Chapter 10 - Kinako Bread

Shiori POV

I am currently in a meeting room, and in the meeting room are Rigurd, Hakurou, Benimaru, Marzuki, Souei, Kurobei, Mio, Shinji, Nia, Kaijin, Rimuru, and me. Matsuri is here to serve some tea and snacks for us.

I am not leading this meeting, it's Rimuru, the reason is simple, I don't know what to do in a meeting because I hate it and I always doze off whenever there is a meeting, either in my homeworld or in my past life.

Rimuru- "Okay, Souei, what do you got?"

Souei- "Some of the nearby goblin village doesn't seem to have a desire to join this village and choose to remain independent. That lizard earlier went around to those villages and begin to recruit them under him once the orcs started moving, some of them decline his offer and flee to the human kingdom nearby"

I don't see why, but it's their choice and I can't force them.

Souei- "Regarding the orcs, I was mistaken. The orc forces number is approximately 200.000"

Shiori- "So the portion that I've trapped in my Mirror Dimension is just a small fraction, huh?"

Rimuru- "So, I take it that they're heading towards the lizardman territory?"

Souei- "Yes, they've been going around causing rampage and they finally decided to head towards the marshlands this morning"

Shiori- "They must be going around to eat other monsters on the way because as I have said in your village, an Orc Lord is leading them"

Marzuki- "That could be the reason why they're rampaging around magicules dense area, and the marshlands got to have plenty of monsters for them to eat"

Kaijin- "Shiori-sama, are you sure that it's an Orc Lord?"

Shiori- "You don't find any corpses on the remains of their path, right?"

Souei- "Yes, I can't find any remains of life on the path left by them"

Shiori- "There you have it, Kaijin"

I never actually told them about it, so the ones that didn't know are getting pale and Shinji is getting comforted by Mio on his side while taking a couple of breaths to calm himself down. I'm sure that Nia is telling him what an Orc Lord is for him to react like that.

Souei- "Hmm?"

Rimuru- "What's up?"

Souei- "One of my doubles scouting around the area have made contact with someone... they request an audience with Shiori-sama"

Shiori- "So the dryad has finally made their appearance, call her here"

Souei looks at me with a surprised expression and then shift to an "As expected of Shiori-sama" look on his face along with other monsters in the room because I manage to guess that a dryad wants to have an audience with me.

After a moment, the center of the table glows brightly in a shade of green as some plant begins to grow on the table. It continues to grow until it burst open, revealing stunning women from each one of them, with green hair and marks next to their eyes, they are wearing a dress of white and light green, and they have vines that hover around them.

Why are there two dryads here? I recognize that these two are Treyni and Trya but isn't it supposed to be just Treyni that appeared in this meeting?

Treyni bends down to grab a kinako bread from a plate beside her on the table and nibble on it, she's the only one that appears on the table while the other dryads appear on the ground.

Shiori- "...Your image was ruined the moment you bent over to grab that bread, you know?"

Treyni froze and the other dryad deadpan at her, she put the kinako bread in her sleeves and act as if nothing happened in that short moment.

Treyni- "I apologize for my unannounced visit. My name is Treyni, a Dryad, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Shiori-sama" Treyni said as she smiles at me.

Wait, why is she addressing with respect?

Shiori- "I know that the dryad knows everything that happens in the forest, but why are you addressing me with respect?"

Treyni- "You are too modest, my lady"

What is she talking about?

Shiori- "Thank you, why does the dryad want to seek an audience with me?"

Treyni- "We have a request"

Shiori- "What is it?"

Treyni- "I want you to make me more of this bread"

Trya facepalmed at her word because she ruined the whole entrance and now she ruined the speech.

Shiori- "Huh?"

Treyni- "Sorry, not that *Ahem* We, the dryad ask you to lead us in protecting the Great Forest of Jura" Treyni said and then both of them kneel in front of me.

Huh?! What is this development?! Does this mean that the dryad wants to serve me?!

