Chapter 20 - Farewell, for now

Hot Spring Female Area

Hot spring is where most casual discussion with a member of the same gender usually occurs. Most discussions in this series usually happen in a meeting room with representatives in that same room.

Yeah, I can only remember many talking and stuff in this series.

Rimuru is currently living his life by being held on his girlfriend's lap pillow in the hot spring under her breast while a certain Saint enters the hot spring with her 'maid'.

Shiori- "Oh, Hina-chan! Come on, sit here!"

Hinata- "Someone is excited"

She put down her towel and then proceed to wash her body while sitting on the stool with the 'maid' on her side.

Hinata enters the hot spring and sits beside Shiori when she's done with the 'maid' soaking her body in the water on Hinata's right.

Shiori- "You can drop the maid act now, Demon Lord Luminous Valentine"

Luminous and Hinata are shocked to know that Shiori not only knows Luminous name but also her real identity and they are getting wary of her.

Hinata- "How did you know?"

Shiori- "Ouch! You don't need to give me that look, Hina-chan. It might awaken something in me"

She said with her hand on both of her cheeks and giggling while shaking her head left and right.

Hinata and Luminous were not having any of it and continued to look intensely at her.

Shiori- "Okay, okay! Sheesh, you girls are no fun! We're in a non-aggression treaty anyway so might as well tell you about it"

She cleared her throat to add some tension to this already tense atmosphere.

Shiori- "I have my way and that way is called Nia, she's my Manas. If you don't know what that is, let's just that it's a God Omniscient Core, you can't hide anything from her if you're in the same world as her"

Hinata- "HUH?!"

Shiori- "I was still surprised when I see Ruberios force marching through the Jura Forest because I never thought that THE Holy Empire would bother itself with a small gathering of monsters"

She states how outrageous it is for the Holy Empire of Ruberios to personally check the gathering of monsters in the Jura Forest even if they deemed it as the enemy of god.

Shiori- "Why did you get here again, Luminous?"

Luminous- "My friend told me to consider having a treaty with your city and after I tell Hinata about you being the queen of monsters. Let's just say that she's pestering me to go here quickly like a kid"

Hinata- "That certainly didn't happen, Luminous-sama"

Shiori- "Who is your friend?"

Luminous- "You might know her as the Conqueror of Flames, she seems to have finished washing her body there"

Shiori followed Luminous gaze and notice Shizue walking to the hot spring with a towel covering her body and submerging herself in the hot water.

Luminous- "Hey there, Shizu-chan"

Shizue- "Hello, Luminous, how long does it take for her to figure you out?"

Luminous- "She knew the whole time but doesn't want to say it in front of other people"

Shiori- "WAIT! Are you the same vampire which Mio and I sense during the Orc Disaster battle!?"

Shizue- "See? You can't hide from her"

Luminous- "Yup! That's me!"


We are back to after the Orc Disaster defeat while Shiori is gathering every monster representative for a meeting to pass a judgment for the orc who has been rampaging this forest, Shizue notices that someone has been spying on this fight nearby for a while and decide to confront them now.

Shizue- "Shinji, Mio, I want to go somewhere, it won't take long"

Shinji- "Just be careful, I will be here with Mio if you need us"

Flames begin to rise around Shizue and she disappeared from the spirit couple line of sight as they thought one thing.

Shinji/Mio- 'What a show-off'


Someone can be seen behind a tree between the forest looking at the remains of the Orc Disaster. They appear to be a young cute silver-haired girl on the verge of becoming an adult, her hair reaches her waist, she has heterochromatic eyes glisten in deep crimson and light sky blue.

One thing I could say about this woman is that her beauty is entirely in another world.

This is Demon Lord Luminous Valentine, the true ruler of the Ruberios Holy Empire and also the 'God' of Luminism for the Western Holy Church.

Luminous- 'How interesting... to think that he is already this adaptable even before sealing that damn lizard. Ah... I'm getting excited just by thinking what I can do with him...'

