
Last night, Tong Lingling saw someone calling Mu Xingyu with the words "Gu Yunzhou" on the caller ID.

At that time, she was stunned.

Everyone knows the name of Gu Yunzhou, and he has been with many female stars and even male stars.

Who doesn't want to climb the high branch of the Gu family. However, Gu Yunzhou stayed simple and never showed up in public, so there is nowhere to make the celebrities powerful. There are even rumors on the Internet that Gu Yunzhou's legs are disabled and his tyrannical personality is definitely not easy to provoke. It also dispels the idea of ​​many people approaching Gu Yunzhou.

Knowing that Mu Xingyu and Gu Yunzhou knew each other, Tong Lingling wanted to tell her agent about the discovery, but she thought and thought about it at night, and finally didn't tell anyone.

If other celebrities have dealings with big guys like Gu Yunzhou, she will definitely think about the deal. But during this time of getting along, she feels that Mu Xingyu is not the kind of self-willing and depraved person, and the Mu family is not short of money, and there is no need for Mu Xingyu to wrong himself.

Now, after listening to Mu Xingyu's words, she finally got the answer, although the answer also surprised her: Mu Xingyu and Gu Yunzhou were married!

At the same time, she also heard the threat in Mu Xingyu's words, and immediately made a clear statement.

"Xingyu , don't worry, I will not disclose a word about your marriage." 

"Thank you, sister Lingling. I'm relieved of the promise." Mu Xingyu smiled.

If Tong Lingling dared to threaten him, or sell the news, he has a way to make Tong Lingling shut up. 

However, Tong Lingling was smarter than Zhou Ruxuan and knew how to choose, so Mu Xingyu finally felt relieved.

After that, Mu Xingyu continued filming. He asked Xiao Wen to pay close attention to the news on the Internet. If he found any news about his marriage with Gu Yunzhou, he would immediately let Lan Ying deal with it. After waiting for two days, no news leaked out, and Mu Xingyu completely believed Tong Lingling's words.

When the filming was almost over the day before, during the break, Xiaowen told Mu Xingyu in surprise.

"Brother Xingyu, An Xiangwan went back to China for development, and also took the TV series!"

"An Xiangwan?" Mu Xingyu couldn't help frowning, and An Xiangwan's aggressive look instantly appeared in his mind. 

He had taken a mobile phone in his hand since he was a child, and saw media broke the news that An Xiangwan had picked up a TV series, and it seemed that there was a trend to develop in China.

An Xiangwan has participated in many blockbusters in recent years, and his family background is very strong, attracting many domestic fans.

So when the news broke, his fans were very excited, and various media also reported. An Xiangwan's name quickly appeared on various front pages, and Weibo's hot search also rose to the first place.

However, Mu Xingyu's attention was attracted by the TV series that An Xiangwan was about to appear in.

"I Love You Every Day", the last life and "Zhengtu" have been broadcasted one after another, and caused a frenzy of ratings. The male lead is played by the second-line star Duan Ming. But in this life, An Xiangwan suddenly has not finished this chapter, click on the next one to continue reading! However, he returned to China and replaced Duan Ming as the hero of "Every Day I Love You".

Mu Xingyu was surprised that when the previous director selected Duan Ming, it was mainly because this person was more in line with the temperament of the male lead and domineering president, but An Xiangwan was even more domineering and the young master. It can be said that there is a big difference in temperament.

With these huge deviations, Mu Xingyu couldn't help feeling that the butterfly effect he brought was too great.

However, apart from the first unpleasant meeting, he and An Xiangwan did not intersect, so they did not pay attention to the news of An Xiangwan. However, when filming in the afternoon, Charlie suddenly called him. He was filming at the time, and the phone was asking where.

Charlie said to Xiaowen. "Mu Shaoyi finished filming and asked him to call me immediately. I have a hundred thousand urgent things to tell him!"

