25. Giving it a shot

Charlie's POV

It was quick. I just touched my lips with his for a moment but it was enough to stop him ask questions I didn't want to answer.

Julian was always curious about me and I didn't like it. My privacy was mine only, no matter how much he tried to make me talk. I couldn't open up to just anyone. Not that he was just anyone. I did like him but no matter what the rest said, it was still hard to believe he actually liked me. I couldn't keep my hopes up. It was too dangerous.

If I did believe this attraction was mutual, and it'd turn out it wasn't, I'd be dissapointed. Not the greatest feeling out there.

I took a step back, placing the tip of my fingers on my lips. Only then was I aware of my own awareness. What I had done was very bold. I didn't know I had it in me.

So, I had done it, I kissed him. What now?

To my surprise, he stood up grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him. He pushed away the hair from my face, his thumb tracing my lower lip then he kissed me.

At first, I wanted to pull away from his grasp. He caught me so off guard, I had no time to mentally prepare myself.

My eyes were wide open, but they started closing once I realized I didn't want to stop this kiss.

His tongue wanted to dance with mine, something I didn't allow but eventually, I gave in. I kissed him back with the same intensity he kissed me, deepening it all. My mind went blank, my legs shook as his other hand was now around my waist, pushing me more towards his chest.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I hugged his neck and now his both hands were around my waist.

I could feel my lungs screaming for oxygen but I ignored them until it was crucially needed.

It appeared Julian was feeling the same because we both parted at the same time. Our breaths mingled as we leaned our foreheads on each other, my hands still around his neck and his around my waist.

I felt him laugh which made me feel butterflies in my stomach. My heart was going to explode any minute now although I tried my best to keep calm.

It was futile, if he weren't holding me, I would have fallen on the ground.

He touched my lips again, something I surprisingly found comforting. Seeing him roll his lower lip inside his mouth while staring at me, sent goosebumps all over my body.

"You're full of surprises!" he half smiled. Somehow, I found him sexier then ever. Damn, this won't be easy at all.

I gulped, forcing my self to talk.

"You talk too much." I wished my voice didn't shake that much.

He smiled amusingly to the fact, making me blush. Why did I have to blush?

"Would you mind explaining your action?" he asked. My heart skipped a beat. What a stupid question.

Why do you think? But, I won't tell him the truth.

"There's no explanation behind my action, I just wanted to shut you up!" I poked his nose, making myself pull away his hand and stand as far away from him as I could.

"Really?" he took a step forward while I took a step back.

"Really!" I nodded as I moved further and further away as he moved closer and closer to me.

"I don't believe you." he shrugged still nearing me.

"You should." my back hit the wall and now he was inches away from me. My heart started beating fast again as he mingled his fingers with mine.

"So, you feel nothing when I stand this close to you?" he asked as he left my fingers crawling them up my hand.

I shook my head to his answer. It would have been more believable if I had talked but I simply couldn't.

"Or, if I do this?" he reached his forefinger to my neck, crawling it higher and higher. I could feel my every fiber react to his touch, it was hypnotizing and I didn't want him to stop.

He leaned in to kiss my neck gently, almost teasingly. Slowly, his lips were near my ear.

"I like you." he whispered.

I felt a huge lump in my throat. It wasn't going away. I put my hand against his chest only to push him so I could walk away.

With a deep breath I rubbed my forehead not knowing what to think about his words.

"I understand, Charlie." he followed me. "You don't trust me."

I turned to face him not knowing that he was very close to me. So close that I held my breath for a long time. I took a step back just to get my thoughts straight.

"Julian, I,"

He interrupted me.

"I know. It's okay!" he took my hand staring directly at me.

"Just give me a chance." he added.

"A chance for what?" I pushed his hand away maybe a little too harshly. I didn't care.

"To prove that I do care about you."

He made it sound so easy. As if he could simply give up on his reputation and all those girls chasing him. Giving him the things that I could never.

"You're being ridiculous. What you think you feel right now will soon fade away." I explained with a forced smile. A part of me wished what I said wasn't true but I knew it was. He was just caught up in the moment.

"No, no, don't give me all that crap about what you think that I think." he shook his head. "I know exactly what this is and I want you to be with me. You can't deny that you feel the same. Because you do."

"You don't know what I feel." I tried my best not to prove him right but I was failing at it. My act wasn't as good as it usually is.

"You've been faking your feelings for a long time, for once be honest with yourself. And me." he said.

I came here with that same intention but somehow my resolution fadded away. I wanted to be honest but I choked. The huge lump in my throat didn't let me. My gut didn't let me.

He sighed. "Would it kill you to give me one chance?" he asked showing his forefinger. I wanted to do it, so badly, but I couldn't. I was afraid.

