20. Coming clean

I rushed donwstairs to follow her. Everyone was still busy eating and didn't notice me. Charlie wasn't inside anywhere. I walked out to see her at the swing again. She really loved that thing.

Her leg got tangled between the webs. She looked ridiculous as she tried to pull it off. With a chuckle, I went to help her and possibly drive her mad. I had to get my revenge for that burn.

"Why not kiss me? I mean, you had no trouble when Travis did it!" I rolled my eyes getting my act on. Her mouth was shaped in a wide o.

"First of all," she pulled me away roughly after he leg was released.

"He kissed me, not the other way around and second of all, whether I decide to kiss a guy or don't, is none of your business!" all the time she spoke she kept her finger up. It was cute seeing her all jumpy.

Wait, don't chuckle. Just don't.

"Then there has to be something about me. What is it? Am I too ugly for you?" I started to sound like a crazy chick. But it was getting her mad so I didn't mind.

"What the hell are you talking about? What's gotten into you?" she waved her hands while she tried to understand my behavior. I'll carry on for a little while. This was just getting too fun.

"Nothing's gotten into me I just want to know if you think I'm ugly because other girls don't think that way. They actually have no problem with my face!" I insisted. She gathered her lips as if she was searching for a great comeback.

"Your personality ruined it!" she folded her hands as if she had just won this argument.

"Oh, so you still think I am a bad person?" beat that Pinguin.

She grouched. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're ruining our agreement to be nice to each other!?"

I scoffed. "I am nice you're the one that always ruins it!" I pointed at her. "You're the one that's ruining it now!" she shoved me. But I caught her hand right away. I pulled her closer to me. She tried to push away but I wrapped one of my hands around her waist.

"Let me go!" she pushed again but I was stronger. With a grin I pulled her even closer to me.

"You're not going anywhere." I said. She raised her eyebrows and nodded. A slap is what I deserved but I didn't expect her to loosen from my grip and actually do it.

"Ah!" I screamed as I finally let her go. She held her chin up. "I told you to let me go!" she placed her hands around her hips.

Not that the slap hurt but I had to act it out. Or just tell her it was all a joke. I should.

Unable to withhold my laughter, I burtsed out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" she asked for the millionth time with a puzzled look on her face.

"I was just messing with you!" I said finally stoping my outburst.

"What?!" she shoved me again. "You idiot, I almost thought you've gone mas or something!" she exhaled then held her forehead. After seeing me grin shippishly, she couldn't help a smile herself.

"Douche." she stuck her tounge at me. "Psycho." I smiled keeping my hands in my pockets.

We stared at each other like that for a minute. She was beautiful. Even prettier then I remembered. The moon might have had a big part on how I saw her that night but I couldn't help thinking that maybe, just maybe she was on the same page with me. I wanted to grab her and just keep her by my side.

"Wait," she remembered something.

"The kiss-me-thing was also a joke, right?"

No it wasn't. "Yes, it was." I nodded.

"Good, 'cause that would have been awkward!" she scoffed.

Her eyes widened and she came closer to me. "Greg is out." she whispered.

"Come here!" I wrapped my hands over her waist, pulling her closer to me. Slowly, I leaned in to kiss her cheek, maybe an inch away from her lips. I really wanted to kiss her. Now more then ever but she pushed away. "He's gone!" she cleared her throat.

I looked at her for a while. "Let's do something! I suggested. "Like what?"

I looked around the beach trying to think of something to do. "We can't drink." I whispered with a curved lip. "Or smoke!" she whispered back with a smile.

"Let's just walk." I shrugged my shoulders.

She thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, let's do that." she nodded.

We didn't talk much, not that words were neccessary. The simple fact that she was there with me was enough. I didn't need anything else, just her.

She'd ask a couple of questions now and then and I'd answer them with the utmost honesty. Something I rarely did but I couldn't lie to her. It felt very wrong somehow. This crush was getting worse with each moment I spent with her.

"Have you thought about telling your parents the truth about us?"

"Yes, a lot but frankly I am sort of terrified."

"You shouldn't be scared. I think!" she added making me more nervouss.

"You already know what I think."

"Yeah, if only my parents thought the way you do. Things would be so much easier!"

Seeing that I was so down, she slighlty punched my shoulder. "Cheer up." she smiled.

I rubbed the spot acting as if it hurt. Then I smiled. "I'll tell them tomorrow." I assured.


"Thank you for letting me show you off, though!" I teased.

"Well, it's not like there's much to show off but you're welcome."

I had no idea what she was talking about, she was beautiful.

"Plus, there might be a chance for me to show you off too." she smiled wickedly. "What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"He he, we'll see." she bounced her eyebrows up and down with an amused smirk.

After a few more questions and talks about who's a better band, we decided to go back to the house.

She insisted Imagine Dragons were the best but I couldn't get out of my head that one Arctic Monkeys song. Maybe because I finally understood it.

Everyone was busy doing their own thing. Now that aunt Sophie was here, Greg couldn't say a thing.

The first thing I did was look for Adam. We didn't get a chance to talk and I wanted to now what exactly happened.

I found him upstairs out the ballcony of the spare room. He was smoking, away from mom and dad.

