18. Losing my head

"How did this happen?" I asked dor the thousandth time. By now everyone was awake and in the living room. Greg had finally been able to wash off the black marker.

"I told you, they caught him dealing with a city gang!" Kyle rolled his eyes obviously tired of me.

"Do you know the name of the gang?" I asked not stopping my right-and-left walk.

"Black Ace." he said. "What doeas it matter?" he added.

My nerves kicked in and I couldn't help but throw against the wall the remote control with a roaring scream.

"Julian, you know them?" asked Brad holding tightly to Caroline. Charlie on the other hand was all alone looking even smaller then she was.

"Yes, it's Tobias's gang!" I looked at Charlie. She looked at the ground trying to hide the small fear she felt towards Tobias. I didn't blame her.

"That guy!" Brad sighed then rubbed the back of his head. I knew he hated him just as much as I did.

"Did Mason call yet?" I asked Kyle. He shook his head. I couldn't wait anymore. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number then walked outside the porch.

It rang five times before he answered.

"Hello?" his voice was even harsher then I remembered.

"Dad, how's Adam?" I asked impetiantly.

"We're waiting for Mr. Green. But so far it looks bad."

"Did he really do it?" I asked scared of the answer even if I did know it.


His answer was quick and simple. Like always.

"Looks like you're not the black sheep of the family anymore!"

My heart felt as if it was about to explode. I wanted to rip it off of my chest and throw it to the dogs so that I could never feel the pain his words caused me.

"Forget about your reputation and get your son out of prison because he didn't do it." I was angry. At him, at Adam and at myself.

"I will. But don't expect me to believe in his innocence. Not after what I experienced with you." wasn't he charming.

"Adam is not me. We are not the same. You can expect me to lie to you but if Adam tells you he didn't do it then believe him." I explained. It felt like every word I said cost me my soul.

"Your mother is coming there with your Aunt. Behave." that's all he said and hung up.

I seriously needed a punching bag. This wasn't happening. How could Adam be so stupid!

There was only one person that could answer my questions but I couldn't bring myself to call Tobias. Not even for my brother.

Angry at my weakness, I turned to walk in the house when I saw Charlie standing there. She looked worried.

"Did you find out anything?" she asked after a gulp. "According to my father, it's bad." I put my phone back in my pocket.

"It's going to be okay. I'm sure of it!" she assured me with a forced smile.

"I know because he didn't do it. He must have been framed." I thought out loud.

"About that guy..." she stopped as if it was hard for her to talk.

"You're not gonna call him, right?"

I knew she was scared of Tobias and I hated it. I didn't want her to be affected at all by my past. I was angry at myself right now but I had to keep calm.

"No." I lied.

I watched as relief overwhelmed her body which made me happy. Even if it is because I lied to her.

"It's going to be fine. Just like you said." I smiled then gave her a kiss on the forehead.

I really didn't expect for her arms to wrap around my waist and hug me. At first I froze but realizing how rare these moment will be with Charlie, I hugged her back.

It was a surprise that calmed me down a little. I wish there were more of these.

After one tight squeeze, she parted from me.

"Let's get inside!" I suggessted and she nodded, grateful I interrupted this awkward situation.

Three hours had passed and Mason handn't called not once. I started losing my mind.

By that time my mother and aunt Sophie came. Mom was a wreck, even more then when I was doing these crazy stuff.

With a full house, the opportunity to be alone hasn't shown itself to me. Growing imaptient with each passing second, I stood up from the couch ignoring my mothers and Kyle's looks. As I walked out, I noticed Charlie near the fridge trying to make something to eat, something she had to do as my girlfriend. She grabbed a knife and cut herself while trying to cut a tomato. She quickly sucked the blood ignoring the pain. I really wanted to help her but I just had to do something first.

I went to the game room then took out my phone. It took me about a minute to finally start typing the number.

One digit, two digits...

The number I was about to call, was calling me back. After adjusting some apps and settings I was ready to talk. With a deep breath, I answered.

"Hello?" my voice wasn't shaking. Good.

"Julian, my friend, how's life treating ya?" I heard him chuckle.

"You son of a bitch, what did you do?" I tried to keep my calm but it was futile.

"Wow, easy on the words, man. I don't like people talking about my mother!"

"You don't even know who your mother is. Now spit it out, what do you want?" I clenched my jaw when I heard him laugh.

"First of all, Adam was framed, by me of course." he laughed again.

"Second of all, this is not the end. I plan on having lots of fun with your girlfriend!" a laugh again.

