24. Not holding back

Julian's POV

I saw everyone. My family, friends, not that I was complaining or anything. It was nice to see them but the only person that I really did want to see never came to see me.

The first day I woke up, my head was achin immensly. I fell asleep after two or so hours. I tried to stay awake as much as I could but I just couldn't. My body was too tired.

The fourth night I couldn't sleep. I took the time to think about Charlie. Now I knew everything. Going back, I understood why was Charlie always so carefull around me. Why she was always so mean and angry all the time. I knew now why she had so many walls up.

In a way I was like Jonathan. A bad boy with lots of girls chassing us but none of them meaning anything. They were all just fun and not to keep me bored. Yes, I liked the attention but I always knew it wasn't who I really was. I just went with the flow and never bothered saying no to none of them.

But then along came Charlie. I never saw her coming. Now I can't stop thinking about her. I had to see her at any cost. I wanted to know why she never came?

She works here so it's not much of a trouble. I was convinced she would never not want to see me. We have a connection whether she liked it or not. Why didn't she come to see me?

Unless she was stopped by someone. Or maybe she blamed herself about what happened to me.

It must be the second.

Before sleep finally caught up to me, I had decided to tell Charlie about my feelings.

The next day both Caroline and Brad came to visit me. This was my chance to find out something about Charlie.

"Why are you only two? You're supposed to be three!" I sulked leaning backwards with my arms folded like a little kid. I couldn't help my dissapointment.

"Nice to see you too, dear friend!" Brad smiled widely as they neared my bed.

"Aw, missing someone?"Caroline made a pair of puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes then sighed.

"Seriously, where is she?" I asked.

They both exchanged looks. None of them spoke which made me mad. What the hell was going on?

"What's wrong?" I asked grabbing a fistfull of my blanket.

"She just doesn't want to see you!" Brad shrugged his shoulders. I couldn't believe something like that. My brain couldn't process it.

"What do you mean by that?"

"We got into an argument yesterday because she refused to come and see you. Ever since then, she hasn't been talking to us properly!" Caroline explained obviosuly feeling hurt.

"I don't understand!"

"Neither do we. You know how stubborn she is when she sets her mind at something. She's ignoring me so I can't talk much sense to her. Caroline tried to talk but she changed the subject!" Brad was too very hurt by Charlie's actions. There was something wrong. I could feel it in my gut.

"Well, I am even more stubborn. If she doesn't want to see me then she won't. I'm gonna need my phone." I told them. They both chuckled.

"Mason has got it on lock. You know that!" Brad shrugged.

I knew it very well but I had to try asking them. I needed my phone more then ever.

"Damn it!" I cursed rubbing my chin and taking a minute to think. I wanted a rational explanation for Charlie's behavior. If I wasn't going to see her soon then I at least had to hear her voice.

"Well, I," Caroline started then looked at both of us with an amusing grin. "I happen to own a crappy phone that may come very usefull to you." she laughed then bounced her eyebrows up and down. That's it. I could call Charlie.

"Yes, that's a great idea. Can you bring it today?" I wasn't gonna wait for any longer.

"You're awfully eager to talk to her!" Caroline looked at me suspiscious. I might as well and tell her if I was gonna tell Charlie.

"I have a crush on her." I simply stated.

"Wow, what a shocker!" she widdened her eyes with a smile.

"You knew?!" both me and Brad said in unison. She scoffed.

"You and Charlie are very much alike it's impossible not to be attrackted to each other."

I leaned forward, curiosity kicking in. "Did she say anything?" I asked.

She sighed then gave me a glare. "Listen Julian, you're dealing with a girl that listens to reason more then her heart. It's not gonna be a walk in a park with her. You're gonna have to up your game. Now that you know what happened with Jonathan, you should know that if you hurt her in any way, shape or form, I will destroy you!" she didn't blink, or shake her voice. I believed her completely.

"In some ways, she is too good for you. In some other ways, you are too good for her." Brad thought out loud then put his hand around Caroline's shoulder. They both looked worried.

"What if you end up hurting each other?" he asked after giving Caroline a small kiss on her head.

That took me a minute to think. They had every reason to worry. But, I changed for my family, I can change for Charlie too. I know I can because that is how much I want her.

"Anyways, we're gonna go and fetch that phone." Brad broke the silence.

"Make sure Mason or Julia don't see you!" I warned as they walked out the room.

I waited for the next hour like a freaking fangirl about to meet her favourite band members. They were taking far too long and it was killing me.

The moments when I didn't think about how slow those two were, I took the time to think about what to say to Charlie. What can I say?

A lot of stuff, I guess. I wished I could just see her. Maybe even hug her or something. This distant thing was destroying me from within.

