Chapter 18 - Settling down

Cardinal World

Shinji POV

How did this happen?

How did it become like this?

It was just 3 years after we live in Cardinal World and the eastern empire is still trying to initiate the Great Tenma War to this world early because of the rapid advancement in Shiori-nee's nation but they never succeed until someone from another world stepped in.

Deus Ex Machina Industries.

It's the organization that create Mio from the result of a ritual called 'Spirit Formula' and cause the Eurasian Sky Disaster and various spacequake in my homeworld.

They are offering the eastern empire with technology that is out of this world and in exchange, the eastern empire will help them with their goal of ending humanity in my homeworld and the eastern empire agrees to that term but gets betrayed along the way, then DEM takes over the eastern empire and terrorized the world in the name of wizard.

I am currently flying to the middle of the forest at a rapid pace under the gray cloudy sky because I sense Mio's signature is getting weaker and I can feel myself panicking for her safety.

I land on a section of the Great Forest of Jura that was near the eastern empire when the signature of Mio is getting near and quickly run there swiftly while still keeping myself alert.

I hide behind the tree when I'm certain that the enemy is nearby and check the condition first and I see something that shatters my heart to pieces.

It was a corpse...

Not just any corpse...

It's Mio's corpse...

I feel horrified at the sight and look around to see if the perpetrator is still nearby and sure enough, I find a woman with pale blond hair wearing a skimpy battle suit that was called a Combat Realizer Unit holding a crystal in her hand.

I feel sadness...

I feel regret...

I feel stupid...

But I feel what anyone would feel at this kind of time...



I summon [Sandalphon] sword on my right hand, then [Zafkiel] flintlock pistol on my left and encase the whole area with [Ain Soph], then lock it with [Michael] while I'm at it to prevent her from escaping.

I point the pistol at my head and said.

Shinji- "Aleph"


I run to her quickly after getting shot with my first bullet which will increase my speed, then shape the landscape to my advantage so that I can quickly kill her and safely take the crystal.

Shinji- "Zayin"


I shot her too with the seventh bullet while I'm at it so that she won't try anything funny before I struck [Sandalphon]'s sword and cleanly decapitate her head while taking the crystal.

Shinji- "Haa... haa... haa..."

I pant heavily while looking at the crystal and the mess which I just made, then look over to Mio's bloody corpse before rushing to her and trying to heal her.

The keyword is 'trying' because her body can't get healed even after I pour a full potion on her.

I try to use [Zafkiel] on the crystal and restore her soul but it's also not working.

I can't get Shiori-nee or Rimuru to help me because they are in the angel world with everyone for who knows how long.

I clutch lightly at the crystal in my hand feeling helpless and the rain starts pouring heavily on me after I cancel [Ain Soph] as if reflecting on my extreme sadness.

Shinji- "AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

I wake up from my bed and look around the room only to notice that it was just my room.

Shinji- "Haa.... haa... A... d-dream?"

Shiori-nee enters the room shortly after in a hurry and looks at me with worry present on her face then rushes to gently hug me with the affection of a big sister.

Shiori- "I-I'm... so sorry... you have to see all of that"

I reciprocate her hug while trying to remember what was that about.




Ah, now I remember.

I ask Shiori-nee to put in training where I need to kill someone or something sentient to get used to killing because I was hesitating while killing the orc in the Orc Lord incident a month ago despite Shiori-nee saying that she could revive them.

She said that I don't need to force myself but I feel the need to do it because we're going to be staying here for a while and I don't want to be a burden.

She uses [Gabriel] to put me asleep and give me an illusion in my sleep like a dream so that I will get up when the dream is over and I need to kill something sentient.

The scenario earlier is that I have to kill someone who kills Mio in front of me and then sink the feeling that I just killed someone, but Shiori-nee doesn't need to add a whole war setting in that freaking dream.

Shinji- "I need to lay down and clear my mind first before I can move on from that horrible experience"

Shiori- "Okay then, I'll see you later"

We wave at each other and she exits the room.

Shiori POV

I got down from the second after checking on Shinji's condition after his horrible dream which kinda spoils the ending of this world.

It has been a month since I got back to the Cardinal World and we are having a blast at the party for the success in Orc Lord war but I don't drink any kind of liquor that everyone offers to me.

I have a weird moral standard in which I have no problem with killing certain people but I still don't want to eat or drink certain things.

The people from Cardinal World got back with me and greet everyone that just exit the meeting room after I left this world and they seem to have a mini heart attack because I jumpscare them.

Rimuru and I are officially a couple now! I announced it at the end of our party that time and I immediately regret it because they are partying harder as well as giving us a congratulatory word.


I was standing on a platform that I just conjure up using [Haniel] and is about to announce something with Rimuru by my side.

Shiori- "Okay everyone, we want to announce something which was not that important"

Rimuru- "Shiori and I are now a couple!" He hug my left hand and lean on it for a while before letting go.

Everyone is processing what I just said before their face turns into that of happiness.

All- "Congratulation, Shiori-sama, Rimuru-sama!!!"

