Chapter 17 - Fireworks


Shiori POV

I run around the area near the Tempest building to do my daily exercise and there are only a handful of people that I could find on my way, most of them already recognize me because I stay in Tempest sometimes when I need to be alone.

The past few days have been eventful, the night when we're living together is not so bad even though Shion decides to cook for dinner, and Shinji is practically running away from her cooking because he gets home just before dinner. Luckily, she uses [Cook] that time so I don't feel like having seizures, but I still force Shinji to eat Shion's cooking the day after, and wouldn't you know it? Shion didn't use [Cook] for Shinji, so he's having seizures while I'm healing him.

Stupid guys sometimes try to flirt with the girls in my group and they got punched hard enough to not kill them. I'm grateful that they seem to have some restrain, wouldn't want to push my True Demon Lord evolution too quick now, would I?

Shuna is researching clothes and accessories in the stores around the area, Ayame is going around trying to find anything related to technology, Rem and Ram doing housework while also reading their mangas, and Shion is glued to me and Rimuru.

I decided to stop at a convenience store around the corner, and as I look around when I enter the door, I could recognize a girl with long white hair inspecting a magazine rack on my left.

It's Rimuru, so I choose to sneak on him and tap his shoulder.

Shiori- "What are you doing?!"


That was a long scream.

Rimuru- "I swear that she's a legal loli officer!




Oh... it's just you..."

He heaves a sigh of relief after realizing it's me.

Shiori- "Are you reading something controversial that you would need to clarify?"

Rimuru- "No... but I am trying to read an adult magazine. 

Though, it's not as great as the one in the doujinshi aisle in the bookstore"

Shiori- "Why did you say legal loli?"

Rimuru- "Uh... a force of habit?"

Shiori- "Right..." I squint my eyes and look intensely into his.

Rimuru- "Anyway... I think that's enough magazine for a day, maybe we need to do some time skip so that the reader won't have to wait for the new year celebration"

Shiori- "I'm sure that will happen later, but I'll have to pay for these chips first, wait for me"

I quickly pay for my snacks and got out of there with Rimuru. It's already morning and some people got out early from their house to buy groceries or something for tonight, some people are opening their shops, the pedestrian street begins to load with the crowd of people and we might lose each other at this rate.

Shiori- "Rimuru, hold my hand.

Tempest is nearby but I don't want to lose you in this crowd of people"

Rimuru- "Right... yes, we wouldn't want that to happen... hahaha"

We hold our hands together and I give Rimuru an unimpressed stare when I spot him blushing like a high school girl that is going to roll on her bed just because their crush is giving her some kind of minor skinship.

I know that he said 'the moon is beautiful, isn't it?' on our second day in this world, but the moon that night is indeed beautiful, so I'm not sure if he's confessing his feeling or talking about the moon at that time.

We walk for a bit and the crowd dissipates when we got to a traffic light and we can already see Tempest in our sight, but I don't want to part with Rimuru's hand too soon, and he seems to have the same idea as me because he's tightening his hold on my hand.

[Later that morning]


I was just eating my snacks in the living room while watching TV like a typical NEET when Shuna suddenly asked me to try some outfit that she designed based on this world preference.

Shuna- "Shiori-sama, please try these"

Shiori- "Hm? Oh... you're done already?"

Shuna- "I'm simply impatient to see you in these outfits"

Shiori- "Then I shall comply with your request"

I take off my clothes right then and there because I don't feel the need to leave the room just to change my clothes, both of us are girls anyway, so I'm sure that it's not a big deal.

Shuna- "E-eh?! Are you sure that you're going to undress here?!"

Shiori- "it's okay, Shuna. We're both girls anyway, so I don't think it's going to be bad.

Which one do you want me to try first?"

Shuna- "Y-yeah, this one"

I take one set of clothes that Shuna offer to me and quickly wear it. It's a set of a white upper shirt and a pink skirt with a belt that holds it.

(A/N- "Yes, I don't know what it's called")

Shiori- "This feels nice, good job"

Shuna- "Thank you, Shiori-sama"

Shiori- "Is there anything else that you have made?"

Shuna- "Yes, but I also want to give some makeup to you"

Shiori- "This is going to be a long... new year's eve"

Shuna gives all sorts of makeup for after that and the maids are also joining after they realize what we're doing, Shion got to the room together with Rimuru after a while.

Rem- "You are so beautiful, Shiori-sama!"

