
At half past six, Gu Yunzhou's meeting finally ended.

He hurried back to the office, tidied up his appearance before entering the door, then opened the door and said lightly. "Let you wait a long time."

"No." Mu Xingyu thought about the establishment. About the studio, he feel that time flies quickly.

He and Gu Yunzhou took the special elevator to the basement, and then for the first time in Gu's exclusive car.

It is very spacious, with a small table for placing a computer, as well as a small refrigerator and other objects.

Mu Xingyu sat next to Gu Yunzhou and took out his mobile phone and said, "Mr. Gu, what's your phone number? We haven't exchanged phone numbers."

Gu Yunzhou was taken aback, immediately took out his mobile phone and reported his phone number. Mu Xingyu called him.

Soon, Mu Xingyu's call came, but the caller ID was not unknown, but "Xingyu". In fact, Gu Yunzhou had asked for Mu Xingyu's call from Chen Feng a long time ago, but he never had the opportunity to call Mu Xingyu.

Naturally, Mu Xingyu did not notice this detail. After exchanging phone calls, he opened WeChat and scanned the QR code to add Gu Yunzhou as a WeChat friend.

Soon, Mr. Gu was added to his friends list.

"Do you have Weibo? If so, just close each other." Mu Xingyu said.

 "Yes, but it's a public account."

 Mu Xingyu searched and found that there was indeed a Gu Yunzhou, and it was also a golden V. The profile read: Gu's Group President.

Gu Yunzhou only paid attention to eight people, each of whom was well-known in the world.

"Never mind the official account, if you pay attention to me, you may be able to put me on the hot search." Mu Xingyu has seen the power of the people who eat melons, and people like Gu Yunzhou can attract attention with every move.

When he saw that Gu Yunzhou had more than three million fans, he felt that his choice was particularly wise.

Mr. Gu Shenlong sees the head and misses the end, but relying on the dumplings of President Gu's head, he still attracts a large number of fans.

Gu Yunzhou frowned, thinking that tomorrow, Jiang Yunxin would give him a private account on Weibo so that he could follow Mu Xingyu.

So the next day, when Jiang Yunxin heard Gu Yunzhou asked her to open a Weibo private account, she was very surprised.

"Mr. Gu, don't you not play these social accounts ?"

"I want to see it now, and can't be out of touch with the times."

Jiang Yunxin really wanted to roll his eyes: You are deceiving the ghost for this reason. However, as a competent assistant to the president, she quickly applied for a Weibo account, and then gave the account password to Gu Yunzhou.

"I manage this number myself." Gu Yunzhou said.

After that, he logged on Weibo, changed his password, and then changed the automatically generated nickname to "I will accompany you to see the meteor shower."

After the correction, the first thing he did was to pay attention to Mu Xingyu.

He knew his behavior was naive, but he was very happy.


In the afternoon, Mu Xingyu came to the Gu's Building just like yesterday, but the difference was that he directly asked the driver to take him to the basement, and then took the president's exclusive elevator to the top floor.

In the next few days, he would report to the President's Office on time every afternoon.

The staff at the top are all very curious about him, but they all have high professionalism and are not gossiping.

But today, when Mu Xingyu came to the top floor again, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

"Mu Shao, you are here." Jiang Yunxin saw Mu Xingyu and hurried over to say hello.

Mu Xingyu found no one in the office and asked, "Mr. Gu is in a meeting?" 

"Well, you can sit for a while." Jiang Yunxin brought afternoon tea and went to work.

Mu Xingyu waited for Gu Yunzhou to return, but after waiting for more than an hour, he still did not see Gu Yunzhou. 

He was very strange. Before Gu Yunzhou knew that he was coming, he would end the meeting soon.

He hurriedly went to Jiang Yunxin.

"Mr. Gu hasn't come back yet. Did something tricky happen?"

"Mu Shao, wait a moment, Mr. Gu should be about to end the meeting."

Mu Xingyu frowned and returned to the office. He took out his mobile phone to check the news, but he didn't expect the headline on the front page to be "Shock! Yunjin Technology failed for the first time, the reason turned out to be..."

The sensational title immediately attracted the attention of Mu Xingyu.

He clicked in and found that Yunjin Technology had lost yesterday's electronic product bidding.

Another German company became the finalist with a similar solution and a cheaper price. The winner.

The article also mentioned that this is the Gu's company that has failed three times in a row within a week. The most important thing is that the theme of W&W's clothing design for autumn and winter next year is leaked, and the loss caused is even more immeasurable.

Mu Xingyu couldn't help frowning, not because of the failure of the Gu Group, but because of the smell of conspiracy.

In the last life, before Jian'an Real Estate went bankrupt, various bids were lost and many commercial secrets were leaked. Mu Xingyu worries that behind Gu's problems, Andre is again making a ghost.

After another half an hour, Gu Yunzhou finally came back.

His expression was still as cold as before, but Mu Xingyu could see his fatigue from it.

"Let you wait a long time."

"No, come and drink the ginseng soup." Mu Xingyu smiled, poured the ginseng soup with the spirit liquid into the cup and gave it to Gu Yunzhou to drink.

Gu Yunzhou felt warm, smiled, and took the cup from Mu Xingyu's hand.

Mu Xingyu was a little surprised.

This was the first time he saw Gu Yunzhou's smile and he was dumbfounded. 

