
(soft. so so soft. my annual birthday special.)

word count: 1,430

Tonight was supposed to be just another quiet night in for you.

The key word being was.

Instead, you now find yourself scouring through your medicine cabinet for your emergency first-aid kit even though you know very little about treating injuries.

About half an hour ago, your illusion of a calm night was completely shattered when there was a loud and panicked knock at your door. You had considered ignoring it, though your curiosity got the best of you. When you opened your door, all you could do was gasp and stare with wide-open eyes at the figure standing in your doorway.

Kurapika was standing in front of you, clutching his limp left arm, blood staining his white dress shirt. His face had several clear cuts and bruises and you could tell one of his eyes was almost swollen shut.

After a second of gawking, you rushed to his side, worriedly asking him, "Are you okay?? What happened??"

Kurapika smiled at you weakly as a form of reassurance, "I just happened to be in the area and I thought I would stop by."

You couldn't help but release a light chuckle and shake your head as you helped him drape his arm over your shoulder, "Oh yeah? And you just happened to be horribly injured?"

"Not horribly injured..." He replied in an effort to calm you, "However, I am in a fair amount of pain."

"God, let's get you inside so I can get you cleaned up. We'll take it nice and slow," You began slowly walking forward with Kurapika holding onto you for support.

You finally find your emergency first-aid kit after several minutes of rummaging through the cabinet and set it down on your bathroom counter. You tear off a paper towel and take out the hydrogen peroxide, rolling up Kurapika's sleeve to see the full extent of his injuries.

"These... are some really nasty cuts, you know?" You let out a disheartened sigh, "Okay, this is probably going to hurt so bear with me."

He nods once in agreement but still visibly flinches when the hydrogen peroxide is poured over his arm. You clean up his injuries, your touch gentle, treating him as if he's glass, which is a stark contrast to how blunt you usually are with him.

You bandage up his arm before moving on to the cuts on his face, lightly dabbing them with a paper towel, his face only inches from yours. His breath hitches in his throat when he realizes just how close you are to him but he stays quiet, not wanting to break your concentration.

A relieved sigh passes through your lips after you put the last bandage on him, "Alright, that should help. For now at least. I hope your arm isn't broken."

He makes a fist with his hand and it clearly causes him some pain but he doesn't seem very worried about it, "Thank you, (Y/N). I apologize for showing up unannounced in such a state."

"Don't apologize for that. I'm just glad you reached out to me for help," You stand back up straight and look him up and down, "You should probably rest so you're staying here for the night. Don't try to argue with me by the way, you won't win."

His mouth is parted slightly in surprise before he chuckles softly, "Yes, I suppose there's no convincing you of otherwise."

"That's right," You hold your hand out for him to take with a warm smile evident on your face, "Now come on, let's get you something to drink."

He takes your hand without a second thought and you lead him to the living room. You help him sit down on the sofa before leaving the room momentarily to bring him a glass of water.

"Now, do you want to tell me just what happened?" You sit down next to him on the couch, your leg brushing up against his.

The blonde-haired man is taken aback by this sensation before he clears his throat to answer your question, "I was on a mission for a pair of my brethren's eyes but I was ambushed before I could retreat. Fortunately, I was able to escape and make my way here to you."

"You're lucky I lived nearby then."

"That's correct. I knew I could turn to you for assistance," He offers you a gentle smile, "Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Good thing I'm not squeamish," You quip as you try to lighten the mood, "And you're right. You can always turn to me. We did promise to be there for each other a while back, didn't we?"

He nods, "Yes, however, it was a pinky promise. I'm not certain how legally binding those are."

"I think Gon would say otherwise," Comes your remark accompanied by a sly grin, "Anyway, I'm just glad you're okay. That's all that really matters."

With that simple sentence, his heart is threatening to beat out of his chest again. He clears his throat in an effort to compose himself, "Thank you. You're too kind."

You glance down at your phone, your eyes widening at the time, "Kurapika?"

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Happy birthday! I'm glad we can spend some of it together," You beam at him, easily flustering the Kurta.

His expression softens, adoration present in his eyes as he gazes at you, "Oh, is it past midnight? I hadn't even realized. Thank you, (Y/N). I cannot think of anyone else I would rather spend the night with."

You feel your own heart flutter at his words, "Do you really mean that?"

"Of course. Only a few minutes have passed and this has already been the best birthday that I've had in years."

You chuckle quietly as you reach out to caress his bruised cheek, your thumb running over the bump on his skin, "It looks like the swelling on your eye is going down. Does it hurt any less?"

"It feels much better," He replies as he's all but melted at your calming touch, "Thanks to you."

Your connection may be unspoken but it's tangible enough for anyone to notice. Tension hangs in the air palpably as you bring your other hand up to caress the opposite side of his face, your eyes never leaving his.

"Would it be strange if I asked if I could kiss you?" You blurt the words out without a thought, your heart making your decisions for you.

His eyes widen slightly but he can't stop the ghost of a smile that plays on his lips while he nods slowly, "Please do."

Without another word, you close the distance between you and him, your lips meeting his and moving delicately against one another. It's as if the world has faded away and only you and him remain.

When you part from him, his eyes practically glow as they look into yours - almost as if this moment is being lit by the entire universe itself and you and him are the center of it. This is a moment he'll be certain to cherish and hold onto for the rest of his short life.

Kurapika releases a content sigh as he watches you, "That's something I have been wishing to do for quite some time."

You laugh in response, "You and me both. Let's make this a birthday to remember."

"This is already a birthday that I will certainly never forget," He places his hand on top of yours, "Thank you for being so wonderful. I care about you so deeply."

"I feel the same way," You smile at him before a knowing smirk forms on your lips, "Oh, I do have a question."

"And what could that be?"

"Why didn't you use holy chain to heal yourself?"

He gulps. The fact that you knew all about his nen abilities had somehow completely slipped his mind. For the first time since you've known him, he stammers, "W-well-"

Your laughter cuts him off before he can come up with an excuse, "If I didn't know any better, I would think that you used your injuries as an excuse to spend your birthday with me. Is that right?"

Kurapika looks utterly helpless and defeated as he nods, unable to bring himself to lie to you, "That's correct. I realize now how idiotic my idea was. I'm sorry to have troubled you, (Y/N)."

"Don't worry. I think it's cute," You squeeze his hand, "There's no way I'm letting you get away from me without celebrating your birthday together."

"...Thank you, (Y/N). You're far too kind to me," He feels a bit guilty, but, also relieved you don't seem to be upset by his actions in any way. In fact, you seem quite content.

You lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek, "Now, you should probably heal the rest of your injuries. We have a long day ahead of us."