Everyone in the room is shocked including Rimuru because I'm sure that he didn't see this coming either, they are waiting for my response, so I need to pull myself together.

Shiori- "U-uh... w-why do you want me to lead you?" I'm still shocked at this sudden development.

Treyni- "We have made the decision ever since you arrived in this world" Treyni said while still kneeling in front of me.

Shiori- "What?! Why?!"

Treyni- "Human turned Spirit is rare in this world, my lady. The traveling True Spirit told us that there will be another human that will turn into a spirit in the future, slowly evolving to become a True Spirit just like him"

Shiori- "That can't be the only reason"

Treyni- "My sister has witnessed how you handle the orc army in the ogre village without damaging the forest and it was also very effective, and we have noticed that you just evolved into a True Spirit"

Trya- "You have surpassed every spirit in every aspect, and you don't even need to try to control aspect of this world. You can just will it and it will happen immediately"

Does that mean that I'm some sort of Veldanava now?

Nia- 'Yes, you're pretty much Veldanava now'

Holy... "I'm trying to get home, but I accidentally ascend to become a god". That would make a shitty light novel title.

Okay, I am overwhelmed with all of this sudden worshipping. Isn't there like Ramiris? She's still the Queen of Spirit, even though she's called Ramiris of the Labyrinth now. Sure, they don't know where she is. What should I do?

What am I thinking? A new ally is always welcomed.

Shiori- "Very well, I accept, I always welcome a new helping hands"

Dryads- "We're at your service, Shiori-sama!"

The room now floods with screams of everyone saying that I'm the new "Queen of Spirit", now I'm taking her title. Oh well, Shizue can just ask to bring her students to the Dwelling of Spirits from me.

Shiori- "Okay, sit down and we'll continue with the meeting. Rimuru, if you would?"

Rimuru- "H-huh? Y-yes, the plan, of course"

The dryads sit down before Rimuru states his plan.

Rimuru- "I want us to ally with the lizardmen and fight with them on their home ground, the marshlands"

Souei- "I can quickly travel to the marshlands and speak with lizardmen chief"

Shiori- "Can I count on you for that? I want a dryad to come with him just in case"

Souei/Trya- "Understood/I shall accompany him"

Souei disappears from the room and Trya also disappears from the room.

Rimuru- "I have a question, Treyni-san"

Treyni- "Yes?"

Rimuru- "If those orcs are still in the forest, you can work together with the other dryads and overwhelm the orcs, can't you?"

Treyni smile wryly at Rimuru question.

Treyni- "Unfortunately, we have detected a high-level majin in the forest that is possibly pulling the string from behind the scene. That majin also seems to be an officer for a Demon Lord, so if we focused on the Orc Lord we might get sideswiped by the majin"

This majin should be Gelmud, the guy that I'm trying to avoid when I was evacuating the kijin from their village, and he's under the command of Demon Lord Clayman.

And Clayman is also being controlled by Yuuki Kagurazaka, the grandmaster of Free Guild in Ingrassia via the Moderate Jester or Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

Man, now that I think about it, most of the villain in this series is always manipulated by that prick, huh?

Shiori- "I think that the lizardmen could get hit pretty easily with how they're spread out"

I point at the map on the table, I have created a map that will be used to strategize for something before the meeting, just thought that I should say this.

Benimaru- "Their lines are reduced thin, and although the orc won't be able to circle the lizardmen, if someone could get into their backline, they can be caught off-guard and easily topple the whole thing, but why? The goblins would have no reason to do this"

Rimuru- "Don't you think that this Gabiru fellow seems to style himself as the leader too much? He might get a little cocky and will try to betray the lizardmen chief"

Benimaru nodded at his answer, it seems that he's satisfied with it.

Shiori- 'You got all that, Souei?'

Souei- 'Yes, Shiori-sama, I will talk to the lizardmen about an alliance while warning them about an attack from behind'

Souei and Trya are listening through the conversation in the room using my new [Hive Communication], I do this so that they won't miss out on anything.

