7. Mr Jameston

The next day, I headed back to the market, leaving Anna to sleep in. Picking up my pace, I watched the buildings fly by. The crisp morning air filled my lungs and I smiled as the sun warmed my skin. I arrived in the square before some of the stallholders. A pair of Guardians stood in front the ruins of a bank. One leaned against the wall appearing bored out of his mind. His brown hair fluttered in the breeze and his green eyes met mine before staring at the floor in boredom again. The other waved and gave me a knee weakening grin. Curly dirty blonde hair bounced on his head and his brown eyes seemed glow in happiness.

I knew a couple of the Guardians including the two standing in front of me. Tommy was a good friend and could always cheer me up. However, I only knew OF the bored one, I didn't know him personally and I don't think I want to. His name was Dean and his reputation for killing zombies and vampires who were out of line was frightening. People were terrified of him because he had killed a human before and many thought he would snap. If he did there would be no one left.

Tommy yelled in joy before scooping me into his arms and swinging me round. Laughing, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, gesturing to the empty marketplace.

"Eh, I'm off duty and bored."

"I'm going be doing a job today. I'm sorry I can't cheer you up!"

"Oh I'll join you!"

"What about ummm Dean?"

"Ah he'll be fine!" He replied, making a dismissive gesture with his hand.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed his hand and headed to Mr Jameston's stall.

Mr Jameston looked up at us and slyly smiled.

"What can I do for you two?" He asked, leaning against the side of his stall.

I pulled the advertisement and dumped it on his table.

"Oh I see! Right now where did I put it?" Mr Jameston mumbled, searching through his boxes. He pulled out a piece of paper and cried, "There it is!"

Handing it over to us, he turned around and continued setting up.

I tugged Tommy with me as I headed home to tell Anna I was going on a job. Knowing her she would beg to come along and if I didn't let her she would just follow me.

Anna and I have known each other since birth. Actually since birth. Both of our mothers started going into labour at the same restaurant but only one ambulance arrived. The paramedics took both of them but there wasn't enough room for our fathers. Our mothers then relied on each other for comfort. The ambulance didn't arrive at the hospital in time and we were born within a minute of the other. The two families became close friends and we were bestfriends since the first play date at 3 weeks old.