I sat on the chair next to his.

"Hey!" he saluted with a smile then took a drag.

"Hidding from Mason and Julia?" I teased. "Shut up, prick!" he threw the cigarette box at me.

I took one out and lit it. I almost felt sorry for smoking when Charlie couldn't because of my family.

"So," he started. "Things are going well with Charlie, I see?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she's great!" Charlie was right, this lie really is getting too far. But, I can't tell them yet. Tomorrow.

"That's good, she's a sweet girl!"

I scoffed at that. "Sweet and bitter." I corrected him. "That's what makes it a whole lot fun!" he winked at me.

Then there was silence again. I wanted to see if he had anything to say before I started questioning.

"I met someone." he took a drag. My eyes widened at the thought. I stared at him wondering if he's joking or not.

"You what?" I asked moving a little towards him. "Don't make me say it again!" he curved his lips. I smiled.

"Please just say it again." I requested. He rolled his eyes as I waited. "I met someone!"

"Are you for real?" I asked again thinking how odd this was. Ever since I have known Adam he never once talked about a girl and I knew they were many.

"Yes, I'm for real!" he made a grimace at me. "Tell me about her!" I turned to face him even better.

He rubbed his chin then smiled. "She's amazing, J!" I couldn't help a smile myself.

"She's not like the rest, she's tough and smart and gives you smart ass comebacks." his eyes shone somehow. They were different.

"Who is she?" I asked feeling a little ancxious.

He looked at me for a while before he answered. "Alison."

"Alison, hm!" I rubbed my chin as I thought how familiar that name sounded. Where did I hear that name before?

"Alison who?" I asked again.

"Alison Colson."

I knew that name. The doctor.

"Wait, Dr. Alison!?" I asked a little shocked. He nodded. "That's the one!"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "What were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't. At first I just wanted to huck up but then things went in a different direction!" he justified but I still couldn't believe it. Charlie would go mad if she knew.

"I can't believe you!" I exhaled. "It's not that big of a deal, I'm sure Charlie wouldn't mind." he shrugged.

"Yes, she would mind I mean you're not the most loyal person out there!"

"And you are?!" he rolled his eyes.

"I'm different, besides Charlie isn't really my girlfriend!" I confessed maybe a little too quick. He stared at me.

"What did you say?"

I rolled my eyes. "She's not my girlfriend I asked her to act as one so dad and mom could see how I've matured and stuff."

He was silent for a moment but then he started laughing. "You got yourself a fake girlfriend?"

"Don't tell mom and dad just yet, I'll tell them tomorrow." I said.

He held his hands up. "Hey, whatever you say. But that girl can act. Even Mason believed her!" he shook his head.

"I know!" I gasped. "It's crazy." I laughed. "So, you're just friends?" he asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"You like her, don't you?"


He took a drag.

"Tobias is watching you and her. Be carefull!" he warned.

"Are you sure?" I gulped.

"Yes, he said so himself. That son a bitch set me up as a message to you. I'll say it again, be carefull!" this time he took the effort of looking at me. I nodded.

"So, he knew I'd get you out. That's why he confessed so quickly. That prick!" my jaw clenched thinking about him.

"What did you do to anger him that much?"

I punched him because I couldn't stand the sight of him.

"Never mind that, just don't tell mom and dad about any of this. Please." I pleaded. He finished his cigar then tapped my shoulder.

"I won't as long as you promise to call me if anything bad happens."

Why was he being so nice to me?

"Why are you suddenly so supportive?" I asked.

He smiled then rubbed the back of his head. "You're my brother, I always look after you even when I know to be harsh on the words."

His words made me happy. The fact that my brother started talking so freely to me means that he is noticing how much I have changed.

"You're different, I can see it and I'm glad."

Finally, I got my brother back again. It took a while but I was glad the moment came.

"Took you long enough!" I shoved him a little teasingly.

I left him alone with his thoughts as I had to be alone with mine as well.

It was official, Charlie was in trouble because of me. Tobias is crazy enough to not bluff about stuff like this. I hated how well I knew his thrill to scare someone.

All I could think about was the promise I gave to Mr. Colson. How I had to take care of Charlie. I hopped I could.

A knock on the door interrupted my worries. Charlie came in jumping on the bed whilst I was sitting on it.

"Everyone's calling for you." she talked through the pillow.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

She was silent. "Charlie?" I called.

"When is this lie going to end?"

She was feeling the burden of it too. I knew it but I just couldn't tell them now.

"Tomorrow, I promise!"

She stood up and smiled at me. "Let's go eat some ice-cream!" she suggested. "It's 11pm, too late for that!" I gave her the eyes to which she rolled hers.

"Fine, I'll go eat it myself."

But I followed her, not that I was craving for any ice-cream, I just wanted to spend some time with her.

After eating some more junk food, we layed on the swing. I tugged her closely to myself even though it felt like she was holding back a little.

It felt nice having her that close. The silence made me able to hear her breathe and soon silently snore. She had fallen asleep on my arms again.

Soon, I did too.

No one bothered to wake us up from the swing. We had slept the entire night on it making my back ache.