My hands started shaking, I had just involved Charlie in something I didn't want to.

"LIsten, you psychopath. We've known each other for a long time so you know perfectly well how I get when people screw with me." I threatened.

"You humiliated me in front of a public place and not to mention you ratted out some of us. We're coming for you."

I remembered that day. We were buying pizza with Charlie. Brad and Caroline were in the hospital.

"I'm not scared of you." I hung up right away and looked at me phone. It said recorded. With a satisfied attitude, I was ready to drive to Adam.

When I walked out the room, I saw Charlie holding a plate with a sandwich on it. She had been listening to my every word.

"Were you evesdropping?" I asked.

"I thought you said you weren't gonna call him?" she had this dead look on her face.

"I lied, Charlie." I said keeping a dead face myself.

She grabbed the sandwich and threw it on my face. "Your snack!" she started walking away but I stopped her.

"What do you care?" I exclaimed still grabbing onto her arm and maybe a little aggresively.

"I do care. You're the one that doesn't!" she pulled my hand away to caress the spot I gripped.

"I care as well, you're only to blind to see it!" I spat whispering. She was angry, I could tell by the way she gathered her lips then released them.

"So, we both care, now tell me what did he want?" she cleared her throat.

"I took care of everything." I said and having no time to talk anymore, I walked away.

"You always do!" I could feel the sarcasm from miles.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I stopped.

"It means that you need to talk to someone and not do things by yourself." she explained but her answer only made me chuckle.

"Talk to who? You?" I scoffed then neared her face.

"If you want to make yourself useful, then all you have to do is sit on the couch like a good girl and not say a word." again she made that dead face. "Can you do that for me?" I asked to add more to my rudeness.

"Yes." it was one of her most sincere answers I had ever gotten.

As I was done with her, I rushed to the living room. Kyle hadn't been there.

"Where's Kyle?" I asked almost breathless. Mom was alarmed by my sudden appearence so she stood up scared.

"He's talking to the lawyer!" she pointed outside. I noticed her tired face which made her look older then ever.

"Why? Is everything alright?"

I didn't bother to answer her. I just rushed outside to find Kyle who was screaming through the phone.

"No, there has got to be something more you can do, Mr.Green!"

I tapped his shoulder. "Tell him we're getting there with proof."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Do it!" I nodded.

He exhaled. "Mr. Green, we're coming with some proof. Just wait and don't do anything." he hung up.

"You better have a good explanation for this!" he pointed at me then walked inside.

I followed. Charlie was sitting on the couch next to my mother consoling her. I hated the way I talked to her but I wasn't in the mood to be nice.

"We're leaving!" Kyle stated. My mother turned to stare at me like Kyle had just said he was about to die. She stood up and hugged me.

"You do anything stupid and I swear, I will dissown you!" I had never heard her so dessperate before. First my father and now her. Wasn't this a swell day. She parted from me but I didn't look at her nor say anything. I looked at one spot when Kyle tapped my shoulder.

"You need me for anything?" Brad asked as I passed through him. I neared his ear.

"Watch out for Charlie. I screwed up." I whispered then left to get in the car with Kyle.

Charlie's POV

Julia sat back in her seat leaving me wonder what had she told Julian. By the looks of it, nothing good. His eyes were lost and his jaw was clenched.

Either way, I just sat on the couch making no noise like a good girl. If Julian wanted this from me then that's what he'll get.

"Could you bring me a glass of water, honey?" Julia asked giving me the most forced smile I had ever seen. I nodded.

I wasn't paying attention and wet my cut. It hurt but I ignored it. After giving the water to Julia I sat back again. She drank it with one gulp then stood up. "I'll be upstairs." she said.

Sophie, who turned out to be Greg's mother, followed her.

Soon later on, I was left alone. Brad had to help Caroline move her stuff from her room so that Sophie could rest. Greg had wandered off and I was all alone sitting in that stupid couch like a pathetic loser.

I couldn't handle it anymore, well my lips couldn't because all I did was bite them.

After a minute of debate with myself, I stood up to find some cigarettes. After searching every drawer of the kitchen, I finally found them and a lighter.

I layed on the swing and took a drag. It calmed me down almost immediately. Once I was done with the cigarette, the smoke had finally started to hit on me I slowly fell asleep.

It was weird, really. I think I dreamt about mine and Travis's conversation. How he helped me realize something that I knew from long ago but I was afraid to admit. So, I put the thought of it in the deepest corners of my brain. Locked the door and threw the key.

I had a crush on Julian.