Ram- "It seems that all of those practice with Shuna-sama is not wasted"

Shion- "Wow... I can't find a word to describe your beauty, Shiori-sama"

Shuna- "I'm proud from the result of it, those training are not wasted indeed"

Rimuru- "You look cute, Shiori"

Everyone shifts their attention to Rimuru as soon as they hear him and Rimuru's body is shaking and contemplating whether he should run away or not.

Shuna- "Perfect timing, Rimuru.

I have some outfits for you as well"

He backs away to the door.

Rimuru- "It's okay, Shuna.

I'm good"

Rem- "But these outfits that Shuna-sama specifically prepare is going to look cute on you, Rimuru"

Ram- "Let us dress you up"

Shuna, Rem, and Ram surround Rimuru with both of their hands reaching forward and making a strange motion with their fingers like Kazuma in the Konosuba series when he threatened a girl that he's going to use [Steal] on them.

Rimuru was kind of late in realizing it, probably because [Raphael] is pranking him.

Rimuru- "I'm not going to get caught that easily!"

Rimuru jumps out of the door to the hallway and begins to try and run outside. The keyword is 'try'.

Rem- "Blade of Chaos!"

She doesn't need to shout the name of that chained blade, but she decides to say it anyway. The Blade of Chaos flies to Rimuru as Rem is wrapping it around him, then falls on the floor with a thud, it's a good thing that I remember to reinforce this building yesterday otherwise this building would have snapped, there is still a little quake from that but nothing major.

Rimuru- "NOOOOO!!!!! Why can't I break out of this chain??!!!"

He screamed as Rem dragged him to another room then close it after Shuna and Ram enters.

The Blade of Chaos that I gave to Rem has a neat attribute, I call one of it 'padlock', Rimuru is not affected by this because I consider him my allies, my subordinate is also not going to be affected.

Why is he not resisting, then? Well, I discover something funny about Rimuru, he is kind of a tsundere in this whole crossdressing thing.


It was just the day after the 'the moon is beautiful, isn't it?' incident and I'm walking around the unit to get some kind of idea pop in my head when I hear a shutter sound from a camera.


Shiori- "Hm? What is that?" I said in a low voice.

I decided to check where it came from and discovered that it comes from a guest room that has no occupants at the moment.

I slide the door slowly and even use [Metatron] to make it as quiet as possible to see inside and I was shocked to witness what was behind the door.

It's Rimuru, doing various cute poses in front of a camera that was placed on a tripod while wearing a sailor uniform.

Rimuru- "Yosh, that's another one, let's see..."

I see him check over his photo and I decide to sneak up behind him while concealing my presence with [Metatron].

It seems that he's having the time of his life with each photo that he's looking at.

Rimuru- "Umu umu, all of them are cute.

I might be considered a model when people in my old world see me"

Model? It might be true if we're talking about our past life world because we can make a convincing cosplay of Shiori Itsuka and Rimuru Tempest in a convention. I just need to wear my modified Raizen High uniform and Rimuru just needs to wear his Demon Lord outfit, some people might even love white-haired Rimuru.

I think it's time to reveal myself to him.

Shiori- "Ara ara, it is indeed cute, Rimuru-san"

Rimuru- "Hii-!"

Rimuru's body froze, either because he's entranced by my 'ara ara onee-san' impression or because I suddenly appear behind him without being alerted by his [Universal Sense].

He jerkily turns his head to the left and glances at me with a horrified expression and his mouth is stammering.

Rimuru- "Abababababa- Shi-Shiori?! W-when did y-you g-get here?!"

I just give him a peace sign and grin.

Shiori- "I have no idea you have this kind of hobby, Rimuru"

Rimuru- "No! This is not my hobby! Shuna just told me to wear these and give her the picture when she gets back!"

Shiori- "Really? I'll text her to confirm it just in case"

Rimuru- "STOOOOPPPP!!!!"

I was about to leave when he suddenly jumps at me and grabbed my left hand and stop me.

Rimuru- "Please don't..."

He said while pouting and facing his gaze down.

Shiori- "Why?"

Rimuru- "Just don't, okay?!"

Shiori- "Okay, I'm not going to tell her anything that happened here, princess"

Rimuru- "Don't call me that!"

I just laughed at him because I got something to tease him with.

[Flashback End]

Rimuru is finally done being a dress-up doll for three girls and got changed into a... school swimsuit.

Rimuru- "Uuuu... why does this have to be the first?"

Shion- "You're so cute, Rimuru!"

Rimuru- "That can't be true! Don't try to coax me to feel better about this!"

Shiori- "She's right, you know? You're really cute, princess"

Rimuru- "I told you not to call me that!"

We are stuck there for a few hours trying many combinations of outfits until everyone is satisfied and we eat lunch which was cooked by Shuna, it was delicious as always.


