Drunk Confessions

"Kurapika, are you coming to the party?" Leorio wonders, cell phone pressed to his ear, "Gon and Killua are already here, and I think (Y/N) is on her way."

"I'll be there shortly." Comes Kurapika's voice through the speaker, "I'm just finishing up some work."

"Ok, good. Wouldn't want you to miss my birthday party!" Leorio emphasizes the word birthday, also adding, "And dont forget my gift."

Kurapika sighs at his friends behavior, "I wont. I'll message you when I'm on my way."

"See you soon buddy!" He hangs up the phone and looks down at Killua and Gon, who are watching him, "He said he's going to be on his way soom."

"Finally," Killua starts, seemingly annoyed, "And where's (Y/N)?"

Just as he says this, a cab pulls up to the curb, a familiar figure stepping out of the car. "Hey guys!" You wave to them as you walk towards them, a gift bag for Leorio in one hand. "Sorry that I'm a little late."

Leorio quickly brushes you off, "You're not late, but Kurapika is going to be."

"Oh I see," you start, thoughts of the Kurta running through your mind, "Busy as always."

A loud rumbling sound frightens you, Gon smiles innocently and apologizes, "Sorry, I haven't eaten yet today.."

"Let's go get a table," Killua says, already walking towards the entrance to the restaurant, "Kurapika can meet us inside."

Gon rushes to catch up to him, while you and Leorio walk behind him. Once seated, the waitress takes your drink orders and asks if anyone wants appetizers. Everyone agrees on a few of them, and you all continue to talk and catch up.

"So, Gon says, 'This frog wouldnt hurt me, we're friends now.' But then the thing nearly swallowed him whole!" Killua explains, laughing, much to Gon's dismay.

"You always say crazy stuff, too, Killua!" Gon sticks his tongue out at him.

"Here are your drinks," The waitress announces herself as she sets everyone's ordered drinks in front of them, "I'll be back with your appetizers." She bows and walks away.

Leorio observes your drink for a moment, before asking, "Are you gonna drink any alcohol? You're of age right?"

"I'm of age," you explain, a hesitant look on your face, "But I'm kind of a lightweight..."

"Come on. (Y/N)!" Your friend encourages you, slapping your back, "Just have one or two drinks, I'll pay!!"

You raise an eyebrow at him, "But why?"

"Drinking alone is boring.." He pouts at you, "And it's my birthday."

You let out a defeated sigh, "Fine, I'll drink a little bit."

When the waitress brings back your appetizers, Leorio orders you a drink and promises that it's not strong at all. She brings the drink back momentarily later, and you take a small sip, surprised that it actually doesn't taste like alcohol at all.

"Hey, this is actually pretty good, Leorio!" You exclaim, surprised that he would actually pick out a good drink.

An hour passes by, and you've had a lot more than a few drinks, your words slurring together now, and everyone looking fuzzy. Leorio is pretty tipsy as well, enabling you to drink more than you should. Gon and Killua watch in surprise of how quickly you're downing each drink.

"I'm sure this wont end well," Killua whispers to Gon, who only laughs and scratches the back of his head.

"I apologize for being late everybody," Kurapika approaches the table, his suit jacket draped over his arm, "I hope you weren't waiting long?"

"An hour," The white haired boy says bluntly, "Enough time for (Y/N) to get drunk."

He raises an eyebrow at this, finding it hard to believe. That is, until you notice him. You jump out of the booth and rush over to him, giving him a tight hug, "Kurapika! It's been too long!" Comes your loud greeting, accompanied by a hiccup.

Kurapika quickly realizes that Killua wasn't lying as he smells the alcohol on your breath and notices your slurred words. "It certainly has, (Y/N). Are you alright?"

You pull back from the hug, giggling at him, "I'm perfect now that you're here!"

"Oh?" His lips curve into a small smile, "Well I'm glad."

You grab his arm and pull him into the booth, "Come! Sit with me!"

You dont give him much choice but to sit beside you in the booth. Leorio notices Kurapikas presence and greets him, happy that his friend finally showed, "Here, have a drink!" He offers him a bottle of beer.

The Kurta respectfully declines it, saying, "I think you've both had enough for all of us."

"How are you, Kurapika?" Gon wonders, catching kurapikas attention.

They chat for a little bit, with you interrupting a few times to be a part of the conversation. Kurapika finds himself laughing at your bubbly and clingy demeanor. This definitely wasn't what he was expecting.

"Kurapika! Kurapika!" You've been fighting for his attention all night, and basically clinging onto him, "Have you missed me?"

He only chuckles and pats your head, "How could I not?"

"Really?? You mean it?!" You have the most excited look on your face.

"Of course."

Killua smirks as he watches you hanging all over the Kurta boy, "Looks like she really missed you."

