
We sit in silence
We feel alone
As we sit inside this broken home
Before we know it it's gone

When we are together we build it back up.
When we are apart it seems to just fall apart
We are meant to be here together
Even as friends who could be more if given another chance.

Both knowing within ourselves
That we love each other with all our hearts
We also know we will never go apart.
Always beside each when needed

The battle we are fighting can always be defeated.
We don't have to fall anymore.
I got your back and you have mine.
We will get through this it only takes time.

My desire is you.
My heart is yours.
My mind is captivated by you.
My souls is attracted to yours.

I'm a lost boy.
Call me Peter Pan

Your a broken girl.
I call you my tinker bell

You drank poison for me and died.
But I kissed your lips and brought you back to life. 
I believed in you and you shined bright.
Bright enough to take us to flight.