Pedestrian Street

I walk out in the afternoon with Rimuru to do a quick trip to a supermarket, I am wearing my usual coat over my shirt, but it's not like the temperature is going to affect me because I have [Thermal Fluctuation Nullification]. It's somehow a different resistance than [Elemental Nullification].

Rimuru is wearing his usual outfit, a scarf around his neck, a blue fur coat over a shirt, long black pants, and a pair of boots, he's also putting an anti-magic mask on the side of his head.

It's not Shizue's anti-magic mask because he gives it back to her when we got to this world, it's another anti-magic mask created by yours truly.

Rimuru- "That was a horrifying experience!"

Shiori- "Admit it, you enjoy every second of it"

Rimuru- "No, I don't!"

Shiori- "How about the blush when they take pictures of you?"

Rimuru- "It's shameful!"

Shiori- "Mind explaining the blissful smile you have when you got out of the room?"

Rimuru- "That-... s-shut up!"

He punches my left shoulder lightly.

Rimuru- "...idiot"

Shiori- "You're acting like a tsundere, Rimuru"

Rimuru- "I'm not a tsundere!"

Shiori- "That's what a tsundere would say"

Rimuru- "YOU-"

He lightly punches my side many times with his fist, it's honestly cute.

Rimuru- "Haa... haa..."

Shiori- "You done?"

Rimuru- "Yeah..."

He stop punching me like a kid when we arrived at a traffic light and there are other people here as well. We wait for a while and cross the road and I strike a conversation once again with Rimuru.

Shiori- "Oh yeah, we're going back to the Cardinal World tomorrow. Do you have something that you want to do?"

Rimuru- "Not really, but I do want to see the new year's celebration in this country"

Shiori- "Haven't you seen it through Satoru Mikami's memory?"

Rimuru- "I want to witness it live"

Shiori- "Well, we are going to the new year celebration one way or another"

Rimuru- "I thought that you had no plan"

Shiori- "You're thinking that I-"

My thought is interrupted when I hear someone across the street is screaming.

???- "Kyaaaaahhh!!!"

Someone from the crowd is panting while running at full speed with a knife in his hand ready to thrust anyone that blocks his way.

???- "TAMURA!"

???- "HAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

With that scream, the man that was about to get stabbed is pushed aside by a guy that got stabbed in his place and fall on his knees clutching his stomach.

Shiori- "What the..."

Rimuru- "...hell?"

<<Confirmed, Resistance: [Heat Resistance] has been acquired>>

Shiori- 'Voice of the World?!'

Tamura- "S-Senpai!"

<<Confirmed, Resistance: [Stab Resistance] has been acquired. Continuing, Resistance: [Physical Attack Resistance] has been acquired>>

Tamura- "We need an ambulance here! Quick!"

Rimuru quickly runs to the guy on the ground and attempt to treat him using conventional means, I also run to him and look over the guy on the ground.

Rimuru- "I'll give him basic treatment while we wait for the ambulance"

This familiar face! That confirms it! This guy is Satoru Mikami! Why do I hear the Voice of the World announcement when someone is about to reincarnate?!

Nia- 'I may have the explanation for that'

Shiori- 'Nia?! Are you still in Tempest?!'

Nia- 'Yes, I'm still in the middle of my gaming session but I'm still part of you so you can use me regardless of my position'

<<Confirmed, Resistance: [Pain Nullification] has been acquired>>

<<Creating a body that does not require blood... successful>>

Shiori- "What's your take on this, Mama Nia?'

Nia- 'I have been thinking about the nature of this world even when I was still [Clairvoyant Guide] but I can't confirm it until now'

Shiori- 'Until now?'

<<Confirmed, Resistance: [Cold Resistance] has been acquired. Attempting to combine [Heat Resistance] and [Cold Resistance]... successful. [Thermal Fluctuation Resistance] has been acquired>>

Nia- 'Yes, I made it so that you will be able to hear the Voice of the World announcement if there is any in this world'

Shiori- 'Are you saying that I technically got reincarnated into Tensura?'

Nia- 'That's the most likely scenario'

Rimuru- "You're going to be just fine! The ambulance is going to be here soon!"

Satoru- "T-Tamura..."

Tamura- "What is it, senpai?"

Satoru- "I-I want you... to take the CPU of my computer at my home... and throw it in the bath... make sure it's completely... wiped..."

<<Attempting to delete data through electric current... failed, the information is insufficient to perform the task. Searching for alternative... successful. Resistance: [Elecritricity Resistance] has been acquired, Resistance [Paralysis Resistance] has been required>>

Rimuru- "If you have time to say that! At least save your breath to survive!"

