
"Who is he? Why did the president's bodyguard come to pick him up in person?"

"That's right, it's Brother Chen, he is the president's confidant."

Everyone talked about it, and the lady at the front desk had already been blinded and worried that she would not offend her. What a big shot.

Among the staff, the three girls who were looking for Mu Xingyu were the happiest.

"The president's bodyguard came to pick up Xingyu in person. Xingyu really have a face."

"Do you think Xingyu are here to talk about work?"

"Maybe, the fashion director said that he should look for a Chinese as a spokesperson? I suspect that he is looking for Xingyu."

"Hey, the surprise came too suddenly, let me slow it down."

"No, I want to send this good news to the group." The three girls, every word you say to me, are very excited to send their guesses to the fan group.

At this time, Mu Xingyu and Chen Feng took the elevator to the top office area.

On the way, Mu Xingyu asked Chen Feng about Gu Yunzhou's situation today, and he was relieved after knowing that Gu Yunzhou had a regular meal.

There were few staff on the top floor.

Mu Xingyu followed Chen Feng straight to the president's office.

When he passed the rest area, he saw Jin Yurong again.

"Why did you come up?" Jin Yurong asked aloud.

"Naturally, I used the elevator to get up."

"Hmph, you didn't make an appointment at all. I think you sneaked up while the front desk didn't pay attention." 

Mu Xingyu frowned, Jin Yurong pointed at him many times and had already told him nored.

Chen Feng immediately defended him.

"Miss, this is Shao Mu, please pay attention to your words."

Jin Yurong knew that Chen Feng was a bodyguard, and did not put Chen Feng in his eyes, and mocked. "Mu Shao, I think it is the'Young Master'. Obviously I will come first, but you directly take him to the president's office. I have to doubt you. Take his benefits."

"If you make trouble unreasonably, I will send you to leave immediately."

Chen Feng is usually a cold and serious person, and now he is angry and his aura is even more terrifying.

Jin Yurong felt scared, but she felt that in her own capacity, why should she be afraid of a bodyguard. So she boldly said.

"I am your important guest of Mr. Gu, how dare you threaten me? You wait, when you see Mr. Gu, you must be good-looking."

"Really? Then wait and see." Mu Xingyu take the words.

At this time, Jiang Yunxin opened the door of the office and sent a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes out.

Jin Yurong knew him and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"Mrs. Jin, hello, come to Mr. Gu to discuss cooperation?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes," Mrs. Jin wanted to say a few words, but when she saw Mu Xingyu went straight to the president's office, she was upset, and said quickly, "You are busy, we will talk later when we have time."

"Okay, wait. At the phone of his wife."

As soon as the middle-aged man left, Jin Yurong quickly asked Jiang Yunxin.

"It's my appointment time, why did he let him in? And he, as a bodyguard, why didn't he stop that man?"

Mu Xingyu Entering the office, he saw Gu Yunzhou lowering his head as if signing a document.

He coughed slightly. "Mr. Gu."

Gu Yunzhou was surprised.

He quickly raised his head and saw Mu Xingyu standing at the door.

"You ...Why are you here?"

"I'll bring you ginseng soup," Mu Xingyu showed the thermos in his hand.

At this moment, he heard the questioning outside the door and couldn't help but smile, and said to Gu Yunzhou, "Outside a beautiful woman asked me how to meet you?"

Gu Yunzhou frowned, put down the pen in his hand, and pushed the wheelchair out of the office.

Jiang Yunxin is explaining to Jin Yurong.

"Mrs. Jin, that's Mu Shao, no appointment is needed."

"Why?" Jin Yurong was very angry, thinking that Assistant Jiang and Chen Feng must have received Mu Xingyu's benefits.

At this time, a cold voice sounded. "Because he is my partner." 

Jin Yurong looked at Gu Yunzhou in surprise. "Gu...General Gu..."

When she thought of what Gu Yunzhou had said, Jin Yurong was stunned.

"Assistant Jiang, the appointment is cancelled." Gu Yunzhou said to Jiang Yunxin, then returned to the office with his wheelchair.

Jin Yurong wanted to follow up to explain, but was stopped by Chen Feng. "Mrs. Jin, please come back."

"Mr. Gu, listen to me. I don't know the identity of Mu Shao..." However, the door of the president's office was directly closed, Jin Yurong. Her face was pale and she was very regretful.

She turned to look at Jiang Yunxin, "Assistant Jiang, please explain to Mr. Gu, I don't know that this person is Mr. Gu's partner."

"Mrs. Jin, please come back, and make an appointment later. Time is here." Jiang Yunxin said politely.

Jin Yurong knew that there would be no time to make an appointment in the future. She regretted it very much and left in despair.

After Jin Yurong left, Jiang Yunxin snorted.

"The lover is in the top position, no wonder you have no brains.


In the office, Mu Xingyu poured the ginseng soup from the thermos into the cup and handed it to Gu Yunzhou.

Gu Yunzhou took it. The cup, looking at the steaming ginseng soup, a warm current dripped in his heart.

While drinking, he asked Mu Xingyu.

"Are you in a hurry to go back? "

Mu Xingyu checked the time, after three o'clock in the afternoon, said.

