17. Disruption

I had fallen into a new routine over the past couple of days. In the morning I would make breakfast for Anna, Henry and Georgia. They were now staying with Anna and I, most likely because of Joey. Then I would head off to make a deal on the black market for Joey's "food."

The black market wasn't an actual place. It was a network of thieves or 'entrepreneurs' who managed to find all kinds of items that weren't commonly available in this post - apocalyptic world. Other people stayed away because of its terrifying reputation, however, I had no other choice.

Anna, Henry and Georgia haven't said a word or asked me what happened with Joey. They just assumed the worst. Guilt burned in my stomach at the inability to tell them, creating a state of continuous nausea but, in my heart, I knew Joey was right. It was too dangerous. The bloodlust was slowly being tempered and brought under control but Joey was nowhere near ready to see three warm bodies full of delicious pumping blood.

After I had fed and helped Joey with his control, I would go on a job. The market had ads in excess since winter was coming. Most of the other scavengers were no longer operating and had gone into "hibernation."

I arrived home when it got dark and someone would have made dinner. There was barely any interaction in my little "family."

Today was different.

The smell of burning woke me from my light sleep and I leapt up, ready for anything. Arguing filled the air as Georgia and Anna yelled at each other in the little kitchen area. Next to them was a blackened pan full of God knows what still smoldering over a flame.

I winced as the fire popped and crackled dangerously close to the girls. Rushing over, I smothered the fire and threw the burning hot pan onto the neatly stacked bricks by the sink.

"Hey! That was breakfast!" Georgia shouted at me, gesturing wildly. Groaning, I shook my head and reached down to open the cool box. Unfortunately, it was empty.
"Oh yeah, we used it up," murmured Anna from where she had curled up on her bunk with her notebook.

I glared at them before grabbing my boots and coat. Glancing around, I checked everyone was still safe. Henry lay in bed but it was impossible to know wether he was awake or not. Anna was scribbling away furiously while humming quietly. Georgia had flopped onto the ratty sofa and begun "beautifying" her nails.

I headed to the market, hoping they would have some meat and diary products left. Perhaps also a couple of vegetables and fruit. Otherwise we would have to survive the winter on all the tinned goods I had stored. Unfortunately, I hadn't accounted for two extra people living with Anna and I.

The stalls were mostly selling clothes, equipment and gifts since it would be Christmas soon. However, I managed to find what I needed even though I had to pay an extravagant amount.

Some of the owners recognised me from my rescue of Joey and eyed me warily. Thankfully, I didn't need to buy anything they had available.

Arms ladened with bags of goods, I turned to go home and make, by now, late lunch. I frowned as I realised Joey would be worried at my absence. The food would need to made quickly so I could reach him before he did anything rash. Like trying to find me.

I glanced up just in time to see a male chest as I crashed into it. Shrieking, I fell backwards hard onto my behind. The bags landed around me with a couple of over-ripe apples rolling onto the cold, stone ground.

"Watch where you're going!" yelled an angry Guardian who towered over me as I lay sprawled on the ground at his feet.
I glared at him before muttering, "Maybe you should have been looking where you were going."

I gasped in surprise as the Guardian gripped my collar and lifted me into the air. Who the hell was this guy?! I didn't recognise him and I was pretty sure this kind of violence was against council law.

"Put her down, now."
