Comfort Fluff

"(Y/N), I'm home!" Kurapika's voice echoes throughout his shared apartment with you, however, he doesn't receive any type of reply, much to his dismay. He lets out a sigh before flipping on the lights and sliding his shoes off, "She must have gone out," He looks down at his phone, noting the lack of notifications, "Although, it's odd that she didn't inform me of this."

He shrugs this off, however, he can't seem to rid the feelings of worry rising in his gut. After pulling up your contact on your phone, and pressing the 'call' button, he's surprised when the muffled sounds of your familiar ringtone meet his ears. 

"Is she asleep...?" He asks this question aloud to himself as he ends the call, "That sounded as if it came from the bedroom."

The Kurta quickly makes his way down the hallway, but instead, he finds himself stopping at the closed bathroom door. He can hear muffled sounds from behind the door and they almost sound like... sobs? Without a second thought, Kurapika opens the door, his eyes widening when he sees you on the floor with your knees pulled up to your chest and your head nestled against them. He rushes towards you, his hands hovering over your trembling figure.

"(Y/N)... What happened??" He questions you in a panic, his eyes have shifted to a notably red tint, "Are you injured?? Who did this to you?"

You shake your head in response, stifling a sob as your voice comes out strangled, "Nobody did anything to me."

"Then what happened?" 

"I've been really stressed lately and I just had a really bad day," You explain to him, your voice sounding very small as you do.

He lets out a sigh of relief at the fact that you're not injured and wraps an arm around your shoulders in an attempt to comfort you, "I'm so sorry, my treasure. Is there anything that I can do to help? Anything at all?"

"Can you just stay here with me?" Is the only request you make of him.

Kurapika can feel his heart breaking at the sound of complete hurt in your voice. Had you been feeling like this for a long time now and Kurapika was only just now realizing? This thought keeps creeping up on him and he can't help but feel guilty. But all he can do now is do everything in his power to help you.

He tightens his grip on you and pulls you closer to him, nearly pulling you onto his lap as he allows you to cry into his chest. He wraps both of his arms around you while he rubs comforting circles onto your upper back. The gentle clanking of chains and your sobbing are the only sounds that fill the room until Kurapika speaks again.

"Whenever you feel better we can have some tea and you can tell me about what has been bothering you, my love," He says aloud in a soft and hushed tone of voice, "I wish to do everything in my power to help you."

You only nod in response, unable to utter out a reply.

"Do not forget that I would do anything for you. You mean the absolute world to me," He whispers these words against your skin as he presses a gentle kiss against your forehead, his hand running over the back of your head, calmly.

"Thank you, Kurapika," Comes your hoarse response, accompanied by a sniffle, "I appreciate that a lot. I'm sorry that you have to see me like this."

Kurapika feels a pang of sadness from your words, moreover, he wonders what he can do to keep his beloved from ever feeling like this again. It's the first time the blonde-haired man has seen you in such a state and he hopes that he can do his best to make it the last time as well.

"Don't apologize to me, (Y/N). Do not feel bad about being upset. There is absolutely nothing wrong with crying," His voice is calm and gentle as he tries to assuage you, "I am not going anywhere."

You let out a deep breath as you feel yourself start to calm down, "I appreciate that Kurapika, but you should take a page out of your own book."

He's caught off-guard by your words, speechless for several moments before letting out a soft chuckle, 'Yes, perhaps you're right. It has been quite some time since I've last allowed myself to cry."

"If you need to, I'm right here," You say as you pull yourself away from him slightly to glance up at his face, "And I'm not going anywhere either."

Kurapika is stunned by your smile as he takes note of your puffy eyes and runny nose. The corners of his lips quirk upwards when he realizes how quickly you've bounced back to being your normal self, "I'm elated to hear that. It seems as if you are feeling much better already."

You nod in response, "All thanks to you," You lean your head against his chest again, prompting Kurapika to hold you tightly against him, "You made me feel a lot better."

"I'm so glad..." The Kurta says as he lets out a breath of relief, "I was so concerned about you that I lost my composure for a moment. I am also grateful that you're not injured in any way."

"I'm sorry that I worried you so much," You breathe out in response, feeling a pang of guilt, "I'm feeling fine now."

He presses another kiss to the top of your head, "Would you like some tea, my love? I can order us some dinner as well."

"I would really appreciate that."

Kurapika stands up from where he was sitting on the bathroom floor and offers you a hand to help you up. Once you've stood up, he offers you a tissue to wipe your nose and eyes dry, afterward, leading you to the dining room table and pulling a chair out for you to sit. He makes idle chat with you while he makes the tea, pouring it out into a cup for you.

He sits across from you now, your hand clutched tightly in his on top of the table. His eyes are filled with genuine concern as he asks you, "Would you like to talk about everything that is bothering you, my treasure? I'm more than willing to listen. In fact, I wish to help you in any way that I possibly can."

You take a sip of your tea before averting your eyes from him, feeling guilty for worrying the person you care about so much, "I just felt like I had a lot of things piling up on me and I had a bad day today, so that pushed me over the edge."

"You can lean on me, (Y/N). That's why I am here," He explains to you with a small smile on his face, "Just as I do with you."

"But you've been so busy. I didn't want you to take on any more stress than you already have."

He gives your hand a gentle squeeze in response, "Do not worry about me, (Y/N). You always say that our stress is shared, remember? That saying goes both ways."

You let out a defeated sigh as you know that he's completely right. You finally turn back to face him, a small smile on your face, "I do say that a lot, don't I?"

"Nearly every day," The Kurta points out, continuing his words of reassurance, "I care about you deeply, my love. You have supported me through so many hardships and I will always do the same for you."

"You're too sweet," Comes your reply and you can't help the lovestruck look that meets your face.

"Not nearly as sweet as you," He says playfully in response, "Don't ever forget how much you mean to me. You could not possibly fathom how much I love and care for you, however, I'll always do my best to show you."

"I feel the same way, Kurapika. I love you so much," You explain to him, setting your other hand on top of his, "You deserve happiness and that's what I want to give to you."

He's speechless for a few moments in surprise before a warm smile forms on his face, "I could never possibly comprehend how I've gotten so lucky..."

The sound of the doorbell cuts your conversation short, prompting Kurapika to stand from his chair, hesitant to let go of your hand, "Would you like to watch a movie while we eat dinner, my treasure? You can choose any film you would like."

"I'd love that," You say to him as he turns around to walk towards the front door, however, your voice stops him, "And thank you, Kurapika. I love you."