As she was thinking about all the things that she could do with a certain Spirited Human, someone had already sneaked up on her.

???- "May I ask why are you here, Luminous?"

Luminous jumps and quickly turns behind to see who could sneak up on her because she didn't sense them at all and that fact is enough to make her get cautious.

Luminous- "Shizu-chan?! Since when could you sneak up on me?!"

Shizue- "Evolution can do a weird thing, you should know better"

Indeed, Shizue just sneaks up behind a Demon Lord like it's nothing. Luminous calm down because she knew that Shizue is not going to be a threat to her since Shizue is a disciple of that Hero and became her friend when Shizue regularly visits Ruberios with that Hero.

Luminous- "Do you miss me already, Shizu-chan~? Don't worry, we will have all sorts of fun after I brought you back to Ruberios~"

The Vampire Demon Lord close up on Shizue and smile seductively while hugging her.

Shizue- "Unfortunately, I still need to save my students but I'll make time to visit Ruberios after that"

Shizue pushes Luminous back and gives her an unamused look while sighing.

Luminous- "That's a promise, Shizu-chan"

Shizue- "I didn't promise you anything. Anyway, why are you here?"

Luminous- "I am checking this so-called 'True Spirit' to see if she's going to be a threat for my empire"

Shizue- "And what did you find out about her?"

Luminous- "She's crazy strong but I still can't determine her character"

Shizue- "If it's her, I am sure she won't do any harm if it has nothing to do with equality and progress"

Luminous- "I believe that she will get furious once she learns about Tenma War"

Shizue- "All the more reason to persuade her with an alliance between Ruberios"

Luminous- "Did you know what you just suggest?"

Shizue- "I am suggesting that you should maybe form a treaty with her and made it official that any species of monster who were staying in her territory is going to be deemed as demi-human and won't be considered as the enemy of god"

Luminous- "Isn't that the same as acknowledging a gathering of monsters as a nation?"

Shizue- "Just think about it alright? There are many things you won't find anywhere else in her territory"

Luminous- "Yeah... I can see from the building structure which reminds me of Ingrassia... Okay, I'll get there as soon as possible"

Shizue- "Thank you for considering this, Luminous. You have no idea how grateful I am"

She smiles in relief and slightly bows down.

Luminous- "It's okay, I'm kind of curious about it since investigating the area for the first time"

Shizue- "Oh yeah, how is Hinata?"

Luminous- "She's still boring and not fun as usual"

Shizue- "Your tendency tends to make people be like that around you"

Luminous- "How mean!"

She hugs herself and acts as dramatically as possible.

Luminous- "But... he never changed, huh?"

Shizue- "He's the same but still different because we are witnessing his past version"

They both have a smile when they remember those nostalgic feelings.

Luminous- "What do the human call him again?"

Shizue- "I think it was Hero Sonogami"

She ponders for a while before answering the question.

Luminous- "What's up with that name anyway? Who thought of that?"

Shizue- "I'm sure that it was him who thought of it"

Luminous- "Oh yeah... his nickname and stuff so that his past version wouldn't know about him"

Shizue- "It's working though"

Luminous- "True"

Both of them chat for a while and talk about unrelated stuff, some hot topics, and also about how to save Shizu's students until Shizue decided to get back and join Shinji.


Shiori- "So... did you get what you're looking for?"

Shizue- "Yeah... it's convenient that she just so happen to be there and I remember to ask her about it"

Rimuru- "Are you going back to Ingrassia tomorrow?"

He finally decided to speak after spacing out for who knows how long under Shiori's breast.

Shizue- "Unfortunately, yes. I am grateful for all the hospitality you have shown me for these past few months but I need to visit the Dwelling of Spirits as soon as possible"

Shiori- "Hmm..."

She places her left hand underneath her chin to signify that she's thinking about something.

