Chapter 6 - DATE A MIO

Shinji POV

Mio keeps dragging me while saying "Date!" over and over again since we separated with Rimuru-san, she finally stops and looks around

Mio- "What is happening, Shin?"

I noticed that we are in the middle of a shopping district, and it seems that there is some kind of festival, so that's why the queue is long yesterday. How convenient for my date.

Shinji- "Well, it seems that there is a festival, so how about we get some food here"

Mio- "Oh, we can also buy something for Shio here"

Shinji- "Yeah, good idea"

We walked around for a bit until Mio spotted a food stand.

Mio- "Oh! Shin, what is this?!"

Shinji- "It's a meat skewer, let's buy some"

We buy many of it, and Mio pretty much just takes most of it. When she finishes it, she runs into another shop that sells shaved ice.

Mio- "Oh, Shin! That looks sweet!"

Shinji- "One please"

We surprisingly keep running at a familiar food from every food stand that we come across, and now we're at a game where we need to shoot something to get it.

Vendor- "Come on, try it"

Shinji- "How much is it?"

Vendor- "10 bronze coins"

Shinji- "Here"

Vendor- "Thank you, here is the bow"

Mio- "I want that, Shin"

She's pointing at a big blue bear that resembles the small teddy bear that's in her pocket.

Shinji- "Okay"

I tried a few times but I failed every time and I also ask for a redo.

Shinji- "I'm sorry, Mio"

Mio- "Let me try"

I give her the bow, she aims and... shoots it to the rack.

Shinji- "Well..."


The shelf falls over and Mio is having a smug look on her face.

Shinji- "So... do we get those or..."

The vendor quickly nodded his head as if terrified of something and then hands me the item that falls. I split it with Mio so that we can walk properly.

We wander around the festival, trying the food here, talking about ourselves, and now Mio is asking me an existential crisis question.

Mio- "The song that Shio sings when we got out of that cave is... I feel that she might know something about me..."

Shinji- "Now that you say it..."

I always have this lingering suspicion on where she was going when we're having a day off, she always tries to avoid the question when I ask her about why she hates DEM and make those conspiracy theories about them with a simple 'I just hate them', and the tone that she's using is not a simple 'just hate them', she's holding a grudge and I think that Mio might be connected to that.

Mio- "I'm afraid that I might endanger you someday, I'm afraid that something might happen that will separate us"

Shinji- "No, Mio, I will get strong in this world. Besides, I can date you and make you fall in love with me like what Shiori-nee said in her song"

Mio- "What is love?"

Do I tell her or not? I feel like speedrunning a relationship here. I'll just tell her.

Shinji- "Let's go sit somewhere first"

We go to a fountain near us and then sit on a bench.

Shinji- "Okay, love is a feeling of constant affection towards someone"

Mio- "Can you tell me the example?"

Shinji- "Well, I am feeling extreme happiness when I'm with you right now or when I'm thinking about you"

Mio- "Oh, I also feel that extreme happiness, does this mean that I love you?"

Shinji- "Maybe, if that's the case, the feeling is mutual, so let me say it properly"

I prepare myself for the biggest commitment that I'm going to take so far.

Shinji- "Mio Takamiya, I love you"

Mio- "I love you too, Shin!" She answers me with a happy smile.

Shinji- "So... I guess this is the part where we're supposed to kiss"

Mio- "What is a kiss?"

Shinji- "It's when two lips meet with each other to express their affection"

Mio- "Oh, I want to try it"

Shinji- "Okay, let me kiss you, excuse me"

I put my right hand on her waist while I put my left one behind her head and push myself forward to kiss her gently.

<<Blessing of Spirit of Origin has been acquired>>

<<Unique Skill: [Sealer] has been acquired>>

<<Hero Egg has been acquired>>

<<Unique Skill: [Emperor] has been acquired>>

<<Initiating evolution... successful. Individual Shinji Takamiya has evolved into Spirited Human>>

<<This conclude the evolution>>

We finish our kiss and smile at each other.

Mio- "That feels nice, I like it"

Shinji- "We can do it again later in our room, come on, let's get back"

Mio- "Umu"

We get back to the inn where we're staying to continue that kiss with a cuddling session because if we do more than that, someone is going to give me a severe punishment.

However, just before I was about to open the door to our room, someone shouted my name.

???- "Is Shinji Takamiya here?!"

Shinji- "Huh? Why did someone want to meet me?"

I go to the lobby and find Kaido-san there.

