25. Mistletoe

Taking a deep breath, Anna and I stepped back in unison to take in the sight of our Christmas tree.

Twinkling lights from the candles that nestled in the tree glowed on the surface of the baubles. Sleds and Santas littered it's greenery. Branches bent under the weight of the excess amount of decorations.

A loud knock broke our attention away.

"Who's that?" I asked, heading towards the skylight.

"I don't know. I'm not psychic," Anna murmured, sagging onto the sofa.

"Yeah!" I yelled up, letting them know they could come in.

"Gangway!" A male voice shouted back before a body dropped down.

Green eyes flickered to mine as Dean's head nodded in greeting. He held an ornate, delicate knife in his large hands.

"Merry Christmas," he whispered, handing it to me.

My fingers curled around the wooden hilt as I tested the weight distribution. I flipped it in my hand, amazed as it spun perfectly. A design of symbols interlaced with vines covered the hilt, leaving smooth grooves for my fingers. Frowning, I realised there was something carved into the metal blade.

Mo chroí.

I continued flicking it absentmindedly in my hand, wondering what the words meant.

"Nini?" Dean asked, his voice returning me to reality.

"Huh? Oh, thanks Dean! I love it, the balance is perfect."

A big grin spread across his face, crinkling his eyes. His body relaxed as the tension left it.

I didn't know that my opinion of his gift was so important.

"Do you want to come for a walk?" Dean questioned, gesturing to the skylight.

With a quick nod in reply, I leapt up and out.


"No! Really?!" I laughed at another of Dean's childhood anecdotes.

We had been wandering around near the inner circle, chatting for a while. Well, Dean talking and I listening. It's what I did best.

"Yeah, you should have seen his face!" He choked out before cracking up again.

Staggering, I flopped onto a small brick wall and began talking long, deep breaths. My hands clutched at my stomach as it ached from my laughter. Groaning, I reached up and massaged my hurting cheeks. It was as if I had never smiled before.

Dean sagged down next to me, wiping at happy tears that escaped.

"What about you? Have you got any childhood stories, Nini?"

The use of my nickname hit me hard. Dean was telling me all these things, secrets, about himself and I hadn't even told him my name. My mood sobered immediately, causing my face to fall.

"Nini?" Dean asked gently, worried at my expression.

"That's not my name."


"Nini isn't my name," I whispered, turning away and expecting an angry outburst.

"What is it then?"

I blinked in shock at the soft care in his tone as he laid a warm palm on my shoulder.


"Emma," he repeated in his low voice, causing warm tingles to dance in my stomach.

A blush heated my face as slight panic hit my heart. The sky had darkened to an afternoon light, reminding me that I should get back before night fell.

"I should be heading home," I murmured, standing.

As we walked, Dean talked non-stop. I could tell he was trying to make me feel better.

"Dean?" I cut him off as he told me some story about his cousin.

His head snapped to mine, an emotion shining in his eyes. Fists clenching and body tensing, he waited for me to continue.

"Do you... want to, uh, come over for Christmas?"

A big breath of relief released and his shoulders slumped forward as he relaxed.

"Yes," he replied before setting off again, this time in comfortable silence.

Finally, we arrived at the wall that led past the roof with the skylight entrance to my hideout.

As I searched for something to say, I realised he was looking at something above our heads. Glancing up, I squeaked in shock at the sight of a branch of mistletoe hanging off a stick.

"Anna," I growled under my breath, instinctively knowing it was her doing.

The little brat.

Heat burned in my face and I began to move away. I was halted by strong arms wrapping around my waist tugging me into Dean's chest. My eyes flickered up to meet his emerald ones as his lips lowered.

Hesitantly, I responded and kissed back. My hands instinctively laced into his hair, pulling him closer. I couldn't contain the soft moan that escaped. Embarrassment that had bloomed at my loss of control disappeared as Dean growled low in his throat.

Warm hands slid to my legs and lifted me, pressing my body against the wall for support. Our swollen lips separated and I panted desperately as I remained pinned.

His mouth traveled down my neck, letting me regain my breath before returning to my lips.

A gentle whisper pressed against them, "Mo chroí."