"I am here waiting for you to get off work, and then we will go back together. "

"Good. "

When Gu Yunzhou was drinking soup, Mu Xingyu looked at the office. 

The overall style is simple and modern, with a large area, equipped with a bathroom and a lounge. In the closet of the lounge, Mu Xingyu also saw five sets of business men's clothing and two pajamas, as well as complete daily necessities. It can be seen that Gu Yunzhou used to work overtime often and even often sleeps in the office.

Mu Xingyu couldn't help but sigh that it is not easy for the president of a large company.

After Gu Yunzhou finished drinking the soup, he took away the thermos cup and cup, so as not to affect Gu Yunzhou's office.

At this time, Gu Yunzhou suddenly asked him.

"Why didn't you explain my relationship with you just now?"

"Huh?" Mu Xingyu didn't expect Gu Yunzhou to ask this question. He was very surprised, "I, I thought you didn't want to let people know. " "

"Why do not I want to? "

Mu Xingyu stunned, he felt Gu Yun Zhou not want to be argumentative person, so it felt Gu Yun Zhou did not want to marry the news that came out, he did not expect ......faint eyes in Gu Yun Zhou.

Next, he felt stressed and didn't know how to explain. At this time, the office doorbell rang, and he hurried to open the door.

Jiang Yunxin came in with two cups of coffee, and Mu Xingyu looked at her gratefully, which made her feel strange.

Jiang Yunxin handed a cup of coffee to Mu Xingyu, put the other cup on Gu Yunzhou's table, and then dutifully reminded Gu Yunzhou.

"Mr. Gu, there are still fifteen minutes left, and the meeting of the electronics R&D department will begin."

"The schedule is so full, didn't you just cancel an appointment?" Mu Xingyu asked strangely.

"Mu Shao, the time to meet Mrs. Jin was only half an hour, and it's already half an hour now." Jiang Yunxin explained.

"Isn't it about asking Mr. Gu to take a break?"

Jiang Yunxin was also helpless. "Mr. Gu just returned to the company and accumulated some things."

 Gu Yunzhou interrupted Jiang Yunxin and told Jiang Yunxin to go out first and call him before the meeting started.

And then said to Mu Xingyu.

"Wait for me in the office first, and call Chen Feng if you have anything to do."

"Okay, you're busy, don't worry about me." Mu Xingyu sat down on the real leather sofa and started to scan Weibo.

Gu Yunzhou processed a few more documents, and soon Jiang Yunxin came to call him, and then left the office together.

Mu Xingyu was drinking coffee and swiping Weibo, and suddenly saw the hot search for "Warm Moments". The show has been bought by Mango TV and will be aired in the summer vacation.

The broadcast time is the same as the previous life, but the difference is that Mu Xingyu did not participate in the show, and their Mu family did not go bankrupt at this time.

With the help of Lingye, Gu Yunzhou woke up one and a half years earlier, directly destroying Andre's attempt to control the Gu Group. The trajectory of many people's fate has changed, but Andre is still at large, making Mu Xingyu feel uneasy.

At this time, Xiaowen called him, and he said with an extremely excited tone.

"Xingxing, are you in the Gu's Mansion?"

"How do you know?" Mu Xingyu was surprised.

"Some fans saw you, don't talk about it, let me ask you, did you come to Gu's Mansion to endorse?"

"Endorsement?" Mu Xingyu didn't understand Xiao Wen's brains, he came only to give Gu Yunzhou ginseng soup.

Why is it involved in the endorsement?

"Isn't it?"

"Why do you think I came to Gu's Mansion because of endorsements?"

"I saw that the fans broke the news, and now the news has been posted on Weibo."

Mu Xingyu understood that it must be him.

When he was in the lobby, he was recognized by fans. Fans thought he came to Gu's Mansion to endorse, so he exposed it to the Internet.

It just so happens that Gu is currently choosing the W&W spring/summer ready-to-wear spokesperson, and it is clear that he wants to choose a domestic star, so it has attracted a lot of attention.

When the fans saw the news, they had a lively discussion, and Xiaowen immediately called to ask about the situation.

It's a pity to disappoint the fans. Mu Xingyu explained.

"I'm here to meet a friend, not to talk about endorsements. I will post on Weibo to clarify."

Xiaowen hurriedly stopped him. "No, you clarify. Let more people know, let me say it in the fan group."

"Yeah." Mu Xingyu was about to hang up, Xiaowen quickly asked him if there was anything he liked about the brands he had previously sent to him, so he was ready to go.

Talk about future cooperation.

Mu Xingyu thought for a moment. "I think that a good shampoo, I have no other intention."

"Xingyu brother, you determine just pick one?"

"Yes, not quantity in terms of quality, I am just beginning famous, They chose me, but because of my background. Instead of this, it's better to focus on film and television."

After finishing the conversation with Xiaowen, Mu Xingyu began to think about his future development.

He knew that he did not have the ability to do business, so he never thought about taking over Mu's company, but men always have their own business, and Mu Xingyu wants to make a career in the entertainment industry.

[It seems that I am going to open a personal studio. ]

Once you have intention, he immediately clean up a bit assets, real estate and cash add up to discover that he should have more than two hundred million of money, built a studio is really more than sufficient.

Just mere comment of One Am Soft Eggs: Finally admitted huh...
See you later.
