26- Last anbu member

Izumi's POV:

I finally decided to join the anbu because I was getting bored. There's not much to do when advanced tech doesn't exist yet and experiments were getting boring as well. If I have to be honest, fighting has become something I enjoy. Excluding the killing. I thought I needed to take a test for the anbu registration but they just took me in directly since I took many missions for them as a substitute so I guess that's fine.

Things had gotten busier for me. I'm more involved with the village's big missions which means drama and chaos but when has my life never been dramatic and chaotic? It's just like that one time where one of my seniors had gotten drunk on one of the days of their break. They ended up having a one night stand with someone and it turns out that person has a fiancé. Jesus Christ, the fiancé didn't find out but still, yikes!

'Still, it's entertaining. Much more entertaining than your jounin days.' Can't argue with that.... 'Should've joined when Itachi joined instead of joining a few months later.' Oh well. Right now, I'm being introduced to Itachi and Shisui's Anbu group even though I already met almost all of them. Their group was full but the boss decided to shove me in there since I was most comfortable with them. And that's true, I've met Kakashi through Minato during training, and the other two which were Shisui and Itachi. The last member was in the hospital due to getting poisoned.

"Well, there's no need to introduce ourselves since you already know us." Shisui said awkwardly. I deadpanned, knowing what probably happened. Their last member most be the one I kept substituting for so Shisui wanted to introduce me to them but failed to realize that they were hospitalized again. "Sorry Izumi, they got in the hospital again." Itachi said apologetically while shooting Shisui a look that told him to be more aware of his teammates' well-being. Shisui looked away with his eyes on the wall as if it looks nice. Kakashi ignored them and turned to me, "Well, it's nice to have you as an actual member. You might be able to do something about Hayate's illness." I raised an eyebrow at this but I had an idea of who he was talking about.

If I remember correctly, Hayate is the name of the chunin proctor and he kept coughing which indicated that he had some sort of cold but it could possibly be developing into some respiratory disease just like canon Itachi. Thing is he died before it was confirmed. Seems like he is actually inflicted with a disease but it happened earlier. 'He's another butterfly effect.' Yeah. "Do explain the symptoms, I might be able to do something." I was unsure if there's anything I could do since I didn't have a lot of experience in the medical field even though I'm considered to be one of the best. I've only worked in the hospital during summer break and during the weekends, weekdays with no classes were either spent on studying, shopping or with family or Akihiko. However, I was sure that I could slow down the disease until I can figure something out.

I may have studied herbs and such but experience is another thing since I practically have less than a year of experience and I've never been in the hospital apart from my birth since I was capable of medical ninjutsu. Not only that, this world isn't as advanced as my past life. It's practically guaranteed that this world won't have any advanced medical devices which means I'll have to adapt or somehow create a rip off version of them. The reason why I was fine with the lab equipment is because I wasn't part of the team researching and creating new medicine. So I had no idea how they work apart from how they look due to my boss having me visit the team every once in a while to see if I was interested in joining the team. Every time I asked how they would work, I'd usually get vague answers from the them. They weren't rude or anything but they had problems to giving explanations so I never understood their purposes. I never bothered to search up how they work since I didn't plan to join the team. I was more on the surgical side since I only either performed surgeries or did check ups on patients.

This is going to be as annoying as learning fuinjutsu. 'Well, you have all the time in the world.' Is it possible to simply just use recover on Hayate? 'Recover only heals physical wounds, poison, burns, freeze, e.t.c.' So I'm assuming healing sicknesses isn't part of it? 'Yeah.' What about safeguard? It blocks negative status affects. 'That won't work either. Like I said, it only works with burns, freeze, poison, e.t.c.' That's annoying, I'll have to start researching again. 'Go Izumi! Go!' Mew was shown holding yellow pom poms and spinning around with a smile on their tiny face. Go me indeed.

"His symptoms are harsh coughing and occasional chest pains. It would hurt so much that Hayate would end up not having the strength to even move properly. I heard from his nurse that he even started hyperventilating." I thought it's the same as canon Itachi's. Oh well. "Can you bring me to his hospital room so I can take a look myself?" I can prescribe some antibiotics for him to last long enough until Tsunade comes into the picture in the future or either I create something myself. He nodded and brought me to the hospital with Itachi and Shisui following.

We ignored all the gazes thrown at us and headed straight to Hayate's room. We went in to see Hayate sat up on his bed with Gemma, Aoba and a few others I couldn't recognize in the room. "Oh Kakashi, who's this?" Kakashi took off his mask while Itachi, Shisui and I did the same. "She's Uchiha Izumi, she's the one who kept substituting for you and she had officially became an anbu as of today." They all looked at me while I simply just bowed. They knew I was mute so they didn't mind. "I brought her here to see if there's anything she might be able to do for your illness."