Shinji- "Kaido-san? What's wrong?"

Kaido- "Rimuru has been arrested along with Kaijin!"

Shinji- "What?!"

[Some explanation later]

Shinji- "Okay, so the summary is like this, you guys go to this 'Night Butterfly after me and Mio leave you to go on our date and after a while, this minister called Vesta comes in and harass Rimuru, Kaijin-san got mad and punch that minister so you have to arrest all of them on the spot, and the trial is tomorrow"

Kaido- "That pretty much sums it up"

Shinji- "Okay, I'll watch the trial tomorrow, thank you for informing me about this, Kaido-san"

Kaido- "I'm sorry that I can't help"

Shinji- "It's okay, you're just doing your job, goodnight"

Kaido- "Goodnight"

Kaido-san leaves the inn and I can finally get to our room.

Shinji- "Let's get to our room now"

Mio- "Yes, let's"

We go to our room to finally do our kissing and snuggling session even though we know that we're going to watch the trial for Rimuru-san tomorrow.



We are at the gallery waiting for the trial to begin, the accused are not here yet so the trial has not started.

As if on queue with me saying that, Rimuru-san, Kaijin-san, and his brother enter the room and then followed by some people and then someone that seems to be the king.

*hammer slamming sound*

Judge- "This court is now in session for the trial of Kaijin against Minister Vesta! The proxy may present their statement!"

Proxy- "Thank you very much, Your Honor. So there Sir Vesta was, sitting back at this club and enjoying an alcoholic beverage when this gang pushed their way into the place and exposed him to dreadful violence! This is not the kind of behavior that should ever be forgiven! The slime even threw garbage at his face!"

This taste in the air... This is the taste of a liar!

Vesta- "My king! Please declare the severe punishment these people will receive!"

Hey! Come on! Is no one going to step in and prevent this injustice?!

Judge- "Order! I will now declare my verdict! Kaijin, the mastermind of this crime is sentenced to 20 years of labor in the mines. His acquaintances are sentenced to 10 years of-"

King- "Wait"

Thank you, Your Majesty.

King- "Kaijin, long time no see, have you been well?"

Kaijin- "Yes, even if I'm not by Your Majesty's side, seeing Your Majesty in good health, I am extremely overjoyed!"

King- "Very good, rather than that, do you have any plans on coming back?"

Kaijin- "Forgive me for my offense, My King. I have already found a master. Even if it's the king's order, I cannot turn my back on my master"

What happened last night that made him like this?

King- "*sigh*... Is that so?"

Judging by that sigh, does it mean that we're hitting a jackpot?

King- "Declaring judgment, Kaijin and his companions will be exiled. After the date changes tonight, you will not be allowed to stay in this nation any longer. Judgment is over, disappear from my sight"

Well, that's that, I'm sure that it must be hard for him. I got out of the courthouse because there is nothing left to do there.

Shinji- 'Rimuru-san, I'll get back to Ranga first, so you don't have to wait for me'

Rimuru- 'Oh, now you call me! Yeah, sure'

To be honest, I kind of forget that I have this skill.

Shinji- "Okay, Mio, let's get back to Ranga first, I truly enjoy our date yesterday"

Mio- "Me too! I want to do more dates with Shin in the future!"

Shinji- "Yeah, sure, anything for you, Mio"


Rimuru POV

Rimuru- "Hey guys! I'm back!"

Ranga- "Master! You have returned!"

Ranga run up to me with his tail once again creating a local gale. Kaijin and the other are scared stiffs. I can understand why they would, disregarding how Ranga and the other wolves normally look, they look menacing to anyone that is not used to them

Rimuru- "Calm down guys, no need to be scared, come on, introduce yourself"

All of them introduce themselves nervously while stuttering in fear, I need to convince them that they're not going to kill them.

Rimuru- "You guys don't need to worry, I'm here"

Shinji- "Yes, Kaijin-san, I can assure you that they're not bad"

Kaijin- "I-if you say so..."

Ranga lower body so I can hop onto his back but I decline, I wanted to take this chance to show something to the wolves.

Rimuru- '[Universal Shapeshift]!'

My body expands and I transform into a 5 meter tall giant white wolf with black markings on my body and neck, and a black star pattern on my forehead, my legs are also shrouded in a dark haze and the black markings share this hazy property too.

What is this, [Great Sage]?!

[Report. Individual Rimuru wolf transformation evolved into Spatium Star Wolf. Extra Skill: [Shadow Motion] has been acquired as a result]

That's nice, additional skills are always welcomed.

