
With the broadcast of TV dramas, Mu Xingyu's reputation has also grown.

After more than half of the TV series aired, his popularity unexpectedly surpassed the male lead Jiang Zhidong, becoming the most popular character in "The Journey".

Lan Ying has also received a lot of endorsements and film and television resources, but for the long-term development of Mu Xingyu, she did not have a brain to sign many endorsements and film and television dramas for Mu Xingyu, but implemented the "soldiers in the elite but not more."

The idea of ​​selecting endorsements and film and television resources that fit Mu Xingyu's positioning.

Mu Xingyu has been resting at home.

He didn't have a deep understanding of how he became famous. Instead, his mother called and told him excitedly. "Xingyu, do you know? I recently went to Meiheyuan for beauty treatment, those ladies , they all ask me about you, and there are many people who ask me to ask you for an autograph."


"Of course it is true! I have promised many friends to give them your autographed photo. I will come over tomorrow. Come, let you sign."

"Well, okay." Mu Xingyu agreed.

The next day, when Mom Mu came over with a thick stack of photos, he found that he thought things too simple.

"There are a lot of photos, you sign slowly." Mu's mother smiled.

Mu Xingyu could only hold a pen and sign it without complaint. He never knew that signing was a painful thing before.

After signing hundreds of times, he had this experience for the first time.

In addition to Mu's mother asking him for an autograph, when he went to the studio to discuss the endorsement, Xiao Wen also told him that someone would offer him 10 million to invite him for dinner, but Lan Ying directly refused.

Although Lan Ying wanted to generate income for the studio, he knew that Mu Xingyu would never agree, so he refused decisively.

After that, he discussed with Lan Ying about endorsements. 

He now has high-end endorsements like W&W and cheap endorsements like Blue Heart.

He is not picky about endorsements, but only pays attention to whether he is suitable for him.

Lan Ying also believes that different endorsements can bring different benefits.

High-end endorsements can consolidate Mu Xingyu's position in the fashion circle.

Cheap endorsements are widely spread and advertisements are everywhere, which can increase Mu Xingyu's popularity.

After negotiation between Lan Ying and Mu Xingyu, they finally selected a domestic mobile phone endorsement and an internationally renowned car endorsement.

In terms of film and television dramas, Lan Ying did not like. She said.

"Now you are very popular, but you still have to be cautious when you take the drama. Whether it is a TV series or a movie, at least three vacancies With a monthly schedule, for you now, no time can be wasted."

"I know, Sister Lan, I am not short of money. You can just choose the film and television drama that suits me." Mu Xingyu laughed.

He is a human being in his two lives, and his heart has been tempered very strong, and he will not be complacent about his current achievements. 

He clearly knows that if he wants to develop in the entertainment industry for a long time, he must be steady and establish his position step by step.

There are many new stars appearing in the entertainment circle every year, but they are like shooting stars.

After a period of time, they gradually disappeared. This is because they did not grasp the opportunity, either they were taking bad dramas for money, or they were dazzled by planning errors, or...there are too many factors affecting development, and this is also an evergreen entertainment circle.

The reason why there are very few trees.

"If you can think so, I'm relieved." Lan Ying said with satisfaction.

Now that Mu Xingyu has gained popularity, if you want to go further, you need high-quality TV series or movies. 

Lan Ying looked at the invitation sent, and there was nothing but gorgeous copywriting, but no reliable team. 

Some TV shows pay 20 million in remuneration, which is undoubtedly a huge sum of money for newly-famed stars, but this kind of TV shows just borrowed Mu Xingyu's fame to make money, and doesn't care about the quality of the TV series at all. 

Taking this kind of drama will only ruin Mu Xingyu's reputation and waste Mu Xingyu's precious ascent time.

So in the end, Lan Ying didn't choose any of them, so she wanted to wait and see, and now that the New Year is approaching, she is not in a hurry to choose Mu Xingyu's next play.


Leaving the studio, Mu Xingyu put on his coat, put on a mask, and walked towards Gu's Building.

As the Chinese New Year approached, red lanterns were hung on the streets, and new potted plants were placed on both sides of the road. 

Mu Xingyu couldn't help smiling. At this time last year, Gu Yunzhou was still in a coma, but now Gu Yunzhou is awake, his legs have recovered, his own career is also flourishing, and everything is developing in a good direction.

As he walked through the crowd, he also heard someone talking about "Journey". They all liked Shen Qian, and they were guessing how Shen Qian would deal with the court issue in the plot broadcast tonight.

There were two girls who looked at Mu Xingyu more and whispered.

"That little brother is so handsome."

"Wearing a mask, how do you know he is handsome?"

"I can feel it!" Girl retorted, "And he is very similar to my Xingyu male god."

"A male god will appear on the street? I don't believe it!"

"Don't say, Xingyu Studio is in the nearby Double Star Building, maybe Xingyu came to the studio?"

Mu Xingyu heard them all and immediately quickened his pace. He didn't want to be recognized. Because of the popularity of TV series, many people know his appearance, if he is recognized, he will definitely be unable to get away.

