Letters From Kurapika

Dearest (Y/N),

How have you been? I have missed you so much, my treasure. I never imagined that not being able to call you or message you would be so hard. I suppose that I was so used to being able to speak with you whenever I wished that now I'm finding it difficult to refrain from messaging you or hearing your wonderful voice. Unfortunately, since I don't have any service on my mobile phone, these letters will have to do instead. 

I hope that this letter finds you quickly because I cannot wait to receive a response from you. Are you taking care of yourself and eating well? Rest assured, I have been taking care of myself just as you asked. For you, I would do anything, and I never want you to forget this. I am assuming that you're curious about how my mission is going, however, I cannot give out too many details. Thankfully, everything is going well on my end and I believe that I will be able to retrieve another pair of my brethren's eyes soon enough. The sooner, the better. 

All I want is to see you again, to be able to hold you tightly in my arms. I truly took the time we spent together for granted. I would do anything to experience the moment when I woke up beside you for the first time. The sunlight pouring in through the windows perfectly enhanced your already beautiful facial features. I hope to hear back from you soon, my love. I love you an infinite amount. 

Forever yours,


Dearest (Y/N),

You couldn't possibly fathom how happy I was to receive such a hasty response from you. I'm so happy to hear that you are doing well and are taking care of yourself properly. From the sound of your letter, it seems as if you are missing me just as much as I miss you. Perhaps this is selfish of me, but the thought of this brought a smile to my face. 

It seemed like you were overjoyed to learn that I was taking good care of myself. While I've been eating properly, I cannot say that I have been sleeping very well without you by my side. I believe that I've become so accustomed to sleeping with you in my arms that it is difficult to sleep without your presence. I wonder if you have had the same problem. If so, I can only apologize and promise that I will return home to you as soon as possible. 

I hope that you can forgive me for being away from you for so long. It makes me incredibly happy that you are so understanding of me and my situation. You have always supported me no matter what, and do not think this is a small feat, (Y/N). I am certain that it cannot be easy for you to always be worrying about me. 

I hope this letter makes it to you quickly. I will be awaiting your reply, my treasure. As always, I love you and I miss you an indescribable amount. Hopefully, I will be able to see that beautiful face of yours in person very soon. Would it be strange of me to ask you to enclose a picture of yourself with your next letter...? I'm only joking, of course. I'll be awaiting your next letter, my love.

Forever yours,


Dearest, (Y/N),

Thank you for writing back already! I was having a very unpleasant day today until I received your letter. I was not expecting you to actually include a picture of yourself, however, it made me so happy. I have been looking at the picture for the past hour while preparing to write my response. I plan on keeping this photo in my wallet whenever I miss you too much. I'm well aware that I say this fairly often, but you are so stunning. I am always in awe when I see you.

Fortunately, I have some great news for you! I've retrieved the pair of my brethren's eyes that I came here for and I am able to begin making my way home to you now. I have already booked a train ride to the airport for tomorrow morning. It will still take me some time to travel home, which is why I still intend on sending this letter. 

I hope this news brings a smile to your face. I cannot wait to see your smile in person. You always seem to light up any room you're in with that blinding smile of yours. And you are absolutely correct in saying that I should have enclosed a photo of myself with my last letter. Don't worry, my love, you will see my face in person soon enough. I look forward to seeing you, my treasure. I will be home shortly. I love you so much.

Forever yours,


The sound of the front door creaking open easily meets your ears and draws your attention away from the mindless show that you were watching. You hurriedly jump up from the couch and race towards the front door, your eyes falling on a tired-looking Kurapika. Dark circles accentuate his eyes but a beaming smile forms on his face as his gaze falls on you. He drops his suitcase and pulls you into his arms, holding you flush against him.

"I have missed you so much, my treasure," He says in a soft tone, "I apologize for my absence, but I promise you that I will make it up to you."

"Don't apologize, Kurapika. You have nothing to be sorry for," Your voice comes out muffled as your face is pressed against his chest, "I love you. I'll always be here for you."

He runs his hand through your hair, lovingly, feeling all of his prior stress wash away from him, "I truly am so lucky to have you. Thank you for everything, (Y/N). Your letters made me so happy."

"I feel the same way. I put your letters in a special place so that I never lose them. They're very special to me."

He pulls away from you slightly, his eyes widen in surprise before the corners of his lips tug upwards to form a soft smile, "(Y/N), you are so sweet. I kept your letters tucked away so I could read them whenever I missed you too much."

"You got home much faster than I expected," You point out to him, wondering, "How was your trip, my love?"

"I rushed here as quickly as possible. I have not slept much as I was too excited to see you again," He explains to you, gently moving a strand of hair away from your face, "Since I'm here so soon, I would say my trip went very well," He says with a sheepish smile present on his face, "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Of course I would, but you need to get some rest," You look up at him, taking in his tired appearance, "You should lay down." You pull away from him and take his hand, prepared to lead him into the bedroom.

He lets out a soft chuckle, prompting you to turn around and face him again, "Only if you lay down with me."

"That's all I want," You reply with a genuine smile on your face. He watches you with a look of awe on his face for several moments, causing you to question him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, my treasure," He starts, the smile on his face growing even larger as he says, "I was just thinking about how reading your letters could never measure up to hearing your voice or seeing your face in person."

"What a coincidence," You say, "I was just thinking the same thing."
