
This one-shot is not based on this song, however, I thought that it suited this story a lot. Just a heads-up that this is very sad. Enjoy!

(tw: death)

"I likely do not have much time left at all... I don't even have enough energy to activate emperor time to heal my wounds," The blonde-haired man takes his phone out of his pocket, holding it in his bloodied palm.

Kurapika is slumped up against a brick wall, blood pooling below him on the concrete from his severe injuries. One of his blood-covered hands hovers over the gaping wound in his gut, unable to stop his own bleeding. Blood is spattered onto his face and the light in his eyes is very dull. One of his legs is shattered in several different areas, making it impossible for him to even stand if he wanted to.

He looks down at his cracked phone screen, trying to decide what his next course of action should be, "Should I call for help...?" The stubborn man shakes his head weakly at his own suggestion, saying to himself, "No there's not enough time. They certainly would not arrive quickly enough."

His eyes widen when he thinks of you and realizes he won't be able to see you again, "(Y/N), I'm so sorry... But I need to hear your voice. At least one last time."

He presses the 'call' on your contact information, receiving an answer from you only moments later, "Kurapika! Hey! I was just thinking of you! How did your mission go? Good, right?" You happily speak to him, blissfully unaware of his current situation.

A tired smile forms on his face, "Yes, good indeed."

"Great! I was really worried about you. I was really happy when I saw that it was you calling."

"How was your day, (Y/N)?" Kurapika casually asks you, holding his hand against his lethal wound.

You're surprised by his sudden casual question but have no qualms with answering it, "It was good, although I did burn the lunch I was making earlier. Why do you ask?"

"I was only curious," is his simple response, before asking you, "Did you finally finish the book I recommended for you?"

You hum a sound of affirmation, "Mhm, it was really good. Such a tragic ending for such a complex character. It made me a little sad though."

"Oh. ...Is that so?"

"Yes, definitely," You start, before worriedly asking him, "Are you tired, Kurapika? You sound exhausted."

He looks down at his wound, taking note of the blood seeping out of his gut and leaking down onto the ground below him, "Yes," He closes his eyes and lets out a breath, "I must admit that I feel completely drained."

"You should get some rest," You say, preparing to cut the call short for the poor boy, "We can talk after you relax and get some sleep."

"No-!" Kurapika desperately pleads with you, unwilling to part with you so soon, "Please stay on the line, (Y/N). I have something I need to say to you."

His sudden outburst catches you off-guard, "What do you need to say?"

The Kurta clears his throat, his voice growing weaker each time he speaks, "I know this may be selfish of me, nevertheless, I hope that you can forgive me, (Y/N). I have deep feelings for you. I've harbored these feelings towards you for quite some time now. You are the person that I care for and trust most in this world. I wish to thank you for staying by my side and supporting me for as long as you have. That is not a simple feat."

"Kurapika..." You're speechless, left in awe by his sudden confession, but you can't help but feel a tinge of happiness as you feel the same way towards him, "I had no idea... Of course, I understand your feelings very well. I feel the same way about you. You mean a lot to me. I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

Kurapika lets out a sigh of relief after hearing your response, a soft smile on his face as he speaks into the phone held up against his ear, "I am beyond relieved to hear that you feel the same way. I'm so hopelessly in love with you (Y/N). Everything that you do stuns me and leaves me in awe. All of the stars in the sky could never rival the galaxies that I see in your eyes."

"That's so sweet. Kurapika, I'm so happy you told me how you felt. I love and care about you so deeply," You reply before asking him, "When can I see you again?"

The blonde-haired man knows he can't avoid informing you about his condition any longer, much to his dismay. He lets out a weak cough, droplets of blood dripping from his lips, "You cannot."

"I can't?" You inquire of him, seemingly bewildered, "What do you mean?"

The call is silent for several moments before Kurapika speaks again, his voice strangled, "I don't have much time left, (Y/N)."

You're taken aback by his response, not fully comprehending the words that fall from his lips, "What- what do you mean?"

"I completed my mission, however, I took a lethal injury to the stomach. I estimate that I only have mere minutes left before I fully bleed out and pass on," Kurapika explains to you, instantly causing your vision to blur with tears.

"W-why didn't you call for help?? Why didn't you send me your location? I'm leaving my house right now!" You desperately shout out in response, hot tears running down your cheeks.

"There is not enough time. I will undoubtedly be gone before you get here," He explicates to you in a broken voice, feeling tears brimming in his own eyes, "I just wanted to hear your voice one last time. I wished for you to know how much you mean to me. Please forgive me for my despicably selfish actions, (Y/N). I am so incredibly sorry."

"That's not fair...! Please don't leave me, Kurapika! Please...! Just stay on the line! I'm getting in my car right now...!" Your sobs are louder now as your whole body trembles violently. You've finally been able to express your feelings to the person you care about most and you can't fathom losing him.

"I will stay on the line for as long as my injury permits me," Kurapika says, knowing that he can't persuade you from not trying to save him, "Thank you for taking care of me, (Y/N). Talking to you was always the best part of my day."

Kurapika can hear you opening your car door and climbing into the driver's seat before you reply, "Not was- Is! It is the best part of your day."

"(Y/N)..." He whispers out your name in such a hushed, yet, loving voice, "Will you please take care of yourself for me? Do not beat yourself up over my death."

"You're not going to die!! Please just hang on!" You start your car up, quickly fastening your seat belt, "I'm on my way! I'll save you...! We can patch up your injury. We have to!"

Kurapika lets out a deep breath, the light in his eyes starting to fade more and more by each passing moment, "I believe this is it. Please just remember that I loved you. You meant the world to me, (Y/N). Even in death, your voice is the only sound I wish to hear."

"Kurapika, please! You can't leave me! Please don't leave me!" You find yourself desperately pleading into the phone as violent sobs rack your body. He doesn't answer for a few moments, "Please! I love you! Please don't leave me! I don't know what I would do without you!"

Kurapika lets out a quiet breath, letting you know that he's still there, "I am so so sorry, (Y/N). I was happy to know you. Meeting you was incredibly lucky on my part."


"I feel so tired. -Forgive me, (Y/N)," He lets out another quiet breath before the line goes completely silent.

The sound of his phone falling against the hard cement and glass cracking is the last thing that you hear from his end of the line.

Your eyes widen at the realization of what has just transpired, choking out words of pure desperation through your gut-wrenching weeping, "Come back! Please don't leave me like this! Talk to me...! Kurapika, say something...!! Anything at all!!" You lean your head down against the steering wheel, unable to stop the tears from streaming down your face.

You pound the steering wheel with your fist as you feel your heart shattering to pieces, yet you still hold the phone against your ear, yearning to hear the Kurta's voice just one more time. To hear him talk so casually as he did when he first called you. To say that he's okay and that he can't wait to see you again, however, the line remains completely noiseless on his end, only earning more devastatingly painful sobs from you.

"Please, anything! Just say anything...! I love you, Kurapika. Please come back! I can't live without you!!" You pound the steering wheel with your fist a few more times, your voice strangled as you plead with nobody in particular, "Give him back! Please give him back! He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to live and be happy. Please...! Someone- anyone...! Give him back to me!"
