A Very Kurapika Christmas

"Kurapika! Do you know what time of year it is??" You ask him excitedly, your eyes practically sparkling as you look at him.

Kurapika is sitting in front of his computer, clicking endlessly as he does more research for his next mission to reclaim his brethren's eyes. He's very busy lately, trying to make sure his next mission goes according to plan with no unnecessary threats. Although he's still kind to you, he has been neglecting you a lot lately. The lights in the room are dim, and dark circles accentuate the Kurta's grey eyes. 

He lets out a long breath but turns slightly in his desk chair to face you, a small smile forming on his face, "No, what time of year is it, my love?"

This only causes the grin on your face to grow larger as you exclaim, "It's nearly Christmas! The best time of the year! Aren't you excited??"

Kurapika lets out a quiet chuckle at your excitement, happy to see you so excited, "I am glad to see that you are so thrilled for it, but unfortunately, I cannot say that I share the same sentiments as you."

"Oh, not at all?" You ask him curiously, earning a 'no' in response from him, "I bet that I can change that!"

"That is highly unlikely," He starts, turning back towards the computer screen with an unreadable expression on his face, "And not necessary. I have a lot of work to do, therefore I cannot afford to do anything besides work."

You can tell that he's not going to yield to you, at least, not at this moment. You let out a defeated sigh, but soon enough, your smile returns to your face, "Alright, I understand. It would be nice for you to take a break sometime, though. You've been working yourself to the bone."

"I am aware of that. Don't feel the need to concern yourself with me. I can handle myself just fine and I know my body better than anyone else," He explains to you, his eyes glued to the screen as he scrolls through some type of news article.

You raise an eyebrow at this, "Why wouldn't I worry about you? I love you, and I want you to take care of yourself. I know how you can get."

"I need to focus, (Y/N). May I have some privacy now?"

You let out a sigh, and nod, making your way towards the door. Before you leave the room, you turn around, announcing to him with a confident grin on your face, "I'll be back! I want you to understand why this is the best time of the year!" 'And it'll help you take a break from this work and relax for a while...' You find yourself thinking to yourself, before leaving the room and closing the door behind you.

A few days go by, and Kurapika is still holed up in his office, only coming out to eat or drink once in a while. Unfortunately, it's not completely abnormal for Kurapika to get wrapped up in something and completely isolate himself from the people that he cares about. However, this time of year is special to you, and you want to show him that.

This time you enter his office with a plate full of sweets and two mugs of hot cocoa. You set the plate and mug down on his desk, drawing his attention away from the computer screen and onto you instead. 

"...Are those all for me?" He questions you, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face, "Thank you so much, my treasure."

"I thought some sugar might help you concentrate," You tell him, scooting the mug of hot cocoa closer to him on the desk, "And I thought you were probably thirsty."

He takes the mug in both of his hands and takes a small sip, smiling when he tastes how delicious the warm liquid is, "It's delicious. You made it perfectly."

"I'm glad you like it! I put extra marshmallows in it for you," You lean against the side of his desk, holding your cup in one hand. You look away with a bashful grin on your face, as you hesitate to ask, "I was wondering if you wanted to go see some holiday lights with me later tonight."

"My apologies, but I must decline," The smile on his face has disappeared, replaced by a neutral expression, "I still have a lot of research I need to do. Maybe next year."

You turn to face him again, but his focus is back on the screen in front of him, "Next year...? But that's so far away."

"I understand that, however, this is very important."

"Okay, I understand," You can't help but feel disheartened that he is completely refusing to spend any time with you, but you haven't given up yet. "I'll let you get back to your work." You give him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the room in search of a Christmas movie to watch.

You ended up going out by yourself to look at some holiday lights and decorations, but it wasn't enjoyable at all without the love of your life. In the end, you decided to buy some Christmas lights and decorations for your own apartment.

Another day passes by, and you're even more determined to spend some time with the blonde-haired man. This time you enter his office donning an ugly Christmas sweater, with a Santa hat on top of your head. 

"Guess what we're going to do tonight??" You excitedly question him, spinning his desk chair around so that he can face you, "We're going to put up a Christmas tree and decorate it!"

"A Christmas tree...?" Kurapika tilts his head at you in confusion, before shaking this idea off, "I apologize but I cannot. As I've made clear several times already, I am extremely busy."

You frown at this hasty rejection but are prepared to argue with him, "It won't hurt you to take a short break. You need to rest and we haven't spent any time together in the past month. Christmas is really important to me and-"

"Enough! I refuse to talk about this any longer. I need to focus, yet, you insist on hindering me with your childish notions of a capitalistic holiday. I will not be involved in any of these ridiculous traditions, therefore you should quit bothering me," He turns around in his chair, his gaze falling back on the computer screen.