Shiori- 'Does it mean that the Satoru Mikami that are currently dying is the same Rimuru that are currently treating him?'

Nia- 'Yes, he is the same Rimuru that is currently treating him'

Shiori- 'How do I save him without rendering the reincarnation pointless?'

Nia- 'You can duplicate his soul'

Shiori- 'What?'

Tamura- "All I wanted to do *sniff* was show off Sawatari to you *sniff*"

Satoru- "Jeez... don't worry about it..."

Sawatari- "Mikami-san..."

Rimuru- "I'm trying my hardest to treat your wound, sir.

Please, don't pass out on me!"

Nia- 'It's the recommended method in this situation if you still want him to reincarnate while also saving and connecting him with the Voice of the World'

Shiori- 'Okay, I'll try your suggestion. I'm not sure if it will work, but thank you anyway'

Nia- 'Have I ever disappointed you? I'm going back to my gaming session'

I cut my connection with Nia, and bend over to see Satoru's face closer.

Rimuru- "Why are standing there for a long time?!"

Shiori- "The plot is going to make him reincarnate no matter what"

Sawatari- "What do you mean by that?!"

Satoru- "I-if that's the case... T-Tamura, be sure to take care of her and take care of my computer..."

Rimuru- "Eh?! Keep your eyes open! Don't close it!"

<<Confirmed, Unique Skill: [Predator] has been acquired>>

Rimuru- "What should we do?! I healed him already but he's still going to die?!"

Shiori- "I might be able to do something about him, step aside"

He hesitates for a bit but still complies and steps aside from Satoru's body, I put my right hand on Satoru's chest and concentrate on what I want to do.

<<Confirmed, Extra Skill: [Sage] has been acquired. Continuing and evolving Extra Skill: [Sage]... successful. Unique Skill: [Great Sage] has been acquired>>

Shiori- 'Okay, [Gabriel: March]. [Metatron], heal his body. [Haniel], take his soul and analyze it to make a perfect copy, then let the original soul reincarnate'

I do all those three in a short amount of time with [Manas: Nia] help, she can't help much because she's outside of my body but I can still access her function to a sufficient degree.

I relaxedly breathe in and breathe out, then wipe my forehead to then followed by a bright smile when looking at Sawatari, Tamura, and Rimuru.

Shiori- "I... succeed..."

Tamura- "Really?!"

Shiori- "Yeah... he's free from immediate danger but you might still want to bring him to the hospital just in case"

Tamura- "Thank you very much! How can I repay you?"

Shiori- "It's okay, but if you still want to repay me. How about buying some book from Tempest Book?"

Tamura- "I can't possibly count that as a repayment because I always buy the magazine that features Tempest Book in it"

Shiori- "Oh... is that so? How about this, we can introduce ourselves and befriend each other. My name is Shiori Takamiya"

Rimuru- "My name is Rimuru"

Shiori- "His last name is Takamiya"

Rimuru- "What?!"

Miho- "Nice to meet you, I'm Miho Sawatari. Are you two related then?"

Shiori- "Yeah, something like that"

Tamura- "My name is Tamura Yamaguchi, the person that you just save is Satoru Mikami-senpai, thank you so much for helping him even though you don't know him"

Shiori- "It's not a problem, I can't just watch when someone is in trouble and I can do something about it"

They all give me a blank face and deadpanned at me.

Rimuru- "But you are doing just that before deciding to step in and help"

Shiori- "Hehe?" I lightly punch my head.

Rimuru/Tamura/Miho- "What do you mean by hehe?!"

The ambulance arrived when we are laughing together on the pedestrian street, then Miho and Tamura get inside the ambulance with an unconscious Satoru Mikami after we exchange our contact information, Rimuru and I waved them goodbye and go on our way to the supermarket but not before we punish a certain someone.

[Later that night]


I am currently setting up some fireworks on the rooftop of Tempest together with Ayame, Shinji, Rem, Ram, and Rimuru while everyone is watching us.

I'm going back to the Cardinal World tomorrow with Rimuru, Ayame, Shuna, Shion, Rem, and Ram. It's fine if Shizue doesn't want to go back to that world, but I need to return.

Shiori- "Okay... and... done"

Rimuru- "Good job everyone"

Shion- "What is this, Shiori-sama?"

Shiori- "This is called fireworks, it can shoot an explosive thing and make a beautiful pattern on the sky"

Ayame- "I can't wait to see those patterns in the sky! I have seen some examples from the internet"

Mio- "Let's ignite it now!"