After entering the parking lot of the Gu's Building, Mu Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but laugh again.

In the previous life, Feng Zian worked hard to become the actor of Shen Qian, but he was only a little hot, and the audience's attention was on the ups and downs of the TV series. 

Unexpectedly, this time when he played Shen Qian, he had unexpected effects, and his reputation suddenly increased.

First of all, this is inseparable from his acting skills.

Who made him perfectly show the melancholy and strongness of the last prince Shen Qian? 

Secondly, his appearance is better than Feng Zi'an, and a large number of face powders added to Mu Xingyu's popularity for the first time. Then, the correct guidance and marketing of the studio further expanded Mu Xingyu's reputation.

In addition, there are many other reasons, and the combination of these reasons has made the current Mu Xingyu.

On the other hand, Jiang Zhidong, his male protagonist has become the most overlooked one. The plot of the TV series is good, everyone praises the director; the characters are set well, everyone praises the screenwriter; when it comes to the characters they like, many audiences will mention immersion.

It's not that Jiang Zhidong's acting skills are not good, but that he didn't make the audience's eyes shine.

More attentive netizens have discovered that Song Qinghe, played by Jiang Zhidong, sometimes has excessive emotions. This is when filming, director Zhang Heng specially reminded Jiang Zhidong of the problem.

Once the shooting task is tight, it will be difficult for Jiang Zhidong to prepare a good mood or change his mood.

After video editing, most of the problems were circumvented, but overall, it was difficult to bring people into his role.

Jiang Zhidong naturally did not see his own problems, but felt that someone was deliberately hacking him.

Looking at online comments and daily hot searches, he became more and more annoyed to Mu Xingyu.

He thought about the W&W endorsement at the time.

He saw the news that Mu Xingyu actually knew Dong Shi. Dong Shi is the cousin of President Gu of the Gu family. He felt that Mu Xingyu relied on Dong Shi's relationship to steal his endorsement.

And in the online reviews of "Zhengtu", he felt that Mu Xingyu must have bought the navy, but the purchase was very high-end, and most people couldn't see it at all. 

He didn't want to make a wedding dress for the male partner in the TV series he worked so hard, so he immediately discussed with Yue Ming how to win the game.

"Mu Xingyu and Dong Shi's absolutely nothing, I checked, the TV series and movies that Mu Xingyu participated in are all related to the Gu family, do you think this is a coincidence?" Jiang Zhidong Sarcastically.

"Do you think Hei Mu Xingyu depends on Dong Shi's relationship?" Yue Ming immediately shook his head and said, "No, Dong Shi has a special status, and we can't afford to offend it."

"What's the matter, we do it secretly, who knows we do it? That's right?" How could Jiang Zhidong let go of the opportunity of Hei Mu Xingyu, with a very determined attitude.

Yue Ming immediately persuaded.

"Zhidong, the TV series are now on the air. You are now frying Mu Xingyu and Dong Shi, which will only increase his popularity, and I am worried that it will affect him. The drama "Zhengtu"."

"Then what do you want me to do? Hold it down?"

"No, I don't think it's a good time now. At least we have to wait until the TV series is over. And we have to think of a surefire way to avoid being caught." Grab any handle, otherwise we are all over."

"Gu clan will do something to us for Dong Shi?" Thinking of the huge Gu clan group, Jiang Zhidong was still very scared.

"I'm not sure, Dong Shi and the Gu clan's person in power are relatives. If the Gu family comes out to help Dong Shi, we have nothing to fight against.
However, no one can tell the grievances between the rich and powerful. Last year, the Gu clan was not against the Rock Group. Don't you save me if you die?" Yue Ming said.

After discussion, Jiang Zhidong changed his mind and planned to give Mu Xingyu a big gift after the TV series was broadcast. 

He can also use this time to make good preparations and perfect the plan.

Mu Xingyu didn't know this. As time passed, the TV series finally came to an end.

After discussion, the crew decided to let the protagonists live broadcast in time intervals to create momentum for the finale.

This is the second live broadcast of Mu Xingyu.

The last time he participated in the fashion conference, he had to broadcast the whole process, but because of the kidnapping in the middle, he had to temporarily cancel the live broadcast plan for the return journey.

Mu Xingyu was assigned to the time slot at six in the afternoon. He will broadcast the live broadcast for half an hour, and then pass the live broadcast to Zhou Ruxuan.

After Zhou Ruxuan's live broadcast is finished, Jiang Zhidong will broadcast the live broadcast. As the male lead, Jiang Zhidong is naturally the last to appear.

After he is broadcast live, the news broadcast should also end. When the TV series begin to be broadcast, this wave of momentum is over.

This live broadcast, without the assistance of the live broadcast staff, Lan Ying plans to come to Gu's house to assist Mu Xingyu.

Mu Xingyu thought that the new year is approaching now, everyone is busy, and there is no trouble Lan Ying. And the live broadcast is also very simple, he can do it himself, there is no need to trouble others.

Just mere comment of One Am Soft Eggs: Hehe he live now
See you later.
