31. Out of the City

Dean grabbed my arms and pulled me into an alley. I was pinned between the rock wall and Dean's hard body. Soft lips explored my neck and I couldn't help the whimper that escaped. His fingers burned a trail down my body causing goosebumps to rise. I lost myself in the sensations, letting instinct take over.

"Emma," he gasped in my ear, obviously breathless. "Emma, the Guardians have gone. We need to stop."

Guardians? What is he talking about?

Confused, I followed Dean as he tugged me along. A blush bloomed across my cheeks as I remembered the make out session we had just had. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that Dean had suddenly halted and I crashed into his solid, tensed back. Peeking round his broad shoulders, I saw the pair of Guardians that had stopped Dean in his tracks. Their keen eyes scanned the dark street and Dean spun round, lifting me into his arms.

"Kiss me," he hissed urgently, gripping my waist.

I complied, understanding dawning. He was hiding us from the patrolling Guardians by making them believe we were just a couple on a night out.

He was doing that earlier too.

Embarrassment wormed its way through me and I hesitantly pulled away from Dean.

"Emma?" Dean asked dazed, green eyes so close to mine that I could see the dilation of his pupils.

Glancing over his shoulder, I realised the Guardians had moved on.

"They're gone," I replied, wriggling in his hold, desperately wanting to put distance between me and temptation.


"Emma. What's going on?" Henry asked angrily as soon as I walked in the door.

The room was in complete disarray. Two bags lay empty on the ground except for what appeared to be half a ripped t-shirt. Anna stood by the wardrobe which was flung wide open with clothes spilling out, a piece of fabric gripped tightly in her fist and clear flames blazing in her narrowed eyes. A wooden chair lay on its side with a snapped leg and glass littered the floor beside it, sparkling in the firelight. Georgia lazed on the sofa, filing her nails and watching with concealed interest. Henry leaned against the foot of a bed, arms crossed and frowning. The blankets were rumpled and white feathers drifted to the ground, falling out of a split pillow that hung off the edge.

It looked as if there had been a fight.

"Umm, I... The Guardians are after all of us. We have to go," I replied, moving back and instinctively seeking the comfort of Dean's heat behind me.

"Why?! Why are they after Georgia and I? What have you done?"

Indignant rage boiled my blood and Anna snarled. A low rumbling growl filled the air as Dean took a menacing step forward. My arm snapped out, hitting his chest and bringing a halt to his progress. Henry swallowed thickly, blue eyes so much like Joey's widening in fear.

"Joey... isn't quite dead," I whispered haltingly, watching the reactions of my friends.

Georgia sat up with a tear threatening to spill, betraying her mask of indifference. The nail file was thrown onto the table as she wiped her face and took a deep breath, regaining control.

"What are you talking about? Emma?" Henry breathed, hope shining through him from his very soul.

"He was turned and... and he wanted to remain hidden while he learned to control his urges."

Anna remained completely silent, face blank and body frozen.

"Where is he? Take me to him!" Henry shot across the room and grabbed my arm with surprising speed and force.

"Ok," I said gently, gingerly prying his fingers from my arm. "Get your stuff together and we'll go."

Georgia began to pack with her usual grace but a new sense of urgency belied her movements. Everything was tucked carefully into a duffel bag, folded neatly and with a certain order. Henry openly rushed, grabbing anything and everything. Guilt yanked my heart and bile rose in my throat as I watched them.

I had kept Joey from them, his family, and it felt awful.

Anna sank to the ground, staring numbly ahead. Her knuckles white as she clutched the torn shirt in her hand. Jaw visibly clenching, causing her teeth to grind.

I started towards her, intent on comforting her, when she gave me a sharp glare. It stopped me in my tracks.

Has Anna ever glared at me before?

Dean gently pulled me around and inspected my arm. Frowning, he traced the mark of Henry's fingers on my skin. A low rumble shook his chest and his eyes began to glow. He clenched his fist as a quick tremble ran through his body. Breathing came in shaky pants and his nostrils flared. The air became thick, heavy with dominance of his wolf.

