74% [ END ]

In order to welcome the travel, Mu Xingyu found that Gu Yunzhou had spent a lot of thought.

For example, Gu Yunzhou gave him a menu early in the morning and asked him to choose his favorite dishes.

These dishes are rich in variety, ranging from Chinese dishes to Western dishes, from deep-frying to steaming.

Mu Xingyu took the menu and asked strangely.

"Need to be so exaggerated?"

"Of course, this is our first time to travel." Gu Yunzhou said naturally.

"Why do I think you are mysterious."

"Is there? I just hope our trip will be very enjoyable." Gu Yunzhou smiled.

As time passed, Steve of the W&W brand flew to China in person and sent two sets of newly customized autumn clothes for Mu Xingyu.

One set is white and one set is black.

The overall shape is very formal, and the materials and decorations are as good as ever.

Because he tried it on at the Gu's Mansion, Gu Yunzhou came to watch it when he tried it on.

Both suits fit Mu Xingyu very well, but after seeing it, Gu Yunzhou was full of praise for white.


The night before departure, Mu Xingyu and Gu Yunzhou lay in bed and talked about the trip.

"You haven't told me where to travel tomorrow." Because Gu Yunzhou has kept a secret, Mu Xingyu has never known their destination, so when he speaks, he has a little complaint in his tone.

"Tomorrow you will know."

"Yun Zhou, you are too mysterious, I always feel that you did something hiding from me."

"Of course I did a lot of things without you, for this trip, I have been preparing for a long time. "Gu Yunzhou said half-truth.

"Where to travel, tell me in advance, let me be prepared."

Gu Yunzhou thought for a while, and reluctantly said, "Well, since you want to know so much, then I'll tell you, tomorrow we will take a cruise to Northern Europe to see the biggest meteor shower of the year there. What do you think?"

"Really?" Mu Xingyu asked excitedly.

"Of course it is true." Mu Xingyu smiled.

"It's great, I've long wanted to see the meteor shower." Mu Xingyu was very satisfied with Gu Yunzhou's arrangements.

"Then go to sleep, we will go to Tianjin Port to take a cruise tomorrow." Gu Yunzhou smiled.


Gu Yunzhou hugged Mu Xingyu and closed his eyes, but he was excited about tomorrow's plan in his heart.

What he told Mu Xingyu was actually only a small part of his plan, and he had a bigger surprise to give Mu Xingyu.

Early the next morning, Mu Xingyu heard the movement and woke up from his sleep. When he woke up, he saw that Gu Yunzhou was about to wash.

"Why did you get up so early?" Mu Xingyu asked.

Gu Yunzhou leaned over and touched Mu Xingyu's head.

"Suddenly something happened to the company, I'll go to the company first."

"Well, go and get back soon ." Mu Xingyu had no choice but to say.

Gu Yunzhou got dressed and then left the room. Not long after, Mu Xingyu heard the sound of the car starting and knew that Gu Yunzhou had left.

Without a person beside him, Mu Xingyu was always absent-minded and didn't want to sleep.

He was lying on the bed and suddenly found that the ring on his left hand was missing. This was the wedding ring between him and Gu Yunzhou, which he had personally selected at the beginning. This time, Mu Xingyu completely lost his sleepiness, and quickly sat up to search, but there was no way to find the bed.

Since his relationship with Gu Yunzhou became public, he has never taken off the wedding ring because of the need to keep it secret. The ring was of the right size, and it was detached from the finger when he slept without reason, so Mu Xingyu wondered if Gu Yunzhou had taken it away. Only Gu Yunzhou could take it away when he didn't notice it.

So he quickly called Gu Yunzhou.

"Yunzhou, have you seen my wedding ring?"

"Oh, I took it. I will ask Steve to take it for maintenance and get it back later." Gu Yunzhou hurriedly explained.

"Well, I thought it fell." Mu Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief.

After this incident, he also lost his sleepiness, so he just got up to wash.

When he was getting dressed, he paused in the cloakroom, and then picked up the white suit that Gu Yunzhou was full of praise.

In fact, he felt that he should wear a little more casual when traveling, but he thought that when Gu Yunzhou went out just now, he seemed to be wearing a white suit, so Mu Xingyu finally chose to wear clothes of the same color as Gu Yunzhou.

After he was dressed, he was a little surprised, because Gu Yunzhou used to wear dark suits.

When Mu Xingyu came downstairs, Aunt Chu was surprised and said.

"Mu Shao, you are so handsome today!"

"Aunt Chu, don't laugh at me," Mu Xingyu looked at the living room, but did not see Mr. Gu.

He hurriedly asked, " Where is Grandpa?"

"Master has something to go out, Mu Shao, you have to eat first."