After Gu Yunzhou handed him the cup, he reacted, "Mr. Gu, you should smile more. You don't know how attractive your face is."

"Really?" Gu Yunzhou revealed another one smile.

Mu Xingyu felt that Gu Yunzhou was acting against Mei, causing his heart to pound.

When Gu Yunzhou finished drinking, Mu Xingyu expressed the doubts in his mind.

"Mr. Gu, I saw that the company seems to have a problem on the Internet."

 "I will deal with it."

 Mu Xingyu wanted to express his guess. But he was worried that there was a bug in the office, so he clicked on WeChat and sent a message to Mr. Gu: [I think someone may have leaked company secrets, or...someone has installed a bug. ]

Then he came to Gu Yunzhou and motioned to Gu Yunzhou to check the WeChat messages.

Gu Yunzhou clicked on WeChat. After seeing the news, he couldn't help but frowned, typing and asking: [Are you sure? 】

 【I'm just guessing, and I think it's very likely. ]

Gu Yunzhou thought a little, then rang the bell to let Chen Feng come over.

Soon, Chen Feng walked in, and Gu Yunzhou sent him a message asking Chen Feng to lead someone to inspect the entire office area.

Gu Yunzhou originally suspected that the company's executives had leaked the secrets, but Mu Xingyu's words woke him up.

There may be a bug in the office area, which caused the leakage of business secrets.

Chen Feng quickly called in a bodyguard who was very good at communications, took out the instrument and first checked the president's office. 

After checking it twice, there was no response from the instrument, which made Mu Xingyu a sigh of relief.

After Chen Feng went to check the conference room, Mu Xingyu sat on the sofa, drinking afternoon tea while waiting for Chen Feng's check result.

About twenty minutes later, Chen Feng came back with a solemn expression: "Mr. Gu, we found this in the No. 1 meeting room."

 There are eight meeting rooms in the company.

The top floor is the No. 1 meeting room. The most important secrets of the company are discussed there.

When Mu Xingyu saw Chen Feng take out a Jade Buddha from a box, his hand shook in fright, and the tea cup fell directly to the ground.

"Xingyu." Gu Yunzhou was very worried, and hurriedly pushed his wheelchair over.

"I'm fine, but this Jade Buddha looks a little scary, a little scary..." Mu Xingyu tried to stabilize his emotions.

The Jade Buddha looks good-looking, so how can it be scary? 

However, when Mu Xingyu saw the Jade Buddha at the first glance, he recognized that it was the Jade Buddha that Andre had handed over to him in the previous life.

In the previous life, Mu's father celebrated his birthday. Andre gave this jade Buddha to his father in the name of his friend. He did not expect that a bug was installed in Jade Buddha, which stole the commercial secrets of Jian'an Real Estate, which caused Jian'an Real Estate to go bankrupt.

The bodyguard next to Chen Feng said.

"Mr. Gu, there is a bug in the Jade Buddha, which sends out eavesdropping messages every two hours. The world's most advanced encryption technology is used, and the transmission time is short. It is impossible to figure out who the message was sent to." The bodyguard is called Sun Hemin, who is a master of electronic information.

 "Is it still running now?" Gu Yunzhou asked.

 "No, I have turned on the jammer." Sun Hemin said.

"So the eavesdroppers don't know that we have discovered the bug?"

Gu Yunzhou said after a little thought, "Put it back, and don't know what to do."

"Mr. Gu, do you want to do the trick?" Chen Feng asked .

Gu Yunzhou nodded. "Since someone wants to know Gu's secrets so much, then tell them."

After Sun Hemin left, Chen Feng stayed alone and said with a look of shame. "Mr. Gu, there is no problem with the Jade Buddha. It's my dereliction of duty."

"Don't blame you. I found out who put the Jade Buddha in the office?"

"It's Vice President Zhang of the Sales Department."

"It turned out to be him." Gu Yunzhou was disappointed. This Deputy Zhang is always the company's veteran. The employees, who still hold shares in the Gu Group, did not expect to do things against the interests of the company.

"Watch him closely. I want to use him to catch big fish."

"Yes." After Chen Feng left, Mu Xingyu wanted to say that Andre was the mastermind behind the scenes, but he still had no evidence for fear of causing concern Yun Zhou's suspicion.

He thought that the person who instigated Lin Xiao hadn't been found, so he said, "Mr. Gu, has the person who instructed Lin Xiao change the dressing found out?"

"No, Lin Xiao is brain damaged, and all the clues are cut off." Gu Yunzhou frowned , Not only did Lin Xiao have no clues, but even the truth of the car accident has not progressed. He found the family of the perpetrators and found out that someone had sent them a sum of money, but the account belonged to the Netherlands and was cancelled after the money was sent.

Gu Yunzhou had long known that someone wanted his life, but the bug he discovered today made him understand that the envoy behind the scenes hadn't given up yet. But it doesn't matter. If someone wants his life, then he will use his plan to draw people out.

 "Mr. Gu, I think you need to strengthen security, and any entrance items need to be inspected." Mu Xingyu said, thinking of the scene of Gu Yunzhou being poisoned in the previous life, still lingering fear.

"Don't worry, I will find the person behind the scenes."

Just mere comment of One Am Soft Eggs: Plot is moving....
See you later.