Matsuri- "I know that you could do it, Rimuru"

Rigurd- "We should do a feast again tomorrow to celebrate this occasion!"

Hakurou- "Hohoho, love is such a beautiful thing"

Shion- "Both of them confess their love to each other under fireworks in the middle of the night when we're in another world, it was a beautiful moment and I can't stop looking at the picture on my phone"

Marzuki- "Phone?"

Ayame- "It's an amazing technology in Shiori-sama world, father! I was about to show it before this announcement!"

Shiori- "Do note that only my phone are the greatest"

Ayame- "Yes!"

Shuna- "When is the wedding, Shiori-sama?"

Shiori- "One at a time, Shuna. I'll announce it again if we're going to get married"

Shuna- "Yes"

Ujang- "We're partying till the dawn, everyone!"

All- "OOHHHHH!!!!!"

They are partying harder and dancing and stuff but not until dawn because I stop the feast at midnight so that everyone can work on the next day.


I also got Kazuma to work as my temporary head of research lab in this world until I get Vesta later when King Gazel visit this town with his pegasus knight.

That was a decision that I made on a whim because I want the lizardman, especially Gabiru's group to give me a result on their hipokute cultivation.

Yes, I have hired Gabiru two weeks after I got back and name everyone in his group and also rename him so that they evolve into dragonewt. Let's just say that they are doing a horrible job even with Kazuma supervising them.


Shiori- "Why the fuck are you guys here?"

In front of me was the lizardman group with some dragonewt following them behind and a female dragonewt beside Gabiru.

Gabiru- "Ha ha ha! I, Gabil, have rushed over here for the chance to serve you!"

How does someone who requests servitude sound so arrogant?

I squint my eyes on him as if staring at his very soul.

Gabiru- "Please, let me serve you! I've let arrogance corrupt my head, but I swear it will never happen again! I haven't had good meals in weeks! Please accept us as your loyal servant!"

He bows his head repeatedly in a kowtowing position and I am starting to feel bad for him.

I mean, his voice is the same as the manager of Tempest who has been standing right beside me this whole time.

Souka- "It may not look like it but he does regret his action. Please give him a chance to atone for his mistake"

Shiori- "Did Abiru send you here? I'm sure that you won't get exiled or follow Gabiru out of admiration"

Souka- "Yes, he sent me here to serve you so that I will be able to learn more about the world"

Gabiru stands up from his kowtowing position and looks at Souka in disbelief.

Gabiru- "Eh?! You didn't follow me out of respect?!"

Souka- "I do respect you, brother. But I'm more attracted to Souei-sama. If possible, Shiori-sama, I would like a chance to serve him"

I turn my attention to Souei which was standing on my left.

Shiori- "What do you think?"

He looks at them before answering me.

Souei- "Can I use them however I wish?"

Shiori- "Sure, go crazy"

Souei- "Then I gratefully accept"

He walks up, grabs Souka on her neck, and drags her somewhere while the dragonewts are trailing behind them and Souka is having a star in her eyes.

They should be fine... I think.

I turn my attention back to Gabiru.

Shiori- "I'll rename you as Gabiru"

He glows for a while and sees his hand before it dies down when his appearance changed. He has a dragon scale and dragon horns, he also gets a pair of retractable wings on his back, he has evolved into a dragonewt.

Extra 1- "Gabiru-sama looks so cool!"

Extra 2- "He is even more majestic now!"

Shiori- "With this, you are now my subordinate, wear that name with pride but decrease the arrogance"

He looks at me in awe and is about to tear up.

Gabiru- "Thank you very much, Shiori-sama!!!"

Lizardmans- "Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!..."

Gabiru- "Everyone..."

He looks behind him and finally breaks down crying before looking back at me.

Gabiru- "I'll make sure to be of use to you, Shiori-sama!"

Shiori- "Right! I'll name everyone here before I give your task, so line up!"

They quickly do just that and I crack my finger before starting the naming spree.

[Many names later]

All of them evolve into dragonewt right after I named them and are standing in front of me, waiting for me to give their task.

Shiori- "Okay, you guys will get a post in the Sealed Cave to cultivate hipokute herb and Kazuma here is going to be your supervisor"

Kazuma- "Eh?!"

I shove Kazuma at Gabiru before he could say anything and give them a Navi.

Shiori- "This thing is called Navi, it will guide you to anywhere, so you don't need to worry about getting lost. You two can begin working tomorrow after you rest and get to know each other"

Gabiru- "You are too kind, Shiori-sama. I will never forget this debt!"

The person who was caught by Gabiru after I shove him is now showing me an unamused stare.

Kazuma- "Haa... I'm stuck with you in this world, I guess. I'm Kazuma Satou, and I hope we can get along"

He heavily sighs before resigning to his fate then Gabiru puts his head on a lock.

Gabiru- "Ha ha ha! My name is Gabiru! I'm looking forward to working with you, Kazuma-dono!"

Kazuma- "Likewise"

Now that I'm done with that, I need to conjure up another apartment.


He has improved with time and is doing a good job in the Sealed Cave. Kazuma is good at teaching them despite the few failed attempt at the start of his endeavor.