Hayate waved it off, "I don't think there's anything she can do. I've scoured for doctors and got nothing. Unless I cross with Tsunade Senju, I might be saved but her whereabouts are unknown." He said depressingly while his friends looked at him disapprovingly while I remained indifferent. His symptoms are occasional chest pains, harsh coughing, and the beginning of hyperventilation. If I'm not mistaken the next symptom should be heart seizures or some other heart problems if the illness is not cured. No wonder doctors in this time were useless to an illness like this. They're probably more used to poisoning and external wounds. Luckily, I'm a surgeon who specialized in internal wounds.

"Hayate, it doesn't hurt to try. From what I heard, Uchiha Izumi is a prodigy in medical ninjutsu. She might be able to do something unlike the other doctors. After all, you looked for treatment from normal doctors. Izumi is definitely not a normal doctor." Genma reasoned while Hayate looked at me while I stared back coolly. I already had an idea of what the illness was but I just need to confirm it. Hayate sighed softly, "Alright." His friends made way for me to check on him.

My hand hovered over his chest and a green glow was emitted. I closed my eyes to give myself a visual of what was happening in his body. It's not as bad as I thought. He'll be fine. I opened my eyes and withdrew my hand. "So? Can you save him?" I simply nodded and his friends cheered while Hayate was in disbelief. "R-really?" I nodded, "You'll have to go through surgery for it but you'll be fine. I can do the surgery in 2 weeks if you're fine with it." He nodded immediately while I kept signing, "Until then, I'll prescribe some antibiotics to slow it down. Just keep yourself alive until I get everything prepared." He nodded again while I looked at Itachi and Shisui. They nodded and we walked out to let Hayate and his friends celebrate.

"Izumi, you should become a doctor here." Shisui said while he patted my head. "Eh, nah. I don't like staying in one place for too long anyway." I actually prefer being a doctor in the hospital but everything is already planned out for me which pretty much deprives me of that goal. "Still, can you actually do a surgery? You're not really an official doctor even though you're believed to be the best medical ninja here after Tsunade." I nodded, "Just have faith in my abilities. If the doctors are too incompetent, I can always kick them out and replace them with shadow clones. It's so simple." Itachi who stayed silent, sweat dropped at the idea while Shisui snickered.

"Do tell the boss that I'll need 2 weeks off for me. I need to prescribe Hayate some antibiotics right now anyway." Shisui saluted, "Yes ma'am!" I rolled my eyes at the sight while Itachi and I walked ahead with Shisui running after us, "Wait for meee!!!"


A few days later...

Izumi's POV:

I thought I would need more time to prepare for this surgery but all that was really needed was studying this time's medical technology and utensils, adapting to it and getting the cure ready. Right now, I'm trying to find a way to kill time before the surgery when I felt someone tug on my skirt. I looked down to see Sakura looking up at me, I waved awkwardly, knowing that she doesn't understand sign language. She gave a bubbly smile, "Nee-chan, I can understand sign language now."

Oh? "Really?" She nodded, "I asked mama and papa to teach me!" I pat her head, "You're so smart but why did you want to learn sign language?" Her smile became wider, "It's so I can speak with you! What you did when we first met is medical ninjutsu right? I want to learn it!" So she learned sign language to get me to teach her medical ninjutsu. Where is this Sakura during Naruto? She was such a disappointment in that series. (Sorry to all the Sakura fans) "If you want, I don't mind. Just know that I won't be available often. I get called upon frequently by the hokage to do missions." Sakura nodded.

"Do you know anything about medical ninjutsu?" Sakura looked away before replying, "N-No but I do know the human anatomy and everything about it!" Forgot she has photo graphic memory. I patted her head, "It's still impressive for you to understand everything about the human anatomy. That's not something many children at your age can remember or understand." In my past life, I had to carry a book about it since I didn't remember everything about it.

"When can we start Nee-chan?" I walked to a riverside where Sakura and I first met. "We can start now." She was excited, "Please take care of me Sensei!" Didn't plan to become a sensei but whatever. Perhaps this will change Sakura from canon and possibly make her more reliable for team 7 in the future. "What do we do first?" Of course, the first thing we must do.... "We climb trees!" Sakura blinked, "Whaaa?!" Her excitement diminished instantly while I mentally laughed at her expression before walking up a nearby tree.

