16. Jelaous much?

"Fine, you caught us." I lifted my hands in deffense. Greg's lips curved into a satisfying smile. "We're having a big fight." I rolled my eyes. "What?" his eyebrows gathered. "I mean, the guy is so stuborn." I shook my head. "Nothing gets to him when he sets his mind on something. Unbelievable." I took a smoke then shook my head again.

He chuckled then let out a smoke while I watched as his jaw tightened. "How did you get him to settle down with you?" he played with his lower lip and held the other in his pocket.

I have to be smart with this one. "I didn't do anything, we just clicked."

He scoffed. "Clicked?!" he started laughing. "Julian doesn't click, he fucks then moves on." the way he described Julian was perfect.

I faked a smile. "What are you getting at?" I asked.

"Is it the money?" he threw his cigarette after he let out the last smoke. Wow, first Mason and nor Greg. These people really have nothing but money. I laughed. "If I wanted money I'd be working my ass off, I don't like easy money!"

"Everyone likes easy money!" he protested. "If I was born in a different family maybe I would to but I wasn't so, I don't." I stated.

This guy made me even.more angrier then I was. I needed anpther smoke. With a gestured of my hand, I told him to give me another one and he did.

We heard the door slide open and turned to see who it was. As soon as I saw Julian, I jumped for some reason then I hid my cigarette right away. Why did I do that?

"What are you guys doing?" he joined us but only stared at me.

"Just talking!" Greg started playing with the pack of cigarettes making Julian notice it. He bit his lower lip then looked at me.

"Can I talk to my girlfriend in private?" he asked still looking at me. "Sure." Greg was about to leave when Julian roughlt grabbed the pack out of his hands. "Thanks, cos." he grabbed the lighter as well.

With a chuckle, Greg finally left.

As soon as he did, Julian leaned to take a sniff off me. He coughed. "I didn't know you smoked?" he asked obviously pissed at the fact. "Only when I'm angry at someone!" I gave him a glare. He rolled his eyes then let out a deep sigh. "Okay, you can go see that guy tonight. I'll make something up." he rubbed his forehead. "Actually, I was planning on going anyway." I shrugged my shoulders. He chuckled then rolled his lower lip into his mouth. He then stared at me. "Of course you did." he poked my nose then pulled out a smoke for himself. When I saw him light it up, I pulled my hidden one and smiled as I prepares for him to light it up for me. He grabbed it from my mouth. "One is enough. Move." he started pushing me from the swing as he managed to lay down with me.

He pit his hand under my head while I felt uncomfortable to pit mu hand over his chest. Instead, I kept it as away as possible.

With the side of my eye, I watched as his jaw line moved with each smoke he took making me realize how much I was attrackted to him. He reached out his cigarette. I tried my best not to blink as I placed my lips where he did. My lips shivered at the thought of kissing him.

Julian's POV

Her hand shook as she gave me the cigarette back. I was absolutely sure she felt something for me. Something she didn't want to admit. The thought of it made me happy enought to kiss her hair.

"This is a nice swing." I said holding her closer to myself.

Why did that guy have to hit on her? Damn it, I really didn't want her to see him. What if she ends up really liking him? What if I never even have a chance?

"Why did you throw the dress out the balcony?" I asked.

"Because I was furious!" her voice was almost sleepy. I started playing with her hair. Once I was done smoking, I wrapped my hands around her. "I'm sorry about that!" I whispered. She said nothing. I bowed a little only to see she fell asleep. With a smile, I closed my eyes as well.

I don't know how much time has it passed before I started hearing someone singing in a horrible voice a very loud song. I blinked twice and saw Caroline and Brad over our heads.

"Shut up!" Charlie screamed and covered her face on my chest. They didn't stop. "We're up, we're up!" I said but they still didn't stop.

I grabbed the lighter and threw it on Brad's head. "Bull's eye!" Caroline startes laughing.

"I can't believe you guys!" Charlie lifted her head sulking. "Great, now I'm dizzy!" she layed back again.

"That's what you get for smoking." Caroline poked her nose. "I only smoked one." she protested.

"Why did you even let her?" Caroline gave me a glare. I didn't know Charlie had a problem with smoke?

"Give him a rest, I took it myself. It calmed me down." Charlie explained still keeping her eyes closed.

"Come on, time to get up." Brad tapped her head twice. With a grouch, she finally stood up. I did the same and couldn't help but feel a little responcible for Charlie's dizziness.

"Ah, great." she stopped holding her back with a painful look on her face.

"You okay?" Brad walked to her. "Yeah, I just need to lay down a bit more!" she sighed then forced a smile. I noticed Caroline staring at me. When I looked at her, she gestured with her head towards Charlie.