The sun was shining and I felt thirsty. Charlie was still asleep.

"Charls?" I called her whispering. Nothing. "Charlie?" I called again but still nothing. "Charlie?" this time I spoke normally. She moved a little and moaned. "Wake up!" I said. She said something I couldn't comprehend then, she tried turning but with me being on the swing too, she ended up on top of me.

I heard her breathing on my neck, making it warm and tickly.

Suddenly, somehow, my brain decided to remember my conversation with Charlie's mom. The most embarrassing moment of my life. But, I don't think she saw a situation like this happening and that I would be so tempted.

While she was sound asleep, I was already fully awake. My hands, instinctively touched her hips. I was about to let them crawl a little higher but Mrs. Colson's threat rang on my mind. I pulled my hands away as fast as I could.

Charlie's POV

Some laughters woke me up from a really nice dream. I couldn't remember what it was but the feeling still remained. Something was off with the way the bed felt. It wasn't soft or straight, it was rather rocky. I felt my back hurt so I streched out my hands. After a yawn, I opened my eyes to see I was laying on top of someone. It took a moment for the shock to kick in and when it did I raised my head. Julian looked up at me amused.

"Good morning, darling!" he winked.

"Say cheese!" a flash crashed against my eyes. Brad and Caroline both had their phones up taking pictures of me. My cheeks burnt from the embareassment.

"Kill!" is all I said before getting up and chasing them.

That wasn't all that happened on that faithful morning. After a very long chase and screams we finally calmed down. I joined Julian as he was sitting with Greg and drinking.

Today he was gonna tell everyone our relationship was a lie. I wasn't so keen on lying to Julia and Mason anymore. They were good people, a little paranoid but still very good people.

"You love-birds looked really nice last night!" Greg teased as I leaned against Julian's shoulder. I didn't feel like sitting next to Greg and it was the only available seat.

"You looked nice too sneaking a few looks at us." Julian looked at him then at me. "That annoyed but I bet I could annoy you even more!" Greg half smiled as he stood up then all of the sudden gave me a smooch. I froze as Greg sat back again sattisfied with his actions.

"A drink!" Julian reached his glass of water which I took only to pour it all on top of Greg's hair. He gasped but didn't move as the water crawled down on his tshirt.

Then, Julian slapped him. He actually slapped him making the sound echo throughout the room.

"Julian?!" Sophie rushed to Greg's side as Julia and Mason rushed to ours.

"What's the matter with you?" Julia asked looking at Greg. He covered his cheek like a little girl.

"He just kissed Charlie!" Julian's jaw.clenched making me feel nervous.

"Why are you wet?" Sophie touched Greg's hair. "I poured water on him because he kissed me without any right!" I gave Greg a gaze.

Brad and Caroline walked in laughing their asses off. When they saw Julia's and Sophie's serious faces they stopped. "At least he didn't punch him!" Brad shrugged his shoulders. Julian pointed towards him with a nodd. "And broke his nose!" he added making me chuckle but I stopped it.

"Gregory, what were you thinking? You know Charlie is Julian's girlfriend?!" Sophie looked bewildered.

Hearing that, I looked at Julian who was already looking at me. He nodded and I knew what was coming.

"Actually, I need to tell you guys something!" he started and I noticed Kyle and Adam entering the room. Adam stopped Kyle from talking and they listened.

"Charlie isn't really my girlfriend." it was obvious how difficult this was for him. But it had to be done.

"I knew it!" Greg screamed pointing at Julian who rolled his eyes.

"Why did you lie to us?" Julia asked with eyes wide open. I took a sneak at Mason who appeared to be looking at me. Embarrassed, I looked down at the ground.

"Because, I wanted you guys to finally see that I am not who I was. That I was mature and very much capable of taking care of myself." he explained. Julia reached out to pet his head but he took a step back leaving Julian like a sucker.

"You all still think I am a spoiled brat and I was desperate to reach out for your high standards which are always getting higher and higher!" Julian sighed.

"Those high standards were set because you'd never leave behind the spoiled brat and get back on the right path. You were the one that set those high standards." said Mason.

"You're not blind, dad. If anything you are the best judge of character and you should have noticed the changes." Julian protested.

"I've noticed the change the day you moved and cut me off in any financial ways."

"But you still weren't convinced even after I got a job, made things right with my old friends and got my grades up." Julian was getting angry. His fists were clenched at their limit.

"And you threatened to dissown me!" he pointed at Julia whose eyes started watering.

"We're not having this conversation now!" she whispered.

Sophie took Greg and they left the room. Me, Brad and Caroline did the same.

They argued for what seemed like an eternity. I really wanted for Julian to make things right with his family. They deserved to be happy.

By the time Julian came out, the three of us had skipped from one conversation to the other.

He joined us with a sigh. "How did it go?" I asked maybe way too quickly.

"Fine, I guess. Adam was on my side this time and mom cried. We talked and made things right but Mason is still sceptical of me." he had a painful look on his face.

"Hey, give him time. Things will get better." I punched his shoulder a little. He chuckled. "So, who's ready to go home?"

I was in dessperate need of some good sleep. This was the longest weekend of my life.