"I need to think about it." I cleared my throat avoiding his look at all cost. I even took another step back.

"Okay. I'll wait if that's what you want." he smiled so adorably. My eyes went to his lips remembering our kiss. It wasn't healthy thinking, it only made me want more. I couldn't have nor allow more. It would be ridiculous.

He noticed me staring which made me blush even more then I did the last time.

His lips were red and the fact that I caused them to be so, made me smile. He smiled back.

"We can do that again, if you want to!" he winked. I huffed then walked to grab my school bag. "Shut up, Legolas."

"Wait, you're going so soon?" he stood infront of me.

I put on my bag and looked at him with a half smile.

"Stay a little more." he tapped his bed. I rolled my eyes before following him to sit on his bed.

I took a minute to think about my desicion on telling Julian about my feelings. I wanted to get something like that off my chest but now it seemed so hard to make my mouth get the words out. It was supposed to be easy, I should have known nothing is ever easy with me.

"Brad told me yesterday you had a fight?" he shook me off my trans.

"Yeah, something like that!" I cleared my throat remembering. Brad was so pissed I refused to see Julian, we started screaming at each other until Caroline stood between us.

Somehow, things with Brad were going from bad to worse. The more we make things right, the intenser our fights get.

"You should talk to him!" he suggested. I curved my lips staring at him. He patted my head gently then kissed my head.

"He's your friend and you owe him an explanation." our faced were now near.

"It's not something I can give him." I shook my head enjoying the fact he was so close.

"I feel like he's trying his best to be mad at me rather then make things right. I don't know what to do with him." I pursed my lips looking down at the ground. Julian took a hild of my hand, forcing my fingers to open up then he leaned to kiss my cheek. If he was trying to make me feel better, it was working.

"Charlie, you overthink things." he whispered. True but thinking is the only thing I have left. If I gave in on my emotions, I'd be still kissing him.

With a silent grouch, I stood up pushing away his hand as gently as I could.

"I should go now!" I smiled standing far from him. He stood up and walked to the door.

When he opened it, Julia and Mason noticed us imediately. They stood up both with the same pace, staring at me like I had done something wrong. Not that I didn't.

Julian's POV

My parents were getting way too overprotective. And the way they looked at Charlie as if she was some sort of a demon, didn't please me.

She didn't do anything wrong, I didn't blame her for anything. If anyone should be blamed then it's me.

"See you!" she sent me a little wave before walking away with her head bowed down, something I really thought was not right. My parents sent me looks of anger but they weren't more angrier with me more then I was with them.

Due to that, I grabbed Charlie's hand pulling her back and closer to me. She looked surprised but I didn't hesitate to place my lips against hers. She pushed me away with a death glare as if I had just killed someone she loved. I didn't care.

"Julian?!" mom gasped looking at us bewildered while Charlie kept staring at me. I knew she wanted to slap me which was what I wanted.

"Douche!" she said in a low voice so that mom and dad wouldn't hear her. She lost all her courage because of my parents. I knew what was going on and now I had confirmation.

"What did they tell you?" I asked gesturing with my head towards my parents. Her face was expresionless.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I scoffed to her ability of lying. She was very good.

"Forget whatever promise she gave you. She won't keep it and I'll make sure of it." I glared at my parents then grabbed Charlie's hand again. This time I pulled her away from my parents. I must have looked ridiculous with that hospital dress but I didn't care.

Once we were out of my parents sight, Charlie pushed my hand away.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" she exclaimed while I just smirked. She was just too cute.

"Think of it as a rock pushed out of the way." I winked.

She looked even more pissed.

"What the hell are you talking about? What way?" she held her head with both her hands. I lifted her chin with my hand. Now we were staring at each other perfectly.

"The way that leads to us being together."

I knew Mason was very good at convincing people to do what he wanted but I wasn't letting him manipulate Charlie. If she had slapped me or called me names while screaming, it would have meant Mason hadn't talked to her. But she was embarrassed and looked down. That's when I knew my parents had started their operation of protecting their son.

What they didn't realize that I was big enough to decide on my own and choose the people I want to be around with. If anything, I should be staying away from Charlie, not the other way around.

Our eye contact didn't break until I decided to look down her lips. They were amazing but they were even better when I kissed them.

Without a second thought, I leaned in to taste them again.

And again, she held back but I wouldn't let her not give in completely. My tounge moved along side hers as I craved for more and more. I put my hands around her waist making her cling to me even closer. She put her hands around the back of my neck giving me a sense of happiness.

She liked me no matter what she said.

Unwillingly, we had to part because we both needed to breathe. Damn oxygen.

I felt her warm breath on my cheek as I neared my lips to her ear.

"Okay?" I asked. I could feel her smiling against my cheek. She kissed it gently.