Shiori- "Say, Nia"

Nia- "Hm?"

Oh yeah, Nia has been sitting on Shiori's left while closing her eyes to relish the hot spring.

Shiori- "Can I make a Dwelling of the Spirits of my own so that Shizue won't need to visit that Labyrinth?"

Shizue- "Labyrinth? I'm sure that I can manage myself there"

Shiori- "I'm not worried about that aspect, it's just that the keeper of that labyrinth is annoying and the labyrinth is hard to find"

Luminous snicker for a bit upon hearing this but they don't seem to mind it.

Shizue- "Oh..."

Rimuru- "She sounds like a NEET if you ask me"

Shiori- "I agree with you. How is it, Nia?"

Nia- "Huh? Oh, the analysis is done for a while already. Yes, you can do that with [Haniel]"

Rimuru- "Really?! That would save us the trouble!"

Shiori- "Totally! Yeah! We don't need to visit that fairy anytime soon!"

[Meanwhile with a certain Fairy of the Labyrinth]

???- "ACHOOO!!!"

A fairy who has blonde hair which was styled in a pigtail and has a pair of red eyes is seemed to be sneezing inside of a chamber in the middle of a cave.

Greater Spirit- "What's the matter, Ramiris-sama?"

The spirits who were working on a golem stop doing their job for a while because of the loud sneeze from the fairy who was identified as Ramiris.

Ramiris- "It feels kind of cold all of a sudden, or maybe someone is talking about me. I bet that they are talking about how great I am!"

Greater Spirit- "Is that so? Well then, I'm going to continue with the golem"

[We're back again]

Nia- "How about it, Shizu?"

Shizue- "Yes, I'll bring them here later. Thank you very much for this"

Shiori- "Don't mind it, I'm happy to help a friend in need"

She just waves implying that she has done nothing great to be thanked like that.

Hinata- "Uh... I'm sorry for asking this when the mood here is this nice. How do you feel about being a stray otherworlder and getting separated from your boyfriend?"

Shiori/Rimuru/Shizue- "Huh?"

Rimuru- "You didn't tell her?"

Shiori- "I spend the entire afternoon talking about you in between our tour, so I never got the chance to clarify who my boyfriend is"

Hinata- "Is that slime saying that it's your boyfriend?!"

Shiori- "Hinata, listen, I have a good explanation. He is Rimuru Takamiya, my boyfriend and I'm planning to marry him somewhere along the line in the future"

Rimuru transforms into his human form but chooses to be in a child form so that he can still sit on Shiori's lap.

Rimuru- "Hey there, Hinata. How are you?"

Shiori rubs Rimuru's head and he's giggling while feeling pleasure from it.

Shizue- "He is reincarnated here as a slime, that's why Shiori says that Rimuru is her boyfriend"

Hinata- "Reincarnated? I have never heard of anyone arriving in this world through that means"

Shizue- "Maybe because no one said it explicitly?"

Hinata- "That might be the case"

She said while glancing at the ruler couple and smiling at them, feeling grateful that the one person who show her kindness and show her how to survive in any world could feel happy.

She somehow reminisces about Phantom killing her father right in front of her and becoming a stray otherworlder right after that.

Hinata- 'Why did I think about that all of a sudden? I am grateful that they killed the bastard but why can't I remove that image from my head? I'm the one who wishes for his death by their hand'


Shiori POV

I am standing at the entrance of this nation to send Gazel, Hinata, Shizue off with every important member of this nation.

Gazel- "Well then, I'll take my leave now. Thank you for your hospitality, Shiori-dono, I'll visit you back soon"

Shiori- "It's a pleasure for me to have a treaty with you, Gazel-dono"

With that, he leaves for Dwargon with his pegasus knight and I just waves my hand at the disappearing figures of an army of pegasus.

Hinata- "I also need to get back to Ruberios so that we can work on establishing this new law. It's nice to see you again, Shiori"

Shiori- "Before you go, let me give you something"

I summon a smartphone out of nothing and give it to Hinata.

