6. A Lady for a day

Charlie's POV

"Wait, could you say that again?" I asked still not fully awake. I think I heard Julian ask me to be his girlfriend, for a day??

"I need for you too be my girlfriend for tonight. Just for tonight." he said again.

I really didn't have the patience to consider anythin at that moment. "If I say yes can I go back to sleep?" I asked.

"Works for me." as soon as he said that I hung up. I threw my phone on the ground and placed my head on my pillow with no intention to get it back up for a while.

~The sun fell on my face making it's warmth wake me up in a friendly matter. I streched as much as I could feelin as if this might be a better day then I thought. After a few seconds of staying in one place I looked at my phone to see it was 1 pm. After another strech I decided to get up. I was feeling a little hungry.

When I got down I was so happy to see mom made chicken and potatos. But that wasn't the best part, she made a Chess cake as well. She was running around the kitchen all day. That's when I remembered. My sister was coming home for the weekend.

Gracie was on her last year of college. She is mostly like Alison, flawless in every sense of the word. Always a good student, elegant, beautiful and stuff. I really don't know how I got all the bad things from the family but I blame uncle Richard.

When Gracie arrives, everything is already set. We eat lunch all together. Dad always takes a day off from his shop everytime she comes to town. Jokes are all around and of course, they are all on my account. That's until I bring up the attention on Gracie and her relationships which are currently none.

She gives me a hateful look while mom starts talking about boys and how Mrs. Daphnee has a gorgeous nephew. It's hilarious, really.

Once we ate lunch I was glad to push Gracie in washing the dishes while I enjoyed the comfort of my room. I decided to listen to some music. Chester Bennington's voice was magical. As I kept on lieing on my bed free of my worries, I remembered something. My eyes open wide as it comes back to me. I agrees to be Julian Taylors girlfriend.

Julian's POV

I run to see Charlie as soon as she arrives at the hospital. Her face changer the minute she saw me. "You?!" she pointed at me. "Are you crazy or something?" she added looking pretty pissed. "No backing down now." I warned. She got more angrier. "Hell yes. Go dind some barbie to do what you have in mind. I know you have plenty waiting." she started walking towards Alison's office. "I can't ask any off those girls. Half of them will get the wrong idea and the other half will start planning our wedding day." I said in one breath. "Plus, I won that game last night." I pointed out. This made her stop. "It was a stupid game which I think Caroline missgudged because I know Caroline way better then you." she let a breath out of her nose.

"If you do this one thing I will do anything you want. Anything." A great favor asks for great sacrifice.

"God damn it." she cried then sulked. "What do I have to do?" she finally let go. "Yes." I held my fist up. "Okay, so my cousins birthday is today and she is having a party on which all of my family is invited too. I can't go by myself. Not now that I've told my mother and father that I am getting more serious and stuff." I explained. "Wow, I'd hate to be you." she acted sad. I gave her a gaze. "If anyone is childish here then it's you." I said. She chuckled. "I at least don't have to lie to my parents. They already know I'm a child." she continued her walk.

"Wait..." I stepped in front of her. "Once you're done with work lets meet at Brad's and Caroline's room." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Fine, just let this nightmare be over with." she said pushing me slightly and then walked inside Alison's office.

Igonnoring her words, I continued to see Bonnie. Something caught my eye. I noticed this little girl who was two rooms away from Bonnie's. She was with this woman who I presummed was her mother. They were laughing so hard I noticed the woman started crying. But soon, I realized they weren't tears of joy. She said something to the girl while forcing a snile then stood up.

The little girl hugged this stuffed dog as her laughter fadded from her face. Suddenly, she looked my way. With joy, she waved at me. I waved back with a smile. She was beautiful.

~Charlie came as soon as her shift was over. By that time I explained everything to Brad and Caroline.

"She won't make it." Brad was quick to judge. "Sure she will. Caroline will help her find her inner girl." I insisted. "I can't even convince her to put some lip gloss on let alone act like some snob. This is Charlie we're talking about?!" Caroline exclaimed. "Who is standing right here!" Charlie said gesturing herself.

"Please guys. I really need your help." I pleaded. Caroline lookes at me for a second then at Charlie then at Brad. After he nodded she rolled her eyes. "Fine." she finally let go. "Thank you." I stood up and gave them both a kiss in the forehead. "Okay, I have everything ready. I got the dress, you will also have to learn how we met and stuff which I have in Bonnie's room. Wait here." I rushed outside. I grabbed the dress and the paper after giving Bonnie a small kiss in the cheek.

"Here." I said handing Charlie the paper. She took it and started reading to herself.