Xiaowen saw that Charlie was so worried and worried that something went wrong with Mr. Gu, so Mu Xing Yu as soon as he finished filming the scene, he hurriedly came to Mu Xingyu. "Brother Xingyu, Mr. Charlie is calling, there is a very important thing to say, you should call him back quickly."

Mu Xingyu listened, and thinking that Gu Yunzhou was in a problem, he hurried to the corner, called Charlie, and asked, "Charlie, you called me suddenly. Did something happen to Yunzhou?"

"Mu Shao, don't worry, it's not Ethan's problem, but it is indeed related to Ethan, I..."

"What happened to him?" Mu Xingyu said anxiously.

"Don't get excited, listen to me!" Charlie explained quickly, "That's it. Ann came to see Ethan today. I told you that they are childhood sweethearts. You have to be careful."

"What are you talking about?" Mu Xingyu asked in surprise.

Suddenly he thought of the fact that An Xiangwan would make Gu cancel his spokesperson when An Xiangwan made a phone call.

Mu Xingyu couldn't help but wonder.

Is there anything Gu Yunzhou really has to do with An Xiangwan.

"Mu Shao, you are calm. Ann has always admired Ethan and wrote love to Ethan, but he was taught to be a man by his brother, and then he was taken back to the United States. I thought he had given up his heart, but I didn't expect to chase after China."

 "What are you saying is true?"

"I will lie to you? You come back quickly. I will help you look at Ethan in these two days."

Mu Xingyu held a sigh in his heart.

He is angry, and he is a bit fierce when filming. Director Song hurriedly stopped and asked him, "Xingyu, what's going on?"

"Director Fang, I'm sorry, it's because I'm in the wrong mood."

"What's the matter?" Director Song admires Mu Xingyu very much.

Usually Mu Xingyu is very emotional. 

There are fewer mistakes, so Director Song paid special attention to the abnormality of this Mu Xingyu.

Mu Xingyu shook his head and smiled reluctantly. "It's really okay, I will adjust my emotions soon."

In the subsequent shooting, Mu Xingyu tried to suppress his emotions, perfectly showing that Jiang Xiaofeng is not over in this chapter, after work was over, he couldn't wait to return to the hotel.

This time he clicked on WeChat without even taking a bath, trying to send a video call to Gu Yunzhou, but he stopped at this time.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked himself.

Mu Xingyu came over in surprise, he was jealous!

Although he had always known that Gu Yunzhou was excellent and many people would like him, for the first time, Mu Xingyu had a sense of crisis. 

Charlie said that An Xiangwan and Gu Yunzhou were childhood sweethearts, but Gu Yunzhou was in China before he was eight years old, so Gu Yunzhou must have met An Xiangwan after he went to the UK.

He was a little jealous. When Gu Yunzhou was in China, he was too young and he had forgotten many things, and after Gu Yunzhou went to the UK, they did not meet each other. 

Now think about it, how helpless Gu Yunzhou was when he lost his parents and his legs were disabled. If he was by Gu Yunzhou's side at that time, it would be great.

When Mu Xingyu was thinking about it, the WeChat video bell rang. He looked down and found that it was Gu Yunzhou who came over.

Quickly connected, Gu Yunzhou's handsome face appeared in the video.

 "You just came back?" Gu Yunzhou saw that Mu Xingyu was still wearing formal clothes, thinking that Mu Xingyu had just returned to the hotel.

"Yeah." Mu Xingyu replied. He looked at Gu Yunzhou, opened his mouth, and wanted to ask about An Xiangwan, but he felt that he was too small, so he didn't ask.

 Gu Yunzhou felt strange and asked, "What's wrong? If you have anything, just tell me."

"I want to ask you one thing," Mu Xingyu considered the words, trying to make his jealousy not too obvious." Charlie said, Mr. Ann came to see you, do you guys know?"

Gu Yunzhou was taken aback, and then laughed.