Hinata- "Hm? What is this?"

Shiori- "Oh yeah, you never have this thing even in our world, let me give you the necessary knowledge"

I grab her arm and start using Nia to give her the necessary knowledge she would need to know so that she can use that new phone.

Hinata- "A smartphone? It has upgraded this much ever since I got here?!"

Shiori- "Nah, it's just my phone. No one in any world will ever get this phone if they never get in contact with me"

I give Hinata one last hug before she got in the carriage.

Shiori- "I'm going to miss you, Hina-chan"

Hinata- "I'll message you when I got there"

I let go of her and pat her shoulder.

Shiori- "Be well, okay?"

Hinata- "Don't worry, I will"

She nodded then enter the carriage with Luminous behind her and waves at me as they left Eden with the paladins escorting them.

I can only wave at them and hope for them safe on their trip through the forest.

Shizue- "I suppose that this is my cue to leave now"

Shiori- "Are you going to be fine, Shizu? I can ask some of the goblin riders to escort you"

Shizue- "You don't have to do that, but I do appreciate the gesture, thank you"

Shiori- "Message me when you got back, okay?"

Shizue- "I will, thank you for everything"

Shiori- "You're welcome"

Shizue- "I'll get going now before it gets too late. Farewell!"

She put on her mask and fly through the forest toward Ingrassia's direction as I waves at her disappearing figure.

Shiori- "See you around, everyone"

I turn back to face my subordinate and put on the best smile I could give them.

Shiori- "Come on, everyone! We have much work to do, so I suggest that we get to it! We're also going to have a feast tonight!"

Everyone seemed to hype up after hearing what I said and got back to their job quickly while I grimaced about the paperwork that I have to do.

Shiori- 'Fuck you, past Shiori! Why did you volunteer to help Rimuru build a nation?'

[2 days later]

Here I am, standing at the gate with everyone behind me and Rimuru waiting for Gazel after Souei report to me that he is back here again but it seems that he brought something with him.

Tapping my foot on the ground a few times to express my impatience, Gazel finally arrive here with his pegasus knight.

Rimuru- "Gazel? I know you said that you would visit us soon, but I wasn't expecting you to get back here after 2 days"

Gazel- "Gahaha! Don't mind the details, Rimuru!"

Rimuru- "*sigh* Why are you here again this quickly?"

Gazel- "I am here to give you a gift"

He signals the guard behind him to bring out the thing and they take a large object which was covered in cloth from a pegasus back and throw it toward Rimuru.

We can see someone inside the cloth is revealed to be...

Kaijin- "Vesta!?"

Yes, it's Vesta. In case of anyone forget who this guy was, he is the man who got Kaijin and the gangs, also Rimuru exiled from Dwargon when they get there last time. Good thing that Shinji and Mio are not participating in that trial, they said that they are watching it from the gallery so they're not getting included in the Kaijin group.

Gazel continues to explain the situation after seeing the confused state of everyone behind me.

Gazel- "Because it was Vesta who provoked you first which led you to get kicked out of Dwargon along with Kaijin, and lying about it in court, I cannot allow him to work with me any longer. However, he is quite talented and hardworking so it would be a shame if he ends up doing nothing and not using his knowledge. Therefore, I'm giving him to you"

Damn, that was a whole paragraph for an explanation.

Gazel- "Vesta"

He turns to Vesta who was sitting on the ground.

Vesta- "Y-yes?"

Gazel- "Devote yourself to continue your research here, you will now work under Rimuru and Shiori, serve them as you would me"

Vesta got on his knee and bow in front of Gazel.

Vesta- "I-it shall be done, my king... I will surely meet your expectation this time"

He begins to cry and turns around to face Kaijin and Rimuru before bowing even lower nearing a kowtowing position.