Caroline grabbed the box and opened it to reveal a white dress with a lace upper torsso, and a golden belly-belt. It was long just above the knees.

"Wow, I didn't think you had this much taste!" Caroline said getting up and walking slowly towards Charlie. She was too occupied with the paper to even notice Caroline chexking the dress on her. "I think it fits." she said while tilting her head.

"Charlie, go try it so we can see how it looks on you." she said while CHarlie grabbed it with a nod still looking at the paper.

"Do you have heels?" Caroline asked when Charlie was gone. "Yes, at Bonnie's and a bag." I said as I took another run to her room then back with some white heels and a bag with white and gold.

"Good, they're gorgeous." she smiled.

"Holly shit?!" Charlie came in screaming making us all jump.

She stood there smiling with the dress on her. She looked amazing. "I look sooo thiiiin!" she started laughing while turining around a few times.

"Holly shit!" Brad let out a silent scoff. "I know." Charlie laughed again.


Around 8 pm I went to pick her up from the hospital. It's the only place Caroline could dress her properly.

I walked out the car as soon as I saw her coming out. Now that she had the heels on and everything. She lookes even better. The plain and average Charlie actually looked incredible. Her make-up was perfect. Not too much or too little and her hair had better curls then usual. They looked like dark waves of a never-ending ocean. I was not making a mistake when I asked her for this.

Charlie's POV

Hotty-alert, Julian in a suit was a complete success. The guy looked like some kind of model or something. Damn kid, you're not making this any easier.

"Wow!" he said gesturing to me. "I know." I teased. He scoffed. After an awkward moment of silence he finally opened the door to his car. I walked in with the determination ti endure every little pain my feet will suffer from these gorgeous heels.

While we got there, Julian kept asking me over and over again about how we met, how we started dating and for how long. I memorized everyting with no trouble. He looked really nervous thus making me feel the same.

"Okay, here we are." he said stopping the car in front of a huge mansion that I could see in movies only. I opened the door and couldn't help but gasp. The mansion was white with a beautiful garden which was, at this time of day full of lightbulbs. "Wow." I let out a scoff. "I know." he nodded. "Dude, you're such a snob!" I chuckled while he gave me a gaze. "Thanks, that's really kind of you." he said sarcastically. "Aw, don't be like that, honey." I grabbed his hand acting all goodie-goodie. he shook his head. "This is not going to work." he thought out loud. "Hey, I happen to be a very good actress." I pointed at myself. "My family happens to be very hard to please." he said after a deep breath.

"Listen, It's going to be fine." I assured him witha smile. He looked at me with gathered eyebrows and finally nodded with a smile. "Okay, now, let's do this." I said.

A butler walked us in of what seemed a modern day castle. I'm pretty sure this is where Cinderella would be living if she was alive at this time of century.

The silent music was heard from the other room. I took a sneak at Julian only to see his expression turn in his usual calm and confident self. With a blink of an eye, he was completely different.

He opened the door to reveal people in suits and dresses drinking cocktails and talking to each other.

"Let the party begin." he whispered to my ear with a half smile.

"Well, well, well..." this man with gorgeous teeth and loud voice came to us. He opened his arms wide and Julian jumped in. "My little brother." the man said making me open my eyes wide. They looked nothing alike. He was better looking then Julian, that's for sure.

"And who is this?" he asked looking at me from head to toe. "Adam, meet Charlie, my g-girlfriend." Julian cleared his throat. I imagined it was even weirder to say it then to hear it.

"Congratulations." he kissed my arm while holding my gaze. "Yep, he got really lucky." I half smiled. Adam and Julian both chuckled making the wrinkles beside their eyes appear. Now, that's something in common. "I like you." Adam pointed at me.

"Is mom and dad here?" Julian asked. "Yes, they're talking to Hailey there." Adam pointed backwards. Julian took a look. "Come on, let me introduce you." Julian reached his hand towards me. With my best fake smile I nodded and held his hand.

"Mrs. Taylor?" he called a woman with long blonde hair and this red dress that pictured her figure flawlessly. She turned to reveal a pair of bright blue eyes and puffy red lips. It looked as if she was a girl not a woman. "Mr. Taylor?" she smiled. "Oh, you mean this grumpy old man standing next to you?" he pointed at a tall man with black hair and lips just like Julian's. "Julian, your father is a sweetheart." the woman whispered while holding the man's waist making him chuckle. "People might believe you, Julia." he teased making us all laugh.

"Who is this?" asked the woman once she saw me. "Right..." Julian turned to me. "Julia, Mason meet Charlie, my girlfriend." he said smiling. "Girlfriend?" they both asked at the same time.

