
The next day, Mu Xingyu drove the car and went to the audition location arranged by the crew of "Zhengtu" with Xiao Wen.

On the way, Xiaowen said. "Brother Xingyu, "Warm Moments" is scheduled and will be broadcast on the 10th of next month."

"Xingyu, why do you follow this show so much?"

"I'm worried about the "Zhengtu" crew meeting considering Feng Zi'an's popularity..."

Mu Xingyu interrupted XiaoQi. "Up to now, you still have no confidence in me?"

"Xingyu Brother, I didn't mean that," Xiaowen waved his hand quickly, "I think you are here. The crew of "Warm Moments" has suffered so much, and now this drama is broadcast smoothly, I am not reconciled."

"There is nothing to be reconciled, just ask, we have to look forward!" Mu Xingyu laughed.

"Brother Xingyu, you are right, "Journey" is much better than "Warm Moments"." When they arrived at the hotel where they auditioned, Mu Xingyu and Xiao Wen entered the meeting room under the leadership of the staff.

At this time, there were already seven people in the conference room, and they all looked over as soon as Mu Xingyu came in. 

Some people recognized Mu Xingyu and quickly greeted with a smile.

Some people didn't know Mu Xingyu, but looking at Mu Xingyu's appearance and temperament, they felt that Mu Xingyu was a strong competitor.

"Xiaowen, you go outside and wait." Mu Xingyu asked Xiaowen to leave first. He casually found a stool to sit down and waited for the audition to begin. 

The handsome guy next took the initiative to look for him to talk.

"Aren't you Mu Xingyu? How come to the audition?"

"Well, I like the role of sinking." After
saying a few words, the door of the conference room opened again and Feng Zi'an in a casual suit walked in.

He scanned the meeting room, only to see two competitive opponents, he showed a satisfied smile, but this smile disappeared instantly when he saw Mu Xingyu. Since Andre received a call from Mu Xingyu that night and left, he has never seen Andre again.

After calling, Andre said that he was just playing with him, and then he never answered his phone.

Feng Zian found that he was fetching water from the bamboo basket and hated Andre at the same time, he also hated Mu Xingyu by the way.

As early as the very beginning, he felt that Andre was very special to Mu Xingyu. Later, when Andre left, it was also because he received a call from Mu Xingyu. He felt that Mu Xingyu had hooked Andre away. .

But Mu Xingyu didn't know Feng Zi'an's thoughts, and didn't even give Feng Zi'an a look.

The other people in the conference room greeted Feng Zi'an in a friendly manner, but Feng Zi'an was in a bad mood. In addition, he was very self-conscious and ignored other people at all.

Soon, the crew came in and asked all the actors who auditioned for the second male number to draw lots.

Finally, Mu Xingyu drew the number seven, and Feng Zian drew the number six.

Starting with the number one, the actors who participated in the audition left the meeting room one after another. They would leave directly after the audition, so there were fewer and fewer people in the meeting room.

Soon, it was Feng Zi'an's turn to audition, and Mu Xingyu was called out by the staff to prepare shortly after Feng Zi'an left.

Unlike other actors, Mu Xingyu is not nervous, which surprised the staff.

After waiting for a while, the door of the audition room opened, and Feng Zian walked out confidently.

"You won't have a chance." Feng Zi'an said as he passed by Mu Xingyu.

But Mu Xingyu smiled faintly. "Really? No one will know the result before the end."

After speaking, Mu Xingyu followed the staff and entered the audition room.

In the room, there were three people who had seen them as early as in the last life of Mu Xingyu, so they naturally shouted.

"Director Zhang, Producer Xu, Sister Mei."

Director Zhang is naturally the show "Zhengtu".

Director Zhang Heng; Producer Xu is the producer of this show, who assembled the entire team; Sister Mei, a screenwriter who has worked with Director Zhang many times, has a reputation as a gold medal screenwriter.

Sister Mei smiled and said, "Isn't Mu Xingyu? Lan Ying became your agent, is she here today?"

Sister Mei and Lan Ying are about the same age, one is a gold screenwriter, the other is a gold agent, and both have have worked together, and the relationship is very good.

"Sister Lan has something to do and didn't come." Mu Xingyu replied.

 "Oh, this is your first audition, she doesn't care?" Sister Mei asked.

"Because Sister Lan believes in me."

Sister Mei wanted to say more. Director Zhang coughed and said, "It's audition time now."

Sister Mei knew Director Zhang's temper, smiled, and asked the staff to give Mu Xingyu an audition.

"Shen Qian escaped." The staff member pulled out a piece of paper from the paper box and said.

When Mu Xingyu read the script he got, he naturally knew the clip he was going to audition.

The TV series "Journey" tells the story of Song Qinghe, the founding emperor of the Jing Dynasty. The second male number Shen Qian, who auditioned for Mu Xingyu, was Song Qinghe's lifelong enemy.

Song Qinghe was born in a reckless way, gradually accumulating his own power amidst the chaos of the world, and finally annihilated the decadent Chen Dynasty.

As Song Qinghe's lifelong enemy, Shen Qian was the prince of the Chen Dynasty.

Relying on his amazing talent and powerful ability, he was finally registered as the prince. But no matter how strong a person is, how can he save the Chen Chao who is about to fall? The effort of sinking is like the struggle of a drowning person, and is finally overwhelmed by a fierce torrent.

Mu Xingyu likes Shen Qian's melancholy and strong character, so he went to audition in his previous life.

In the last life, the clip of his audition was to show off his brilliance. It is about Shen Qian's plan and strategy to defeat the rebellious princes, and  his father.