Dean was fighting a change that a small mark on my arm had caused.

You're his mate after all.

"Dean," I said quietly, "Calm yourself, I'm fine."

I reached out and wrapped my arms around his waist. My head rested on his chest and I could his heartbeat. The fast ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom, surprising me with its speed increase at my touch. Dean lifted me higher, tucking my arms around his neck and hooking my legs around his waist. He buried his face in my neck and my fingers found their way into his short hair.

"Emma?" Henry asked, excitement brimming.

Dean lowered me carefully to the ground, his arms trailing down my sides.

"Let's go," I murmured.


We strode along in silence under the stars. Dean and I led the way towards Joey's warehouse while Henry and Georgia lagged slightly behind. There was a swing in Henry's step that hadn't been there before and I couldn't help but smile at it. Anna, however, was even further back, looking stunned and walking on instinct.

"What happened with Joey? Tell me everything," Henry suddenly exclaimed.

I knew I had to answer but it hurt to think about how I had kept this from them. My thoughts were jumbled and it took me a second to work through. Deciding to start at the beginning when I rescued him, I took a shuddering breath and opened my mouth.

Before I could say a word, Dean answered for me. Shocked, I glanced at him and his kind eyes flicked to mine with a calming smile. I grabbed his hand and he gave it a reassuring squeeze so I relaxed and let him tell the story.

It felt cowardly but at the same time it was nice to have someone support me like that. To have someone who will help you through your worst moments. I zoned out and my heart fluttered when I remembered that Dean loved me. Not his wolf, but Dean.

"Now we're all on the run," Dean finished, pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry," a voice called from the darkness.

Joey stepped out into the moonlight, eyes glinting and black hair appearing deep blue.

I stood back, Dean at my side, as the others launched themselves at Joey. Crying, laughter and bone-crushing hugs ensued as they were reunited. It reminded me of how easily things can slip through your grasp in this world.

Screw it.

"I love you too," I whispered, staring straight ahead.

A moment later I was swept up into his grasp as he kissed me with a tender, restrained passion. Dean stated his love again, pecking my lips inbetween each word to punctuate the moment.

A loud snarl echoed down the street and I was shoved behind Dean as he threateningly growled back. I motioned for the others to hide and Joey lifted a beam so they could crawl into the old house behind them.

A large wolf trotted down the street, nails click-clacking on the concrete. His eyes were fixed on me hiding behind Dean and a sinister, wolfish smile revealed his teeth.

"Stay here," Dean hissed, giving me a short violent kiss.

He leapt forward, shifting in mid-air. The two wolves circled each other, snapping and snarling. Suddenly, they attacked. Bodies locked together, jaws trying to clamp down on the vital blood-pumping jugular. Fangs flashed in the moonlight as claws raked down fur-covered muscle, tearing open flesh. Blood droplets sprayed onto the road, the air becoming tangy and metallic. Snowflakes began to fall from the sky, contrasting with the crimson liquid.

"Please be okay. Please don't leave me, Dean," I murmured to myself.

Dean's ears twitched and his hind legs surged with extra strength, pushing his mouth to the other wolf's neck. He clamped down hard and refused to let go. The wolf sagged in Dean's grip, its body limp. Dean dropped its body and came back to me.

In death, a werewolf changes back.

As Dean turned back and found a change of clothes in one of the bags, I walked over to the naked male.

It was Logan.

"Come on!" Dean yelled, tugging me with him urgently.

The others followed as we ran for the city gates. As we neared it, Joey slipped off ahead and as we arrived it was clear why. The guards were knocked out in a heap by the right side of the gate and it was pushed wide open.

An argument broke out about the dangers of leaving the city with hordes of zombies roaming the wild. I ignored it and looked out at the lightly snow-covered landscape. The beauty rose my heart and I smiled, I couldn't help it. It felt like this would be a new beginning.

Turning, I grasped Dean's hand and we headed out of the city. The others quieted down and followed. What else could they do?

It was a new beginning with my family whole again and the man, or werewolf, I love by my side.