I felt everything at one time. Anger, dissapointment, frustration, annoyance, impatience. I hated waiting more then anything.

Now that I think about it, patience is something I am going to need with Charlie. And I planned on having it but for now, I just wanted to talk to her.

After a few more minutes, Brad and Caroline finally came back. I practically jumped out of bed which made me dizzy.

"Finally!" I sighed leaning backwards and trying my best to hide my sudden headache.

"Sorry, couldn't find it that easily." Caroline laughed while Brad rolled his eyes.

"Well, where is it?" I reached out my hand.

"Due to heavy security behind that door, Caroline found a great place to hide it." Brad gazed her with a tired look. She rolled her eyes then reached her hand up her collar. She searched her bra while biting her tounge. Her eyes widened once she finally got a hold of the phone. She pulled it out with a smile.

"Told you it'll work!" she gave Brad a seductive smile and a wink.

He was clearly annoyed.

I took the phone. "Thank you so much. I could kiss you if your boyfriend wasn't so scary right now!" I teased and Brad just glared at me. Caroline smiled then pushed her slightly. He finally smiled himself lightening the atmosphere.

Soon enough, they left.

Mom was constantly in my room talking about things that I didn't pay much attention to. The only thing I did find alarming was how she changed the subject when I mentioned something about Charlie.

I was having such a bad headache that I couldn't even say a thing to her. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up I felt even worse. But I was glad that no one was around. For a minute, I looked up at the ceiling holding the headache as I felt it slowly fade away.

Night had fallen making me feel even more bitter. There I was thinking about this one girl who probably doesn't want anything to do with me. More then ever I felt like I should tell her everything. I had to get things straight. No more stalling.

I reached my hand under the pillow to grab the phone Caroline and Brad gave me. I checked the clock. It said 00:54 pm. It was late but I had to call her. Maybe she wasn't asleep yet.

The phone rang and rang and rang. It rang one more time then she finally picked up.

Charlie's POV

"What?!" I screamed once I answered. I found myself surrounded by books after I had fallen asleep still studying. Damn, I didn't even change my clothes yet.

"Nice to finally hear from you. Even if it is through the phone!"

I knew that voice. I knew that voice way too well.

"Hello!" he said breaking me from my trans. "Ah," I pushed all the books off my bed and stood up standing. What do I even say to him? Where the hell did he get a phone?

"You don't want to see me, you don't want to talk to me! What's wrong with you? Or me?"

I should talk, I should really say something.

"Come on, say something!" he pleaded. With a gulp I finally talked.

"Hi!" I simply said.

"That's all? I guess it's all I'll get from you!"

"Julian, you should be resting!" I sighed then collapsed in my bed covering my eyes with the back of my hand. I felt a slight headache but hearing Julian made it all seem so irrelevant.

"And she cares!" I could hear a chuckle. "I have been resting but you wouldn't know, would you?"

I felt a lump in my throat. It didn't go away even after I swallowed.

"Julian, I," what do I say? I can't work behind Mason's back. It would be too wrong. Not as wrong as Mason and Julia trying to dictate Julian's life but still wrong for my level of moral.

"Say it." he demanded.

"I've been busy lately so," I stopped to take a deep breath. "I..." nothing came out anymore.

"Studying? That's nice. I could tutor you. It's not like I'm the worst student out there." he teased and it worked. He made me chuckle.

"Come on, you study as much as I do!" I scoffed.

"Nope. My grades are way better then yours." he protested.

"I find that hard to believe." I insisted.

"Try me?" he challenged.

I grabbed a book from the floor. It was History. I had a project to work on a historical personality from the ancient world.

"Who was the father of strategy?" I asked.

"Tricky question!" he thought out loud. "See, I know that but you don't." I felt a little sattisfied by that.

"It was Hannibal. And he was called the father of strategy by Napoleon. Because of his very clever strategies even Romans used them because they were expertly efficient. Should I continue?" he asked. I felt betrayed and annoyed by his cleverness. Since when did he start learning about freaking Hannibal?

"Don't tell me you thought about Hannibal Lecter?!" he teased. I rolled my eyes. "No, I didn't. I know that one is a fictional character, smart-ass!"

He laughed. "Good. This means you're not that dumb!"

"I still don't believe you actually study!"

"I'm not your average teenager that cares only about the opposite sex and parties. I know stuff. Maybe I'm an alien."

"You're not that cool!" I shrugged.

"True. I wish I was though!" he said.

"That would have been really awesome!" I half smiled. I heard him laugh. Once he stopped there was silence.

My stomach twirled. That small moment of happiness I felt fadded away because I knew he was going to ask for an explanation.