Shiori- 'Good, give me an update when you're done'

I cut the connection with him after saying that.

Treyni looks incredibly happy with what she heard during the meeting, but she still seems stiff. Treyni must be feeling stressed out because of Veldora's disappearance despite how she carries herself in this meeting, she needs to find a new protector of the forest and they must have realized that I'm planning to settle down in this forest.

With Veldora disappearance, the dryads need a new protector of the forest, and they seem to have decided that I will be the perfect candidate for it. Oh well, I have accepted their offer and now I have to suck it up.

Rimuru- "That concludes the meeting, I want all of you to prepare for Souei report"

Treyni- "Thank you for accepting our request, Shiori-sama"

Shiori- "Relax, just make sure that the orc can't eat any monsters on their path and we'll be fine... I think" I whispered the last part.

Shion- "Don't worry, Shiori- sama can easily take care of those orcs!"

Thank you for the random compliment, Shion.

We exit the meeting room and go on our way to prepare for the day when we march to the marshlands for the war against Orc Lord.

I just remember something.

Shiori- 'Hey, Rimuru, don't you think that it's time to finally revive Shizu?'

Rimuru- 'Oh yeah, I almost forgot!'

Shiori- 'You almost forgot?!'

Rimuru- 'I'm sorry!'

Shiori- '...Let's just get home and get this over with'

I cut the connection and rush to my home and wait for everyone to arrive.

[Several Minutes Later]

Everyone is finally here, we can finally start the process of reviving Shizue that was still inside of Rimuru storage that he almost forgot.

Shiori- "Okay, I'm going to make the body now, Rimuru"

A naked body appears in front of us after I use [Haniel] to make it, then Rimuru puts his hand on it to use [Illya, Heaven's Feel]. The body then glows and after a while, it's replaced with a girl that has long black hair that reaches her back wearing a white outfit and black tight legging on her leg.

Shiori- "Welcome back, Shizue Izawa"

I figured that since this is a new body, I can name her, right? I also give her a Hero Egg and evolved her just like Shinji at the moment. I really can do anything, huh? Can I stop time?

Nia- 'Yes, you can, the thought acceleration that I can manage when I'm inside of you can be considered insane by the general populace'

Shizue- "Huh? Where am I?"

Shinji- "It's my house. A replica of my house in my homeworld to be exact"

Shizue- "This place looks... nice"

Shiori- "Let me inspect your body"

She gives her hand to me as I scan her skill and condition.

[Examining body... successful. The body condition has been stabilized. Presenting the report on Shizue Izawa skill]

[Name: Shizue Izawa

Race: Spirit

Protection: Blessing of the Spirit of Origin

Ultimate Skill: [Camael, Bright Burning Annihilating Demon]

Intrinsic Skill: [Multilayer Barrier], [Reiryoku Breeder Reactor], [Universal Sense], [Ultraspeed Regeneration]

Extra Skill: [Replication]

Resistance: [Flame Nullification], [Physical Attack Resistance]]

Let's give her Camael Qlipha/Sephira crystal and see what will happen. I conjure up a Qlipha/Sephira Crystal using [Haniel] and then shove it in her chest.

<<Initiating evolution for individual Shizue Izawa...>>

<<Assimilating Qlipha/Sephira Crystal with [Camael, Bright Burning Annihilating Demon]... successful>>

<<[Multilayer Barrier] has evolved into [Universal Barrier]>>

<<[Physical Attack Resistance] has evolved into [Physical Attack Nullification]>>

<<Attempting to evolve [Replication]... successful. Intrinsic Skill: [Enchanced Replication] has been acquired>>

<<Attempting to evolve [Ultraspeed Regeneration]... successful. Intrinsic Skill: [Infinite Regeneration] has been acquired>>

<<[Spiritual Attack Resistance] has been acquired>>

<<[Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance] has been acquired>>

<<Evolving Individual Shizue Izawa into a True Spirit... successful>>

Shizue pass out again after the Voice of the World announcement inside my head is over.

