that Shikamaru would become the 8th hokage mainly because of his intellect.

Chances for Sasuke to become hokage were little to none because since Naruto was out of the picture, he was pretty much the only one who could gather information about the Otsutsukis and get out of any of battles against them alive. He may not be able to use the rinnegan but he's incredibly fast and I'm pretty sure he could use the Hiraishin jutsu because he had many oppurtunities to copy the technique from Minato or Tobirama during the war which should make up for his missing rinnegan. Even if he wanted to become hokage, the village probably still somewhat resent him. Grudges and hate could easily go on for a lifetime. Konohamaru would also have a low chance because the village needs to very powerful or smart hokage for the time being if Naruto is gone. Kakashi and Tsunade could become hokage again but there's low chances of that happening. Tsunade is still hot headed and her strength seems to have decreased over the years. Kakashi still has his intellect and it's been implied that he has become stronger over the years despite the absence of his sharingan but it seems like it has reached the level of high kage level which isn't enough. He'll probably become Shikamaru's adviser.

Which is why Shikamaru cannot die. The people that I truly cannot let die are Team 7, Shikamaru, Itachi, Shisui, and Minato. The reasons were quite obvious. Team 7 is the dream team despite how chaotic the members of the said team can be, Itachi and Shisui have so much potential but one had to suicide before he could reach his prime and the other was ill for practically a decade before dying without reaching his prime. As for Minato, I think he still hasn't reached his prime. It was stated he was only 24 when he died, and looking at his feats he's done before his death is impressive which didn't stop until his death. If he didn't die, I think there could've been a chance that in his prime, he might've rivaled Hashirama and Madara's strength although that's if he keeps training.

Anyways, Ao landed on the ground and let down Team 10. They looked at me with passive expressions but their eyes gave away awe and shock. "You must be Kagune-san," Asuma said before proceeding to bow in unison with his team.

"Thank you for saving us!" I stood there in surprise with my eyes slightly widened in shock, I was expecting them to just thank me with a bit of nervousness since this was the first time we've met. Besides when it comes to thanking others, especially those you barely know about, you wouldn't bow to save face, it would be somewhat humiliating. 'And yet they did,' Mew mused from my mindscape. "Y-You don't need to thank me!" I said, pretending to be flustered. I could tell Zetsu was in the area although I couldn't pinpoint his exact location, I could tell he's watching us. It'd be best to act the complete opposite of my real self so Zetsu wouldn't figure out my real identity.

"Anyways, where were you all headed before this mess?" I asked while coming up as many questions as I could to appear as a very nosy person in front of Zetsu. "What kind of mission are you guys on?" I asked with a fake grin which just made me cringe on the inside while following Team 10 until I ran out of questions and finally left the area.

I'm pretty sure I annoyed Team 10 a lot but who cares? At least I achieved my goal or rather just one since I intended to capture the Zombie Duo, not just the head of one of the zombies but there's nothing I can do about it since their bodies have gotten destroyed from that jutsu.

Which reminds me what should I name this jutsu?















Swift Style: Storming Circus.

I think that'll work. Now then, time to go back. I immediately teleported to Tobi while dispersing all my clones to get all their memories and swiftly took my place next to Tobi in a blink of an eye. Now then, what will you do now Obito?

2150 words
