6. A Job

I let myself roll out of the top bunk before landing lightly on my feet. Our 3 chickens were clucking annoyingly in their pen and muttered curses at them for waking me up. I had been having a nice dream about the perfect life I could have had before the infection broke out. It was rare, nowadays, that you didn't have a nightmare when you closed your eyes.

I grabbed a handful of grain and scattered it in their pen. Opening the cupboards, I decided we needed to stock up before the winter. I huffed as I realised it was probably best if we didn't have breakfast today. There were always days that we didn't eat breakfast but those days were becoming few and far between since the farm had been created in the old park. It was run by 3 human farmer families, who were continuously trying to expand, but closely guarded by the Guardians.

"Anna! Wake up!" I yelled, striding over and poking her repeatedly on the cheek.

"I'm getting up, jeez... I said I'm getting up so stop poking me!" She replied, batting my hand away.

"We have to get to the market and get a good deal on food to last us the winter."

"Ugh fine... wait, winter! That means Christmas! Oh prezzies, prezzies, prezzies, prezzies, prezzies!" Anna yelled, increasing in volume and dancing around the room.

"Yeah prezzies, now move!" I replied, leaping out of the skylight.

We arrived at the market just as the stallholders finished setting up. Anna waved cheerfully at them while I gave them a quick nod of greeting. I bartered for the supplies we needed as Anna disappeared off to wherever she got her make - up from. Apparently, eyeliner was an imprtant supply that we also had to stock up on for the winter. Checking that I had everything, I walked towards the noticeboard in the centre of town.

The noticeboard was where people pinned up advertisements for things they were selling, things they needed and odd jobs that needed to be done. One caught my eye:


Family heirloom left at old home. Payment on delivery.

CONTACT : Mr Jameston

Mr Jameston was a go - between and owner of a brick a brac stall. Everyone knew him and he knew everyone. If you needed something, he was the one to go to. He was also the kind of person to get someone to collect his heirloom in return for some information or something they needed. This meant that it was for someone else and they were using Mr Jameston as a go - between. It was intriguing and probably payed well. Ripping it off the board, I tucked it safely into my pocket. I then wandered off to the fountain in the centre of the square, waiting for Anna to get back from her "supply gathering".