"Yeah." Mu Xingyu went to the dining room to dine.

After eating, Gu Yunzhou still did not come back, so he had to wait in the living room.

At about 9:30, he heard the sound of a car coming from outside the house, but it was not the sound of the Hummer that Mu Xingyu was familiar with.

Soon, Chen Feng came in and said, "Shao Mu, there is something wrong with the company. Mr. Gu asked us to send you to Tianjin Port first, and Mr. Gu will go there directly after finishing the work."

"What happened to the company?" Mu Xing Yu asked worriedly, after all, today is his day to travel with Gu Yunzhou, but Gu Yunzhou went out early in the morning, and he is still working on jobs.

"Don't worry, Shao Mu," Chen Feng said.

Mu Xingyu thought that with Gu Yunzhou's ability, he would be able to handle the matter well, so he nodded and asked the bodyguard to bring his luggage.

He took the car to Tianjin Port.

On the way, he called Gu Yunzhou.

"What happened to the company?"

After hanging up the phone, Charlie opposite Gu Yunzhou smiled brightly.

"Ethan, if Xingyu knows you Lie to him, he will not let you into the wedding room tonight."

"I think it's very possible." Ryan echoed.

Gu Yunzhou said with a smile, "He won't."

This happy little appearance made Ryan all kinds of envy and jealousy.

The stylist was arranging his hair, and finally put a corsage on the left collar of Gu Yunzhou.

"Sure enough, everyone feels refreshed on happy occasions. Ethan is definitely the most handsome groom." Charlie quipped.

Gu Yunzhou was in a good mood and nodded very satisfied. He looked at the time, Mu Xingyu was on his way now, and when he got everything ready, Mu Xingyu would be very pleasantly surprised when he came.


It is some distance away from Tianjin.

When Mu Xingyu arrived at the port, it was almost noon. There were many people in the port and they were preparing to travel at sea.

However, everyone's eyes are more on a white cruise ship. This cruise ship is very large and luxurious from the outside.

You can imagine how magnificent it is inside.

Mu Xingyu boarded the cruise ship, but found that apart from the bodyguard, no one else was seen on the cruise ship.

He felt weird and thought: Yunzhou won't have the entire cruise ship.

However, he only guessed part of the truth, Gu Yunzhou did more than just this.

"Mu Shao, let's go to the main hall first, and Mr. Gu will wait for you there." Chen Feng said after getting on the cruise ship.

"Chen Feng, what will Yunzhou do in the morning?" Mu Xingyu asked.

On the way here, Mu Xingyu thought about Gu Yunzhou's recent abnormality and the reactions of Gu Yunzhou, Aunt Chu and others this morning. The more he thought about it, the more it felt wrong.

"Mu Shao, Mr. Gu is waiting for you in the main hall. You'll know when you go there." Chen Feng said calmly, but he was very nervous, worried that he had made a mistake and affected Gu Yunzhou's plan.

Mu Xingyu couldn't see anything from Chen Feng's face, so he nodded.


He walked towards the hall, somehow, looking at the closed hall door, his heart lifted up.

Chen Feng and the other bodyguards followed him, but no one came forward to open the door.

Mu Xingyu glanced at them and guessed that they should have listened to Gu Yunzhou's instructions, and Gu Yunzhou did this to do it is undoubtedly to give him a surprise.

This guess made Mu Xingyu's heart throb even more. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the main hall.

The wedding march sounded when the door was opened. Many people stood in the main hall, all looking at him in unison. These people included Charlie, Lan Ying, and Mr. Gu...many of them were familiar faces.

In the very center of the main hall, Gu Yunzhou was dressed in a white suit and looked at him with a smile.

No wonder that when a reporter mentioned their wedding before, Gu Yunzhou would be so abnormal, because he was worried that his carefully prepared wedding would leak out.

No wonder the W&W brand asked him to try on a lot of clothes, and Mr. Steve personally came to the country to give him a new customized dress.

He was preparing clothes for his wedding? No wonder today, Gu Yun Zhou left early, but also took away his wedding ring.

No wonder...

"Xingyu," Gu Yunzhou asked when he came to Mu Xingyu, "I missed the wedding at the beginning, but now we come back together, what do you think?

"Okay." Mu Xingyu was excited and didn't know what to say, a good word represented all his heartfelt wishes.

Gu Yunzhou took his hand and walked to the front desk of the lobby step by step.

The guests around him applauded and blessed them.

Under the auspices of the pastor, Mu Xingyu and Gu Yunzhou re-organized the wedding.

When the familiar ring appeared in front of Mu Xingyu, tears came into his eyes with excitement.