Gon nods in agreement, "She seems so happy!"

"That would be the alcohol talking," Kurapika explains, brushing them off, "Just look at leorio" He gestures towards his tall friend, who now stands at the bar trying to talk to several women.

Everyone laughs as they watch Leorio get rejected repeatedly. You take another sip of your drink as Kurapika watches you wearily.

"That's your last drink, (Y/N)," he says firmly, "Then you're going to drink some water."

You pout at him, giving him the cutest puppy eyes you can muster. He doesnt yield, however, causing you to make a "hmph" sound. "You're no fun, kurapika."

"Don't whine. You should have quit drinking a long time ago," He crosses his arms, "I don't want you to get sick."

You surprise Kurapika by hugging him, cooing, "Awwwe, you're so sweet. You must really care about me, Pika."

"Pika..?" That's a new nickname. He only sighs as you continue to tightly hug him.

"Wow, so this is what makes adults so stupid," Killua watches in amusement, Gon laughing as well.

You continue to cling onto him for the rest of the night, blurting out embarrassing things that you wouldnt usually say, "Pika! Pay more attention to me!!!" "How come you never answer my messages?!" "You smell so good, can I just stay with you?" "I wish I could do this with you every night!!"

Kurapika brushes all of your comments off by laughing, not taking a single thing you say seriously, but finding it very amusing. Finally, everyone helps to pay the bill (Leorio paying the most), and you all walk out of the restaurant together.

Gon and Killua start to walk off down the sidewalk, each saying their goodbyes. Leorio gets in a cab, not drunk, but very tipsy. You hang onto Kurapika's arm, unable to stand by yourself.

He sighs as he looks down at you, "You are in absolutely no shape to go home alone."

"Come home with me, Kurapika!" You cry, desperately, "Dont leave me!!"

"Right, I'll get us a cab." He hails a cab quickly, and you both sit in the back. You still hang onto Kurapika with a death grip and continue rambling on and on.

A few minutes later, you both arrive at your appartment. He helps you find your key (in your back pocket) and opens the door, flipping on the light switch. He helps you over to the couch and forces you to sit down.

"Stay put, (Y/N). You need more water."

"I need you." You actually sounded serious with that comment, but Kurapika still shakes it off.

He disappears into your kitchen and comes back with several glasses of water, helping you drink each one. "Hopefully, you wont feel too miserable tomorrow.."

"I'm never miserable when I'm with you," You say, words slurring together as you rest your head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad to hear that." Is his simple response.

You sit up quickly when you hear this, looking a little annoyed, "Why dont you take me seriously Kurapika?"

He's surprised by your response, but maintains a neutral expression, "You're drunk, (Y/N)."

"That doesnt mean anything!" You drunkenly shout, "I mean everything I've said!"

Kurapika only crosses his arms, "I am sure that you mean it now, but you won't recall this tomorrow."

"Kurapika," You move closer to him on the couch, "Isn't it obvious that im in love with you?!"

Those words prove hard for the Kurta to ignore. He doesn't want to ignore them, he wants to say he feels the same and he wants nothing more than for you to mean every word that you've said to him tonight. But you're drunk. Theres no way that you could mean anything that you're saying.

"Why aren't you answering me, Kurapika?" Your shouting pulls him out of his thoughts.

"You are not in love with me, (Y/N). You'll realize tomorrow morning when you are back in the right mindset." He states very bluntly, only infuriating you.

"I'll wake up tomorrow still being in love with you, but too afraid to tell you!" You loudly argue back, "I've always loved you, Kurapika. I'm not lying."

He finds himself speechless, unsure of what to say. "You have always loved me?"

"I have, Kurapika. How could I not? I've missed you so much," Your eyes begin to water, "And I dont want you to leave me because I love you."


You interrupt him, continuing your speech, "I have deep feelings for you, Pika."

He starts to speak but you cut him off by pressing your lips to his, alcohol evident in your breath. He reciprocates the kiss, unable to pull himself away from you, even though he knows that he probably should. When you finally pull away from him, the Kurta's face is bright red.

"I cant say that I expected that.." Kurapika says, still feeling flustered.

You talk with him drunkenly for a little while longer, before you finally fall asleep on the couch in his lap. He carefully lifts you up and carries you to your bed, covering you up, and leaving water on your bedside table. He watches you sleep, unable to forget everything you told him. 'I'm starting to think that she meant every word that she said. Or maybe that's what I want to believe.' He decides to stay the night at your place, sleeping on the couch.

When you wake up the next morning, you're surprised to see the Kurta fast asleep in your couch. You groan at the terrible pain in your head, and take some medicine. After that, you sit down beside the now-awake Kurapika, and reach for the remote to turn on the tv, but the Kurta stops you.

"Why dont we talk about last night?"