Your heart has completely broken at his cruel words, and you can't find it in you to argue back at him. You let out a defeated sigh, your eyes watering as you take off your hat and drop it on the floor, "I'll quit bothering you. Sorry." You hastily retreat from his office, tears streaming down your cheeks as you do.

Kurapika turns to face the door after you leave, frowning at your reaction, "Perhaps I was too harsh on her... I'll apologize to her later tonight after she has calmed down."

Later that night, he leaves his office, seeking you out to apologize for his earlier actions. He finds you sitting on the couch, watching some type of horror movie. He sits down next to you and gently takes your hand in his.

"(Y/N), my love, I am extremely sorry about what I said earlier. I should not have lashed out at you as I did. It was completely unwarranted and I hope that you can accept my apology. I love you and I should not have treated you as I did."

Your gaze finally shifts from the tv screen and onto him instead. You offer him a small smile as you say, "Don't worry about it. You were right anyway. I'm sorry that I kept bothering you."

"Do not say that. I love your company and I cherish any moment I can spend with you. However, this is very important, as well."

"I understand that, Kurapika. Don't worry. I'm not mad at you or anything," You explain to him with a smile, although, he can't help but note that your smile does not meet your eyes.

"Then I'm glad," He brings your hand up to his lips, and presses a soft kiss to the back of it, "I am going to return to my work, but please don't be afraid to come and see me."

You offer him a short nod in response, "Sounds good."

He stands up from the couch, and makes his way back into his office, shutting himself away from the world once more. 

Although Kurapika said that you could come and see him, you've still avoided his office over the course of the next couple of days, afraid of interrupting his work. Whenever Kurapika left his office, he noticed that all of the decorations you had bought were still sitting in the corner of the living room. The Christmas tree that you were so excited about is also nowhere to be found. He waves this off, but he finds it odd how you don't even seem excited about your favorite holiday.

The realization finally hits him and he hangs his head in his hands, feeling incredibly guilty. '(Y/N) must have been upset about how I snapped at her and has been avoiding her favorite holiday altogether. I need to do something about this.' He finds himself thinking to himself, also considering how he could fix this situation.

While you're gone at work the next day, Kurapika puts his ideas into action. He sets the tree up but leaves the boxes of ornaments and lights beside it, hoping that you would like to decorate the tree with him. He also throws up some of the other decorations and lights you bought a few days ago around the house. When it's nearly time for you to return home, he warms up some hot cocoa for you, also putting on a holiday sweater that you had bought for him.

You let out a long sigh when you enter the darkened apartment, kicking your shoes off and taking your coat off. You absentmindedly flip on the lights and are surprised to see Kurapika standing in front of you with two mugs of hot cocoa, one of them being held out to you. You take in your surroundings, noting all the decorations and lights around the apartment.

You can't but smile widely at him as you raise an eyebrow curiously, "What's going on here?"

"This is my apology to you. I noticed that you weren't acting your cheerful self anymore, and I know it is only because of my cruel words towards you. I am so incredibly sorry, my love," He hands the mug to you, taking your free hand in his, "You were right. I should have been making time for you, especially since you are so very fond of this time of year. I want to spend all of our time together. I want to make you happy."

"Kurapika...I-" You look away as you can feel tears welling up in your eyes, "This is so sweet. Thank you so much."

"(Y/N), my treasure, please do not cry," He gently wipes your tears away with his thumb, "I will do anything I can to see you smile."

"They're tears of joy," You face him again with a warm smile present on your face, "I'm just so happy. I've been wanting to spend time with you for a while. And I really want you to take some time off and relax."

A grin makes its way onto his face after hearing your kind words, "And I will. Just for you, my love," He leans down slightly to press his lips against yours softly for several seconds, "I never want you to forget how much you mean to me."

"I never could," You look down at the mug of cocoa, "Did you add extra marshmallows to this?"

He happily nods in agreement, "Of course, I know they are your favorite, however, I cannot guarantee the cocoa will taste any good."

You take a sip of it, trying not to gag at the horrendous taste in your mouth. You force a smile on your face, stammering out, "It tastes great!"

"There is no need to lie, my love. Maybe we should make a new batch..." His gaze falls on the tree in the corner of the room, "Then we can decorate the tree however you want."

"I would love that! Thank you, Kurapika."

He gently caresses your cheek with his thumb, a loving smile on his face, "I should be thanking you. Happy holidays, my love. Let's enjoy our time together."
