29. Capture

I sat on the bed, staring into the darkness; I hadn't been able to sleep. Anna's quiet snores filled the night air as everything else was silent. Most likely asleep.

Was Dean asleep? Or was he wide awake, unable to sleep because he was worried about me?

I snorted at the traitorous thought, flopping onto my back. My body bounced slightly on the mattress. I sighed and then felt disgusted at the fact I was acting like a love-sick teenager pining for her boyfriend.

I need some air.

Carefully placing my feet, I climbed down and heading to the skylight. My movements were quiet but something inside me wished they weren't. Anna would wake and comfort me. We would stay awake all night and talk about our failing love lives.

Girl talk? Seriously?

I shook my head, physically trying to stop myself thinking. Everything just seemed... terrible. I couldn't stop being self-deprecating. The little voice in my head was pulling me further and further into this deep dark hole of self-pity and dislike.

I clambered out of the skylight, cold air making me shiver. Goosebumps rose on my skin as my veil of sadness lifted slightly. I lifted my head into the moonlight, enjoying the refreshing breeze and glittering array of stars.

You're not alone. Look at all these stars. There could be life near one of them! Or at least, someone is standing under the same sky, watching the same stars and they'll know they're not alone either.

A rattle attracted my attention but I dismissed it, returning my gaze to the galaxies above.

Zombies can't climb. Why worry?

A shoe scuffed on a concrete surface and I turned. Gasping, I ran towards the skylight. I needed my weapons.

Snarling, my opponent leapt through the air, hitting my body and knocking me back. I groaned and desperately tried to scramble to my feet.

Someone chuckled behind me.

There's two of them?!

Before I could turn to face this new enemy, something heavy hit my head. A sharp pain burst and sticky liquid trickled dripped down my back. Blood. Buzzing filled my ears as dots crawled across my eyes. My body slumped forward.

I was unconscious before I hit the ground.


Blinking, I groaned as a dull throbbing reminded of the wound on the back of my head.

One of the men stood in front of me, easily recognisable as a Guardian.

"What are you doing? This is against the law!" I yelled at him furiously.

"You're under arrest by order of the Council," he replied calmly, checking the manacles I just realised were chaining me to the wall.

His body brushed against mine unnecessarily and I glared at him. He smirked then left, letting the heavy wooden door slam behind him.

Glancing around, I took in my surroundings, well, as much as I could see since it was nearly pitch black. Rough stone poked my back and I shifted uncomfortably at the hard floor, making the chains rattle. It was basically the stereotypical dungeon.

Old-fashioned much?

"Dean will help me," I murmured to myself.

He's a Guardian. Why should he? He would be disobeying orders.

"We're friends."

Not really. He was using you, remember? Dean probably turned you in.

"No he didn- oh no. I'm arguing with myself. I've gone insane."

"Emma? Is that you?" A familiar voice called from the black.


What was Dean doing here?

He's here to do his job as a Guardian, obviously.

"Oh crap. I'm so sorry. Everything has gone wrong. They're looking for Jo- uh... L," Dean told me his voice worried.

"What? How? How did they find out?" I asked, tugging at the chains.

I had to warn Joey. Tell him to run before they killed him for something that wasn't his fault.

"Logan," Dean growled, "He's basically taken over the Council."

Our conversation was cut off by the door opening. A Guardian entered, pausing in the doorway then heading in my direction.

"No, no, no, no! Don't you dare!" Dean screamed from across the dungeon.

I could hear the clanging of metal and realised Dean was restrained like me. It was also obvious he was trying to stop this 'Guardian' from reaching me.

The Guardian knelt in front of me, ignoring the furious yells of Dean. A knife appeared in the man's hand and he traced my face with one finger. My heart was thundering in my chest. He grinned when he felt my rapid pulse as his hand slipped around my neck.

I gasped for air, trying to push his arm away. The knife slipped down and sliced across my collar bone. Hissing, tears filled my eyes. My chest stung, my lungs and throat burned.

Suddenly, he was gone. Dean stood there, blood coating his hands. Remnants of chain dangled from his wrists and his eyes glowed the unnatural green of his wolf. His chest heaved and his face was a mask of rage.

"Dean?" I rasped.

His expression immediately turned to one of worry.

"Emma," he breathed, seeming to calm himself by saying my name and checking my body for injuries.

"I don't suppose you could rip these chains too?"

"Uh, I don't think so. I don't even know how I ripped the other ones. I mean, they are made of silver, specifically created for werewolves."

Dean smiled at me gently then turned and crawled into the darkness. The sound of hands patting someone down echoed in the silence.

"Keys," he told me, showing them grasped in his hand.

I rubbed my wrists, glad that the manacles were no longer chafing my wrists.

Dean gripped my hand and pulled me towards the door. It seems we were escaping together. He brought a finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. I gave a curt nod in reply.

As he slowly pulled the door open, I glanced back. The light from the corridor flooded the dungeon, showing me the grotesque scene we were leaving behind. The Guardian's body lay at an odd angle, bones obviously broken. His head had been ripped off and lay a couple of metres away, mouth hanging wide open. The expression clearly a look of shock and horror, even without the eyes. They appeared to have been poked out.

Then the door closed.

Holy crap. Dean really didn't like him.

I let him guide me. Somewhere in my mind, I understood that I was in shock. Every so often Dean would halt and push me into the wall then either hide or ambush whoever was there. Soon we were outside, free.

I froze.

"Emma?" Dean asked, turning to face me.

My began to tremble uncontrollably and my legs gave way. Strong arms grabbed and lifted me up.

"Are you okay? Emma, mo chroí, please be okay."

An alarm blared from the Council building behind us and Dean cursed before running.

"Please be okay."