She was in awe immediately, "Perfect chakra control is needed for medical ninjutsu. If your chakra control is not perfect, everything will get messed up immediately. So chakra control and we'll continue." I knew that Sakura probably didn't unlock her tenketsus but this should keep her occupied for now. All done to set her up with her future lessons with Tsunade. As she was trying to unlock her tenketsus, I was stuck in my thoughts.



5 days ago....

I had gotten back home after checking on Hayate to see a black figure standing in my backyard. I knew that it couldn't be my parents since mother is still working at the restaurant and my father was hanging out with his friends. I cautiously approached the figure and recognized him as Tobi or rather Obito when I saw his mask.

He turned around upon seeing me. I could tell he grinned while I looked at him cautiously. This was the first time he appeared in front of me. "Uchiha Izumi." I narrowed my eyes, having an idea of what he wanted from me. "I have a proposal for you. Join the Akatsuki or die." Just as I thought. I avoided looking at his eye while contemplating what I should do. "Before I answer that question, tell me, who are you." I already knew but I can't simply just randomly join without knowing who's pulling the strings. "Uchiha Madara." I widened my eyes in shock, I was expecting him to give me the name Tobi. Not Madara.

"And why do you want me to join your organization? There are many others you can ask who are stronger than me. What is your goal?" He disappeared so I quickly body flickered to the side, seeing him standing right behind where I was standing earlier. "Simple, you have potential. Your sensing skills are perfect, your medical ninjutsu prowess will benefit us, your kenjutsu is excellent. After observing you for a while, it seems to be on par with a seven swordsmen' skills. Your mastery over all five changes in chakra natures are probably on par or second to the hokage your village nicknamed, Professor." Seems like he doesn't know about my fuinjutsu abilities. "You're a whole bundle Izumi. You'll be learning fuinjutsu from the Yellow Flash as well. You'd be a perfect asset for the Akatsuki."

"Flattering me won't get you anywhere. I asked what this Akatsuki's goals are." I could tell he was smirking, probably thinking that he got my attention and thinking that I'm interested, "World peace and power. Join the Akatsuki, and you'll be free from your duties here. Free from all the hateful glares you get from your clan members. Before you ask, those stupid Uchiha elders are only nice and favoring you because of the potential and power you possess, thinking that it'll benefit their clan if you were to marry Uchiha Itachi." I was expecting that possibility and I think it's true as well. I can't deny that. There's no way all the elders would have a sudden change in personality for all of them to act so nicely to me. 'True.'

"If you join, we can help you get your revenge as long as you help us achieve our goal." I smirked. Why the hell not? I hated those old fogeys from the beginning anyway. Might as well kill them so Fugaku can replace them. "I accept." He chuckled darkly, "However, I have a few conditions of mine that I hope you don't mind listening." He went silent but I could tell he was paying attention. "I'm hoping to join in about 3 years if possible. I'd like to spend time with my family before leaving." He nodded, "That's acceptable, anything else?" He mused. "I also have the proposal that might interest you."

"Hm, tell me." Got you. "I'm not confident that I can kill all the Uchiha elders by myself. So why don't you help me? Once it's been done, my other conditions are that the Akatsuki is to not touch the clan or the village after." He cocked his head, indicating that he was asking why. "I only hate the Uchiha elders, not the clan since it's them who influenced them to hate me. So I don't blame them. As for the village, I cannot deny that I love this place as it is my hometown and the place I grew up in. I don't care for the residents themselves but I care about the place I lived in, that's all." I actually didn't care about any of them, they're just strangers so why should I care for them? It's the hokage's and shinobis' jobs to protect them anyway.

"I see. But what makes you think I'll help you?" I raised an eyebrow, "You said you would help me didn't you? Also, this would be perfect for you don't you think? It was the elders who influenced your clan to hate you so I'd say we're quite similar. Even though the elders who tormented you are dead, you can still erase the ones who succeeded them." He chuckled darkly again, "Why not? Those old fogeys had it coming anyway. Very well, you've got yourself a deal Uchiha Izumi and I accept those conditions."


Did I regret it? No. The elders treated me horribly which made the entire clan treat me the same way. I hate killing but killing them will make a perfect excuse to leave. I can always say they saw me as a tool that can be thrown away at any time. Not only that, I found some seeds of some elders planning to pressure Fugaku into overthrowing Minato for more power. After all, even though the Uchiha reputation improved, some of the villagers still look at them with hate. The ones who lost their loved ones during the Nine Tails Attack in particular.

Seems like the coup d'tat was meant to happen either way. No matters, they'll be shut down soon. They probably treated me nicely because they thought they could use me during the coup. Pathetic bastards. But your deaths will come soon, just you wait.

In 3 years, you will all die by my hand and sword. I'll be laughing at your despair when the time comes.

3000 words