Shinji- "Eh?! What just happened?! Why did she faint?!"

Nia- "Relax, boy. We are just evolving her, that's all"

Shinji twitches the corner of his lips.

Shinji- "That's all?! I'm sure that evolution is something incredible in this world!"

Shiori- "How about you bring her to the guest room? I'm sure that she'll wake up tomorrow"

Shinji- "Me?! Why don't you do it?!"

Shiori- "Because I have a date with Nia in the new hot spring~" I walk out of my house after saying that.

Nia- "Yippee, a hot spring date with Shiorin~" Nia is following behind me.

I have been looking for this hot spring ever since Kaijin arrived here, and as soon as I find it. I immediately build a hot spring resort in that area by myself because I want to go there as soon as possible, it is surprisingly very close to my house, what are the chances of that?

Takamiya Residence

Shinji POV

I placed Shizue on the bed just as Shiori-nee tell me, caressed her hair for a bit because I want to do it for some reason.

Shinji- 'You must be going through a lot, I'll help you for sure, Shizue'

I then go back to the living room and find Mio sitting in the living room waiting for me.

Mio- "Let's play this game, Shin! Rimuru just give it to me"

Shinji- "Hm? A visual novel?"

The TV is showing a title screen of a visual novel called "Fall in Love: My Little Shido", I never heard of this game even back in my homeworld, maybe it's one of those original things that Rimuru create on a whim using his skill.

Mio- "The cover looks nice and I want to play it with you"

Shinji- "Sure, I'll get some drinks and snacks first while you boot it up"

I go to the fridge and get some potato chips and some drinks. When I get back, I realized that there is an additional person added on the couch.

Shinji- "Treyni-san?! Don't you have work to do?!"

Treyni- "I'm free at the moment, Shinji-sama, and I'm curious about this thing called video game"

Shinji- "*sigh* You can watch us play, want some?"

Treyni- "Yes, thank you" She takes the bowl that has potato chips in it.

That's weird, isn't dryad supposed to be plant people? Why is she eating potato chips?

Shinji- "I think that you should go first, Mio"

Mio- "Okay, I have seen Nia play this kind of game before, so I should be fine"

The scene begins with a sky like any other visual novel that I've read so far, and then the protagonist starts doing a monologue to introduce himself as Shido just like the title said, tell the player what he does in his daily life, his view in life, and the fact that he never has any romantic experience.

We skimmed the dialogue relatively quickly and when the monologue is done, the screen turns black, the scene then replaced by what seemed to be a corner of an event CG as a girl is screaming a line to Shido.

???- "Good morning, my dear brother! It's nice out again!"

This girl seems to be the little sister of Shido, she is currently dancing on top of her brother's sleeping body, and the event CG is showing her doing it from a low angle so we can see her panties on full display.

Treyni- "My, is this what a video game is? How terrifying, to think that you can peep on someone with this thing"

WHAT?! NO! Please don't misunderstand, Treyni-san!

Shinji- "No, Treyni-san! Other video games are not like this! This particular one has that kind of aim, so that's why there is this kind of scene! It's called fanservice"

Treyni- "Hm? fanservice?"

Shinji- "It means that it is added to please the audience that plays this game to raise their morale, so to say"

Treyni- "Oh, so it's what we call raising the morale of the populace by showing them things that will please their heart? Calling it fanservice is going to be shorter, I see"

Shinji- "That might be the term here" I sweatdrop at this because people in this world kind of... suck at naming things. Not like I have a great naming sense, but I think that Mio is a great name.

We avert our gaze back at the TV and Mio has arrived at the first choice in this game, there is a percentage at the bottom right corner of the screen, there is also some kind of bar at the bottom, there are three choices in the middle and they say.

[(1) "Morning, my beloved Liliko" You hug your sister lovingly.]

[(2) "I'm up. And so is something else" You drag your sister into the bed.]

[(3) "Got you, jerk!" You grab the foot of your sister standing on you and get her in an Achilles lock.]