"Kyle!" she whispered and that was my queue to get a hold of Charlie.

"Let's go, babe." I lifted her like a bride and gave Brad a glare. He nodded.

"Is everything okay?" Kyle neared us then looked at Charlie. She kept her eyes closed as she shrugged on my arms.

"Charlie is feeling a little uneasy. Imma take her to the room. See you guys later." I rushed to get away from them not trusting my acting skills.

We passed the living room when she stopped me. "Wait, wait, wait, take some cake with you!" she waved her hand towards the cake. "Let me just put you to bed first." I continued while she looked at me with puppy eyes. "I promise." I assured her.

She opened the door and I layed her on the bed. She looked even smaller when she covered herself up with the sheets.

"Why did you smoke if you can't handle it?" I asked kneeling. "It's not just that, I..." she covered her face with the sheets. "What? Are you sick or something?" I started to panick. "No, I'm perfectly healthy." she said through the cover. "Then what? Your back hurts, you want to eat cake it all sounds as if you're pregnant!"

She showed her head and started laughing. "What?!" I asked a bit confused but glad to see her happy.

"Yes, I'm pregnant and I don't know who's the father." she still laughed.

"I need to use the bathroom!" she stood up. "You need to get me that cake." she said. With a chuckle I left.

It was of utmost importance that I rush back to the room. If I knew anything, it was how to avoid people.

Charlie had been in the bed again, her face the only part she didn't cover.

"Hey, girlfriend!" I teased. "Here's your cake." I placed the plate on the nightstand. She opened her eyes and grouched. "I don't feel like eating it anymore." she gathered her lips. "It's okay, you just rest." I said. "Thanks anyway." she closed her eyes.

"If you don't feel good maybe you won't be able to meet that guy!" I shrugged my shoulders. Her eyes opened in great speed. "I am going and that guy's name is Travis." she gave me a glare. Then she smiled. "Like Travis Fimmel, so dreamy!"

"He's not that handsome!" I curved my lips in disgust. "Oh, trust me he is!" she nodded. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll let you rest." I patted her head then left the room.

She was stuborn and I hated it.

Feeling a little off, I grabbed a bear and joined Brad and Kyle over at the living room. I sat with a sigh then took a long gulp.

"How's Charlie?" asked Kyle. They were both having a drink and eating junk food.

"She's fine." I nodded. Seeing Brad without Caroline was sort of odd.

"Where's Caroline?" I asked. "She's at her room." Brad said. "You guys spent a lot of time together today. How did it go?" I took another gulp.

"Fine." he said too quickly. "Oh, who am I kidding? She's killing me with all that hard-to-get attitude. I hate it how well she knows me!" he shook his head then took a sip.

Kyle's phone started to ring. He looked at it then hung up. "Alright ladies, I am off. Take care of my house!" he pointed at me when he stood up.

"Done deal just don't get into any trouble." I teased. He made a grimace at me. "Shut up, Julian!" he threw a bag of chips at me then started walking away. "Nice, you're very mature, Kyle." I screamed so he could hear me. "So is your brother!" he screamed back and I scoffed. Just then, Brad stood up to sit nexr to me.

"What happened with Charlie? What did you fight for?" he whispered.

"We went to eat and this waitor hit on her. He invited her for a walk tonight and I said no." I explained, long story short.

"Why would you say that?" he whispered again. "Because," I looked to see if Greg was anywhere around.

"I didn't like him!" I whispered. "Frankly, he looked like a criminal or a killer!" i lifted my eyebrows. He stared at ne for a while then suddenly started laughing out loud. He went on and on and on. "Oh, my God!" he just wouldn't stop laughing.

"If you don't stop laughing I will punch you!" I threatened. He finally stopped and cleared his throat. But it didn't last long. "Sorry, it's just that you're extremly entertaining!" he laughed again. I started laughing as well only to stop right away. "I am glad you find me amusing, best friend." I gave him a glare. "Come on, dude. You're jelaous."

"I'm not jelaous!" I scoffed. Maybe a little too much.

Our conversation was interupted by Caroline's rageful enterance. It was only later on that I noticed Greg was tailing her. "Tell your freaking cousin I am not interested!" she screamed at me. With that said, Brad didn't think twice to stand up.

"Hey, I was just trying to be nice!" Gregory held his hands up with an amused smirk on his face.

"Nice? You walked in my room and asked if I had felt like having fun with you!" Caroline clarified Greg's pathetic attempt to hit it off with Caroline. He should have known better.

"Fun you said!" Brad neared his face. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, let's all calm down for a second." I stood up and stood between Brad and Greg.