"Wow, is it that hard to believe?" I asked with a half smile. They both exchanged looks. "I can't believe this day has come." Julia gasped while holding her chest. Mason lloked at me for a little longer. "I feel like I know you from somewhere?" he said. "Yes, you might have seen her around the hospital. She and Bonnie are good friends." Julain explained. "That's right, Charlie." Julia said in revelation. "My mother can't stop talking about you." we shook hands. "I hope she doesn't insult me too much." I said. "No, she really likes you. She sais you're the only person there that can make her day." Julia smiled. "Yeah, she isn't so bad herself." I nodded making them chuckle. "It's nice to meet you, Charlie." Mason reached his hand and I shook it. "You too."

"So, how long have you two been going out?" asked Julia. "Today is actually our first month." Julian grabbed my waist. I gave a smile. "I like the sound of that, son." Mason smiled proudly. He exchanged looks with Julia. They looked pretty pleased.

In the next fifteen minutes I met Hailey, the birthday girl. She was amazing. Her parents were nothing like her. She was cheerful and kind while they were a bit closed. I also met Julian's other cousin, Kyle. Now, he was interesting. Much like Julian when it came to women.

We sat on the small bar in the room, everyone else either stood on foot or sat on three different couches and several chairs. The birthday girl had to keep a speech.

"Thank you all for coming." she held a glass of champaigne, just like everyone else but me and Julian. At one point, Julian pointed out how the waitors never offered us liquor. It was all his fathers doing. I think I would have done the same with my kid, like Mason did with Julian. But, I think because Mason didn't trust Julian, it made him more determined to prove his father wrong.

"It's always glad to become a year older." everyone chuckled. "But it's really great when we get together like this. It makes us look kind of less crazy." again they chuckled. "I have some good news, Samuel grew a hair on his head." sh said pointing at the baldest person in the room. Everyone laughed at him, one wacked his head. "I can still see my reflection." Kyle teased.

"And, Jenna and Paul got engaged." Hailey pointed at a young couple. Everyone gasped and smiled. "But, most importantly, Julian got a girlfriend." she pointed to us making everyone cheer. "Uncle Mason, finally one of your sons grew up and ironically, it's the little one." everyone started laughing. These people weren't so bad after all. "Adam is unfortunately still in the delusion that he is in high school." Hailey added. She knew how to entertain everyone very well.

"Okay, okay." she calmed them down. "Over all, let's just have a good night. As for the ones who joined us recently, please don't judge us too harshly." Hailey winked at me and raised her glass. I nodded with a smile.

"Happy birthday!" everyone screamed and drank.

After five minutes or so, Kyle interupted me and Julian. "So, are you kids having fun?" he asked grabbing Julians shoulder. "Hey, don't be shy cous, you can give her a kiss now and then." he teased making me gulp. "Shut up, Kyle." Julian punched his shest slightly and he started laughing. "Sorry, sorry." he said. "Uncle Mason want's to talk to you. I'll keep your lady some company while you're gone." he said. Julian took a look at Mason, then he looked at me nervously. "It's fiine." I gave him a sweet smile. He gave it back and off he was.

"I am really interested, how did you manage to get him in a relationship? How on Earth did you change him?" he asked sitting on Julian's chair. This question wasn't on the paper Julian gave me. I had to think on this one. I took a look at Julian as he laughed with his father. It was obvious all Julian wanted was to make him proud. Mason was the reason why Julian changed.

"I think he was already changed when we met. I think someone influenced him more then something like a girlfriend ever could." I looked at Kyle. He took a look at Julian as well and for a moment looked thoughtful.

:That kid did lots of stuff he regretts. When he was 17 all he did was sleep around with girls, get drunk, get high, arrested. In two years, he became someone completely different." he sounded as serious as he looked. "When I was 19 I never had that person to have that influence on me." he pointed towards Mason. "Growing up as a rich kid tends to spoil you. But Julian changed, he even has a job." he scoffed. "All these people in this room never had to work a day in their lives until they finished college. Julian is still in high school and pays his own rent and everything." Kyle rubbed his face in a tired way then looked at me with a smile. "He is a really good guy even if he sometimes sounds like me." he pointed at him self with a half smile.

I looked at him for a while. Some thoughts twirled around my head as I tried to get two and two together. He is a really good guy even if he sometimes sounds like me. There was something about that that made me uneasy. Then, it hit me.

"It was you." I said. His eyes lit up in surprise. "Excuse me?" he asked confused. "You were the previous influence. The one that led him to drugs and girls?" I asked this time more clearer. Kyle's face changed completely. His eyes were empty, lifeless and dark. I was staring at the maker of Julian's bad boy version.