"Xingyu, are you jealous?"

"I didn't!" Mu Xingyu said quickly.

"Okay, if you don't have it," Gu Yunzhou was very annoyed by An Xiangwan, but when he saw Mu Xingyu's reaction, he was in a good mood and said, "Xingyu, don't worry, since I was young, I only like you, An Xiangwan is just my junior."


"Of course it is true, and we have only been in the same school for a year." Gu Yunzhou smiled.

After he went to England, he and An Xiangwan were in the same school. At that time, both he and An Xiangwan had just entered school, and they were both Asian in appearance, so they naturally received great attention. 

An Xiangwan followed his mother to the Williams family. Everything around him was unfamiliar to him, so seeing a senior who looked close to him gave him a feeling of dependence. 

Mu Xingyu, breathed a sigh of relief, but still had some doubts, and then asked. "Then he wrote you love?"

Gu Yunzhou secretly told Charlie to talk more and quickly explained. "He wrote it, but I didn't accept it. "

"Really?" Mu Xingyu frowned.

"Of course it's true! At that time we were still young and we can't count." Gu Yunzhou said.

"When we got engaged, we were very young. Are we also uncountable?" Mu Xingyu asked.

Gu Yunzhou found that this topic was dangerous and couldn't continue, so he quickly moved to another topic.

"When will you finish filming tomorrow? I will pick you up at the airport."

"Maybe I won't be back tomorrow. Go and see my parents. The matter will be postponed in the future." Mu Xingyu said regretfully.

Director Song temporarily added a martial arts scene to him, so tomorrow's filming task is very heavy, and Mu Xingyu doesn't know if he can return tomorrow.

"Well then, pay attention to your safety when you are filming. I will wait for you at home."

"You should rest early." Mu Xingyu said.

After the video call was over, Gu Yunzhou called Chen Feng and told him that if An Xiangwan came to see him in the future, he would be rejected.

It is true that Gu Yunzhou and An Xiangwan have only been in the same school for a year. Because of his leg problems, he hired a tutor to study at home. However, the Gu family had contacts with the Williams family.

After Gu Yunzhou and Ryan met, An Xiangwan would often visit him with his brother. Gu Yunzhou has always been pretending to be Mu Xingyu in his heart, so he doesn't say anything about An Xiangwan. 

Later, An Xiangwan was taken back to the United States, and his ears were finally quiet. This time An Xiangwan's sudden visit made Gu Yunzhou very surprised. He was very annoyed by An Xiangwan, but after seeing Mu Xingyu jealous, he felt a little happy. 

But in order to make Mu Xingyu feel at ease, he decided not to see An Xiangwan again in the future, and let Ryan take care of his younger brother.


After Mu Xingyu knew that Gu Yunzhou and An Xiangwan were not involved, he finally slept peacefully.

The next day was the last day of his filming, and he played very hard throughout the day. However, the newly added scenes were too difficult to bear.

It was blasting and gunfighting. After all the scenes were filmed, it was late at night.

"Xingyu, it's too late now, you can go back tomorrow." Director Song said.

"Yeah, we will go back tomorrow so that we can hold a banquet for you." Tong Lingling smiled.

Mu Xingyu shook his head. "Thank you for your concern, but I still want to go back overnight. Let's go back to the hotel and rest early."

"It seems that Xingyu is very homesick." Director Song laughed.

Mu Xingyu laughed dryly, said goodbye to everyone, and then left by car with Xiao Wen and the others.

Xiaowen and Liu Min have already packed the luggage they brought, and now they don't need to go to the hotel anymore and go directly to the airport to board the plane.

In order to give Gu Yunzhou a surprise, he did not tell Gu Yunzhou that he would come back overnight.

Although it was past early morning, Mu Xingyu was very excited, thinking that he would see Gu Yunzhou soon, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Just mere comment of One Am Soft Eggs: ♡♡♡♡ Here are the chapters
See you later.