"I really want to punch him!" Brad's jaw tightened. "Yes, I can see that and trust me I want to do the same thing but let's not!" I looked at Brad hopping he'd find it in his heart not to destroy anything and get me in trouble with Kyle.

"I can take you both anytime!" Greg threatened which made me look at him. "You know that's a lie because I beat you at our boxing classes. Shut up before I unleash a desperate boy who is trying to get his true love back, at you. It's not gonna be pretty." I shook my head.

Greg looked pissed. "Well, it's not like your girls are much anyway. One thinks she's a superstar," he looked at Brad and Caroline then he looked at me. "And the other is a digger!"

Okay, he just dug his own grave. With one simple swing of my fist, Greg fell on the ground. He squealed like a girl and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Charlie staring down at him. She pointed at him and let out this gooffy laugh. "You're a pussy!" she said making me scoff. This girl is unbelievable.

Greg stood up with a red cheek. "You're gonna pay for this!" he threatened looking at all of us with raging eyes. "God, we're so scared!" Charlie acted scared then laughed. Greg locked his eyes on her. "You're the worst person I have ever met!" he stated. Charlie just chuckled. "Been called worst, thank you very much."

Greg couldn't handle someone like Charlie. Words didn't put her down so easily and he was used to talkimg people down. It was his thing which was extremely pathetic.

"Get out of here, Greg-Shrek!" I said. "And keep away from my girl, prick!" Brad pointed at him.

Greg left with a hurt dignity. I really didn't care.

"You hit like a girl." Charlie teased.

"Ha, ha." I gave her a glare then smiled. "How are you feeling?" I asked as she walked to sit on the couch. "Much better!" she showed thumbs up.

"Guess who's got a date tonight!" Brad bounced his eyebrows up and down with a smirk. Charlie lifted her hand enthusiastically.

"What?" Caroline screamed. "Oh, my God! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" she squealed as she sat next to Charlie. I pluckered my lips into a line when Brad winked at me. What a bastard!

"His name is Travis and we're going on a walk tonight!" she smiled and Caroline clappes twice. "Is he hot?" she asked. Charlie opened her eyes widely and covered her face. "Very much. I can't wait for tonight!" she smiled. "Okay, let's find you an outfirlt." Caroline pulled her away from the room. When they were gone Brad was ready for another session of laughs. I pointed at him. "Shut up." he covered his mouth. "I am serious!" I threatened again.

In the next two hours the girls were.locked in a room talking and picking clothes. How important was this date? Stupid waitor had to like Charlie. I like her too and it's not like I am asking her out. She'd turn me down but whatever.

I was in so many thoughts that I didn't notice Brad throwing a ping-pong ball at me. "Concentrate, man!" he rolled his eyes obviously annoyed by me.

"Yeah, yeah!" I said serving. We started the game when we heard the girls coming down. I cleared my throat. If she's wearing make-up I will kill myself.

They called our names after they hadn't seen us in the living room or the kitchen.

"In here!" Brad screamed. They walked in the room with a ping-pong table, a TV, two couches and two desperate guys.

"Hey, I didn't know this room existed!" Caroline stated.

"Really nice." Charlie nodded. She wore skin-coloured shorts woth a white top and no make-up. Yes, she didn't wear make-up which means this is not that important.

But she still looked amazing. Maybe too amazing. Enough for that Travis to make a move. I had to keep an eye on them somehow.

"Are you ready?" I asked. "Yeah, how are we gonna do this?" she asked.

"I'll go with you just so Greg will think we're going somewhere together once he sees as from his balcony and I'll just wait for your date to end!" I tried to sound as casual as possible but I think I accented the date part too much.

"Alright, let's go." she clapped once and walked out the room. I took a deep breath before I followed her.

We walked barefoot on the sand. She was surprisingly quiet it was killing me.

"I'm sorry about Greg." I just wanted to say something.

"It's okay, you know those things don't get to me." she smiled.

Again, we spoke nothing. She stopped me as soon as we set our eyes on the restaurant. She didn't want Travis to see us together. With a fake smile I agreed. What else could I do damn it.

I sat near the shore letting the cool water hug my legs. I always enjoyed this place, even when I was little.

After half an hour I took the liberty of laying down and listen to some music. Listening to Arctic Monkeys wasn't the best decision I had made that night. I was growing imaptient with each hour that passed.

After two more hours I decided it was getting way too late. With a wild imagination I rushed to find Charlie. I had finally gotten a sight of two shadows. It was definitely Charlie and that guy. I neared and neared and then I saw him lean in to steal a kiss. My heart was about to explode from anger. The bastard just kissed her.