Ranga and the other wolves are starting to fangirl over me after I transform into my wolf form.

Ranga- "Master! You look even more dazzling!"

We set off to the goblin village together after that, I also notice that someone is following us through [Universal Sense]. It should be Gazel's spy that he sent to keep an eye on me...

I'll just ignore it, not like it will affect me anyway.

Kaijin and the other dwarves are on the verge of passing out from the speed we're going at, I'll give them some meat bun with some rune that will prevent it now.

[2 days later]

We arrived at the goblin village! I can finally resume my game in the living room!

Rimuru- "Rigurd! We're back!"

Rigurd- "Oh, Rimuru-sama! Welcome back!"

Rimuru- "There are a lot of goblins here, did Shiori just name them?"

Rigurd- "Yes! Shiori-sama said that she would be in her room to sleep"

Kaijin- "They don't seem to have any trouble in building houses"

Rimuru- "But I have a feeling that Shiori can't teach them how to sew and make weapons"

Kaijin- "It's a good thing that you have us then. We'll teach them the rest, you can rest now"

Rimuru- "Yes, thank you, Kaijin"

I bounce to our house along with Mio and Shinji behind me but I stopped when I see someone looking at our house with curiosity.

It is a short girl with blue hair that reaches her back wearing a blue fur coat and scarves over a shirt and long pants, she also wears blue knee-high boots with fur on the knee part. There is a sword on her waist, she's also wearing a mask on her face, and I can't sense her using [Universal Sense], and with that, I concluded that this person is dangerous.

Rimuru- "I've never seen you around here before, who are you?"

???- "Where am I?"

Rimuru- "We're at Great Forest of Jura, why do you ask?"

???- "What?! Where is everything?!"

Rimuru- "What do you mean?"

???- "The labyrinth, the city, everything!"

Rimuru- "I don't know what you're talking about but can you introduce yourself first?"

Tempest- "Ah... yes... how rude of me, hahaha. My name is Rimuru Tempest"

Rimuru- "Well, my name is Rimuru and I'm the leader of this goblin village"

Tempest- "We have the same name?! How is that possible?!"

Rimuru- "Maybe you got transported here from another world?"

Tempest- "Maybe you're right little slime, can I live here for a while?"

Rimuru- "Sure, it is your house anyway, Shiori"

She began to chuckle and then burst out laughing because I end her roleplay.

Tempest- "Hahahahahahaha! Amazing! How did you know?"

Rimuru- "That anti-magic mask, it's too good"

Tempest- "I do design it with OP detection power in mind" she took off the mask and put it in her storage space.

Shinji- "Shiori-nee, is that you?"

Tempest- "I'm Rimuru Tempest at the moment Shinji-kun"

Rimuru- "So, what can you do now?"

Tempest- "I can impersonate any people, even the one that I've never seen before"

Rimuru- "So, can you mimic weapon or Angel?"

Tempest- "No, I made this sword and this anti-magic mask specifically for this roleplay"

Rimuru- "You will use it later?"

Tempest- "Probably, I'm sure that I'm going to have fun with my anti-magic mask"

We are just standing there, staring at each other.

Rimuru- "Are you going to turn back now or..."

Tempest- "Oh, no, I'm planning to use this form until tomorrow"

Rimuru- "Isn't that going to be exhausting?"

Tempest- "Having an unlimited source of energy can do wonders to you" She walks inside and immediately head to her bedroom.

We enter the house after she and Shinji is going to his bedroom with Mio. Oh, something interesting happens while I'm away, huh?

I'm alone on the couch in the living room in front of a TV.

I'll watch some anime, let's see what I can do with this skill.

I make a DVD that is going to be compatible with the DVD player using [Limited Creation] and when I played the anime, it showed like how I want it to be, a masterpiece, beautiful! It's a shame that only people that are close to me can get access to this masterpiece.

I watched this masterpiece for a while until I decided that it's enough and call it a night, we have a long construction starting tomorrow.

Author Note brought to you by lonely Chibi Rimuru watching anime in the living room

A/N- "I hate writing this chapter"

MC- "I can feel that there is something that you want to add but you don't know yourself"

A/N- "Yes, there's this feeling that I have missed something but I can't put it together"

MC- "Oh well, I'm sure that it's not important anyway"

A/N- "Yeah, you're right"

MC- "That concludes the Author Note and we'll see you in the next chapter"

A/N and MC- "Goodbye!"