"The ring you wore yourself at the beginning, this time I personally wear it for you." Gu Yunzhou put the lotus pattern wedding ring on the ring finger of Mu Xingyu's left hand.

This ring is still the one they wore before.

Yun Zhou wanted to customize a new set, but this was personally selected by Mu Xingyu, and it had a special meaning to the two of them, so in the end Gu Yunzhou still used the ring he had worn before.

Looking at the familiar ring, Mu Xingyu couldn't control his excitement anymore, and slammed into Gu Yunzhou's arms.

Gu Yunzhou hugged him tightly and kissed Mu Xingyu's lips while the guests screamed.

Under the blue water and blue sky, a luxurious cruise ship began to sail far away.

The cheers of people accompanied by the sound of sea waves sent blessings to the two newlyweds who were hugging each other.

One Am Soft Eggs:

Ending---That's unexpected.

I was really surprised at the closing, maybe some would think that's so (cliche!(๑ˇ3ˇ๑)) or so whatever. We or some of us already used to seeing the endings are ending up marrying to each other or maybe they will have a family etc, but this never gets old anyway so (ˊ˘ˋ* )♡ It so sweet ·͜·♡ And it caught me in the spot Hahaha. This one ends up with a satisfaction, after all this is Xingyu's second life (MC was Reborn hehehe) His first life is full of deceptions and helplessness. Damn-even Gu Yunshou died just like that- maybe that's why they have second chance eh~~ ヽ(^◇^*)/

I really like the MC - his independence and his way of taking things. Xingyu really changed, indeed. And this MC really deserved what his life now, he lost everything because of naivety ( I mean it is not bad to become naive-but the people who are surrounding you-if they're not good you know, you might be calculated them ah (;>_<;) ) I felt bad how his dad jumped on the building and his mother took a lot of sleeping pills and he ended up killing himself too (Is this a suicide family!?) Just sad....p('⌒`。q) But he grew up now and matured due to hardships and betrayals in first life ---- 。・゚・(ノД')・゚・。 ---and this time his fame and everything are worth it ( •ω•ฅ).。.:*♡ he work for it anyway.

For Mr. Gu---a typical man who is in love with his childhood sweetheart but got disabled ~~ I like how his respect for Xingyu and supported him in everything ~~ Idk if I remember it correctly- did this man ever complain? --ah yeah-he did at some of getting separated due to filming---hahaha well that's normal for lovers ~~ who wouldn't miss their partner?

As for the villains-well they're normal like others. Jealousy and ignorance as usual. I found no one to like among them even that scum is no excuse.

For the couple, I like the pacing in this one, expectations and falling at the start of story before they got into settlement with each other. And the two are very supportive to each other ah~ (mapapasana all iyung iba) and their relationship is very healthy. No abused brother (= ̄▽ ̄=)V I don't remember any abuse between them, they're just full of respect -calm- and thoughtful thoughts for each other - ( again mapapasana all ka) Trust and assurance are there---but of course you can't leave behind an anxiousness hahaha ( the papapa took long bro ) but most Danmei are like that (≧∇≦) And most of all-I enjoy this world-the people in this world and their lives are worth it.

This story is meant for happiness and second chance, of course revenge but not that focused on that. No need for bloody abused.

To be exact, this is the third time I have read this story- and this is the first Danmei novel I've read in the (Marriages x Disabled Gong and Reborn! (I really like reborn type than transmigration or wearing book in Danmei-I'm more on the real body owner who will have second chance than transmigrator or book wearer) ) and because of this one that hook me up in the plot of (Marriage x Disabled Gong ( ゚∀゚)アハハ Currently searching for those types ~~) Though this isn't my top one in these types-this one is special opened a new door for my cup of tea hahaha ~~

ヽ(●'∀`●)ノ Of course, it is time to say goodbye to MU XINGYU and GU YUNSHOU world ( ˘ ³˘)♥

I wish nothing but only long-lasting happiness for Xingxing and Mr. Gu within this lifetime, they deserves more time together, and accompay to watch meteor shower and more ~Ah~ I wonder how An Xiangwan and Ryan would be?

---- Thank you Author ( Ye Zixuan (葉子旋) ) for this good novel. ----

--- And. Thanks to Itachi_107 and the others who also accompany OASE into this world until the end of the journey ヽ(●'∀`●)ノ

One Am Soft Egg Personal Rating: 4/5

P.s: Actually this is the latest novel or second book of the Author "REBORN TO MARRY A DISABLED FIANCE" and there's the first novel which titled as " THE DAYS OF SHARING THE SYSTEM WITH YOUR OPPONENT" And I'll try it some time too ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥ Go go into ancient times and for now see you again in another world~~ (♥ŐωŐ♥)