Shinji- "What's up with these choices?! There is no way that these choices will lead to a normal conversation!"

Mio- "I don't know about you, Shin. But I'm going to pick the first option" She pressed the button and select (1) as her choice.

Shido- "Morning, my beloved Liliko"

I hug my little sister lovingly.

Liliko instantly gets a look of disdain on her face and shoves me away

Liliko- "Uh... Could you quit that? It's creepy"

The percentage change to minus fifty percent.

Shinji- "Oh, I see, that percentage on the corner of the screen must be an affection meter. This game is more realistic than I thought"

Mio- "What do I do?!"

Shinji- "Let's rewind and select another option, I'm curious about what this game has to offer"

Mio- "Right, let's see, save is this option and then rewind is this one"

The scene went back to its initial scene where we have to select a choice, this time Mio goes with the (2) choice. I'm sure that all of these choices are bad but I want to see the ending of each option if this game does have a realistic setting.

Shido- "I'm up. And so is something else"

Pulling myself up roughly, I drag Liliko into the bed and pounce on top of her.

Liliko- "Ah...! Wh-what are you doing?!"

Shido- "What else was I supposed to do? It's your fault this happened, Liliko"

Liliko- "!! No! Stop it! Noooooo!!!"

Shido- "It's fine; relax. It's all good; it's fine"

The scene then turns black and when the screen light up again, we are presented with a series of event. Liliko is breaking down in tears, his father is beating him to a bloody pulp, then a sound of handcuff clicking can be heard from the screen. We then showed a scene where Shido is chuckling by himself in a dark room as a sad song begins to play, and the credits are rolling.

Shinji- "That took a dark turn"

Mio- "Yeah, we choose that path for him, I kind of feel bad about it"

Treyni- "This video game can bring out sympathy from the people playing it... interesting"

Shinji- "Let's see the last option"

Mio rewinds once again, and she selects the (3) choice.

Shido- "Got you, jerk!"

I yank up my sister's foot and try to get her on an Achilles lock. However.

Liliko- "Too slow!"

She twists away, escapes my hand, seizes my leg, and gets me in a sharpshooter hold.

Shido- "Gouf...?!"

Long story short, Shido is partially paralyzed because of the injury from that incident and is forced to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, the credits then roll when we reach the ending of the game.

Shinji- "HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh but I can't. Hehehehehe!"

Mio- "Hahahahahaha! That's a funny way to get crippled for life"

Treyni- "Everyone, please don't laugh at the suffering that the protagonist experience. Pfft!"

All of us laugh after that ending because that ending is too abrupt and the execution of it was also funny. Treyni is trying her hardest to stifle her laugh, but we can sense that she won't be able to hold it in for much longer.

Shinji- "Okay, let's not do anything until the timer runs out now"

Mio rewinds to the initial scene once again, and we wait until the timer runs out. We can see a normal conversation involving an annoyed Shido because he wanted to sleep more.

Shinji- "There is already so much content in this thing, and we haven't even finished the prologue yet, and this game also has a realistic aim"

Treyni- "Does it mean that someone that has played this game might be able to do the thing that is shown in this game"

Shinji- "They won't be able to if they don't have experience in talking with a girl"

Treyni- "That makes sense"

Mio- "Okay, let's continue with this game!"

In the end, Mio is the only one playing the game because I was too fascinated at the game that I can't spend a second to not look at the screen without an impressed look on my face as we marvel at everything that this game has to offer.

Author Note brought to you by chibi Mio playing the game, chibi Shinji pointing at the TV, and chibi Treyni watching the game as she eats her potato chips

A/N- "I hate college"

MC- "I'm starting to hate this whole nation making thing"

A/N- "You can use your skill to make something like Parallel Existence, you know?"

MC- "Oh yeah, I can do that, thanks for the suggestion!"

A/N- "I'm going to mope again now"

MC- "I hope that this chapter is satisfying, he doesn't know how to write the meeting part properly"