The "sink and escape" segment he auditioned now is a follow-up of this content.

Because he showed his sharp edge, it attracted dissatisfaction from the prince, and the prince framed him for colluding with the princes. When his daunting father found out, he asked soldiers to arrest him. If he resisted, he was confirmed. If he did not resist, he would be killed by soldiers bought by the prince. In the end, in order to survive, Shen Qian had to flee overnight.

In the script, Shen Qian escaped with a total of five pages of content, which showed Shen Qian's persistence in clarifying the crime, the disappointment after being surrounded by soldiers, and the helplessness when finally escaping.

Emotional transformation is very complicated, and it is one of the most difficult content in the script that has been given.

Mu Xingyu immediately found his condition, carrying his hands on his back and raising his head to watch the moon. In the absence of human interaction, he followed the script, turned sideways, as if listening to someone, and then showed a shocked expression.

"No, I don't believe that my father will arrest me. I'm going to meet him, and I want to prove my innocence to him."

Mu Xingyu made the appearance of pushing people away, and then he seemed to be held back by others. It's too heavy to move away.

According to the script's lines, he asked to speak to the general who came to arrest him, but the general didn't listen at all and let him get caught. 

"What's the matter? Don't my father trust me at all." He said disappointedly.

Although Mu Xingyu was wearing casual clothes, he incorporated his emotions into the role. In the end, he turned around helplessly and made the appearance of leaving. The audition finally ended.

Director Zhang, who was originally serious, nodded appreciatively. "Go back and wait for the notice." He motioned to the staff to take Mu Xingyu out first.

"How do you think he played?" Before the door closed, Mu Xingyu heard Director Zhang's voice.

When he came to the lobby,  Xiaowen immediately ran over.

"Brother Xingyu, how about the audition?"

"I don't know, wait for the notice."

"What's the expression of that director? "

" Don't worry, let's go back." Mu Xingyu believed in his own strength, smiled faintly, and Xiaowen left the hotel.

On the other side of the hall, Feng Zi'an's assistant told Feng Zi'an what he saw.

"Brother Feng, I saw Mu Xingyu coming out and looked calm and even smiled."

Feng Zi'an frowned, for this time he has been preparing for the audition for half a month, and he believes that with his popularity, he will definitely pass the audition. But after seeing Mu Xingyu, he felt anxious, so he asked his assistant to investigate the situation.

Compared to Feng Zi'an's anxiety, Mu Xingyu was very relaxed.

As a result, he was very happy and sad, and was asked by Sister Lan to take part in exercises and planned to enroll him in a fitness class. After Gu Yunzhou learned about it, he said, " You will go to the gym with me every morning from now on."

"Let me accompany you, are you sure? "Mu Xingyu had no interest in fitness, but when he thought of exercising with Gu Yunzhou, he changed his attention.

He can clearly remember that Gu Yunzhou didn't let him follow into the gym.

"Well, stay with me." "Gu Yunzhou said with certainty.

So at 10 o'clock in the morning, Mu Xingyu came to the top floor of the Gu's Building, where there is Gu Yunzhou's exclusive gym.

"Mu Shao, long time no see." Charlie said after seeing him.

"Charlie, how is Yunzhou's rehabilitation recently?" "

" Very good, the nerves in both legs gradually recovered, and the position of the ankles began to feel. "

Mu Xingyu is very happy. He has always remembered to feed Gu Yunzhou with spiritual liquid.

Now it seems that Gu Yunzhou's recovery is very good. After Gu Yunzhou has dealt with the affairs, he came to the gym and brought Mu Xingyu special Fitness coach.

Mu Xingyu did not love sports since he was a child. At the beginning of fitness, it was very difficult to do all kinds of exercises.

However, the spiritual liquid improved his physique, and he quickly adapted to it.

At this time, he looked at Gu Yunzhou and found Gu Yunzhou was doing an upward sloping barbell press, his movements were very steady, and he couldn't see any problems with his legs.

Mu Xingyu felt that he could not be too embarrassed, and he worked harder under Gu Yunzhou's lead.

On the second day of fitness, Mu Xing Yu received a call from Lan Ying. "Mu Shao, you really didn't disappoint me. Just now the crew of "Zhengtu" called and said that you passed the audition for the second male number. "

" Really? "Although he was prepared, Mu Xingyu couldn't help but feel happy when he really knew the news. 

"Really, I plan to go to Mei Yu to get the complete script in a while." 

"Trouble, Sister Lan." "

"No trouble, now you step up to exercise. In this show, you have a lot of fights," Lan Ying suddenly thought of one thing, "By the way, I will contact you with a martial arts director to practice fights. Leave. The plane is still more than half a month away, it should be too late."

"Yeah, okay."

Lan Ying was suddenly worried. "Do you dare to hang Wia?"

"No problem." Mu Xingyu said, the first time in his previous life. When Diao Weiya was really scared, but in order to live, he finally overcome the pressure in his heart, and later did not feel Diao Weiya was very scary. 

Gu Yunzhou after finishing the exercise, wipe it with a towel

Sweating, pushing the wheelchair over.

"Seeing you are so happy, the audition passed?"

"Well," Mu Xingyu smiled, "In order to celebrate my passing the audition, I will invite you to dinner tonight. What do you think, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Yunzhou nodded happily, "Of course. Okay."

"I told Grandpa we won't go home for dinner at night." Mu Xingyu quickly called Grandpa Gu.

Just mere comment of One Am Soft Eggs: For Mr. Gu that's a chance dear haha ♡
See you later.