I mean, come on, how did that guy grow dank weeds from a hipokute herb cultivation? Or a man-eating plant? Or that time when he grows a fire-breathing plant and it shoots a fireball at him.

The orcs have evolved into High Orc while Geld evolves into Orc Lord after I give him the title and they are overworking themselves.

Raphtalia ask me to let her supervise the orcs in her free time and I just let her do whatever she deems appropriate with those overworking orcs.

I've been feeling uneasy ever since the Orc Lord is subjugated because Dwargon can arrive at any moment and Souei is telling me that the spies have been warded away from this city.

I walk down the stairs with all of these things weighing me when I notice two people sitting on the sofa in front of the TV while playing some games.

Shiori- "Treyni, Mio, what are you guys playing?"

Treyni- "We are playing this game called Tekken"

Mio- "How did you get that good in a short amount of time?! One more round!"

Treyni- "Sure, Mio-sama"

I take my attention away from them and look for my boyfriend when I spot him holding his chin at the table counter looking at live footage of the daily life in this city which was shown on TV.

Rimuru- "How is Shinji?"

He asks me without taking his attention away from the TV as I sit beside him and lean on the counter.

Shiori- "He did not vomit this time, but still scream in terror when he got up"

Rimuru- "I see"

Shiori- "How about you?"

Rimuru- "I was able to wake up from illusion with calm mind despite being terrified"

Shiori- "That's good"

I pat his shoulder, assuring him that he has done a good job.

Rimuru- "Have you done this training yourself when you're younger?"

Shiori- "What makes you think that?"

Rimuru- "You didn't flinch when you kill those orcs"

Shiori- "Yes... mostly... sometimes I did this training outside of the illusion"

Rimuru- "You mean..."

Shiori- "Yes, I have killed humans in this life"

He looks at me in shock before asking me a simple question.

Rimuru- "Why?"

Shiori- "It was just an impulse at first but I got used to it and killing some corrupt people has become my routine now"

He was fidgeting for a bit before saying.

Rimuru- "What's your kill count?"

Shiori- "More than 5.000? I don't know, never bother to count them anyway"

Rimuru- "That's... a lot..."

He widens his eyes upon hearing my answer to his question and is probably thinking hard.

Rimuru- "Did you ever get a Unique Skill out of it?"

Shiori- "Oh, yes, I did gain a Unique Skill from it called [Ice Cold Killa]. The Voice of the World somehow just skip over it in my evolution and combine it with [Haniel]"

Rimuru- "Is the effect similar to [Merciless]?"

Shiori- "Yeah, the effect is pretty much the same"

Rimuru- "I have no idea that the Voice of the World has a sense of humor"

Shiori- "Me too, I was chuckling when I acquire that skill"

We laugh together for some time before eventually stopping.

Shiori- "Do you hate me after knowing that?"

Rimuru- "No, I can't find it in me to hate you. I just hope that all of those power doesn't get in your head"

Shiori- "Don't worry, I won't. That's why I always train myself"

I take him in my arm to then followed by him resting his head on my right shoulder.

Souei- 'Shiori-sama'

Before getting interrupted by someone... ugh...

Shiori- 'What is it?'

Souei- 'There is an army of approximately around 500 pegasus army coming toward the city from the north'

Shiori- 'So they're here already. Is that all?'

Souei- 'No, there is another group which consist of paladins coming from the west'

What the fuck?! Another group?! Who is it?!

Shiori- 'Can you describe the leader of this second group?'

Souei- 'A tall woman with short black hair, wearing a white robe over a suit of armor'

Isn't that... No, that can't be... It's still too early!


Rimuru- "Eh? Why are you gulping?!"

Shiori- 'Good job, Souei. Rimuru will attend to King Gazel while I attend this second party'

Souei- 'Understood'

I cut the call with Souei and look at Rimuru with panic on my face.

Shiori- "There is another group coming here beside King Gazel"

Rimuru- "Huh?"

His brain seems to have stopped working for a second before jumping at me after realization hits him like a truck.

Rimuru- "HUH?! WHO IS IT?!"

He put his hands on my shoulder and I wave them off me.

Shiori- "I don't know, but I have a guess"

Rimuru- "I am dreading your guess"

I am preparing myself to give him my guess and then take a deep breath.




Shiori- "...It might be Hinata Sakaguchi"

Author Note brought to you by Gabiru posing with Kazuma in front of the Hiryuu Squad

MC- "And... you are just making it more complicated! Congratulation! My slow clap is for you"

A/N- "Thank you very much"

MC- "That was not a compliment!"

A/N- "Anyway, my imagination is going to run wild in the next chapter, so there might be an out-of-character moment. For that, I am sorry"

MC- "What are you going to do with those Seven Days?"

A/N- "Give them an irrelevant end, I guess"

MC- "You are stupid"

A/N- "This stupid guy is the same person who wrote you"

MC- "That's true"

A/N- "This is the end of another Author Note, thank you for reading this chapter"

MC- "Please, leave some comment... ugh"