Shinji- "Let's not burn the fuse when it's not the time yet, play with these rods instead"

Mio- "Oh~ give me!"

Shinji gives the fireworks rod to Mio and she runs around with it.

Mio- "Wheeeee~~~!"

Shinji- "Hahaha... what a kid, anyone else?"

Everyone raises their hand and takes one each from Shinji then lights it up.

Shuna/Shion/Rem/Ram- "Oooohhh~~"

Rimuru splits up from everyone and I follow, then crouch down while looking at our fireworks rod.

Rimuru- "We're going back tomorrow... huh?"

Shiori- "What? You can stay here if you want"

Rimuru- "It's not that, I experienced many things in this world and I honestly can't be happier"

Shiori- "Glad you enjoy it"

Rimuru- "Also, you still manage to surprise me"

Shiori- "How so?"

Rimuru- "You can give me a name despite me having unlimited magicules"

Shiori- "I named you as my equal so I don't think that I will need many magicules or reiryoku for that"

Rimuru- "Eh?"

I grin at him and look at my fireworks rod that is slowly but surely running out.

Shiori- "Hey, Rimuru, I have noticed your feeling..."

Rimuru- "Hm..."

I look at his golden eyes that were shining on this night.

Shiori- "Do you mean it?"

He looks at me with a serious expression.

Rimuru- "Yes, I do"

Shiori- "Are you sure?"

Rimuru- "Yes, I am"

Shiori- "You don't feel weirded out after knowing my past?"

Rimuru- "No, I don't"

Shiori- "Can you prove it to me?"

He drops his fireworks rod and clasps both of his hands on mine, making me drop my fireworks rod in the process, both of us stands up as I saw him still looking at me with that serious and determined face of his.

Rimuru- "Shiori Takamiya, you have given my last name and I couldn't be more grateful to you, this Rimuru Takamiya is in love with you ever since I met you in the Sealed Cave and I have been admiring your beauty in silence ever since"

I could feel myself blush from his firm declaration and confused as to what I should say to him.

Shiori- "Um... I just realized that I love you when you say that on your second night in this world... please, take care of me"

I could only give him the sweetest smile that I could manage right then and there.

Rimuru- "Me too"

He hugs me and I respond by hugging him as well.

Shiori- "Right... I guess it's time we light up the fireworks"

I quickly part away from his hug and head to the fireworks to help Shinji with lighting it up, then run back to Rimuru after I'm sure that the fuse is burned.

Rimuru- "How about I sing along the fireworks taking off to the sky?"

Shiori- "That's a good idea"

Rimuru- "*humming the instrumental*"

Shiori- "This is..."

I widen my eyes when I realized what he's trying to sing as we grin at each other. This guy... he simply can't resist.

Rimuru- "*continue humming the instrumental*"

The fireworks launch into the sky and explode on the sky as Rimuru is still humming the instrumental for his song.


Shion/Ayama/Shuna/Rem/Ram- "Wooaaaaahhh...."

Rimuru- "Keshiki ga yu~kkuri~

O~renji ni somatte~

Omoidasu ko~to wo~

Takusa~n aru~ kedo~"


Rimuru- "Nakama to sugosu

Nigi~yaka~ na hi~bi~

Shi~npai ira~nai yo~

Ge~nki de~ ya~tteru~"


Rimuru- "Iso~gazu~


Nimotsu ga~ omo~i toki~ de~mo

Ashidori wa ka~ruku i~kou"


Rimuru- "Ma~inichi ga~

Kokoro o~doru yo ni~

Nagarete~~~ hora~~~"


Rimuru- "Na~nigena~i~

Ku~rashi ni~ mo~

Attakai~ hi~kari wo

Tomo~shite~ age~yo~u"


Rimuru- "Minna ga ma~tsu~


Itsu de~mo~ taisetsu~ ni~

Omoe~ru ko~to~ wa~

Ka~~ko ni~ mo~doru yo~ri

I~ma wo do~u i~kiru ka~

Na~nte ne~~~"


I'm holding my hand with Rimuru unconsciously and just realized it now but I don't want to let go of his hand just yet.

I'm looking at the last fireworks of this set with the hope that everything will be just fine.

Author Note brought to you by Chibi Shiori and Chibi Rimuru sitting together and holding hands while looking at fireworks in the sky.

A/N- "Hey guys! What do you think of this chapter?"

MC- "I confess to Rimuru, huh?"

A/N- "Yeah..."

MC- "I like the result to be honest"

A/N- "Of course you are"

MC- "We will get back to the Tensura plot in the next chapter"

A/N- "That's all for the Author Note!"

MC- "Please leave some comment"