I couldn't provide him with one. In fact, I couldn't provide him with anything.

"Please, tell me why haven't I seen you for almost a week?"

Think of something, anything, Charlie. It felt like my brain stopped functioning. Instead, I felt my eyes water but I tried my hardest to stop the tears. I didn't want him to hear my pathetic sobs.

"I already told you!" I cleared my throat. I shouldn't say anything more.

"Then come tomorrow." he said.

"I can't!" I answered way too fast but I didn't care.

"You're killing me." he exhaled.

I wish I could explain myself but I couldn't. I simply couldn't. And I hated my weakness to stand up to Mason.

"I'm sorry."

"There is something really important I want to talk to you about. You have to come tomorrow. Please!" he pleaded again. How do I refuse him? No, I had to be strong.

"There's nothing much to talk about. You already know everything there is to know about me. I'm not that interesting anymore." I shrugged with a deep breath. That heavy feeling in my stomach got even heavier.

"Something happened, didn't it? Something that made you distant from me. Whatever or whoever it was, don't... just don't, Charlie."

The first tear started falling. I wipped it off but the other was too quick and soon I was crying. Silently.

"I have t..." my voice fadded. I covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear my sob.

"Don't you want to see me?"

God, if he only knew. How much I wanted to hug him and kiss him. How much I just... wanted him.

"I didn't stick around you just because I thought you were interesting. I sticked around because I think you're the most amazing person I have ever met. And I really, really want to see you. Tomorrow. I don't care if you have to go against the entire freaking world. I. have. to. see. you.!"

With this, my voice slipped. I let out a sob which I couldn't hold back.

"Okay!" I nodded as if he could see me. He was silent for a while. I closed my eyes so tightly and let the last tears fall from them.

"Good, I'll see you after school then?"

I gulped just to get my voice working properly. "Yeah!" I smiled excited by the fact that I'll see him. It's been so long since I've talked to him and hearing his voice now got me into thinking. I missed him so much.

"You probably want to sleep now." he said. I bit my lower lip. "Not really. If you want we can talk a little?" I suggested surprised by my own boldness.

"I'd love that!" I heard a chuckle.

With that said, I covered myself up, turned to my good side with my phone on my ear all the time.

"So, what have you been doing these days?" he asked.

"I wasn't lying when I told you I studied!" he was so sceptical of me. Well, I wouldn't believe myself either but the fear for my future kicked in my bones after my little talk with Mason.

Although I didn't want to admit it was because of him that I started taking this school thing a little more seriously, I owed to myself a little bit of pure honesty. Myself and Julian. This crush thing had to be said. I had to be fried from the burden of it.

"Really? You, studying? It just doesn't sound right!"

"Get used to it. I'm sort of tired of being the black sheep of the family." I rolled my eyes to the title. Even if it was deffinitively most accurate.

"That makes two of us!" he sighed.

"Maybe we're not as black as we think!" I chuckled.

"Maybe we're gray!" his voice sounded as if he had had a revelation. It made me smile to myself.

"Grey is not that bad."

"When you think about it, grey is not bad at all. I mean Dorian's last name was Grey. He was pretty cool. Forever young and stuff."

There was only one person who could ever think of some book character while having a random conversation. Myself. But I guess I wasn't the only one.

"Yes, and Christian Grey isn't too bad either." I teased.

"Hey, hey, let's not get any ideas here, okay!" he laughed making me do the same.

"Oh, I saw this movie last night..."

Julian's POV

We talked for another hour. I noticed from her voice she was getting tired. I asked her but she insisted we continued on talking. It made me happy and smile unpurposely.

Once she hung up, I tried my best to sleep. I did at some point but by then the sun had already started to dawn.

Some wrambling and shuffling woke me up. I opened my eyes to see my mom uncovering a vase with daisy flowers. She looked better then before. Her cheeks were red and her eyes livelier. I was glad about that.

Just as I was about to say something, a rough yet gentle voice stopped me. "Is he still asleep?!" dad whispered. I closed my eyes immediately without even knowing why.

"Yes, keep quiet!" mom whispered back. I heard his footsteps nearing and he stopped next to where mom was standing.

"What are you doing?" asked mom as I heard a cup being pulled out of something. Soon, I felt a edge against my forehead then I realized he was drawing on it.

I opened my eyes and made his eyes widen once he saw I was awake.

"Oh," he pulled the marker away and closed the cup. "He's awake." he looked dissapointed.

"A higly educated man thinks of drawing with a marker on his sons forehead after he woke from a coma. Classy, padre!" I showed thumbs up. Mom chuckled as she tried to wippe it off.

"I had to pay you back for scaring us like that!" he shrugged.