Vesta- "Rimuru-dono, Kaijin-dono, I truly apologize for what I have done back in Dwargon. I beg you to find it in yourself to forgive me. Would you allow me to work here? Please, I promise to work hard and serve you to my utmost abilities..."

I decided to enter the conversation while Rimuru and Kaijin are standing still with their hands waving after hearing Vesta's plea.

Shiori- "I don't know what happened in Dwargon but I'm sure that they will forgive you, isn't that right?"

Rimuru- "Yeah, you don't need to beg for it. We need someone else to do research anyway, and we're not going to deny a capable person"

Rimuru lowers his hands as Vesta looks at him in relief and bows once again.

Vesta- "Thank you very much! I am unworthy, but I'll give my utmost effort for you!"

Gazel- "Well then, farewell for now!"

With that said, Gazel finally leaves Eden once again for Dwargon with his pegasus knight while everyone behind me is giving their round of applause.

I'll trade Kazuma's position with Vesta after this, he could still work there but he doesn't have to be there all the time to supervise Gabiru.

[1 month later]

Narrator POV

Hey guys, I'm back. We can see a pink-haired girl who has her hair styled in twin-tail and a pair of blue eyes wearing a white sailor dress singing in the middle of the Great Forest of Jura in the middle of rain under an umbrella while walking towards the direction of Eden.

Yes, this girl is Milim Nava the only Dragonoid in this world, also known as The Destroyer singing peacefully under the rain, an unusual scene to stumble upon for anyone who knows her but what's more unusual is the choice of song which she decides to sing.

Milim- "Eh uja~n gerimi~s a~je
(Eh, it's just drizzling here)

Ikan teri di~ a~si~nin
(The anchovy is getting salted)

Eh janga~n me~nangis a~je
(Eh, please don't just cry)

Yang pergi janga~n di pi~ki~rin
(Don't think about those who leaves you)"

She continues to sing the rest of the lyrics but the author can't be bothered to write all of it, so we're just going to skip right to the end.

Milim- "...Ja~lan jala~n ke Ma~na~do
(Going on a trip to Manado)

Jangan lupa~ membeli~ pa~ram
(Don't forget to buy some param)

Kalo ni~at mencari~ jo~doh
(If you want to look for a partner)

Cari yang mani~s seperti~ sa~ya
(Look for the cute one, just like me)"

She snickers upon finishing the song and chuckle while thinking out loud.

Milim- "Heh, yeah right. What a bunch of lolicon they are, Ahahahahaha!"

She laughs for a while until she sighs.

Milim- *sigh* "not like I'm excluded from that bunch, though"

She droops down after reprimanding herself but cheers up as quickly.

Milim- "That nation is finally here, I can't wait to get there!"

She smiles and hastens her pace with no care about the mud which is splashing because of her.

Milim- "I should be close by now"

She continues to run with an umbrella in her hand and a smile still present on her face. She didn't choose to fly there and land with a bang because she doesn't want to deal with the troublesome things which will come after it.

Author Note brought to you by Chibi Milim wearing a raincoat playing with a puddle of water

A/N- "So yeah, she's going to be here in the next chapter"

MC- "What happened to Milim? Why is she singing that song?"

A/N- "It's to imply her origin and who she is"

MC- "An Indonesian reincarnated otherworlder?"

A/N- "There is more to it, but let's just leave it at that for now"

MC- "I can predict what's going to happen in the next chapter but I'm not going to assume anything"

A/N- "What do you guys think about this chapter?"

MC- "My head is getting dizzy from this Den of Reincarnated story"

A/N- "How come I never stumble upon that kind of fanfic?"

MC- "There is a story with that setting though, it's called 'She Professed Herself, Pupil of the Wiseman'"

A/N- "I might find that kind of story on a manga site or novel site but don't remember the title"

MC- "Oh yeah, you are a forgetful person after all"

A/N- "That's all for this Author Note, thank you for reading"

MC- "See you in the next chapter!"