"What were you gonna write anyway?" I asked as mom gave up on it.

"Loser, all capital letters by the way!" he looked amused and proud. I covered my face and shook my head. "You're not as cool as you think!" I said.

He scoffed. "I am actually very cool." he protested. Mom shook her head as well.

As they talked on about something, I thought about Charlie's visit that was gonna happen...

What time was it again?

"Hey, what time is it?" I interrupted their conversation.

Dad looked at his wrist watch.

"Around 2pm. Why?" he asked.

She should be here by now. I can't believe I slept so long.

"Expecting someone?" mom asked boucing her eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Charlie." with the mention of her name they both exchanged looks. It was really odd, now that I thought about it.

"I said Charlie, not Gregory!" I eyed them suspiciously.

"Did she say she was coming?" asked mom. "After I begged her like a kid begs for candy!"

They looked at each other again.

"When did you talk to her?" asked dad.

"With a phone last night." I explained. Dad looked at me like I did something wrong.

"Where did you get a phone?" I felt like I was being interrogated for a crime or something.

"It's just a phone. Don't get all possessive all of the sudden. Besides, I want to see her."

"What is it about this girl anyway? You can find some other ones. Better and prettier." mom looked at me with puppy eyes but she only made me angrier.

"You both like her and you know it. If you are the reason she hasn't visited me then we're nowhere near in fixing things between us." I warned. My words had a greater impact on my mom then my dad but I didn't care.

Just as dad was about to say something, Adam entered with a loud greeting.

"Hello, dear family members!" he laughed making us all glare at him.

"What a lovely day, isn't it?" he clapped once smiling widely.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I half smiled.

"Just happy for no appearent reason and look who's come to see you, little brother?" he gestured towards the door as I saw a short girl with black curly hair holding tigtly onto a school bag and very red cheeks. I could have grinned from ear to ear if only my parents weren't there.

I could see confusion in Adam's eyes as he noticed our parents staring at her then at each other.

He gave me a look and I gestured him with my hands to get them both out. He cleared his throat.

"Mom, Dad, I think Bonnie wants to talk to both of you about something!" he pointed towards the door.

"Is she okay?" asked Mom as they both started walking near him. "Let's go find out." Adam patted Charlie's back then pushed mom and dad out.

She gave him a glare but he just winked. Once the door was closed, Charlie faced me with a grin.

"You look awfull!" she pointed like a little kid. I rolled my eyes then sat on my bed. "That's not something you should be telling me."

She neared me. "Oh, you're much sensitive now, I see!" she took of her bag and unzipped it. I brought you something!" she pulled out an apple and handed it over with a wide smile. I took the apple only to stare at it for a while. "An apple?" I asked with raised eyebrows. She nodded. "It's good for you. Eat it!" she demanded. "I don't feel like it." I shrugged. "Just one bite." she pleaded. Yes, I was hungry but not for an apple. Maybe some juicy chicken sandwich or some pie. With a sigh, I took a bite of the apple. "Happy?" I said with my mouth full. She nodded. "Very!"

I put the apple on a counter then faced her again. She pulled out something more from the bag. "Adam said you're gonna need this!" she gave me my lap-top. I grabbed it.

"Isn't he thoughtfull!" I rolled my eyes. She chuckled as she pulled out something more from her bag.

"You didn't think I'd bring just and apple, did you?" she grinned as my eyes widened at the sight of a croassant with nutella. She knew I loved that stuff.

"Oh, this is much better then apples." I took the plastic bag and took a sniff off it. It smelled heavenly. The food here was too tasteless.

She put down her school bag and I put down the croassant.

"You said you had something important to tell me. What is it?" she was too far away from me. I tilted my head thinking about her lips again.

"First, tell me what did Mason and Julia tell you?" I didn't like this distance she kept.

"Nothing. Why?" she cleared her throat. She was lying.

"I know they said something. Don't listen to them. They're getting old." I smiled. "I think they're pretty awesome!" she nodded but I shook her head.

Scenes from that night flashed in my brain. I knew Charlie. I had the explanation behind her behaviour but now I wanted her other side.

"I'm really sorry about that night, if I had known I..."

"It's fine really, I should be the one to apologize." she gestured towards me.

"No, don't be crazy. This was all me. I just hope there is something I could do to help!" I insisted.

"There's nothing. I deal with this on my own, like I always have."

She was so stubborn but so was I. I wanted her to open up to me. Why wouldn't she?

"Yes, but I really think we should talk about it."

She rolled her eyes. "Seriously, it's fine!"

"Charlie, ple..."

The gap between us dissapeared once she took that one step, her hand behind my head and her lips against mine. She kissed me just to shut me up. And I didn't care.
